Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)


NEVER DOUBT THE HERO UNITS! underdog ling qi ftw!!

But seriously... I really wonder why the bai girl is so reluctant to ask her friend to be a vassal . The bais really need vassals don't they?
@Klaus Well, I'll admit when I'm wrong. Turns out we CAN win an assault, though it's unclear how that would have turned out without Ling Qi playing rabbit to Sun's hound. Apparently she drinks pure ninja for breakfast every morning. If we can truly get her onside we're good on espionage- I'm still dubious on independent action but those crits say she has the skills to back up her talk.

In Bai news... Take a gander.
You're confident the only true competition that your offer has is Bai Meizhen, and she seems reluctant to press her suit. Though she reacted very oddly when you said it that way... At the very least Ling Qi will be more involved with you and your organization in the coming weeks.
Eager for sewing lessons, secretive, and jumps at 'suit'? I'm pretty sure she's trying to learn the 'secret' of mom's super suits, which best of luck to her. Not much to worry about until we get research actions when tutorial ends, at which point we may need to keep a close eye on her. Hopefully by that time we'll have wooed her ninja girl away from her.​
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Eager for sewing lessons, secretive, and jumps at 'suit'? I'm pretty sure she's trying to learn the 'secret' of mom's super suits, which best of luck to her. Not much to worry about until we get research actions, at which point we may need to keep a close eye on her. Hopefully by that time we'll have wooed her ninja girl away from her.
Well another option for 'suit' is 'suitor'... but that's really unlikely isn't it considering how things work in this empire? :V
If we threw every week into formations we might be able to do it. But it would be ditching any hope of combat.
It would be nice if we could sneak in some time for formations. Just from what we have:

Ossuary scout -> flight
Ossuary scout -> real time control
Trick arrow -> decode
Trick arrow -> generalize

Drone combat, anyone? Suicide bombing zombie crows delivering net attacks is just good clean fun.
A really talented commoner it seems like, but yes probably not that.
Is she though? Every time something seems to be about to happen to her, something saves her or she pulls off an impossible victory. She advances bizarrely fast given that we've been told she has a slightly worse talent than Ji Rong. She's gained the friendship of Bai Meizahn. Most importantly, spirits seem oddly friendly to her, what with what happened to that group of disciples that tried to ambush her and the whole "Trial" reward. Remember, we were told that the spirits would occasionally choose to give out their own little rewards.

I'm beginning to wonder if she isn't some sort of Spirit herself! Or maybe a human that's becoming a Spirit...FQM said that spirits could turn humans they like into spirits and we don't know what the process is or how long it takes...

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On the one hand, yay! Free Intrigue action! :ninja:
On the art-generated pseudo-hand....
Character Malus Activated!
Independent Action
: Ling Qi automatically selects one Intrigue action each turn on her own recognizance. This does not apply if the last action she selected has yet to complete, so she cannot lock up more than one action.
I really hope she has good risk assessment. Sometimes, no action is better than a failure.
Having both Bai and Sun at the fortress fight might have been better than Sun returning part way through while Bai was still in the mountains.
Speaking of which... Is Bai not being at the fight to help Ling Qi just fluff, or should we look out for Ling stealing our other advisers' actions?
It would be unfortunate to lose our Military action for the turn because Ling Qi decided she needed a hand carrying back the mountain some fool had failed to nail down properly. (Note to self, look into nailing down advisers.)
Although it might be worth it considering having tea with her lead to
Reward: +600 RSS/month tax income
A sign that she gives more wealth-orientated Intrigue actions, maybe?
Ice on the Mountain: Sudden and intense snow storms have struck the upper reaches of the Argent Peak repeatedly this month. While spirits are obviously responsible their motivation remains unclear.
Stirred up by the Bai/Sun/Ling chase sequence? (Maybe they were offended by it being set to Yakety Sax?)
Put Turtle Dude on it next turn to make sure it's not aimed at us? Assuming he doesn't fail again. :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure she's trying to learn the 'secret' of mom's super suits,
She wants to see Ling Qi in a super-tuxedo, as is fitting for a super-spy! :p
Actually, so do I... :whistle:
This. For something like that the producer would need to know the art, or have a master of the art heavily involved in the construction, and the latter would probably be a bit beyond outer sect crafters.
So could we make a talisman that has bonuses only to Arts that have both music and darkness elements?
Yeah, the real fucker I think is going to be getting Green-level Talismans commissioned. Especially if Yan Renshu is going to fuck with anyone we get lined up with.

On the other hand, Our net worth reached 1 GSS!

We no longer qualify completely as a poor anymore!

Just... Mostly so.

Man we need to completely work over our whole kit when we breakthrough. Second Realm kit just isn't going to cut it when most of our scariest competitors can reliably expect third realm talismans by the tournament.

We'll see if CRX's favor is big enough for a Green level talismans.

Street favors immediate material rewards. Nothing else can be trusted and friendship is scant comfort against hunger and cold.
Nitpick, but I'm not sure thatd how it works "on the street" either. In the absence of a formal economy, things revert back to social obligation and tacit agreements and norms.

Well, I'm not an expert on this, but I have watched The Wire. :)
Choose Spymaster: Ling Qi :

I'm still salty about this choice. Ling Qi's great at sneaking, but Fu Xiang has a whole network of contacts and he has the Cellphone Tower Art now.
(Note to self, look into nailing down advisers.)
Umm...we could, but I can't help but feel that crucifying our advisers would be rude.
It would be unfortunate to lose our Military action for the turn
Doubt it. The chase only seemed to take a couple hours at the most so it should be fine.
I'm still salty about this choice. Ling Qi's great at sneaking, but Fu Xiang has a whole network of contacts and he has the Cellphone Tower Art now.
Sure, but it seems like he's willing to work out her at least. Notice how FQM mentioned that Cellphone helped her in escaping-there doesn't seem to be any animosity there. And considering that Sun and Mission Impossible fought out on the mountain, that wasn't a small investment of effort.

Actually... how did MI get away? Sun outsped us on every level when we fought, and she's only gotten stronger since. More, her style of stacking damage to pay for massive attacks later almost requires a heavy focus on speed. And she's a Green/Bronze while Mission Impossible is just a Yellow/Silver. Just how fast is she?

She might have an edge on us in speed!

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I'm beginning to wonder if she isn't some sort of Spirit herself! Or maybe a human that's becoming a Spirit...FQM said that spirits could turn humans they like into spirits and we don't know what the process is or how long it takes...
Did some research on Chinese spirits. If she is a spirit, one fits really well: the ShanXiao, Hanba, Mountain Goblin, or Mountain Imp. In it's natural form, has long hair and one leg it hops on 'as fast as the wind', can shapeshift into many forms including human. Loves music and causing trouble, can cause disease, but is afraid of firecrackers and saying it's true name prevents it from attacking. Males will sneak into houses and rape women, but females will sneak into houses and steal anything that isn't nailed down. When it stays in one place, rain won't fall there. Sounds like the kind of thing where it cutting loose would piss off a lot of mountain spirits.

Seems surprisingly plausible and easy to test. Just set off a bunch of firecrackers at the next meeting and if she freaks out, chances of 'one-legged hopping mountain goblin' rise drastically.
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@yrsillar this should be this weeks rolls:

Thousand Ring Fortress (TRF)
Talent 6 + Stones 30 + SuSu 5 + Pills 6 + Spine 4 + Zhengui 5 = 56

Falling Stars Art (FSA)
Talent 6 + Stones 30 + Tutor 15 + Starlit Meadow 5 + Pills 21 + Element 1 + Eightfold 25 = 103
Meadow: One fifth of successes added to qi cultivation
Eightfold Path Pill: Multiplies spirit stone dice and pill to cultivation of all arts using the eight primary elements by 1.5, rounded down.
Skyblood Elixir: adds one fourth of successes to spiritual cultivation

Fleeting Zephyr (FZ)
Talent 6 + Stones 30 + Tutor 15 + Windblown Snowfield 12 + EPC 12 + Pills 15 + Element 1 + Eightfold 22 = 113
Eightfold Path Pill: Multiplies spirit stone dice and pill to cultivation of all arts using the eight primary elements by 1.5, rounded down.
Skyblood Elixir: adds one fourth of successes to spiritual cultivation

Argent Current (AC)
Talent 6 + Stones 30 + Meizhen 5 + The Black Pool 6 + Pills 12 + Zhengui 5 + Eightfold 21 = 85
Pool: Adds one fourth of successes in such arts to spiritual cultivation. Improves Resilience and Resolve when used
Eightfold Path Pill: Multiplies spirit stone dice and pill to cultivation of all arts using the eight primary elements by 1.5, rounded down.

Argent Storm (AS)
Talent 6 + Stones 30 + Golden Fields 5 + Windblown Snowfield 12 + Pills 21 + Spine 4 + Element 1 + Eightfold 25 = 104
Eightfold Path Pill: Multiplies spirit stone dice and pill to cultivation of all arts using the eight primary elements by 1.5, rounded down.
Skyblood Elixir: adds one fourth of successes to spiritual cultivation

Abyssal Exhalation (AE)
Talent 6 + Stones 30 + The Black Pool 6 + EPC 12 + Pills 6 + Eightfold 18 = 78
Pool: Adds one fourth of successes in such arts to spiritual cultivation. Improves Resilience and Resolve when used
Eightfold Path Pill: Multiplies spirit stone dice and pill to cultivation of all arts using the eight primary elements by 1.5, rounded down.

Extra Bonuses:
Argent Vent: +5 autos to an Argent Art each week, free Yellow Stone
Moonpower: +10 autos to Qi each week, virtual Yellow Stone
Eightfold Path Pill: Triggers one free meridian clearing roll on use with a bonus of five.
Blessing of the Grinning Moon: Larceny/Stealth to FZ

Bonus Rolls:
Talent 6 + Stones 30 + Pills 9 + Larceny 4 + Eightfold Path Pill 5 = 54 + 2 Autos
Heavy Rains Pill: Eases penalty for failures on opening meridians
Speaking of which... Is Bai not being at the fight to help Ling Qi just fluff, or should we look out for Ling stealing our other advisers' actions?
It would be unfortunate to lose our Military action for the turn because Ling Qi decided she needed a hand carrying back the mountain some fool had failed to nail down properly. (Note to self, look into nailing down advisers.)
FictionalQuestMaster said:
Bai Meizhen missed out on the assult because she was busy chasing Sun Liling up and down the mountain. You don't need to worry about losing actions though. Even if Ling Qi did need Gan Guangli's help schlepping around a mountain of loot, Nodwick-style, you wouldn't lose your action.

Now, you do have the option of sending him off to do something else during an Event, but that would be your choice, and it would still only meaning he wasn't participating in that part of the event not that you lost your actions that month.
Stirred up by the Bai/Sun/Ling chase sequence? (Maybe they were offended by it being set to Yakety Sax?)
Put Turtle Dude on it next turn to make sure it's not aimed at us? Assuming he doesn't fail again. :rolleyes:
FictionalQuestMaster said:
You will have an option to investigate that as a Piety action next turn.
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@yrsillar is it bad to get the same tutor multiple time in a month? My impression is it was good to, say, get a tutor week 33 and get FSA4 there, and then week 35 and get FSA5, as it would maybe impress them. However, some people are remembering you saying that seeing the same tutor multiple time was bad?
Do we know to what extent Ling Qi consciously tries to exploit the free EPC stealth/larceny successes? Like, in the cave mission, will she volunteer to stealthily scout ahead in order to score the free successes? Or does she only volunteer to scout if she would have even without EPC?
Do we know to what extent Ling Qi consciously tries to exploit the free EPC stealth/larceny successes? Like, in the cave mission, will she volunteer to stealthily scout ahead in order to score the free successes? Or does she only volunteer to scout if she would have even without EPC?
Well, narratively it seems to be implied that it is a deeper understanding granted by the grinning moon. As demonstrated in the last update
Where her last couple days were largely fruitless however, her nights were productive. The next phase of her cultivation art was achieved in record time, spurred on by the understanding of the Grinning Moon granted by her recent efforts.
So with that understanding, I feel that she would continue to do efforts that would appease the grinning moon, which would be acts of sneaking and cunning. So I think she would recommend that she sneaks into the cave for scouting purposes. If only to get more understanding from the Grinning moon.

Edit: so, upon rereading, the understanding doesn't seem to come directly from the grinning moon. However, She does recognize that her efforts are granting her deeper insight into things.
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Glancing over a lot of discussion something I've noticed

The Argent cultivation methods all seem explicitly geared towards helping to build up and reinforce the Daitan and the foundations of a Cultivator, right?

So let's extend that assumption.

We know that the next Argent style cultivation technique is for inner sect members, i.e. greem/bronze practitioners. The Argent Arts themselves aren't really available to people who can't access the trials. Which themselves have a hard requirement of Yellow Stage to access.

And the Argent Soul Cultivation is explicitly designed to provide maximum benefits to Red tiers up to yellow breakthrough.

Mechanically speaking and given that everything up to the tournament is literally a meta-test by the Elders, it seems really obvious to me that the general theme of the entire exercise (that being cooperation to acquire the arts in the first place) strongly supports an end goal of acquiring the entire Arts series.

If we take the Argent Soul Cultivation as a reference point, then that also means that it will be at its most potent before the breakthrough to Green/bronze

Especially when taking into consideration that the testing grounds are exclusive to first years.

There's a point to that structure. I strongly believe that we need to train up the Argent Art suite before we hit the breakthrough. The Argent Souls benefits were very strong for its tier. Going into the tournament I have little doubt that the resultant synergy bonus will be similary very powerful against peer opponents

To put things simply, this entire setup is to create a chain of synergies and bonii to cultivator willing to take them up. Given how much we've relied on them thus far, there's little doubt that they're meant to be comparable to anything any noble family can provide their scion.

I think we're doing ourselves a major disservice if we go for a breakthrough before seeing that through. And asking Elder Su about Argent Soul provided us with great insights as well. Let's not discount those benefits.
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Anyone else imagine the Fortress Raid as something straight out of Attack on Titan?

Ji Rong is on the wall, deep in thought as he contemplates his revenge against his rivals and the course his life has taken. He turns back to look within the fort's walls as he smirks at how well the preparations are going for the next counter attack.

Suddenly a flash of lightning occurs behind him, just past the walls outskirts and Gan Guangli's angry giant head is breathing steam on him as he gets ready to smash the wall down.

Edit: I'm thinking about writing up an omake or something similar, but i'm unsure whether i can get the feel for the setting right. Anything people want to mention?
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Glancing over a lot of discussion something I've noticed

The Argent cultivation methods all seem explicitly geared towards helping to build up and reinforce the Daitan and the foundations of a Cultivator, right?

So let's extend that assumption.

We know that the next Argent style cultivation technique is for inner sect members, i.e. greem/bronze practitioners. The Argent Arts themselves aren't really available to people who can't access the trials. Which themselves have a hard requirement of Yellow Stage to access.

And the Argent Soul Cultivation is explicitly designed to provide maximum benefits to Red tiers up to yellow breakthrough.

Mechanically speaking and given that everything up to the tournament is literally a meta-test by the Elders, it seems really obvious to me that the general theme of the entire exercise (that being cooperation to acquire the arts in the first place) strongly supports an end goal of acquiring the entire Arts series.

If we take the Argent Soul Cultivation as a reference point, then that also means that it will be at its most potent before the breakthrough to Green/bronze

Especially when taking into consideration that the testing grounds are exclusive to first years.

There's a point to that structure. I strongly believe that we need to train up the Argent Art suite before we hit the breakthrough. The Argent Souls benefits were very strong for its tier. Going into the tournament I have little doubt that the resultant synergy bonus will be similary very powerful against peer opponents

To put things simply, this entire setup is to create a chain of synergies and bonii to cultivator willing to take them up. Given how much we've relied on them thus far, there's little doubt that they're meant to be comparable to anything any noble family can provide their scion.

I think we're doing ourselves a major disservice if we go for a breakthrough before seeing that through. And asking Elder Su about Argent Soul provided us with great insights as well. Let's not discount those benefits.
We are trying to get the full set of Argent Arts and we have mostly succeded with only the Heaven/Earth one lacking (running theory says that Ji Rong has it so it would be hard to get it).
And It is highly unlikely that we would be able to max the Argent Arts before our planned breathrough, Green is a big deal and we want to fully reach it a few months before the tournament (and we have others arts to max). I think that the compromised this thread has reached is to get all our Argent Arts to level 3 and pray that we get a shot at the last one.
Personnaly I think that Yrs will rewards us quite generously even with an incomplete set : getting all the Arts and maxing them is an unreasonable goal if we want to have a shot at the first place in the tournament (the higher you are the more ressources you get in the Inner Sect).
And don't forget that we will get boni from having more than 25 meridians, 60 Qi and having an acceptable level with 14 elements including a rare one.
Frankly, we are reaching a perfect breakthrough with only the last Argent Art lacking
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Anyone else imagine the Fortress Raid as something straight out of Attack on Titan?

Ji Rong is on the wall, deep in thought as he contemplates his revenge against his rivals and the course his life has taken. He turns back to look within the fort's walls as he smirks at how well the preparations are going for the next counter attack.

Suddenly a flash of lightning occurs behind him, just past the walls outskirts and Gan Guangli's angry giant head is breathing steam on him as he gets ready to smash the wall down.
We're going back there next week for maximum troll value, right? No way the security setup is anything like as good as it used to be. We can take whatever isn't nailed down and leave a self-repairing/cleaning shirt behind on Ji Rong's bed.
We are trying to get the full set of Argent Arts and we have mostly succeded with only the Heaven/Earth one lacking (running theory says that Ji Rong has it so it would be hard to get it).
And It is highly unlikely that we would be able to max the Argent Art before our planned breathrough, Green is a big deal and we want to fully reach it a few months before the tournament (and we have others arts to max). I think that the compromised this thread has reached is to get all our Argent Arts to level 3 and pray that we get a shot at the last one.
Personnaly I think that Yrs will rewards us quite generously even with an incomplete set : getting all the Arts and maxing them is an unreasonable goal if we want to have a shot at the first place in the tournament (the higher you are the more ressources you get in the Inner Sect).
And don't forget that we will get boni from having more than 25 meridians, 60 Qi and having an acceptable level with 14 elements including a rare one.
Frankly, we are reaching a perfect breakthrough with only the last Argent Art lacking
I'm hardly saying that such things should be prioritized over breaking through.

But we can definitely incorporate trying to acquire it in the lead up to our breakthrough attempt. As far as rewards go, the benefits we've already accumulated are bonii enough for the effort put into them.

The idea of an incomplete bonus for having only parts of the set rather than the full thing is silly. It's not as if the arts themselves don't provide bonuses, you know?

It stands to reason that a full...Lets call it an Argent Self bonus, would only be available upon obtaining all the relevant skills.

Also why would we want first place in the tournament? That requires a level of front line lethality we're just not going to obtain.

If it were me...


I'd say the end game for Cai and Sun is resource control and thus starving the relevant students of the ability to show up to the tournament in force to take up the eight slots.

Bai, Cai, and Sun are already more or less shoo-ins all things considered. Which leaves five slots in open contention. So we have Sun's faction which has, not discounting the edgelord spymaster, at least three additional candidates. Plus that one green girl that bailed. That's four. So the Sun faction would have an end goal of obtaining...5/8 slots into the inner sect with a secondary wincon of achieving parity with 4/8 slots.

Cais position by contrast is likely more difficult. She likely wants a sweep of allied cultivator entering the inner sect to preserve her power base. So that's Cai, Bai, and our favorite big dude, with tentative 5 unclaimed spots with a more realistic expectation of 4/8 spots in actual contention.

So, notice how that 4/8 aligns quite nicely with the remaining four enforcers that Cai leans on? With a possibility of knocking Sun out even opening things up for Quandi to get in?

"But Chron" you may ask, "That seems vastly simplifying things it?"

Not at all!

Because the objective on both sides, naturally, is going to be to simplify things in the lead up to the tournament.

That means knocking out tournament contenders before the matches even begin.

We should not go into that period of expecting first place. The situation and available skill sets make that an untenable assumption. No. Our best bet is to make it so we're a shoo-in to the tournament itself while also crippling the ability on non-aligned Green/bronze contenders to compete and thus take spots in the tournament from our allies.

Such a thing can assuredly be done. And because it can at least one party, be it Sun or Cai, will go for it.



With that aside, I once again believe that reaffirming our base cultivation to its greatest possible result would result in very powerful bonii upon breakthrough just like the Argent Soul Cultivation did when we broke through to yellow.