@King crimson Here's an Omake
A child with a new toy.
The Sound-Meanings were awesome!
Cassandra couldn't believe what she had been missing for so long. All her life she had been hearing the strange sounds people made with their mouths and throats, but they were only noise that held no importance to her. She had the Body-Meanings. That was all she needed. She had never imagined that there were Sound-Meanings as well or that they were so important to everybody.
Learning them had changed Cassie's world. People gave her Weird-Looks less often and when they did, they weren't as weird as before. Their Body-Meanings were different now, too. There were less 'I want Cassandra to go away' and 'I'm ready to fight Cassandra' and 'I'm gonna flee as soon as Cassandra is distracted'. Most people's Body-Meanings had become more relaxed and welcoming towards her. Closer to Father's Body-Meaning.
Cassie liked that. A lot.
They were very useful too. All other people weren't as smart as Father and the only way they knew how to communicate was with Sound-Meanings. No, words. They were called words. Now Cassie could understand why they were makings sounds at her. Could understand what they wanted her to know. On the first try; no more trial and error. The games she played with people other than Father were now easier to learn. And to win.
And all the other people could also understand her better now. It was much faster to get Pink Haired Pale Girl to play with her. Or get Rocket Lady to play the exact game Cassie wanted. Or get Plant Lady to give her the exact prize Cassie was after, and no other.
No, Jinx, Roxy, and Pam. Cassie had learnt that people had Sound-Meanings called names that identified them among their own, and those people's were Jinx, Roxy, and Pam. Father had taught her that names were important to know, and using them was an important thing called 'politeness' that good daughters did. And Cassie was a good daughter.
Father also had a Name-Sound-Meaning that other people used to identify him. Or rather he had several. Lex. Mr. Luthor. Boss. Sir. But that was other people. Cassie was special and she, only she, was allowed to call him by a special name no one else could use. When Cassie first understood what words and language were, there was immediately one she wanted to learn.
She learnt that word, and what it meant. And she understood that it couldn't be applied to Old Father. Old Father was never Old Father, he was Old Something Else; she still wasn't clear on what. Therefore, New Father was the only Father Cassie had ever had. He wasn't New Father. He was simply Father.
When she called him that, Father's Body-Meaning told Cassie that he was very pleased and that she had done something very good. That made Cassie happy. Father even patted her head! Nobody other than Cassie, not even the two-headed small animal, could get that from him. And she only got it when she had been exceptional. It was a Super-Special-Reward!
Learning words would have worthwhile for that alone.
Not that all the extras weren't nice. And fun. Cassie had discovered that it was very funny to talk with people that knew her but had never heard her do so. They made funny faces, or tripped, or dropped things. Jinx had been the first, and her eyes had opened so wide they looked about to jump out of her face. Cassie had laughed, and told the older girl that she looked funny. Jinx had stared at her, then said that she knew how to make it even funnier next time. And so it went their first chat.
Jinx had taught her the best times to use her new trick, and accompanied her when Cassie planned to use it. One of the best had been when they surprised the blonde woman called Felicity when she was drinking and got her to spit it onto the woman called Katherine's face. That one had been very funny, and Cassie and Jinx laughed a lot. Later, Father had them apologize to the women, but told Cassie with words and Body-Meaning that he wasn't angry nor disappointed.
Now everybody knew that Cassie could use and understand words, so they couldn't have fun that way anymore, but now Jinx was more willing to spend time with Cassie and play other games with her. And so was everybody else.
Words were a wonderful gift and Cassie would forever be thankful to Father for giving it to her.