Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Why not publically asking for a trade?
Control of information. The more information about our arts we give out, the more of a possibility people will know what to do against us and what not to do against us. While we might not know what the argent arts are, I am sure that other people do not have that problem.

How to guarantee we are actually getting an argent art in trade. Do we go first and risk them running off? Do they let us go first and risk us telling them to scram after we have it?

It's culturally not done. We have not seen or heard of any person who has publically asked for an art to trade. Art trades are done between individuals and are not publicized to the world.

Ok, for all the people arguing in favor of breakthrough actions earlier: what exactly is your plan? What actions are you going to bump to make room for cultivation? What are the consequences of this? How does it improve things?
Well I am not personally in favor of breaking through earlier, there are a couple of options available to us should we wish to do so.

First off, is the removal of AS from our goals of getting meridians and equipping it in yellow. It is going to be our 9th art, and even Meizhen (who started at the age of 6) only has 8 total arts. This removes two meridians from the needed actions. The consequence of this is that we do not have AS as an art to use nor will we get a potential breakthrough bonus for it, but art breakthrough bonuses are nebulous and poorly understood. This would allow for two breakthrough actions in the next three weeks. This improves things by saving two actions that would have been used in a 9th art which may allow us to get a green breakthrough within 5 weeks from now (if we are lucky and dedicate the last week to 3 or 4 spiritual breakthrough actions). This would allow us to use an additional yellow stone earlier and thus potentially speed up our cultivation by +5 dice (depending on drugs removed from accessibility)

For the bronze breakthrough, we turn all overflow into physical cultivation. This would make it so that 1/4 of the 3 wind arts we are cultivating during the 8fold pill/skyblood, as well as 1/5 of AE and AC (and possibly 1/5 of AM, AS, FSA, FZ depending on the new wind site) cultivation from the dark pool. This, combined with the overflow of meridians should take care of a physical cultivation action. Next, we use the high sun in the next opening of meridians and then do a physical cultivation the week after and a highsun afterward. This may get us to peak within 4 weeks of this week. That would allow for breakthrough actions for physical while we finish up the art we want to finish up after the 8fold week.

If people want to make this into a more credible argument they can do the math for it, because I don't want to go down this path. I would much rather develop AS into an art we can use, as well as take the time to max out at least 2 more arts.
If we do all of (1) before we start on (2), then any failure on (2) means we need to spend an action on spiritual cultivation in order to get back to peak yellow. If we interweave (1) and (2), then after a failure we can just go back to our cultivation of our Arts and let our various bonuses work us back up to peak yellow.
Maybe. If we get more pills that do that, or our new wind site does that.

Because right now we only get spiritual successes from darkness and water arts (pool). And we just finished fvm and scs.

So the only thing that can give us it are AC and AE - and they're low priority compared to our other arts. There's skyblood, but that's just one week really, since finding room before eightfold is difficult barring doing full cultivation
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Well I am not personally in favor of breaking through earlier, there are a couple of options available to us should we wish to do so.

First off, is the removal of AS from our goals of getting meridians and equipping it in yellow. It is going to be our 9th art, and even Meizhen (who started at the age of 6) only has 8 total arts. This removes two meridians from the needed actions.
Meizhen started at 8, and she had 10 arts when breaking through (at least), not 8.
For the bronze breakthrough, we turn all overflow into physical cultivation. This would make it so that 1/4 of the 3 wind arts we are cultivating during the 8fold pill/skyblood, as well as 1/5 of AE and AC (and possibly 1/5 of AM, AS, FSA, FZ depending on the new wind site) cultivation from the dark pool. This, combined with the overflow of meridians should take care of a physical cultivation action. Next, we use the high sun in the next opening of meridians and then do a physical cultivation the week after and a highsun afterward. This may get us to peak within 4 weeks of this week. That would allow for breakthrough actions for physical while we finish up the art we want to finish up after the 8fold week.

If people want to make this into a more credible argument they can do the math for it, because I don't want to go down this path. I would much rather develop AS into an art we can use, as well as take the time to max out at least 2 more arts.
The math is simple: we only need to put the overflow of three or so meridian to physical so that we do not need to do more than one physical action. The rest can go to Qi.
Maybe. If we get more pills that do that, or our new wind site does that.

Because right now we only get spiritual successes from darkness and water arts (pool). And we just finished fvm and scs.

So the only thing that can give us it are AC and AE - and they're low priority compared to our other arts. There's skyblood, but that's just one week really, since finding room before eightfold is difficult barring doing full cultivation
Well, arguably we could do it before using Skyblood, but it also makes the whole thing even more awkward into how to plan things.

What seems optimal is to do more closed door cultivation as we now have 5 minors, and use the extra action to break through every so often. If we fail, we go back up with meridian overflow and maybe an AC or AE training action if the failure is moderate enough.
One thing that is interesting is that Cai seems to think that we're going to be starting on our breakthrough right now.
There is some wiggle room, though

"Join me. I have no doubt that you will achieve the third realm in a matter of weeks or months. Your talent is obvious, and your recent escapades have cemented the truth of your ability in my mind."

But it does seem to indicate that she doesn't think we'd be doing it too prematurely at this point, like Bai implied way back when.
A few off color inquiries that I could use some help with.

Could Ling Qi learn to play her flute with one hand, and, say, throw knives with the other?

Is there anything special we could do to make Zhengui's period of hibernation more fruitful?

Several of Ling Qi's feats require low light or darkness. Do any of Ling Qi's mists create an area that counts as low light? Is that something she might be able to do as her arts advance?

And are there any annual festivities/traditions we might want to know about that haven't popped up yet? Is there a birthday analogue?
One thing that is interesting is that Cai seems to think that we're going to be starting on our breakthrough right now.
Meizhen has been stated multiple time to be an overachiever with higher standards or breakthrough than usual, and to consider us to be actually capable to reach the same height.

While CRX probably is somewhat of a overachiever given her mom's standards, she probably doesn't expect Ling Qi to be able to have the same kind of standards. She almost certainly respects our skillset a lot and believe we can go far, but I am pretty sure she doesn't expect us to be aiming for the absolute top when it comes to foundation, but merely 'very good'.
New poster here and I've been lurking here for a while though I've rarely read much of the discussion. One development that puzzled me is why you guys voted to have Ling Qi train in polearms of all things for a while?
New poster here and I've been lurking here for a while though I've rarely read much of the discussion. One development that puzzled me is why you guys voted to have Ling Qi train in polearms of all things for a while?
1. Nobody expects her to.
2. Zhengui cavalry.
3. High DV mechanically, cross-transfer of skill to Spears, which are a Noble weapon iirc.
The idea was to use Zhengui as a cavalry mount once he is big enough.
That idea seems pretty unlikely now that he seems to be trending towards being an ambush predator. Honestly I don't really see the appeal to a weapon that is oriented around dealing with large crowds as its power, we are loaded with abilities that are good against crowds. Admittedly it probably doesn't matter now that we have a melee type attack with the flute.
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That idea seems pretty unlikely now that he seems to be trending towards being an ambush predator. Honestly I don't really see the appeal to a weapon that is oriented around dealing with large crowds as its power, we are loaded with abilities that are good against crowds. Admittedly it probably doesn't matter now that we have a melee type attack with the flute.
Spears are oriented against crowds? Is this a mechanics thing? Because RL spears are good against crowds if used by a crowd, not by a single individual.
Could Ling Qi learn to play her flute with one hand, and, say, throw knives with the other?

As someone who actually plays a woodwind, I can tell you no. The vast majority of flutes are designed to be played two handed, and hitting more than three or four notes with one hand is basically impossible.

No amount of speed would help, as you need to cover five or more holes for some notes. Unless your hand is pretty big, your probably not going to be able to use your pinky.

I mean, if the song is really, really simple, you might be able to pull it off. Somehow, I doubt we'll find an Art version of hot cross buns.

That idea seems pretty unlikely now that he seems to be trending towards being an ambush predator.

There were a lot of arguments for picking up a melee weapon. mostly, it was filling in perceived gaps in our skill set. Also, let's us train strength.

Spears are oriented against crowds? Is this a mechanics thing? Because RL spears are good against crowds if used by a crowd, not by a single individual.

Wrong kind of spear.

Guan dao is a spear designed to be swung, it's wide arc makes it decent for threatening crowds.

Edit: I suppose I should add this in before someone decided to "correct" me. There are flutes designed for pinkies. I was speaking in general. There is no end to internet pedantry so I thought I'd get that out of the way.
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Oh god, don't start a polearm naming argument. There's about as many polearm names as there are metal genres, with equally obscure distinctions.
Wonder where Zhengui will be at by the Tournament. Presumably he'll take longer to go through Yellow, but I think he should be able to reach Late. Green might be out of reach, especially if he needs to hibernate again.
EDIT: And another reason just occurred to me why Ling Qi feels betrayed by Zeqing. During her training with Ruan Shen she decided she wanted her music to be about more than fighting, for it to be something she enjoys, and during recent updates she started to see her training with Zeqing almost as a way of getting away from things and enjoying practicing her music.

Then she got thrown in a murder!blizzard.
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Just a thought (not sure if it's been mentioned before), but didn't the shaman have a drum based "thunderstrike" art? I'm curious if we could potentially convert that into a flute based attack (assuming it counts as music).
Just a thought (not sure if it's been mentioned before), but didn't the shaman have a drum based "thunderstrike" art? I'm curious if we could potentially convert that into a flute based attack (assuming it counts as music).
The hope is we do get the art that has the Thunderstrike tech in the shaman bag, yes. If it's a good, potent spiritual musical art it could really help with diversifying our music so that's it not just "one style", important if we actually want to continue being a bard and learn more about music as a whole.

That, and help not having shite dice for FVM. We are at a point where enemies should be closer and closer to not have horrible spiritual defence dicepool, which makes our very poor FVM dicepool risky. It's important not to have just a single art working alone in your areas of focus if you want to get anywhere.
Man, I'm so psyched for the update. I know it probably won't be ready for another couple days, but I'm still super excited over it. Can't wait to see how Ling Qi's scouting mission goes! And hopefully we'll be able to open that shaman's bag too!
Small chunks of updates are so much better, because there's less time waiting in purgatory between getting our fixes lol.

Especially now with things building up!
Small chunks of updates are so much better, because there's less time waiting in purgatory between getting our fixes lol.

Especially now with things building up!

I like the small chunks too! Let's us chew over part of the narrative and have fun discussions while waiting for the next bit.