Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

It's weird that we can only get a maximum of about 60 votes for plans but when it's an event vote or a single choice vote like arts or weapons we can get numbers in the 70s and above. Why's that?
Because those are simple issue we can get invested in, while plan votes are much more complex and need a lot more minutiae. Also, I am sure votes are being called in.
It's ASH.

Ash and water do ugly, ugly things together.

And on another note, much as I'm arguing for Ashen Shadow, I don't really care which art wins as long as it's not Ice Wraith. I do NOT want a dedicated melee weapon art.

Now a Heart/Spine Ice art that swaps out the armor-peircing melee of Ice Wraith for AoE defense support? GIMME!

We're going to eventually need a melee art sooner or later, because as it is we're screwed if somebody gets up close to us and we have no way to run (if somebody casts dispel and rushes us like Hong Lin attempted, but actually succeed).
It's weird that we can only get a maximum of about 60 votes for plans but when it's an event vote or a single choice vote like arts or weapons we can get numbers in the 70s and above. Why's that?
Participation is inverse proportional to complexity. People seeing a simple vote like this can easily participate without having to read and think through complicated plans and understand complicated mechanics; even a cursory reading of the options is enough to reasonably set someone up for casting a vote, whereas voting for a full turn rqeuires considerably more effort.
It's weird that we can only get a maximum of about 60 votes for plans but when it's an event vote or a single choice vote like arts or weapons we can get numbers in the 70s and above. Why's that?

Plan's are complicated. You have to read them and think on syngerize inside them. We've had people repeatedly not understand several plans for instants because of drug proc'd rolls.

Shit get complicated yo. The more active you are in the thread the less likely you are to miss that kind of thing, but it can get annoying for more casual readers to untangle what's going on.
We won't have time to put too many levels into whatever art we pick in the next couple of weeks anyway; we will be too busy doing physical+spiritual cultivation, upping EPC, opening meridians, and doing missions.

Also, we don't know what kind of bonus our lil' turtle would give; if there are fire bonuses I wouldn't be surprised if they were bonuses to power or cost as opposed to cultivation.
Which is precisely a reason to pick FSA. We have a gapping hole in our skill set, we have no real damage tech.

Another AoE DoT is not what we need. Not saying it isn't good, but we need burst damage.

That is combos with our genius-level talent with the bow and EPC is a nice bonus.
It's weird that we can only get a maximum of about 60 votes for plans but when it's an event vote or a single choice vote like arts or weapons we can get numbers in the 70s and above. Why's that?
Really nitpicky week discussion. Just kind of boring. Plus tons of stuff that has been overdone gets brought up again.
I think picking up Falling Stars first, then picking up ASA and 2nd level ZB is a better order for arts, since it'll give us an option for ambushing/a finisher to plug holes in our move set, then work on making what we already have better.

It's weird that we can only get a maximum of about 60 votes for plans but when it's an event vote or a single choice vote like arts or weapons we can get numbers in the 70s and above. Why's that?

Plans involve a lot of interacting moving parts. Even minor differences can have major impact on synergy for the week. Things like weapons/new arts only have potential synergy with stuff that is already "locked in" so to speak, so it's a lot easier for someone with a limited amount of time to wrap their head around the entire problem.
Can anybody source the claim that ASA would let us keep playing FVM?

A melee art which converts the users qi into a trailing shadow of ash, the users strikes drain the heat from enemies struck, weakening and debilitating them. The ash can be used for choking, blinding gusts directed at foes. More complex Ash constructs available at higher levels. 6 levels

Alright, so here is my logic on why ASA can be used while playing FVM. Don't worry about the strikes draining heat from enemies, that doesn't combo well with FVM unless the ash constructs get that same advantage (which might happen at later levels). The combo occurs with the trailing ash behind us that can be used to blind/choke opponents and the constructs that we can create with that ash. Since the ash is trailing behind us, and there is no mention that we need a specific physical motion to make the ash obey our will, it seems that the ash can be sent outwards and to our opponents even when we are playing FVM. This would mean that we can create ash constructs while playing FVM while also blinding and choking people, all the while playing a sad dirge for their death.
Which is precisely a reason to pick FSA. We have a gapping hole in our skill set, we have no real damage tech.

Another AoE DoT is not what we need. Not saying it isn't good, but we need burst damage.
I'm not voting for Ashen Shadow because it is an AoE DoT. I'm voting for it because it massively enhances FVM by giving us something to do once FVM itself is set up. I'd rather have an okay attack and a major boost to FVM than a good attack with no boost to FVM.
Which is precisely a reason to pick FSA. We have a gapping hole in our skill set, we have no real damage tech.

Another AoE DoT is not what we need. Not saying it isn't good, but we need burst damage.

That is combos with our genius-level talent with the bow and EPC is a nice bonus.

Eh, laying Damage over Time is a very traditional way of using damage over time/debuff builds. So I won't say it's bad. I will say that we don't have burst and need it.

Though that only matter's if we don't turn around and pick up the other art.
I'm not voting for Ashen Shadow because it is an AoE DoT. I'm voting for it because it massively enhances FVM by giving us something to do once FVM itself is set up. I'd rather have an okay attack and a major boost to FVM than a good attack with no boost to FVM.
Beside, having damage that bypass armour like choking/etc is damn nice.
There are exactly 30 votes for both falling stars and ashen shadow.
Qi does wonders for survival.
Yes, it does, but that will take up even more qi and that is something they won't have a lot of at that point. Also, even if people and creatures don't have to breathe they will panic unless they have trained their body to suppress the panic. For us, creatures and people panicking is good because it means they make dumb decisions and try to leave the mists, which is just a waste of time when everything is in place.
Can anybody source the claim that ASA would let us keep playing FVM?

Hmm... You know what? Maybe I am reading too much into the 'trailing shadow', but I am starting to think that AS' Ash Construct is not exactly like the Mist of the Vale's Mist Construct.

Hear me out.

Ashen Shadow is a Lung + Arm Art, right? So it is not actually area buff or debuff, unlike the Lung + Heart Art that Forgotten Vale Melody is.

I personally starts to think that this might be similar to Sun Liling's blood armaments. Of course, being Wind and Fire, they are not going to be a rigid enough, or at least not at low levels (Sun Liling's blood armor and spear).

I suspect that there would be... Heh, a 'trailing shadow of ash' around the user. The Ash Construct gives heat-drinking effect to melee attacks, possibly heat-granting to the user, and can be utilized to choke or blind... But I assume at a short to medium range. This is probably the kicking art that some have been talking about.

The shadow might even give Dodge benefits as passive, and I speculate later on might actually involve Ash clones and various hardened Ash constructs, albeit at medium range, instead of the previously thought far ranging Ash shadows.

Now, does that sound shorting the Ashen Shadow's suspected long range benefits? Probably so, but I am guessing its damage dealing is probably far better than what people expects.

EDIT: My imagination supplies Garaa of the Sand (Naruto) for the more easily recognizable example, but at close to medium range, instead of the army destroyer that Garaa is, as well as using ash instead of sand.
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I think picking up Falling Stars first, then picking up ASA and 2nd level ZB is a better order for arts, since it'll give us an option for ambushing/a finisher to plug holes in our move set, then work on making what we already have better.

Plans involve a lot of interacting moving parts. Even minor differences can have major impact on synergy for the week. Things like weapons/new arts only have potential synergy with stuff that is already "locked in" so to speak, so it's a lot easier for someone with a limited amount of time to wrap their head around the entire problem.

I agree, I want ASA... But not yet, because it doesn't bring anything to the table that we don't already have, while FSA closes a serious gap in our suite--and is focused and specialized enough that it'll likely work for a long time.
I think this is one of those votes where most people want all the options, so we're really just voting on which one we're going to get first. I don't think any of them are going to be hugely game-changing in the short term, so I figure why don't we get one of the ones that grow faster first. I'll definitely be voting to come back for Falling Stars niece we get that site, but in the meantime we'd be losing out because the others have better bonuses to growth.
[X] Falling Stars Art

I could say I'm voting this for:
  • I feel Ling Qi's conventional combat abilities are more skewed towards range than melee and per that a ranged art would be more effective to execute since it's working off a higher skill base.
  • Having a long ranged combat option with some oomph is generally desirable.
  • Getting some Heaven in Ling Qi's elemental spread for variety would be nice for seeing more element's passive bonuses for mastery/giving more reason to care about that heaven-boosting site.
  • Because I have this feeling Heaven's maybe-probably useful to know for training up moon-aspected arts like the ones she's mainlining (since y'know, moon's in the heavens).
  • It'd make Ling Qi far more effective at beast hunting as part of a party (or even alone) than I feel the other options would - which means better returns for committing an action to such.
And those wouldn't be untrue.

But really... I'm voting it because it affords a chance that Ling Qi's Ling Qi-ness might lead her to challenging someone to a duel from 1500 meters plus, and then immediately arrow-spamming them - which is a mental image I love.

'I challenge you to a duel, guy-halfway-across-the-mountain; HAVE AT YOU!' 'wait, is someone talking to me-OHGODLIGHTNINGARROWS'

Haha... yeah, good stuff.

This isn't to say I think the other options are bad, or sub-optimal; I just find what Faling Stars offers more liable to afford future events I find both engaging and amusing to read.
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