Han Jian's spirit ancestor is not sublime, but "Granny Tiger" is Prism/Orichalcum, and she's probably gonna reach White in a century or two.
When asked if the Lightning trial was the result of residual qi from Yuan binding his spirit, Yrsillar said "somewhat, there is an active element".
As stated by others, we rolled for Xiulan's chance of survival. Rolling below thirty for the first two rolls would have resulted in her death. The final roll determined drawbacks. She got pretty dang low there, so the maluses were heavy.
The negative effects of the Lightning trial is that she lost some attribute points and gained permanent maluses to certain elements. She can get past some of the drawbacks through advancing, and in the long term she's benefitted quite a bit.
We had no way of stopping Xiulan from doing this… Actually we did. We could have stopped pulling ahead of her. That's the only factor we could have controlled which might have prevented her from doing this.
Fan Yu has been confirmed to have shitty talent and lack of drive. When asked about his drive, yrsillar said he can get focused in the short term, and he has bursts of drive… but he can't keep it up.
Yes, Xiulan has a biased view of the women in Fan's family. The reason for that is that the Fan are a very Earth based community, and everybody has a role. Fan Yus is supposed to be the tough guy protector.
Gender roles are determined more by local customs. This means the first people who find out meditating in a mountain gives them strength dominate. These local gender roles and tribal values were all meshed together when the Sage Emperor fused everything together. Even at its worst though, FoD's gender roles never get as regressive as in real life, due to superhumans of course. Also, Gay men and women are viewed roughly the same by cultivators.
The Bai are actually pretty Matriarchal in nature despite their past 2 heads being male. The reason for this is that the Bai gives birth to stronger women than men due to their heavy Yin leaning. Yes, this means Yin=stronger women and Yang=stronger men.
This is why Gu's dad is ripping his hair out over having no sons. The Gu are very Yang.
The Lu family's Sublime Ancestor who destroyed Golden Fields and turned it into an ashen desert is called The Purifying Sun. It's a Sun spirit (obviously).
Different provinces worship different Great Spirits, but the Bountiful Earth is almost universal between mortals for obvious reasons.
During Green, we still have a physical body, but it start being transmuted away from simple flesh at that point.
Yan Renshu's faction "got sliced up like a delicious cake"
The Xuan do have a White. In fact, all the other Old Families (Zheng, Xuan and Mu) except for the Bai have a White.
The Empress is not a White, but somebody in her clan the Mu is White. That guy has not come out of isolation in a century or so. Yes, Whites are extremely secluded and normally don't get involved in politics, so you don't see them as heads often. Their priorities are also kinda inhuman at that point.
Suzhen is likely to ascend as the head of the Bai when she reaches White though, mostly because of the way the Bai work.
The sand of the Alabaster Sands province is white and spiritually active. Using it while forging makes better metals.
Kang Zihao's Doggy does have a story, albeit its just a couple notes because we never got the chance to interact with Zihao. Yrsillar did admit our chances of getting to know Zihao were slim as a female peasant due to lack of reason to interact. Kang Zihao is one of the starting characters he created while we were choosing character name and stuff.
Kang Zihao's dog is indeed a good doggo. At least if you're part of his family. The Kang family's spirit beasts are all big floofy guardian hounds.
Cerberus type dogs could probably be found somewhere.
Yes, the theme over in the Western Jungle is Hindu in general, but Sun Liling uses Bengali because yrs always plays Bengal in CK2 when he plays India.
The northern fishmen are Polynesian Lovecraftian fishmen (
probably like this?). Spooky.
That's it folks.