[X] Plan Man of tomorrow
Main Approach: a focus on talking about the future of LexCorp
Topic you want to hit A: Cellphones
A1. Argument: Talk about the work that has been put into it subtly imply how much your input made it a reality.
A2. Argument: Talk about what our plans for the for future L-Phones.
Topic you want to hit B: The Environment
B1. Argument: Express concern about the lackluster state of affairs when it comes to the Environment speak and how you feel that company's need to do more.
B2. Argument: Speak about the new Green initiatives that Lexcorp will be rolling out in the next few years praise Pamila Isely and how she will assisting on making the operation a reality
Topic you want to hit C: Space
C1 Argument: Toward the end of the interview speak on long goal plans of colonizing other worlds
C2 Argument: Conclude with a Speech about a desire to bring humanity to a better tomorrow
Rebuttals to expected challenge
Question 1: Why all the added security?
Rebuttal 1 : State that as cutting edge research is being made we most insure that the upmost safety for our employees as while as protect from corporate espionage.
Question 2: Question about our past as a weapons producer
Rebuttal 2: state that while your are proud to make tools that keep people safe (mention how we donated weapons to the local police department) and how we will continue to do so but state that you feel that you can do more to help others which is why we have chosen to expand into new Sectors .
Question 3 the men who attempted to kill you were found dead any comments?
Rebuttal 3 Flatly deny any involvement, state that your were disgusted with the savagery of their deaths and how you wanted to see them face justice for their crimes
is this plan formatted correctly? I see some issues with it but for the most part I think it works, one of the main things I wanted to avoid was the use of the assassins as a justification for why we improved our security since that draws more questions to the dead body's. love to hear everybodys thoughts