Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Without commenting on the quality of this analysis, I think the issue is that do we have enough time to remedy these issues before the end of year tournament, especially given that we can only really start working on them after breaking through to Green/Bronze. Of course once we actually get to Green/Bronze, there's a strong temptation to continue working on arts that were locked until after breakthrough. We'd want to max Sable Crescent Step and Forgotten Vale Melody for our cultivation stage for sure. We'd probably want Argent Mirror too. Do we also want to max Thousand Ring Fortress and Falling Stars Art? Apparently the Inner Sect tutor is going to point us towards a successor art for FSA as well. Most people would probably want to get another art that boosts spiritual offense. Finding the time to slot in AE in addition to all that and the stats to make it work seems kind of tough.
On the other hand FZ will cap soon, and FSA will too. FSA+ as a successor art will be similarly easy to cap.
More importantly: the Argent Arts will all cap soon after breakthrough, even assuming they get successors that we want to train, they will be easier to train.
That leaves SCS, FVM and TRF we will have to invest significantly in.
Overall, a much easier workload than what we are currently under. Even if we do get a new Spiritual Art (maybe the Heaven/Earth Argent Art ?) it'll be overall lighter.

i'll eyeball it like this:
Assuming we don't get screwed by the Breakthrought rolls, i think we'll have about 3 months before the tournament.
Considering past suxx needed, i'd say SCS, FVM &TRF will need ~200 to level up. Assuming we train each every week, between the presumably increased dice from green realm(pills, breakthrough bonus, GSS,ect...), and EPC stealth/larciny weekly bonus, i'd say 50+suxx per action.
Lets assume one job per week for ressources/points/stealth suxx/plot.
Last major action for bad rolls. :rolleyes:
So a month should be enough to max those three main arts for Green 1.
An other month to max the Argent Arts (there's potencialy four arts , but they need less to rank up).
Which leaves a month for misc stuff like FSA+, Spiritual Art, Trials(?) or formations.

We should have more than enough time to max all our arts at Green1 level.
Assuming we get a few rare pills (which are the equivalent of saved actions) we could "easily" fit more stuff in there.
Maybe even train up to green 2 ?
I wish the interlude showed some of her family, or time Meizhen spent there, or a close cousin coming to visit/pass on something from the family (package ? orders ?).
Meizhen (and Cui) might be nice overall, but the Bai will most probably have everyone nope the heck out of there so hard there'll be a sonic boom.
At least he was sleeping now, perhaps he would be less grating when he emerged, more matured. The dirt wall around his pyre made a good napping spot at least.
Ah, the tasty crow flew away.
She was practically under their feet by the time she struck. The world blurred as her head whipped forward and up with her strike, and the leftmost human let out a cry of pain as her fangs sunk deep into the artery in the girl's ankle. Her venom sacks pumped, filling the girls blood with toxin. A mere paralytic, rather than one that would melt the flesh from her bones.

The girl fell, and with Cui felt the humans slow, the girls arts fading. The nearest boy was just turning to look at his crumpling companion when she struck again, and he too fell. A blade struck her scales and rebounded, chipped. It was shortly followed by a jet pressurized water that carved through the dirt and tree roots, but hardly gave her pause.

The other humans fell in moments.

Cui took a moment to enjoy the fear and whimpering the humans crumpled in the dirt around her, smugly looking down on them from above her coils as she waited for her Sister.
The boys face went white, and one of the others shuddered, a quiet whimper escaping his lips. "W-we… Sect Sister, I do not know…"

Her Sister's hand twitched, and metal ribbons lashed out, drawing forth a scream, which only grew more raw and animal as the toxin took its course.

Cui closed her eyes. Silly humans, a Bai always got her answers in the end.

Yes, Renxiang simply cannot compete with Meizhen, she may give us more resources, but working with Her would be much less satisfing that staying in snakeland.
I'm sure its been said before but I think one of the reasons Meizhen is pushing the Cai option at us so hard is that it's one of the few things she can use to really justify losing Ling Qi to her family (and possibly a little bit to herself), especially if we breakthrough and accept soon.

She doesn't want Ling Qi to become her family's vassal because of how miserable she knows it would make Ling Qi,* but at the same time she is loyal to her family. If she just goes back and says 'This extremely talented commoner I found and lived with doesn't want to work for us', thats a failure for her as a member of the Bai clan. If she goes back and says 'I couldn't match the offer of the heir to the ducal Cai clan, but I kept a resource out of the hands of the Sun** and might have the seeds of an alliance with the Cai' that isn't nearly as much of an issue.

*Also of relevence. A miserable vassal who can't express themselves might well end up eating talent penalties if it goes on too long. This would destroy Ling Qi but might also serve as another reason the Bai aren't doing well. Their restrictions on their vassals active retard certain types of talented cultivators, i.e. those who are really invested in freedom, from reaching their potential.

**Remember we did actually approach Sun Liling originally.
I... don't think Meizhen would have to justify anything about Ling Qi. Maybe in a decade when we are Indigo or something, but even then I doubt it. We just aren't enough of a deal for it to matter for the Bai, they are too proud of this.
Great interlude, and I like the reminder that for all of Meizhen's wealth and power, she is still a socially awkward teenager who recently got rejected romantically. Friend-zoned in a sense.

I hope we get into Ji Rong's head soon, though.
Great interlude, and I like the reminder that for all of Meizhen's wealth and power, she is still a socially awkward teenager who recently got rejected romantically. Friend-zoned in a sense.

I hope we get into Ji Rong's head soon, though.
Implying that Ji Rong's headspace isn't just a mixture of training montages and the Mortal Kombat theme?
I... don't think Meizhen would have to justify anything about Ling Qi. Maybe in a decade when we are Indigo or something, but even then I doubt it. We just aren't enough of a deal for it to matter for the Bai, they are too proud of this.
I think she would have to justify herself on how the time spent in the Sect was put to use, so maybe not Ling Qi in specific, but it seems pretty clear that sending Meizhen to the Sect is supposed to benefit the Bai somehow.
Since Meizhen didn't get to make her own faction, all she has to show for herself is "increase in cultivation" (which is or isn't more than what she could have one back home) and tentative relation with CRX and <random talented seedling>. Considering how the Bai are lacking in loyal vassals, not getting her hands on a talented seed like Ling Qi that somehow is catching up to high nobility heirs, is significant.
All the more so when you consider she was/is in the perfect position to do so as her roommate.
I think she would have to justify herself on how the time spent in the Sect was put to use, so maybe not Ling Qi in specific, but it seems pretty clear that sending Meizhen to the Sect is supposed to benefit the Bai somehow.
Since Meizhen didn't get to make her own faction, all she has to show for herself is "increase in cultivation" (which is or isn't more than what she could have one back home) and tentative relation with CRX and <random talented seedling>. Considering how the Bai are lacking in loyal vassals, not getting her hands on a talented seed like Ling Qi that somehow is catching up to high nobility heirs, is significant.
All the more so when you consider she was/is in the perfect position to do so as her roommate.
Nah, the empress forced the Bai to send her to the sect, Meighen said so in a earlier chapter.
I think she would have to justify herself on how the time spent in the Sect was put to use, so maybe not Ling Qi in specific, but it seems pretty clear that sending Meizhen to the Sect is supposed to benefit the Bai somehow.
Since Meizhen didn't get to make her own faction, all she has to show for herself is "increase in cultivation" (which is or isn't more than what she could have one back home) and tentative relation with CRX and <random talented seedling>. Considering how the Bai are lacking in loyal vassals, not getting her hands on a talented seed like Ling Qi that somehow is catching up to high nobility heirs, is significant.
All the more so when you consider she was/is in the perfect position to do so as her roommate.
She's being sent to the sect as a concession to the Empress. She is expected to be an hermit there, and her having made an alliance with CRX is already exceptional.

Ling Qi doesnt rate anything. 'Talented commoners' are dime a dozen in the Bai's minds, and not really worth caring for.
Great interlude, and I like the reminder that for all of Meizhen's wealth and power, she is still a socially awkward teenager who recently got rejected romantically. Friend-zoned in a sense.

Similarly, one of the things that Cai's sparkles reminded me of is that for all her Cai-ness, she is also a lonely teenage girl.

Like, one shouldn't read too much into that - she's still Cai - but one shouldn't forget it either.
She's being sent to the sect as a concession to the Empress. She is expected to be an hermit there, and her having made an alliance with CRX is already exceptional.

Ling Qi doesnt rate anything. 'Talented commoners' are dime a dozen in the Bai's minds, and not really worth caring for.
Yeah, they operate on way too large timescales to care meaningfully about anyone who isn't Shenhua bullshit.
And even that is probably grudgingly because they'd really prefer to claim they still don't care.
Well, I knew Meizhen was angry after the entire Sun Liling chase but holy moly. Yan Renshu better run and hide because Best Snake has his number and she Will Have Satisfaction.

Maybe we can team up with her and have an awesome co-op battle where we slam dunk Renshu directly into the worm pit.

I love our scary best friend.
Similarly, while Meizhen is our moe friend and we love her... She can also get really nasty towards her enemies.

This also tells us a lot about the Bai.

Like, before people were bringing up that they didn't want to be an assassin. I'm inclined to think that being Meizhen's ninja maid would involve a lot of that.
I... don't think Meizhen would have to justify anything about Ling Qi. Maybe in a decade when we are Indigo or something, but even then I doubt it. We just aren't enough of a deal for it to matter for the Bai, they are too proud of this.
I'm not going to claim that Ling Qi is the biggest thing ever or anything, but we are something.

First, the Bai need vassals, and they live and breathe politics. From that perspective not being able to get the commoner who's utterly alien to cultivation and politics who's lived with you for a year firmly onside is a failure, if a fairly minor one (but Meizhen is a perfectionist). This is much more about Meizhen's (self?)worth as a clanmember than it is about Ling Qi.

Secondly, currently we are a bigger deal than you're making out. Mostly because of Zhengui. Beyond the fact he's a xuanwu, he's a whole new type of xuanwu. Whilst the Bai aren't likely to be as interested as Xuan Shi's family it is the sort of thing that gets somewhat noticed by someone in the clan, if not the actual head.

This doesn't mean they'll drop everything for the sake of getting us, but we are something they'd notice. Sun Liling's dislike for us is a minor bonus.