Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Apparently over 90% chance of getting enough successes so I wouldn't worry
Yeah, we average 18 and need 11. If we have that bad a luck about it we can't blame anyone but the moon being not pleased with us. Even SCS3 with the points I have put in it should be doable. Better to keep points for Formation or something else (hah, as if).

@yrsillar, when you show us the art to vote for, can you add the minimum requirement cultivation wise, yin/yang affiliation as well as Ling Qi's impression on how many layers there are? The latter is probably not needed given the upgrades but if something begins at late red and has 4 layers we can sort of expect it to go to mid yellow, for example, which can be a useful metric.
Anyway! @PrimalShadow, iirc it was you who was the main prominent of "We can only get up to 10 sect points for resources per action usually, and those just means 50 stones". Iirc when we last discussed it you were ready to discuss it again once we had more examples of the 'incidental' benefits of missions.

So, Moonfill gave us, even if you really consider the 10 sect point as 50 stones, 10 sect points + 25 red stones + Blizzard pin. So even selling things at a loss, this is well over 100 spirit stone from a mission. And that was while we purposefully chose the mystery boxes options instead of the ones that would be about higher risk looting.

Can we agree that even if we count Moonfill as being a outlier when we choose the non-loot option, getting another +25 spirit stones from incidentals of a unique quest or event is not rare at all? (Serpent's treasure also gave us something like +100 stone in beast core too, maybe 200).

Anyway, all of this for saying again: Sect job points should not be traded in for stones unless we have an emergency.
I don't consider the Blizzard Pin (much less hypothetical gains from winning a counter-ambush) to be a "standard" part of our mission rewards - we got it as a result of taking risks, and just because the dice were friendly this time doesn't mean they will be friendly next time. If we rolled worse, we could have failed the mission due to not getting to the moonlily in time - or worse, upset mama spirit and had to deal with the fallout. Anyhow, I consider the Moonpin and similar encounter rewards a risk premium for the dangers we faced there.

However, I do agree that if the +25 stones bonus we got for hunting on our way is typical of missions, then that largely saturates our demand for spirit stones and therefore unteathers the point:stone ratio from its 1:5 exchange rate. At least as long as we are willing to take an average of one mission each turn, anyways; if we aren't willing to do that, we still run out of stones and the standard exchange rate comes into play once again.
However, I do agree that if the +25 stones bonus we got for hunting on our way is typical of missions, then that largely saturates our demand for spirit stones and therefore unteathers the point:stone ratio from its 1:5 exchange rate. At least as long as we are willing to take an average of one mission each turn, anyways; if we aren't willing to do that, we still run out of stones and the standard exchange rate comes into play once again.
Speaking of weekly intake of stones without taking a mission, I was wrong about Han Jian and co being good at hunting. They suck. OTOH, the good news is that this is probably a in for Su Ling being part of our hunting sessions soon.

The bad news is we'll probably stay at 10-20 stones/week from our weekly hunting with Han Jian until we do... though we do have a nice hunting site we found for them (that's not the wolf one, that is).

EDIT: I also consider that we actually chose not to take much risk, but I guess at that point it's quibble on feelings.
As for the eyes , the context it was used in was that there was something special about our eyes and not that we caught her tho it could be read like that.
We've got absolutely no indication of that. At best, we should keep in mind the POSSIBILITY that the snowing wasn't using the colloquial meaning of the phrase. It definitely shouldn't be the default hypothesis.
Do not panic, are you like me and keep ten billion tabs open, one of them possibly including a prior incarnation of the post if you hit backspace enough?

Sometimes I backspace all my stuff in a post I'm about to make, and when I refresh the page it's all there even though I deleted it. I don't know why that happens, but maybe it can work here?
[] Falling Stars Art
Yang, Heaven/Wind
Arm x2
An archery art which wraps the users shots with the currents of the sky and infuses them with the wrathful light of the heavens. Pierces through defenses and disrupts enemy movement and Qi. 5 levels

[] Ice Wraith Art
Yin, Water/Wind
A melee art usable with any slashing melee weapon. Cuts through the defenses of foes like the biting chill of winter. Strengthens the users with the power of a winter storm, allowing them to absorb damage and slow and disrupt the effects of toxins and other negative physical effects on themselves. 5 levels

[] Ashen Shadow Art
Yin, Fire/Wind
A melee art which converts the users qi into a trailing shadow of ash, the users strikes drain the heat from enemies struck, weakening and debilitating them. The ash can be used for choking, blinding gusts directed at foes. More complex Ash constructs available at higher levels. 6 levels

[] Rippling Lake Art
Yin, Water/lake
An offensive support art, buoying the spirits and granting tranquility to allies, while wearing away the defenses and will of foes, allowing the user to more easily slip their attacks through eroded defenses. 5 levels
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Oh wow lots of defense piercing. This is a wonderful set of options. I quite like the Ashen Shadow Art, and am hopeful that now that we have seen what a Lung art looks like people won't talk quite so much shit about it, but I regretfully can't vote for it. Being able to pierce defenses is just perfect for our attack art, our biggest problem right now is failing to get through armor, so I have to go with Falling Stars.

[X] Falling Stars Art
They all actually look awesome but Falling Stars seems most appropriate. We want to be fighting from range generally, melee should be last resort not a focus for our first attack art. Rippling Lake also just seems a good addition so those two would be my favourites I think
Oh boy this is going to be difficult to choose. All of these arts looks fantastic, but I'm more partial to the first two because they energize with our fighting style well and have very advantageous elemental composition. I prefer the second for it's elements, the first for it's range, the fourth for its support capabilities, and the third for it's potential and the fact that it will likely synergise with our spirit.

I'm so indecisive on This, but for now I tentatively want the second art. Wind/water close range art (in case people get too close) with the ability to defend against negative effects, pierce armor and strengthen ourselves? Sounds amazing.