Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

I personally see the Cai's route point about espousing her ideals and being the Rightful and Justice route, where we decide to do the utmost to help her rid the land of corruption.

So, basically, I can't condone getting on that route when we purposefully hid our corrupt acts a few days before accepting to be her vassal.
Same. We chose expedience, so better go with the Elder who actually LIKES that!
Wait, I hadn't looked at the thread in a little while, there were six sock puppet votes? Fucking hell.

That... really does kind of piss me off, because now even more people are going to be angry about the outcome. Godsdammit doods.

I appreciate the art though @Erebeal

...And I'm kinda glad that I hadn't gone beyond the storyboarding bit of my process yet... I am really sorry guys. I guess holding mum won.
All I can say is I hope everyone who sockpuppeted was ejected from this forum. By a catapult. Into the fucking Sun.
I personally see the Cai's route point about espousing her ideals and being the Rightful and Justice route, where we decide to do the utmost to help her rid the land of corruption.

So, basically, I can't condone getting on that route when we purposefully hid our corrupt acts a few days before accepting to be her vassal.
I chose to hold off but that was mainly because it felt way to soon ro rush to screw over Fu Xiang. I could see doing it later when she's a friend and we've had time to stew in guilt but right now it just seems weird.

Wouldn't mind telling her later and I do think that'd be necessary to agree to join her later.
I chose to hold off but that was mainly because it felt way to soon ro rush to screw over Fu Xiang. I could see doing it later when she's a friend and we've had time to stew in guilt but right now it just seems weird.

Wouldn't mind telling her later and I do think that'd be necessary to agree to join her later.
Well, we are hoping to get to bronze in a few days though. I don't think there is a 'later but before accepting' that's viable now, especially when you take into account how private this talk was (and the choice not to talk).

OTOH, I did end up voting to remain silent as it felt that getting punished for a maybe choosing to go for her wasn't worth it. I wasn't fully convinced I wanted to do it after all.
Wait what? FUCK!

All that potential for character development, the chance for actually getting to see if Cai has nuance to her ideals prove the "CAI IS LAWFUL STUPID" people wrong all because of those stupid sockpuppet voters and the people insisting that Cai would "destroy us" or else she'd be a hypocrite or "purposefully toned down" is now gone. It's even more grating when it had a massive lead in the original vote.

Just fuck this whole situation
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What the actual hell, sockpuppeting for a vote about truth? I- what? What were they even thinking? The effort to make new accounts and VPN them around could be better directed to I don't know, arguing better or hell if you're really desperate, PMing some people you're friends with for them to vote once, a la Persist.

Just... why?
I chose to hold off but that was mainly because it felt way to soon ro rush to screw over Fu Xiang. I could see doing it later when she's a friend and we've had time to stew in guilt but right now it just seems weird.

Wouldn't mind telling her later and I do think that'd be necessary to agree to join her later.
No way, bringing it up later will just mean she gets even more pissed off because we held off long enough to delay the consequences until after the tournament so any actual punishment would be mostly trivial to us.

It would be like only confessing to a crime years later after you got super rich and decided to "face the consequences" long after you could meaningfully be hurt and after the victim you framed was already punished in your place.

It would be practically hollow and a fake gesture that would be insulting as hell.
I suppose if we still feel bad about it later on we could make a anonymous donation to the poor sucker we framed and the individuals who's work we destroyed.
No way, bringing it up later will just mean she gets even more pissed off because we held off long enough to delay the consequences until after the tournament so any actual punishment would be mostly trivial to us.

It would be like only confessing to a crime years later after you got super rich and decided to "face the consequences" long after you could meaningfully be hurt and after the victim you framed was already punished in your place.

It would be practically hollow and a fake gesture that would be insulting as hell.
One way of looking at it. I just don't see it as an issue unless CRX becomes a friend and/or our liege. At that point I expect Ling Qi to feel guilty enough to confess but doing it now feels forced.
One way of looking at it. I just don't see it as an issue unless CRX becomes a friend and/or our liege. At that point I expect Ling Qi to feel guilty enough to confess but doing it now feels forced.

We were told it would require character development to actually vote on admitting the truth again later.

Please excuse my coarse language but good fucking luck having that happen before we hit bronze and admitting it after choosing to swear is going to be a hell of a lot worse then here and now.
Personally, I'm glad that silence (potentially, vaguely, this is all a mess, really) won because from my perspective it's what will save the Cai route, rather than destroying it. We have a solid footing with this bonding process going on, and things continuing as they stand will let it keep moving forwards without major breakdowns or hassles.
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@yrsillar I don't know if you're up for it, but I think the fairest way to fix this might be another revote, with a note that the mods are watching for any funny-business and any more such nonsense would result in quest-end instead. I know that's how I'd do it, though like I said, I'm not sure you'd(or if I would for that matter) be up to the molten salt reactor such a vote would be.
Personally, I'm glad that silence won because from my perspective it's what will save the Cai route, rather than destroying it. We have a solid footing with this bonding process going on, and things continuing as they stand will let it keep moving forwards without major breakdowns or hassles. it won't "save the Cai route" why do you think Cai is so horrible that she'd destroy us for confessing to her in private like this?

As a supporter to swearing to Cai if she's so damn inflexible that she'll cast us out for this then I'd say she doesn't deserve our loyalty and I'd want to know about if she'd act like this before swearing to her. So staying has ruined that chance.

Our previous acts were criminal, not corrupt. Don't conflated them, please.
Framing someone and abusing our position to hide it is corruption
I really don't want to extend this mess any further by voting again -__-
I think this was decisive enough. There's a 5ish vote gap between the options without the sockpuppets, and I think everyone wants to avoid doing this vote over again anyways. As someone who was pro admit, I'd say just go with Silent at this point.

@1986ctcel We should just wait and see what happens. There may be a chance in the future, especially since the option we picked won't be exploiting Cai's justice this way. Cai will have other moments to shine, I'm sure, so just hope for that.