Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

With that aside, I once again believe that reaffirming our base cultivation to its greatest possible result would result in very powerful bonii upon breakthrough just like the Argent Soul Cultivation did when we broke through to yellow.
Alternatively: we know that for Yellow at least, all the good bonuses came from Cultivation arts and base cultivation - which we have sewn up. Art mastery gave relatively little. We also know that Meizhen - the little overachiever that she is - only bothered to master 4 of her arts before breakthrough.

This, in general, suggests that art mastery isn't a huge part of our bonuses. Now, would mastering all 4 argent arts probably give us some kind of mastery bonus? Probably. Would it be anything close to what Argent Soul gave us (a cultivation art specifically focussed on giving massive foundation bonuses)? Most likely not.

Is there any real reason to think that combat argent art mastery is any better than, say, darkness mastery? Not really. The argent combat arts give a nice generic well rounded combat suite. There's no reason to think that they give any special bonuses to cultivation beyond what mastering good quality arts gives you.
Alternatively: we know that for Yellow at least, all the good bonuses came from Cultivation arts and base cultivation - which we have sewn up. Art mastery gave relatively little. We also know that Meizhen - the little overachiever that she is - only bothered to master 4 of her arts before breakthrough.
If matching her pace is feasible then why is she the one we need to lean on in order to match Sun?

Don't assume that our growth rates or cultivation paths are similar. There simply is no reason to.

This, in general, suggests that art mastery isn't a huge part of our bonuses. Now, would mastering all 4 argent arts probably give us some kind of mastery bonus? Probably. Would it be anything close to what Argent Soul gave us (a cultivation art specifically focussed on giving massive foundation bonuses)? Most likely not.
Why not?

Argent Soul was developed by the Sect Masters or another source. The similar naming scheme implies the Same or similar enough origins that they serve the same purpose. Why is it "most likely not" when all available evidence supports the inference of "most likely is"? Ignoring correlation when causation is already established is a bit short sighted, isn't it?

Is there any real reason to think that combat argent art mastery is any better than, say, darkness mastery? Not really.
What's better than one steak or the other?


The argent combat arts give a nice generic well rounded combat suite. There's no reason to think that they give any special bonuses to cultivation beyond what mastering good quality arts gives you.
And if that's not the case, that just makes the unknown of the bonus they do provide even more enticing doesnt it?

Surely im not the only one who's noticed that each of those Arts requires a different kind of Meridian to be unlocked, right?

There's something very interesting there.
Anyone else imagine the Fortress Raid as something straight out of Attack on Titan?

Ji Rong is on the wall, deep in thought as he contemplates his revenge against his rivals and the course his life has taken. He turns back to look within the fort's walls as he smirks at how well the preparations are going for the next counter attack.

Suddenly a flash of lightning occurs behind him, just past the walls outskirts and Gan Guangli's angry giant head is breathing steam on him as he gets ready to smash the wall down.

Edit: I'm thinking about writing up an omake or something similar, but i'm unsure whether i can get the feel for the setting right. Anything people want to mention?
I honestly see Gan as more of a Senator Armstrong character, if Armstrong were given a strong leader to follow.
Argent Soul was developed by the Sect Masters or another source. The similar naming scheme implies the Same or similar enough origins that they serve the same purpose. Why is it "most likely not" when all available evidence supports the inference of "most likely is"? Ignoring correlation when causation is already established is a bit short sighted, isn't it?

What's better than one steak or the other?


And if that's not the case, that just makes the unknown of the bonus they do provide even more enticing doesnt it?

Surely im not the only one who's noticed that each of those Arts requires a different kind of Meridian to be unlocked, right?

There's something very interesting there.

Not really. Them being argent just means that they're based around the philosophy of elemental balance followed by (presumably) the sect founder.

And there isn't anything interesting here. AM and AS are both spine arts.

Also: not that it's an issue here, but you might want to check the SV rules on spaghetti posting.
For [] Spend some time around Cai Renxiang, what does she actually do all day Minor, i hope it'll involve dialogue between CRX and Ling Qi.
More specifically, i wish Ling Qi making the off hand remark that she probably wouldn't have been noticed in the Fortress if she actually had a real sneaking Art...
I can just imagine the mental process of everyone around coming to a sudden stop and crash :rofl:
One thing we do know the Argent Arts offer that many other arts might not is that they're pretty solidly useful and that they have successor arts readily available to the sect. The latter isn't a given.
Yeah. Reviewed some Kill La Kill. I confess I desperately hope Cai Renxiang offers us a really cool hat as our reward for this week's hijinks. Like, friendship is one thing, but if CRX keeps providing empowering and stylish threads it's gonna be hard to turn that down. After all Gu Xiulan has taught her, Ling Qi should understand the difference between talismans that work and talismans that work and make us look fabulous.
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Oh man, I love how our new spymaster has character bonus and character malus as the exact same thing. I love the extra action, even if it means we can't exactly choose what that action is. Wildcard spymaster is best spymaster. And she's not even Green yet!
Hmm, @yrsillar a long shot sort of question, is it in theory possible for a very high level cultivator to have an art that lets them legit steal a mountain because it isn't nailed down? If so, what minimum Realm would they have to be?
Another thought occurred to me about the eight part division of Green. People at the higher end of that distribution will churn through a lot of cultivation resources if they max out their spirit stone usage. Like, somebody at the Formation stage would go through 6 green stones a week, or 3000 red spirit stones in value. Twelve thousand plus red spirit stones a month... that can't possibly be sustainable.

Possible consequences:

(1) Green cultivators feel the pinch on cultivation resources in a way that we haven't so far. Even if you aren't Ling Qi, pill machine mogul, you can max out your spirit stone usage at late yellow by taking one sect mission every two or three weeks. If sect mission payouts increase linearly with difficulty (which seems to be how it is), that's not going to hold up at Green.

As heated as the fighting has been in the Outer Sect, the incentives line up to more strongly encourage fighting in the Inner Sect, as more resources turn into faster cultivation speed more directly. Unless the Elders clamp down on things, of course.

(2) If you aren't maxing out your stones every week then you have a pretty strong incentive to surge your spirit stone usage because the first one is only half as effective. Much better to have one week where you use your max and several weeks with no green stones than to just use one green stone at half effectiveness whenever you pick one up. Related point: using green stones at all in Early Green is kind of a waste.

Having access to virtual stones would remove this as an issue.

(3) If you are surging your green spirit stone usage in order to squeeze max value out of them, then medication that procs bonus rolls will be disproportionately valuable to you. Way more so than bonus dice. I don't think we've ever seen bonus roll meds for sale. If we ever do see a market for bonus roll meds that work for Greens I would expect it to be quite pricey.
We can't upgrade the Gown; that is already Core Disciple level
To be fair, it's probably made from what scraps he had laying about. "Flight" probably took most of the "enchantment slots" available to it.
The problem is that we'd really like two talismans (for +4 Qi reduction)
Or one talisman?

We will want a full overhaul for our green stuff. Get everything custom made and oreferabky high-green level.
But notice how much work we need just to get FVM working
To me, the most useful part about FVM is how it sets up low light, and possibly darkness later on. We don't really need to land everything, it buffs us and our allies nicely.
"Anything not nailed down is mine. Anything I can pry loose is not nailed down."
@Klaus Truly, a wordsmith.
Another thought occurred to me about the eight part division of Green. People at the higher end of that distribution will churn through a lot of cultivation resources if they max out their spirit stone usage. Like, somebody at the Formation stage would go through 6 green stones a week, or 3000 red spirit stones in value. Twelve thousand plus red spirit stones a month... that can't possibly be sustainable.

Possible consequences:

(1) Green cultivators feel the pinch on cultivation resources in a way that we haven't so far. Even if you aren't Ling Qi, pill machine mogul, you can max out your spirit stone usage at late yellow by taking one sect mission every two or three weeks. If sect mission payouts increase linearly with difficulty (which seems to be how it is), that's not going to hold up at Green.

As heated as the fighting has been in the Outer Sect, the incentives line up to more strongly encourage fighting in the Inner Sect, as more resources turn into faster cultivation speed more directly. Unless the Elders clamp down on things, of course.

(2) If you aren't maxing out your stones every week then you have a pretty strong incentive to surge your spirit stone usage because the first one is only half as effective. Much better to have one week where you use your max and several weeks with no green stones than to just use one green stone at half effectiveness whenever you pick one up. Related point: using green stones at all in Early Green is kind of a waste.

Having access to virtual stones would remove this as an issue.

(3) If you are surging your green spirit stone usage in order to squeeze max value out of them, then medication that procs bonus rolls will be disproportionately valuable to you. Way more so than bonus dice. I don't think we've ever seen bonus roll meds for sale. If we ever do see a market for bonus roll meds that work for Greens I would expect it to be quite pricey.
Another possibility as to why cultivation slows is that some levels of Green don't allow you to use more stones. As in the differences between stages are less and are "thinner" as it were.
And Ling Qi would still treat those as the proverbial hotcakes.
Well, other people's pills, yes. The ones she pays full price for, not necessarily.

The market price could easily be set at a point where it makes sense if you're using a bunch of green spirit stones but is otherwise prohibitively expensive. Something like 300 RS to get a bonus spiritual cultivation roll.
On talismas, we could get a very neat ser up with careful planning. Something like:
Bow - Full Heaven and offense
Accessory 1 - As much Spine Qi reduction as possible, Defensive die on the side, possibly narrowed to Wood or Darkness to make it more effective.
Accessory 2 - "Blizzard Pin" equivalent for Darkness/Wind
Accessory 3 - ??? Was thinking Lung or Heart Qi reduction, with some offensive die for Heaven or Wind or Water thrown in.

What isn't Wind or Darkness is usually Spine on our repertoire. Our stealth art is liable to be all three at once.

One exception is AC, so adding Water somewhere would boost it and FVM.
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Hmmm... I wonder if Green/Bronze would unlock an additional action or not. Could be a convenient way of dealing with ever-escalating leveling up costs that doesn't go quite as far for the brute force "you can use more stones now". I mean, doubling up on a cultivation path gives decreasing returns for additional actions spent anyway, so there's only so far a stone could be stretched even with more actions.

On talismas, we could get a very neat ser up with careful planning. Something like:
Bow - Full Heaven and offense
Accessory 1 - As much Spine Qi reduction as possible, Defensive die on the side, possibly narrowed to Wood or Darkness to make it more effective.
Accessory 2 - "Blizzard Pin" equivalent for Darkness/Wind
Accessory 3 - ??? Was thinking Lung or Heart Qi reduction, with some offensive die for Heaven or Wind or Water thrown in.

What isn't Wind or Darkness is usually Spine on our repertoire. Our stealth art is liable to be all three at once.

One exception is AC, so adding Water somewhere would boost it and FVM.

Wind would fit the bow better (applies also to Fleeting Zephyr and Argent Storm). Feel like focus on Wind (3 arts), Darkness (3 arts) or Spine (4 arts) would be better than Heaven (1 art), Water (2 arts) or Lung (2 arts). Heart'd be four arts too though.
Hmmm... I wonder if Green/Bronze would unlock an additional action or not. Could be a convenient way of dealing with ever-escalating leveling up costs that doesn't go quite as far for the brute force "you can use more stones now".

I don't think it will to be honest. We're already only sleeping 4 hours a week. There isn't really much more room to gain more time. Ultimately, the ever-escalating leveling up costs are supposed to result in us spending years on cultivation.
I don't think it will to be honest. We're already only sleeping 4 hours a week. There isn't really much more room to gain more time. Ultimately, the ever-escalating leveling up costs are supposed to result in us spending years on cultivation.

I'd see it as much a matter of "cultivators at this level just work at a faster pace" as sleep being virtually eliminated.

And I wouldn't expect it to be more than "+1 weekly action per realm" or the equivalent, anyway... so impact on cultivation speed would be relatively minimal.
Wind would fit the bow better (applies also to Fleeting Zephyr and Argent Storm). Feel like focus on Wind (3 arts), Darkness (3 arts) or Spine (4 arts) would be better than Heaven (1 art), Water (2 arts) or Lung (2 arts). Heart'd be four arts too though.
Yeah, but this way we combo our talisman offense bonus, something we really want to do.

We are very likely to pick up Wind talismans, but not Heaven ones. I think FSA and its successors will last us indefinitely, so it isn't a bad investment. There might be, say, Heaven/Fire successors for us to pick up.
Yeah, but this way we combo our talisman offense bonus, something we really want to do.

We are very likely to pick up Wind talismans, but not Heaven ones. I think FSA and its successors will last us indefinitely, so it isn't a bad investment.
We don't need heaven talismans though. The only thing we have that uses Heaven is FSA - and we don't like that element anyway. Wind talismans work just as well for archery, and work on the rest of our arts besides.