Not too many - we're never gonna get Argent Pulse, are we? The gamer in me wants the completion bonus so bad but it's awful for our build path.
Not sure if there's any true consensus regarding it yet.
I will say that you're very unlikely to be the only one with the completionist urge and my own thoughts are roughly as follows:
Potential benefits of completing the argent set and then bothering with Argent Pulse that I can see would be brownie points with the Sect for actually learning its arts, passive benefits the arts provide for mastery even if we don't expect much benefit from their active applications for our build, the fact that they are arts extending into Green (and that Pulse is potentially a pure Green art) which we do not have to expend additional resources to get access to, that they Argent training boosters seem relatively accessible and that mastering them might grant us bonuses for learning more advanced Argent Arts that actually work with our build.
Each of these points however comes with a bunch of caveats and potential issues.
To start with brownie points, if there are any to be gained at all, will also depend on argent arts not being a literal waste of time for us.
The fact that we got decent use out of Current during the Ji Rong fight in a public setting reflects well on the Sect which in turn reflects well on the Sect's attitude towards us, but if all we're doing is slavishly learn arts that are useless for us, that's far less likely to have any benefits.
And it bears repeating that it's not certain the Sect would care even if the Argent arts were incredibly good for us.
So it's a weak argument made weaker by however poorly the Arts suite our build in the coming system.
Which leads to the second point of passive benefits.
We don't know how those will be reflected in the future.
Might be that the thematic conflict between what the arts do and what we do is big enough that, in the new system, we won't even get the equivalent of some passive dice bonuses for having the arts leveled and equipped.
It might however also be that in a system, where we no longer use turn based mechanical combat resolution, restrictions along the lines of "It is objectively always better to spend our action this turn doing something that isn't one of the Argent Storm active abilities" become less stringent.
And things like Argent Storm having the "movement keyword" or whatever (keywords were at some point mentioned to maybe be part of the new system, I think) might make it more rather than less applicable.
Ultimately it's nothing we can make any definitive statements on, so it's something to keep in mind for when we actually learn about the new system, but no reason to precommit to actually bothering with any of the Argent Arts much further.
Next point runs into similar issues.
Sure we already have these arts, don't have many other trainable things right now and don't know how difficult it will be to get decent and effectively more useful Arts in the Inner Sect.
But whether it's preferable to train the arts we have rather than spend some actions to get others depends on how useful or useless these arts actually are, which brings us back to the previous point.
And we also don't actually know how the action economy will look like in the new system. For all we know the other things we do have left to do will let us use all our turn actions efficiently already.
Ultimately we once again don't have anything we can use to make actual decisions and instead just have a list of things we need to find out once we have the new system in order to decide.
This also applies to the remaining two points.
How much the abundance of argent boosters improves the prospect of learning Argent Arts is not yet clear until we have the new cultivation rules and a list of what the available boosters mean in those. Not to mention that the speed at which we can cultivate Argent Arts is ultimately only actually matters if Argent Arts turn out to have tangible benefits in the new system.
And the basic Argent Arts helping with learning advanced Argent arts actually useful for us, depends on their existence and availability.
So in conclusion, my opinion on finishing Argent Pulse is a big fat questionmark and a huge checklist of things I want to know before providing an actually valuable opinion.