Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

This.... just summed up MMORPG/RPG female armor. The skimpier the stronger. lmao Naturally there a few exceptions but this.... is just the universal truth. xD But i am sad you didn't include anything about having to pose weirdly to activate the armors second mode! (Cough transformation style..... all with white clouds covering the sensible areas. But I guess you can't describe that here.... oh uh.... don't hammer me now xD)

Have a nice day.
This.... just summed up MMORPG/RPG female armor.

I'm pretty sure the whole the whole "skimpy schoolgirl outfit, become more powerful the skimpier it is" is a direct reference to Kill la kill, especially since Joe already have the base material for it (the life fiber) and the base form does have a midrift (and show some legs).

(Left: before transformation. Right: after transformation)

That being said, in KLK, the explanation for the skimpy-ness of the outfit is slightly more complex than just "heat dissipation". The outfit is made of life fiber, so its creator tried to limit skin contact as much as possible to reduce the risk the life fiber would forcibly mind control and consume its wearer.
Yeah I'm kinda fuzzy on why the heck Life Fiber clothes had to be skimpy. Sorry I got it wrong. I thought it was heat! The transformed costumed has vents that shoot steam out the back.
Wait, is that why Garment is pushing the Barbarian outfit? Cause it would make the most sense with Life Fibers?
Wait, is that why Garment is pushing the Barbarian outfit? Cause it would make the most sense with Life Fibers?
The solution to Life Fibers is not a skimpier outfit, but only including Life Fibers on the inside on part of the outfit.
Garment is pushing the Barbarian outfit because she cares more about how uniquely stylish it is than about the increase in protection from a more complete armor.
100% coverage might not be strictly necessary, but it allows for more pieces of specialized armor, which allows for a significant increase in protection against various hazards.
I looked in the v2 Celestial Forge doc, I looked at the v1 doc, but i cannot for the life of me find the "Codename: Kids Next Door" jumpchain crafting perk (600) 2x4 Technology.
I didn't know if you were aware of this, and i'm not sure that it would necessarily fit now, but the ability for a tinker to just pick up whatever junk is lying around in the garbage and make something crazy with it has always been super cool. Like a Super McGuyver! Laser guns from Bottles and Flashlights!!
I looked in the v2 Celestial Forge doc, I looked at the v1 doc, but i cannot for the life of me find the "Codename: Kids Next Door" jumpchain crafting perk (600) 2x4 Technology.
I didn't know if you were aware of this, and i'm not sure that it would necessarily fit now, but the ability for a tinker to just pick up whatever junk is lying around in the garbage and make something crazy with it has always been super cool. Like a Super McGuyver! Laser guns from Bottles and Flashlights!!
You could add it to the V2 doc, probably in the resource section
The solution to Life Fibers is not a skimpier outfit, but only including Life Fibers on the inside on part of the outfit.

The solution is a lower body surface exposed to life fibers, regardless of how you do that. And not being ashamed from your outfit, otherwise you'll resist the power increase (I personally find that rule very weird, but it's a plot point in the anime).
I looked in the v2 Celestial Forge doc, I looked at the v1 doc, but i cannot for the life of me find the "Codename: Kids Next Door" jumpchain crafting perk (600) 2x4 Technology.
I didn't know if you were aware of this, and i'm not sure that it would necessarily fit now, but the ability for a tinker to just pick up whatever junk is lying around in the garbage and make something crazy with it has always been super cool. Like a Super McGuyver! Laser guns from Bottles and Flashlights!!
You could add it to the V2 doc, probably in the resource section

You might want to go and add it. The V2 Celestial Forge is locking in perks, so we can start processing it to the final version in a little over 9 hours.
Garment is pushing the Barbarian outfit because she cares more about how uniquely stylish it is than about the increase in protection from a more complete armor.
100% coverage might not be strictly necessary, but it allows for more pieces of specialized armor, which allows for a significant increase in protection against various hazards.

There was a performance reason.

Yes, I get that, but this is plenty. There's no cause for or benefit to going further than this." Garment plainly pointed at the display showing the additional 7.35% improvement in energy moderation and sensor coverage that could be gain

Clothes made purely of Life Fiber are skimpy to reduce skin coverage so that the wearer isn't overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by what isn't exactly spelled out. Vague and dangerous Life fiber Energy is one thing. Power? Body shaming? Society demands on women? This didn't apply to clothes with low life fiber content. Those could cover the whole body. But the 100% Life Fiber clothes had to be skimpy to regulate exposure. One reason was that Life Fibers are parasites. They can drain your life. Also, they are neurological parasites. They can control overwhelm their hosts mind and will. They are also extremely mutagenic. Being able to wear 100% life fiber clothing without mutating into a berserk mindless monster or dying is what made the protagonist unique. It's why there only 2 outfits of 100% Life Fiber. I guess build up of steam and heat isn't as much of a concern when you are more worried about mind control and horrible mutations. FYI, 3 star goku uniforms only had 30% life Fiber content.

Okay, so to minimize contact and avoid buildup of heat, steam, or life fiber energy I need to minimize the amount of coverage, both from the fibers and other clothing." Garment made a gesture of assen

And not being ashamed from your outfit, otherwise you'll resist the power increase (I personally find that rule very weird, but it's a plot point in the anime)

The show has a lot of themes about expectations of women in society and body shaming. A lot of em! I didn't get it too.
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Actually, how is mc avoiding the mind-altering aspect of life fiber exposure? They mind control species and then use that planet as a cacoon and blow it up...I'm not so sure the enhancement brought on by the fibers is worth the exposure.

If mcs nanites can heal any mind alterations that's one thing but otherwise mc has been exposing himself to mind alterations every time he uses life fibers.
I think it's because he only started with a small amount, a single medium sized spool of Life Fibers. Also Garment is managing the Life Fibers.

I don't think he has realized they can mind control you. He is tracking the growth and progress of the fibers after every training session. Maybe he'll eventually realize something is up. Garment will save him if he starts acting weird.CConsidering Joe's hang ups about Mastering people and his own trigger event, I imagine he will completely fucking flip out when he discovers that.

Life Fibers are no match for Garment.
And to think mc even worries about the life fibers rights and its growing mind when its main goal is mind-controlling all life, sucking out their energy, and then blowing up the planet. Actually, they are eerily similar to entities, both give superpowers, both extract something from their hosts, both explode the earth and kill everyone to reproduce.

The 'reverting dangerous mutations ' aspect of the nanites probably revert any mental alteration as soon as its made but once mc does find out what the fiber is attempting to do he will likely be a lot more willing to do destructive testing and analysis in the fibers. He can do whatever kind of destructive testing he wants and as long as the fibers don't die he can easily heal them back up with his nanites. That would also give detailed data about how the nanites repair the alien creature so that will probably be useful too.

Edit: Thinking about it more even if the life fibers are killed or destroyed by testing they would just reappear in 24 Hours so mc can do whatever tests he wants.
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No soy bueno escribiendo en inglés así que una traducción rápida espero lo solucione. Dicho eso: Dust es usado en la ropa en RWBY, sumado a las súper telas a las que tienen acceso, sumado a las ridículamente potentes runas. Garment Gloves Brute,Shaker,Stranger,Mover,Striker,Blaster 5-8. Y si en alguna constelación consiguen un bicho en una pokebola se puede usar la seda para aún más resistentes y absurdamente poderosas combinaciones (sin mencionar el daño que Khepry y Bitch conseguirían con equipos de insectos y perros respectivamente)
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No soy bueno escribiendo en inglés así que una traducción rápida espero lo solucione. Dicho eso: Dust es usado en la ropa en RWBY, sumado a las súper telas a las que tienen acceso, sumado a las ridículamente potentes runas. Garment Gloves Brute,Shaker,Stranger,Mover,Striker,Blaster 5-8. Y si en alguna constelación consiguen un bicho en una pokebola se puede usar la seda para aún más resistentes y absurdamente poderosas combinaciones (sin mencionar el daño que Khepry y Bitch conseguirían con equipos de insectos y perros respectivamente)
In resume, dust is used in clothes in the RWBY universe, together with the super textiles he has already access to, the potent runes and the talent of Garment, he can create clothing with a lot of categories varying in strength from medium to high.
And if Joe gets its hand to some bug type Pokémon in the forge he can make it even more resilient and absurdly powerful.
Without mentioning the possible combos with Kephri and Bitch with teams of Bugs and Dogs respectively.
In fairness, the existence of Life Fibers like Senketsu shows that Life Fibers can be genuinely good/have symbiotic relationships to their hosts, like Symbiotes from Marvel or I believe shards like Jack Slash's Broadcast and Glory Girl's Waste do (but not completely sure).
I'm all for learning as much as I can, but I would choose to see if being a good host would actually give benefits before anything harsh. I'm sure there'll be those that disagree, but I'll stick to it.
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I the case of Senketsu i don't know if to count him, I mean the Dr made it to be close to Ryuko, to the point of putting her DNA inside him(so a pseudo-son, brother?), but maybe he was just a good person, equally with Ryuko that was half life-fiber
In fairness, the existence of Life Fibers like Senketsu shows that Life Fibers can be genuinely good/have symbiotic relationships to their hosts, like Symbiotes from Marvel or I believe shards like Jack Slash's Broadcast and Glory Girl's Waste do (but not completely sure).
I'm all for learning as much as I can, but I would choose to see if being a good host would actually give benefits before anything harsh. I'm sure there'll be those that disagree, but I'll stick to it.
My friend shards rewire your brain and kill you at cycle end. Broadcast really messed with jacks mind, glory girls shard brainwashed her sister. Shards simply cannot be benevolent or symbiotic. They are called parasites for a reason.

Any species that must genocide to reproduce and live simply cannot be symbiotic or good.

There are symbiotic organisms in fiction but shards and life fibers aren't it.
My friend shards rewire your brain and kill you at cycle end. Broadcast really messed with jacks mind, glory girls shard brainwashed her sister. Shards simply cannot be benevolent or symbiotic. They are called parasites for a reason.

Any species that must genocide to reproduce and live simply cannot be symbiotic or good.

There are symbiotic organisms in fiction but shards and life fibers aren't it.

As far as i understand it after googling a while ago, life fibers are not symbionts. Though i only read the kill la kill wiki about life fibers and some others i found, all seem to agree that they are parasites. Yes they can be controlled by sheer willpower in some cases (if i didnt missread what i read), but that does not mean they are symbionts. Symbionts want a mutually beneficial relationship. Which the life fibers don't want to. They want to do genocide to reproduce. If they took their hosts with them (Most of them at least) they might be symbionts but as nothing i currently found points to that i would think they are by nature just using their hosts as long as possible. Just like real parasites do.

Also I wonder.... trek, they can evolve as far as i read, but none of the five sites i read about named an example. Could you give me an example how they evolve? I mean if they evolve they might be very dangerous to Joe. Especially if they find something to counter his nanites.

Take all of this with a grain of salt as i only read about it online to inform myself what life fibers can do.

Have a nice day!
As far as i understand it after googling a while ago, life fibers are not symbionts. Though i only read the kill la kill wiki about life fibers and some others i found, all seem to agree that they are parasites. Yes they can be controlled by sheer willpower in some cases (if i didnt missread what i read), but that does not mean they are symbionts. Symbionts want a mutually beneficial relationship. Which the life fibers don't want to. They want to do genocide to reproduce. If they took their hosts with them (Most of them at least) they might be symbionts but as nothing i currently found points to that i would think they are by nature just using their hosts as long as possible. Just like real parasites do.

Also I wonder.... trek, they can evolve as far as i read, but none of the five sites i read about named an example. Could you give me an example how they evolve? I mean if they evolve they might be very dangerous to Joe. Especially if they find something to counter his nanites.

Take all of this with a grain of salt as i only read about it online to inform myself what life fibers can do.

Have a nice day!
I have no idea how they can evolve, I haven't watched the show, I just learned about them from reading the wiki.

MCs nanites are extremely advanced, the world they come from has super scary stuff so I don't think a medium sized life fibers feeding only off one person could evolve a counter to it.

Have a nice day too!
Something I'm interested in is Weld trying to find the 'music' Joe used for him. And just absolutely failing because it's not native to the worm verse. Watching that somehow spiral into someone saying Joe is from another dimension because of it would be hilarious.
My friend shards rewire your brain and kill you at cycle end. Broadcast really messed with jacks mind, glory girls shard brainwashed her sister. Shards simply cannot be benevolent or symbiotic. They are called parasites for a reason.

Any species that must genocide to reproduce and live simply cannot be symbiotic or good.

There are symbiotic organisms in fiction but shards and life fibers aren't it.

Pretty sure that brainwash thing isn't true in canon or this story, despite Joe's current misconception.

I'm half remembering AO3 comments again though, so hopefully we can get word from the author in this thread.
Correct, Glory girl brainwashing Panacea is a fanon theory. It's a nice theory, as it explain why Panacea have an incestuous love for her sister, whereas canon give no explanation.