Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

I just had a horrid thought. We know of March's fascination with the Shards and their world(s). We know that in the era of Ward, she was able to arrange the emergence of Titans. We know that isn't possible with Scion alive, as he prevents such warping of the Shard Network. My question: Is it likely/possible that March might do something that would attract Scion's personal attention to Brockton Bay in order to maintain the Shard Network?

Basically, will shattering the call bead and whatever effect that has have the potential to damage the Network and draw his attention?
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I just had a horrid thought. We know of March's fascination with the Shards and their world(s). We know that in the era of Ward, she was able to arrange the emergence of Titans. We know that isn't possible with Scion alive, as he prevents such warping of the Shard Network. My question: Is it likely/possible that March might do something that would attract Scion's personal attention to Brockton Bay in order to maintain the Shard Network?
Not likely, it would take a titan to get him to focus on BB, even portals to Shard space won't get him to concentrate on any specific area, it took Jack a few years just to get his attention.
Just did a reread after the latest update and I feel I got more out of parts I had overlooked. In particular, I really enjoyed the Rey addendum. Based on their temperaments and being of similar age, I could see him and Apeiron being friends. This would allow the readers to get a close-up tinker perspective of our main character without an adversarial lens. They could even do some work together, as Apeiron could supply Blasto with the materials he lacks.

From that same addendum, I couldn't help but see parallels between Apeiron and Barrow. They both attract young parahumans into their spheres of influence, though I'm sure their intent is different. In that same vein, I can see a possibility of Vicky coming into that sphere. If the lawsuits happen and with the following negative press, she might run, as she doesn't have much of a support network anymore. Apeiron has shown his willingness to make amends and help people, so it would be very much in character if he tried to come up with a tinker solution to her mastering problem.

This gathering of young parahumans fits with the anime vibe of the story. I can't be the only one that thinks of classic anime tropes with his botched social interactions with the women.
In that same vein, I can see a possibility of Vicky coming into that sphere. If the lawsuits happen and with the following negative press, she might run, as she doesn't have much of a support network anymore. Apeiron has shown his willingness to make amends and help people, so it would be very much in character if he tried to come up with a tinker solution to her mastering problem.

This gathering of young parahumans fits with the anime vibe of the story. I can't be the only one that thinks of classic anime tropes with his botched social interactions with the women.
"I became a Tinker, ended up fighting against a bomb Tinker and miraculously won and lived to tell the tale, but suddenly i realized that during the fight i adopted multiple teenagers, made two IAs and was given a child made of living thread by The Forge which is the origin of my powers?!!!"
i feel like the title is too short to be a Light Novel as of today standards.
So I just looked through the the list of abilitys that you can pick up and say one that I think can make you into a darksiders maker. How would that effect Joe because those guys are huge
Suddenly the thought occurs to me that, if Apeiron ever did get brought to the side of the protectorate officially, the biggest difference in their relationship between him and every other tinker they work with is his almost complete lack of reliance on resources. After all, if provided literally a scrap of a material he can turn it into infinite amounts of said material. So I have the image of them giving him a humongous budget because surely if the stuff he was making worked so well when he had no backing then OBVIOUSLY giving him more cash will skyrocket his quality.

And then, because he doesn't actually need any money for tinkering anymore, Joe has to go and do some absolutely stupid projects just to use the budget so that they don't lower it (BECAUSE WHAT IF HE NEEDS THE LARGE BUDGET IN THE FUTURE? WHAT IF A PERK COMES AROUND THAT STRENGTHENS ITEMS BASED ON HOW MUCH CASH GOES INTO MAKING THEM? IT'S POSSIBLE, HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT'S IN THE FORGE). Sounds like a fun omake idea, as he just tells some clones to use ALL THE MONEY and then he, along with whoever is going over the budget, get to see exactly what stupidity they cooked up. Might write that up
From the wording, the Maker form just becomes an alt-form for Joe. He doesn't have to worry about suddenly growing up to 12 ft tall.

Phhffft. 12 feet tall? That's a rookie number. After Joe gets the "Titan's Blood" perk, he can grow up to 15 meters (49.2 feet) tall whenever he wants. Then using Bloody Roar on top of that, Joe can transform his 15 meter self into his Were-Inostrancevia version which is even bigger. And sabertoothed wolfy. I suspect we might not see this form until the Leviathan fight assuming Joe picks up Titan's Blood before that.
"Why would I be concerned about tech from three days ago?"
I just realized, now people are definitely going to twig on to the fact that he can upgrade his stuff at a ridiculous rate. It's no longer just 'oh he's blustering for the camera', it's a perfectly visible fact that he just pulled a Gundam out of seemingly nowhere.

What's more, people are probably going to assume he was inspired by Leets inane mumbling about anime robots, making the development time even more constrained.

"What? That? Oh, made it a few minutes ago. Yeah, on the way here, out of the motorcycle I was riding."
"I can do literally anything with technology for all practical purposes, with maybe one or two workarounds with regards to reality rudely getting in the way. Is that something you can't do? :???: Sorry, bro."
"Next, i'll make robot Gods you probably should worship and that will definitely smite you for taking their name in vain Leet. I'll probably start with Jehuty but who knows, maybe Unicron is in the cards later."
"Next, i'll make robot Gods you probably should worship and that will definitely smite you for taking their name in vain Leet. I'll probably start with Jehuty but who knows, maybe Unicron is in the cards later."

Is that how they work? I've no familiarity with the source material, are they basically Abrahamic gods but mechanical?
Is that how they work? I've no familiarity with the source material, are they basically Abrahamic gods but mechanical?
Not really. Notice i didn't use 'The Big O' robot god names. But there is actually a very spicy take about those robots in relation to worm.

It is popularly believed that the three "bigs" (Big O, Big Duo, and Big Fau) all are allegories of Jewish Mythological Creatures: Behemoth, Ziz, and Leviathan respectivley.
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This fic is incredible, because it's like it stores up all it's epic cinematic action during the long expanses of technobabble and tinkering (which I adore) then releases it all at once for the best fight scenes I've seen come out of this fandom.

The same goes for the human moments of this story. When Joe has interactions with other people, it always feels *real*.

The people that can't stomach the tinkering really don't know what they're missing.
Optimus Prime did sacrifice himself and come back stronger, if you want to make parallels to robo-God.

That said, Joe is leery of making things impressive enough to bring down the wrath of Ziz or Mannequin, if he isn't certain he can no-sell them.
Suddenly the thought occurs to me that, if Apeiron ever did get brought to the side of the protectorate officially, the biggest difference in their relationship between him and every other tinker they work with is his almost complete lack of reliance on resources. After all, if provided literally a scrap of a material he can turn it into infinite amounts of said material. So I have the image of them giving him a humongous budget because surely if the stuff he was making worked so well when he had no backing then OBVIOUSLY giving him more cash will skyrocket his quality.

And then, because he doesn't actually need any money for tinkering anymore, Joe has to go and do some absolutely stupid projects just to use the budget so that they don't lower it (BECAUSE WHAT IF HE NEEDS THE LARGE BUDGET IN THE FUTURE? WHAT IF A PERK COMES AROUND THAT STRENGTHENS ITEMS BASED ON HOW MUCH CASH GOES INTO MAKING THEM? IT'S POSSIBLE, HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT'S IN THE FORGE). Sounds like a fun omake idea, as he just tells some clones to use ALL THE MONEY and then he, along with whoever is going over the budget, get to see exactly what stupidity they cooked up. Might write that up

honestly if Joe really got a Tinkering budget I wonder if he wouldn't spend it on, like, real estate or something
The thing about Joe in the Protectorate is that they'd build up a backlog of stuff to approve, since he's the equivalent of a few thousand master engineers by now.

Plus, they'd probably make him give up the Volcano Lair, or at least penalize him for going into it without strict monitoring.
Phhffft. 12 feet tall? That's a rookie number. After Joe gets the "Titan's Blood" perk, he can grow up to 15 meters (49.2 feet) tall whenever he wants. Then using Bloody Roar on top of that, Joe can transform his 15 meter self into his Were-Inostrancevia version which is even bigger.

Hmm. A case could be made that if done in that order, the Bloody Roar change would shrink him back down to Inostrancevia sized, which is "merely" 3.5 meters long. Done in the opposite order though, since Titan's Blood specifies height rather than length, you would achieve a rather impressive overall size....
Hmm. A case could be made that if done in that order, the Bloody Roar change would shrink him back down to Inostrancevia sized, which is "merely" 3.5 meters long. Done in the opposite order though, since Titan's Blood specifies height rather than length, you would achieve a rather impressive overall size....
Lord has confirmed Titan Joe will get bigger by becoming Prehistoric-Titan Joe.
Hmm. A case could be made that if done in that order, the Bloody Roar change would shrink him back down to Inostrancevia sized, which is "merely" 3.5 meters long. Done in the opposite order though, since Titan's Blood specifies height rather than length, you would achieve a rather impressive overall size....
Possibly, but I recall this question being asked of LordR (He answers so many perks interaction questions on AO3 I wonder when he can write the story sometimes) and it was yes, 15 meters first then Bloody Roar on top of that to make it even larger. I keep thinking of how to pile it on even more, Joe in his Titan's Blood Bloody Roar form, both Gundams and then the Macross Fighter in robot mode on the beach of BB waiting for Levi to show up. Hopefully Joe also has the "Mixing Mixtures" perk by then so plenty of duplicates to drive all the toys.

FYI for those interested in even more vehicles, the 600 point perk "Whispered" comes with a free mech like the Gundams, and the 600 point "Erudition" perk from Halo comes with a Gladius-class heavy corvette, a 243 meter long spaceship.
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Although it is pointless, I created a list of known Apeiron abilities and tied them to speculated sources of his powers. The links really do give credence to the 'Power Tinker' speculation. The links could be broader if they suspect Apeiron went out of the city to scout new powers.
Electronic Surveillance; Drones; Tinker-tech Reverse Engineering - Dragon
Consumable Tech; Exotic Effects - Bakuda
Dinosaur Transformation; Pyrokenisis - Lung
Reality Tear; Battlefield Overview - March
Creating Metal; Metalkenisis - Kaiser
Healing Abilities - Panacea
Nanomachines - Armsmaster
Variety Tech - Leet
Military/Engineering Skills - Uber
Self Upgrading Gear - Dauntless
Weapon Creation - Miss Militia
Self Cloning - Oni Lee
Insight Thinker - Tattletale
Style - Garment
Durability - Glory Girl, others