Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

He's clearly not joining our team but he does have to choose between Chu Song, who took him under her wing and has been looking out for him, and Sun Liling, who has used him as a weapon against her enemies and bossed him around (and is better looking).
Ji Rong has a weird kind of integrity.

Chu Song might be willing to admit her dudes needed Sun Liling's protection or that odds are Sun Liling isn't gonna swing a revolution. Ji Rong would see both as admitting defeat, he'll never do that. If anything I expect him to get a lot more vicious than he was given Cai's 'provocation'.
Ji Rong has a weird kind of integrity.

Chu Song might be willing to admit her dudes needed Sun Liling's protection or that odds are Sun Liling isn't gonna swing a revolution. Ji Rong would see both as admitting defeat, he'll never do that. If anything I expect him to get a lot more vicious than he was given Cai's 'provocation'.
He was salty about being stuck in a fortress. He's gotta be even saltier over having to help rebuild the fortress. I feel like he'd be happiest playing wandering explorer/brigand with Chu Song, basically splitting his actions between sect jobs, cultivation, and mountain exploration, with the occasional spite-driven raid on Cai's assets.

On the other hand, Sun Liling is smoking hot. It's a dilemma.
He could be using the Rocky Theme, or Eye of the Tiger or Hearts on Fire, or the Creed theme, or Karate Kid montage music or the Scarface montage music or the Bloodsport montage music or the Eight Mile theme.

The subtle variations will tell us how Ji Rong sees himself and his relation to the universe at large.
Look, he could also just want people to remember his name, that he's a warrior.
You are all seriously underestimating the ego of this man.

Clearly THIS would be his theme song.

Weirdly enough, ours would actually be a villain's theme song. As soon as we control the terrain, well...there's a reason ambushes have been the only thing to work against us.

You all are clearly misunderstanding the situation!

Ji Rong clearly has his role model, Sun Liling, who wants to make a real man out of him!
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but it's almost certain a FVM-SCS tier art that is purposefully chosen to be synergistic with them
I agree about the likely power level. Unless Yan Renshu had a whole library of techniques that tier for the moon to choose from AE is going to be a target of opportunity rather than purposefully chosen synergy. That doesn't make it bad, mind.
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Actually, Bai predate the Great Sects, since they are relatively new, not neccesarily the Sects themselves.
Great Sects are the evolution of original Sects, being empowered by the Emperor (An?) to fortify the military.
The original Sects were the university off-shoot.
The sects as monastery or university equivalents could well predate the empire as well.
Not really, considering that beforehand there was no provinces and it was just many many clans warring against each others. clearly there could have been something akin to 'sects', but they were no 'Tradition' of sects that were widespread through all provinces, considering those didn't exist as such and were separate kingdoms/whatever.

Considering we are talking about a culture tens of thousand of years old that's widespread through the empire, it couldn't have existed before the empire.
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Not really, considering that beforehand there was no provinces and it was just many many clans warring against each others. clearly there could have been something akin to 'sects', but they were no 'Tradition' of sects that were widespread through all provinces, considering those didn't exist as such and were separate kingdoms/whatever.

Considering we are talking about a culture tens of thousand of years old that's widespread through the empire, it couldn't have existed before the empire.
Weren't we told that the emperor united the provinces? I was under the impression that pre-empire you had medieval Europe-sized political entities duking it out. That could easily include a monastery/university system. Especially if there have been earlier empires or dynasties that rose and fell.
Ughh, Yan Renshu is in desperate need of a beatdown. Was there any indication of when our next bloody moon quest is going to come around? I'd dearly love to take her up on her previous offer.
Weren't we told that the emperor united the provinces? I was under the impression that pre-empire you had medieval Europe-sized political entities duking it out. That could easily include a monastery/university system. Especially if there have been earlier empires or dynasties that rose and fell.
There have been a lot of dynasties since the empire was created. What was before the emperor is a bit vague, @yrsillar has talked of it like bronze age stuff where most of the place was a wasteland overrun by spirits and some rare great clans having holdings.
Weren't we told that the emperor united the provinces? I was under the impression that pre-empire you had medieval Europe-sized political entities duking it out. That could easily include a monastery/university system. Especially if there have been earlier empires or dynasties that rose and fell.
It was less united the provinces and more united the tribes that occupied the modern-day provinces. I don't think there was any formal provincial system in place before the Celestial Emperor took over.
Weren't we told that the emperor united the provinces? I was under the impression that pre-empire you had medieval Europe-sized political entities duking it out. That could easily include a monastery/university system. Especially if there have been earlier empires or dynasties that rose and fell.
Medieval Europe had an uniting factor : The Catholic Church. Without a common religious entity the connected university probably wouldn't have emerged.
It would be surprising that a bunch of clans warring for power with no common identity would take time to create neutrals zones, especially zones that could be vulnerable to assassinations of talented scions of enemy clans or theft of cultivations arts. Add to that the fact that it was probably hard for non-Green to travel alone within the then deathworld and it is quite unlikely that the Sects predates the Empire
Ughh, Yan Renshu is in desperate need of a beatdown. Was there any indication of when our next bloody moon quest is going to come around? I'd dearly love to take her up on her previous offer.

Nah, it's cool, best snek is already on the case for beating Renshu up. She and Cui have it covered.
Meridian opening failed by five or less. Minor penalty
Heavy Rains negates minor penalty
Previously we had heard that almost passing a roll gave you a bonus to your next attempt. This is the first I think we've seen of penalties for failure. "Almost passing" must mean by only 1 or 2 points, since "5 or less" still gets a penalty.

The existence of the penalty makes the soft cap for meridians a much bigger deal, especially for low talent people. If you get near the cap that penalty could easily lead to a chain of failed rolls, depending on how long it lasts/what it effects. There may be medication for that.
I hope you're not being serious. Not addressing our problems while foisting it onto our friends to deal with in the background sounds like a terrible idea.
I don't see why it's a problem. Yan Renshu probably has a better than even chance of beating Ling Qi in personal combat, but would most likely get wrecked by Meizhen and Cui. It be one thing if Bai needed Ling Qi's help to track him down, but it looks like she's got it in hand.

Basically, to me it's a only a problem if Meizhen fails.
I don't see why it's a problem. Yan Renshu probably has a better than even chance of beating Ling Qi in personal combat, but would most likely get wrecked by Meizhen and Cui. It be one thing if Bai needed Ling Qi's help to track him down, but it looks like she's got it in hand.

Basically, to me it's a only a problem if Meizhen fails.
I see it as a problem because Yan Renshu is targeting Ling Qi and will continue to target her; ignoring him while simultaneously foisting dealing with him onto Meizhen is a pretty shitty thing to do to any friend.