So there's another element to this CRX-Sun Liling competition that we don't seem to really be considering.
And that is the parallels between the two of them.
On a most basic level, the Sun and the Cai are in pretty different positions, yeah? Sun Shao is King of the Western Jungles, is a White Cultivator of surpassing potency and has the strongest army in the Empire behind him with a long and storied legacy with a number of loyal subordinate families that he filched off the Bai way back when. Cai Shenhua is a second generation cultivator that pulled herself up by her own bootstraps by sheer audacity, became a white, and then literally hijacked the Emerald Seas province for herself and runs the thing as a tight fisted tyranny after purging most of the nobility of the region when they wouldn't fall in line behind her. On the surface, Sun Shao has an established base of operations, numerous achievements, and the Sun clan has an extremely established foundation. The Cai are newly ascendant by any meaning of the word, came from out of nowhere, have no noteworthy accomplishments outside of naked opportunism and a single, solitary genius, and the favor of the Imperial Family through what appears to be material contributions.
Once again, on the surface, they appear quite different.
So lets look at rise of Sun Shao and Cai Shenhua for a second, shall we? On the surface, we know that Sun Shao led his army against the Western Barbarians and conquered them utterly in revenge for his wife being killed or something, with an army rising to his call for vengeance. The western nobility rose up and followed him ofc, obliterating the Western Barbarians in their seat of power even as the fearful Bai clan sought to prevent them from doing so. This led to the Bai trying to censure them, and then getting swatted down for trying to bring Sun Shao to heel.
Even here we can already see some narrative similarities to the story of Shenhua's rise, in that we have a single talented cultivator rising to power, and moving against an old and established family and doing so with the backing of the Imperial Seat. The similarities in that narrative sense end there, however, what matters is more the meat of the background details.
Specifically, the how, rather than the why.
Sun Shao's entire powerbase, indeed, his own clan, existed on the sufferance of one of the Elder Clans in the Bai. His charge into the Western Jungles severely depleted the Thousand Lakes and its associated provinces of the nobility that ran it. It may not have been a literal purge, but the damage to the administration of the territory was likely just as bad as one. Plus, Sun Shao's conquering army would have needed to put down their own roots in the Western Jungles, and watch over their new holdings. Bereft of the infrastructure left behind in the Bai Clans territory. So while not as straightforward as Shenhua's own execution, Sun Shao's own administrative infrastructure is starting from a very similar position to that of the current Emerald Seas province.
So we know that Cai Shenhua and Sun Shao suffer from different flavors of the same problem in running their newly acquired holdings (getting competent people into a position to run things smoothly for them).
Similarly, we know that Cai Shenhua and Sun Shao got into their current positions by means of stepping over the toes of long lasting Clans. The Bai in Sun Shao's case, and the previous holders of the Emerald Seas Ducality in Cai Shenhua's. So there's two obvious parallels to them. We can be comfortable with drawing lines of comparison to them, as they can be considered peers in this time period. Which will become more important in this next part.
Now since we know that broadly speaking, the Cai and Sun clans face similar long term consequences for their own legacies. And those are the inherent instability caused by a lack of heirs. Sun Shao's own sons were killed by the Jungles he paid so much blood (and other potential costs) to conquer, and Cai simply doesn't seem to have any contingency plans if her schemes with CRX fall through. Sun Liling can be killed by many things, although it seems that her own cultivation, as steeped in Western Barbarian flavors as it is, seems to have taken steps to avoid being especially vulnerable to the Western Jungles. I imagine her Spirit conveys some kind of territorial boon to her with its obvious connection to the Jungles "Goddess of Love" or something. Cai Ranxiang, similarly, is likely extremely vulnerable to people who would like to use her as a proxy to act on grievances against Cai Shenhua.
So let's assume, for a second, that Sun Shao and Cai Shenhua are not able to trivially produce heirs on the level of Sun Liling and CRX, or hell, even non-trivially. For whatever reason. Those two girls represent a serious investment for their parents.
How do Cai Shenhua and Sun Shao gamble their potential legacies?
Well, we know that the problem in the Western Jungles is that its very much a "must be this swole to not die" kind of environment, and as a result, Sun Liling is built very much towards being as killy as possible. And being as good at making those around her as killy as possible, hypothetically. The need for conflict and combat is very much a driving force for the girl. She's tomboyish, outgoing, very Yang-y.
Emerald Seas, by contrast, is more tame by comparison. Personal combat excellence is not necessarily the be-all, end-all even if a certain level of martial power is needed to maintain the borders against enroaching Wind Tribe barbarians. Ogodai was no small threat, after all. No, whats needed in the Emerald Seas is an administrator par-excellence. Someone who can plant a genuinely excellent foundation for governance and can raise up new nobility and other subordinates to truly rule those holdings. As such, a flawless tyrant fits the bill nicely, and CRX's demeanor is most certainly that of a near-ideal boss to work for for most people who would be interested in the kind of work that being a noble entails.
I suppose when one considers that all evidence points towards Cai Shenhua being a superlative Production Talent, the fact that she crafted her daughter to be perfect for the role she was intended to fulfill shouldnt be that surprising. More importantly, let's assume that as far as Sun Shao and Cai Shenhua are concerned, their heirs are exactly what they were gunning for in raising them. Perfect successes, so to speak.
And wouldn't you know it, both of those heirs are exactly the same age!
So why wouldnt two incredibly ambitious and proud individuals who are assured of their own superiority pit them against one another in the most meaningful way possible? What better way to prove their superiority than to have the crystallizations of their own ambitions for their still nascent legacies compete against one another?
I mean, heck, the Sects are supposed to be playgrounds where the Nobility get to dip their toes in for the Real World later on, so why not make the stakes even more real by tossing in a member of the Bai Clan? They're being carted off all over the place anyway.
Fast forward to Thunderdome redux, where those philosophical differences flare up into straight up conflict. One which seems to favor the Sun Clan paradigm of subversion and conquest through martial might in True Cultivator Fashion.
Its an almost perfect stage, right?
Fast Forward to the last update.
And the definitive loss that Sun Liling's surrender represents.
And who else should be at CRX's side but a scion of the Bai clan themselves?
After all, isn't that the Bai's stance on the situation in a nutshell? Even if there is one explosive dustup, they can be patient. Eventually circumstances will favor them once again, and once they are in that position of strength, they'll visit upon their foes a terrible vengeance. Sun Liling's powerbase was all but broken save for a vassal and an unwilling ally of convenience in terms of relevant combatants.
By contrast, how many of CRX's subordinates did she have to pay ransom for?
Like, when you look at the Outer Sect for its intended purpose, to serve as a microcosm of the Empires Cultivator society...This result is such a hilariously massive fucking repudiation of Sun Shao's entire approach to how he raised Sun Liling to serve as his heir. Literally the only shot Sun Liling has left to save face is to do what Sun Shao did, and double down on the face punching for the tournament and eke out a win there.
After all, strength is the only thing that matters, right?
Basically, what I'm trying to say is that if we take the Outer Sect literally as a microcosm of the Empire in general...Then if Sun Liling fails to be victorious in the Outer Sect tournament at the end of the year, that's roughly equivalent to saying that the Sun truly have no future. Not compared to someone like Cai Shenhua who came literally out of nowhere.
And not compared to the Bai, who will be all too happy to team up with the next, or even the current, Cai Shenhua and act upon their grudges that way.
Sun Shao has every reason to pay very close attention to the tournament, as it is his only way of knowing whether his choices up until now with Liling will be validated.
Or not.