She can murder the worms instantly with red thorn death flight (split thrown spear), we aalready know. So we either cancel out each other's moves or force her main action next turn depending on initiative order. Potentially useful as a stalling tactic or if we go second and she's already dispelled/debuffed to let the horror get a hit in but fairly useless beyond that.Well, thats another benefit to Ganking Dharitri off the bat:
She really is a key facet to Lilings build as presented, by serving as a sustainability safety net and all around combat multiplier. By removing her from the equation observers can see what her core fighting style looks like, all we have to do is drag it out of her.
Combining Renxiangs Qi Card tech with Breath of Stygian Depths can definitely throw off Lilings armor techs as well. Same with dropping worms on her. Can she hit multiple targets with her dance, or just one?
Theres just a lot of stuff we can tease out when the safety net Dharitri represents is taken off the table.
Breath of Stygian depths is basically never getting deployed unless we get several rounds free, as it's not even instant. Its armour degradation is unlikely to hit meaningful levels in the scope of the engagement and the worm boost isn't worth a main action for something that will pop instantly next turn. AE is sadly underpowered for a green technique as the minions aren't even half decent late yellow combatant, and don't feel like they got accounted for in the dice revision Ling Qi had better dice in thunder dome 2. They're really only good for stacking multi-attacker penalties on already badly debuffed opponents.
Kill Dhatri is a great strategy, it's one everyone thinks would be useful, except Sun can deploy her under enough stealth that Ling Qi didn't notifications despite her high perception with it able to initiate cancer grapple on the same turn (so much for no instant stealth arts, that's a player only issue apparently). Plus Sun Liling has the option to just not bring her out to start sucking up qi until she's half finished carving out face in, in which case we're SOL.
Our ideal strategy for killing Dhatri relies on a few turns to buff ourselves to the point where we can hope to burst her down before Liling cleans our clock, in which we also have to survive Liling punching our face in.
Surviving is much easier if we retreat to buff ourselves, and force Liling to bear the huge costs of her buffing arts (the ones she can actually use without someone to use as a blood piñata, which is probably not that many). Without us fighting her to put qi in the air she can't regenerate that (mist also hard counters that and Dharti stealth grappling Zhengui, auto attacking everything in the area for the win) and her fighting style is heavily draining on qi (and possibly health with no blood piñata).
Edit: Actually I think what the thread most needs is to sit down with Meizhen IC and talk about the Sun's arts, get an idea of which wild assumptions are accurate so we can make a real plan.
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