CULTIVATOR - 1 : Worm/Forge of Destiny
When Ling Qi woke up, the ground was very far away. One might even go so far as to say it was
terminally far away if they could stand the pun. Blue eyes widened as her clothes flapped, the trailing hems like pennants caught in a gale, while far, far below lights twinkled in the steady profusion one expected of a city at night.
"What the
The profanity slipped out like a cockroach in the lobby of a fancy hotel.
To be fair to the metaphor, this hotel was falling at a height more expected of clouds than people. Unfortunately for this particular hotel, there were children present.
Mother?" a voice asked sleepily.
Big Sister," another voice corrected automatically, before yawning hugely. Something shuffled in her dantian and she felt qi pulse with sleepy excitement, quickly growing more awake.
Look: Big Sis is flying really high!"
Ah? Hey, lemme see!"
Ling Qi had the odd feeling that her little brothers were crawling over each other to peer through her eyes and fought to stifle a chuckle. With a bit of qi, her gown billowed outwards, wings unfolding darkly. And just in time: her qi sense might not have been the best, but it was hard to mistake the sudden surge of panic that battered at her senses. She looked -
Her little brothers were duly unimpressed with what they saw.
It's the ugly river eel."
Big Sis should let him fall, go splat."
Splat! Hee hee hee."
"Be nice, Zhengui," she scolded, folding her arms inwards, flying forward, swift as an arrow. It was true that from a distance the honorable Heizui, third realm River Dragon, did somewhat resemble an eel. His long scaly body undulated, trailing water as it lost altitude.
Embarrassingly, though who was more embarrassed, Ling Qi wasn't sure, the dragon was screaming and didn't notice her approach.
"Heizui?" said Ling Qi, words torn away by the wind as she tried to speak in an appropriate volume.
Her qi lashed at the buffeting winds, stifling them with a thought. "Honorable Heizui!"
The long screams tapered off before they transformed into a vigorous coughing fit. The lights were distressingly close at this point, but, if Ling Qi were right, they still had around fifteen seconds left before either of them went, as Zhengui had so colorfully put it, 'splat'.
"Cultivator Ling," he said, trying to affect a sort of regal anger. "What is the meaning of this - this
She shook her head. "I do not know. But before we speak of it - would you like some aid?"
He looked like he wished to say something - but then bowed his head, teeth gritted. "I would… appreciate the favor."
She swooped beneath him. Pushed up. Grunted. He was heavier than he looked. And he looked like a ten meter long dragon.
"This is going to be tricky," she informed him, both hands pressing upwards somewhere along his many coils. Strength had never been her, heh, strong suit and while speed counted for a lot in duels and in combat, when it came to slowing the a ten meter, several ton dragon, strength was the relevant metric by which the task could be judged.
"We are still falling," Heizui noted neutrally.
"Yes," said Ling Qi, grunting with exertion.
"Rather fast."
I know."
"I thought you were stronger than this?" He sounded almost disappointed.
"Shut up," muttered Ling Qi.
The lights were really rather large now and the city below the grandest she'd ever seen, with high, vaulting buildings that strode dozens, maybe even hundreds of meters into the sky and lights steadier and more radiant than any mortal lantern she had ever seen.
That was relevant because besides Heizui who stood out like a bonfire to her senses, there was barely even a hint of qi to help anything she saw along. Only the slightest drips and drabs of qi existed as the paper-thin stuff of life, the ambient qi that anything living would have had.
Still, it wasn't half as relevant as the ground which did, it had to be admitted, have the majority vote when it came to priorities.
Mortal Ling Qi might have aimed for the water that surrounded the city, believing it to be the soft option. Outer Disciple Ling Qi would sooner gnaw her own arm off then fall into a large body of mysterious water where she couldn't sense the slightest hint of qi.
Instead, she aimed for the city. She wasn't picky: anywhere would do.
Three heartbeats before they hit, Ling Qi wrapped her wind around a throwing knife and tossed it straight down. It sliced into the ground and stood, pommel up, where it had been thrust.
Then, gale force winds blasted downwards, linked between herself and her focus, cracking concrete, knocking down poles that spat showers of electrical light and, and pushing strange metal carriages aside that made them beep and howl in distress. Some of the locals were also bowled over, but being mortal, that was only to be expected.
It slowed their descent
just enough that when they landed, Ling Qi's knees had enough time to buckle and then the weight of an entire dragon landed on her back and she felt her feet punch straight into the ground, the dark, stone-like substance shattering around her. Then the dragon buckled and she hit the ground, hard enough to draw blood and stun her.
Hard enough so that the storage ring on her finger, made loose by the desperate flight downwards or her last technique, was dislodged and bounced off into the darkness.
Then the shouting started.
There were many things Armsmaster expected from an emergency call at what Clockblocker would colorfully refer to as 'Ass o'clock' at night.
a goddamn dragon by the Docks," was par for the course.
"No, not
Lung, I would have known it was Lung, it's
fighting with Lung-" was a little worrisome and
"No, it's not
Dragon, it's an
actual fucking dragon. Like Leviathan's thinner, longer, prettier brother," was definitely new.
He put his tools down onto his workbench and put on his helmet. The heads up display winked to life, displaying relevant information in a pleasing blue light. "Please direct further commentary to Console."
"You bet your
ass I'm going to-"
Armsmaster muted Assault: a speech-to-text protocol would have his words scroll across his HUD, highlighting certain keywords. He switched to a different channel. "Console, this is Armsmaster."
"Armsmaster," said Battery dryly. "I understand Ethan reached out to you already?"
"Yes," he said simply, suiting up, frowning at the use of a first name. Battery had been trained by Legend - she should have known better. Gloves, then vest, then armor, went on one after another in precisely timed motions. A press of a button had the garage door opening and his bike warming up.
"The situation has become something of a clusterfuck."
He grunted his acknowledgement, inspecting his halberd for a moment before splitting it into its component halves and swinging them onto his back where they stuck with a magnetic '
"Lung's ramped up… significantly. Stage Two about to go Stage Three."
He revved the engine. "The new trigger's not pulling back?"
s, and no."
Armsmaster frowned as he took off, the ramp out of the garage shooting him into the street. "A mass event?"
Mass triggers were notoriously predictable and notoriously unstable. Armsmaster himself had only met two and they had always come with baggage. 'Kiss or Kill' was the cutesy academic term being thrown around these days. A 'KoK up waiting to happen,' was what the grunt-level PRT called it.
"Possible, but unlikely."
"Right, getting to that. The dragon's got Leviathan's water echo, the ability to turn the water into ice and enough strength and durability to take on and swing Stage Two Lung around like a rag doll."
He did some quick math. "Brute 7, Shaker 6?"
"Brute 6 for now. Then there's a… turtle snake that can spit fire. It's the size of a small car. Also, it can lift small cars and throw them, if not very well. Tentatively rated at Brute 4, Blaster 3."
"Turtle snake?"
"Literally a giant turtle with a snake where the tail would be."
"Yeah, I know. Last of the powerhouses is a girl. Looks ethnically 'Asian', but has what Ethan called 'Vampire Sparkles.' I'm not sure what it means."
"I will assume glitter is involved somewhere."
"She's fast. Not Velocity fast, but faster than Ethan and faster than me. Flies, though Ethan's pretty sure it's due to her costume, something about wings. Punches hard enough to leave cracks in concrete. She disappears, sometimes, Ethan thinks she might be teleporting. She's got some sort of… flying song sword. Also, sings really well. And all the time."
He raised a brow as he roared through a red light. Those were a lot of fairly disparate abilities to have in one package. "A tinker? Musically inclined, perhaps?"
"We can't be sure of anything right now, Armsmaster. In any case, she was fast enough to knock out Oni Lee, and appears to be their leader. Water dragon knocked Lung down at one point and she clearly interceded so as not to kill him."
He blinked. "That makes no sense."
"I know."
"Does she not know how his powers work?"
By now he was close enough to hear the effects of the fight. Lung was roaring, as was bestial voice, presumably that of the other dragon. There was a flash of light and the roaring… stopped.
Armsmaster turned a corner and slowly came to a stop.
He saw an alert on his HUD and unmuted Assault.
"Armsmaster, you seeing what I'm seeing?"
He blinked and fought the temptation to rub his eyes. "Yes. I believe I am."
It was a rave. In the middle of the street. Techno light and music blared. Revelers, crowded the street, spilling out into alleyways and storefronts. The smell of incense and sweat and sweet was incredible. And Lung, closer to ten feet tall than six, covered in armor plate, was being whirled from dancer to dancer.
"The fuck?" asked Assault.
It was a good question and one he had no answers to. Still, it was
working: Lung was ramping down. What the fuck indeed.
"Prep for containment. If this works, we'll have him."
On a nearby rooftop Taylor Hebert, first-time hero out on patrol, retreated, glad that someone else had saved the children. On a different nearby rooftop, the children in question watched for a moment longer before retreating, glad that their boss had arranged for backup of
that tier. Deep within the bowels of a secret underground lair, their boss had a massive headache and was contemplating the generous application of Advil or perhaps morphine to help it along.
Elsewhere around the planet, holes in reality opened up, depositing cultivators and spirit beasts at whimsical locations and elevations.
Some fell to their deaths.
Some asphyxiated deep within the earth.
Some survived.
And some woke up covered in garbage while a unfamiliar tune was played in a familiar way, looking up at an odd, goggle-clad mortal wearing dark clothes spun out of spidersilk.
"Um?" said Li Suyin as the girl in question offered her a hand. "Thanks?"
The girl spoke.
"I'm afraid I don't understand-"
The trash by her feet shuffled a bit.
Li Suyin had already grabbed the mystery girl and jumped ten feet as the pile of trash exploded upwards, a white wolf the size of a horse slavering and snarling. It was followed by one, then another, then another, frost spreading in their wake as the alleyway crystallized with ice as they made their way out and deeper into the city.
"Oh shit," said Taylor Hebert.
==> NEXT
A/N: I'm so sorry
@yrsillar. =3=;;