Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Wonderful! Quick technical question though, for my private paperwork...was that the resources or the time slot for Shipping the Product, and whichever it was, does it still appear in the other slot or have both been removed?

Other than that...
A week that seemed to have stretched on for months.

Lol. You and all us too bro.
If there was a 'master' effect in play it seemed to only work to make life harder for Apeiron himself.

You know, that would be an actual useful strategy for some of the actual Shards to employ, though I guess they do in that they master their own clients to prefer conflict.
I don't remember how many people were around the last time Aperion mentioned Hell. Specifically, Alex brought it up, but Aperion said the motoroid vision wasn't Hell. Depending on if other people know this, of if Tattletale gets her hands on the transcript, then people will be very worried about him. The two options it leaves, are him retracting his previous statement, which he won't, or that he found a place so much worse than the last time this came up, that the extra dimensional void that gave parahuman seizures is being viewed as pleasant compared to the "literal Hell" he is working with. Both options are very scary.
Lord, this was a masterful way to finally take steps to Joe's reconciliation with Piggot and the rest of the PRT. The decision to have the call be from Weld's perspective wonderfully displayed the reactions of the PRT to the call and gave insight into how Weld is handling the entire mess since the disaster.
The Alchemy Machine (Shivers) 400:
Created by the legendary alchemist Louis Garcon, this mysterious machine combines modern science with principles passed down from ancient Egyptian times. Should you have any alchemic ability or knowledge, using this machine will not only drastically enhance the potency of anything you create, but also significantly boost the output. Careful experimentation may even let you learn to automate the alchemic process, allowing the machine to produce indefinitely if provided with supplies. Without such knowledge, though, expect significantly more experimentation before you achieve anything of note.
I wonder if this works with FMA alchemy, allowing him to automate the transmutation of rare elements. He could already make basically as much as he wanted, but surely having enough spare eezo or ragnite to fill a room will be useful, right? More fruitfully, perhaps the enhanced potency would help transmutate mantic shards, although there is the worry of what more potent failures will be like.
"One of the PRT troopers, Corporal Breaux, got it for me." He lifted the bottle towards her, showing the hand written paper label and causing the girl to press back into her seat. "His grandmother makes it. Old family recipe, apparently."
Ah yes if powerful substances are needed for Weld to be able to taste then using the stuff I use to strip paint makes sense.
Aww, man! Weld forgot to mention Gully.

Hopefully he can tell Joe about her soon.
WOG says that he can't really do that in this situation:
The call is probably going to be so stressful and so scrutinized that Weld won't have time for any veiled references. It's going to be straight forward, and probably with people hovering around him trying to direct the conversation. As much as Weld might want to help Gully, the best way to do that would be making sure Apeiron is in the best post-disaster position possible.
Shipping the Product (F.E.A.R.) 400:
Prototypes are one thing, but what about actually getting the damn thing distributed? An item or weapon doesn't help anyone if it's the only one of its kind. You will find your ability to create has increased dramatically in efficiency, letting you use the materials for three of the same items to actually make five while streamlining production lines rather quickly. As a bonus, logistics have increased enough where your shipped supplies are harder to intercept, keeping any allies you have fresh with resources!
So it's now 3 in for 25 out. Jesus.

The Alchemy Machine (Shivers) 400:
Created by the legendary alchemist Louis Garcon, this mysterious machine combines modern science with principles passed down from ancient Egyptian times. Should you have any alchemic ability or knowledge, using this machine will not only drastically enhance the potency of anything you create, but also significantly boost the output. Careful experimentation may even let you learn to automate the alchemic process, allowing the machine to produce indefinitely if provided with supplies. Without such knowledge, though, expect significantly more experimentation before you achieve anything of note.
Not just enhancing, but "dramatically enhancing" full metal alchemist alchemy is scary shit. What's worse is that he's got several powers for production lines and "careful experimentation" falls under research. So both Researcher and the second half of Simple Scientific Solutions applies
Yeah, Piggot was way too reasonable there I am about as suspicious as can be right now. I'm guessing this was mostly due to her conversation with uppercrust and she's going to fuck it all up as soon as she can get away with it.
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Yeah, Piggot was way too reasonable there I am about as suspicious as can be right now. I'm guessing this was mostly due to her conversation with uppercrust and she's going to fuck it all up as soon as she can get away with it.
I think Piggot is usually depicted more unreasonably in fanon. Additionally, she barely spoke in the interlude, and this was a situation dealing with one of the most powerful capes in the world. I would be more surprised if she did anything rash, as the conversation wasn't even about her.