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- United States of America
Control of information. The more information about our arts we give out, the more of a possibility people will know what to do against us and what not to do against us. While we might not know what the argent arts are, I am sure that other people do not have that problem.
How to guarantee we are actually getting an argent art in trade. Do we go first and risk them running off? Do they let us go first and risk us telling them to scram after we have it?
It's culturally not done. We have not seen or heard of any person who has publically asked for an art to trade. Art trades are done between individuals and are not publicized to the world.
Well I am not personally in favor of breaking through earlier, there are a couple of options available to us should we wish to do so.Ok, for all the people arguing in favor of breakthrough actions earlier: what exactly is your plan? What actions are you going to bump to make room for cultivation? What are the consequences of this? How does it improve things?
First off, is the removal of AS from our goals of getting meridians and equipping it in yellow. It is going to be our 9th art, and even Meizhen (who started at the age of 6) only has 8 total arts. This removes two meridians from the needed actions. The consequence of this is that we do not have AS as an art to use nor will we get a potential breakthrough bonus for it, but art breakthrough bonuses are nebulous and poorly understood. This would allow for two breakthrough actions in the next three weeks. This improves things by saving two actions that would have been used in a 9th art which may allow us to get a green breakthrough within 5 weeks from now (if we are lucky and dedicate the last week to 3 or 4 spiritual breakthrough actions). This would allow us to use an additional yellow stone earlier and thus potentially speed up our cultivation by +5 dice (depending on drugs removed from accessibility)
For the bronze breakthrough, we turn all overflow into physical cultivation. This would make it so that 1/4 of the 3 wind arts we are cultivating during the 8fold pill/skyblood, as well as 1/5 of AE and AC (and possibly 1/5 of AM, AS, FSA, FZ depending on the new wind site) cultivation from the dark pool. This, combined with the overflow of meridians should take care of a physical cultivation action. Next, we use the high sun in the next opening of meridians and then do a physical cultivation the week after and a highsun afterward. This may get us to peak within 4 weeks of this week. That would allow for breakthrough actions for physical while we finish up the art we want to finish up after the 8fold week.
If people want to make this into a more credible argument they can do the math for it, because I don't want to go down this path. I would much rather develop AS into an art we can use, as well as take the time to max out at least 2 more arts.