- Location
- The Temple of the Winds
On the other hand FZ will cap soon, and FSA will too. FSA+ as a successor art will be similarly easy to cap.Without commenting on the quality of this analysis, I think the issue is that do we have enough time to remedy these issues before the end of year tournament, especially given that we can only really start working on them after breaking through to Green/Bronze. Of course once we actually get to Green/Bronze, there's a strong temptation to continue working on arts that were locked until after breakthrough. We'd want to max Sable Crescent Step and Forgotten Vale Melody for our cultivation stage for sure. We'd probably want Argent Mirror too. Do we also want to max Thousand Ring Fortress and Falling Stars Art? Apparently the Inner Sect tutor is going to point us towards a successor art for FSA as well. Most people would probably want to get another art that boosts spiritual offense. Finding the time to slot in AE in addition to all that and the stats to make it work seems kind of tough.
More importantly: the Argent Arts will all cap soon after breakthrough, even assuming they get successors that we want to train, they will be easier to train.
That leaves SCS, FVM and TRF we will have to invest significantly in.
Overall, a much easier workload than what we are currently under. Even if we do get a new Spiritual Art (maybe the Heaven/Earth Argent Art ?) it'll be overall lighter.
i'll eyeball it like this:
Assuming we don't get screwed by the Breakthrought rolls, i think we'll have about 3 months before the tournament.
Considering past suxx needed, i'd say SCS, FVM &TRF will need ~200 to level up. Assuming we train each every week, between the presumably increased dice from green realm(pills, breakthrough bonus, GSS,ect...), and EPC stealth/larciny weekly bonus, i'd say 50+suxx per action.
Lets assume one job per week for ressources/points/stealth suxx/plot.
Last major action for bad rolls.
So a month should be enough to max those three main arts for Green 1.
An other month to max the Argent Arts (there's potencialy four arts , but they need less to rank up).
Which leaves a month for misc stuff like FSA+, Spiritual Art, Trials(?) or formations.
We should have more than enough time to max all our arts at Green1 level.
Assuming we get a few rare pills (which are the equivalent of saved actions) we could "easily" fit more stuff in there.
Maybe even train up to green 2 ?