Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Has anyone pointed out how the medical aspect of this perk could be seriously helpful in regard to curing Case 53s? The given example of melding creatures together probably wouldn't be very helpful overall, but the fact that it is a possible use of this perk kind of implicitly means this perk gives him some understanding of the interaction between medical science and medical magic.

Combine that with the database of horrific and implausible monster biology he was just given, and I'd say Joe has a good chance at this point of being able to help any Case 53 not named Weld. He might not be able to cure them completely, but surely with these tools at his disposal he could do some issue mitigating work like he did with Weld.
Here's what I'm thinking: can he use the power grid as a detection network now?
It's Schroedingers March right now. Hoping for an absolute stomp on Joe's end, but I'm still fearful of it being a Pyrrhic victory.
You are missing important part here: March's motivation.

If March's goal is shardspace, she automatically sees Apeiron not as obstacle, but as a tool to reach it. It is Very unlikely that March would want Apeiron dead - he has info she needs and dead don't talk. This severely limits March's options.

March might try to capture motoroid or try to find Apeiron's workshop. She also might try to eliminate Lung as obstacle by way of Apeiron (she should be aware that Lung is mostly countered by Apeiron) to spin some insane plot or 'frame' Apeiron in some way to try to ensure his cooperation, capture Apeiron (she should be aware that crippling might not work, so a softer capture) or capture Taylor (to get to Apeiron) while Apeiron is busy with Lung.
Most things that would count as 'pyrric' by Apeiron's standards (short of March just getting away) are automatically not an option for March to aim for if March wants to secure Apeiron's cooperation later and not get a 'I will kill her on sight' response (unless she is aiming for a 'rivalty' to push Apeiron into more research)

March's remark to Leet: 'Apeiron might not be a problem' might mean a lot of things: we won't be in this city, he will be on our side, he will be busy with more important things. He will be rebuilding his lab (at least she shouldn't know that whole thing is fiat backed and pointless to destroy).

P. S. I think March just 'set up Lung to die', but also going to use this a divert attention from her other goals.
March's potential target in such case might be Taylor. March isn't stupid and is unlikely to confront Apeiron directly.
He doesn't have full on stealth technology, otherwise he wouldn't rely on invisibility potions or elven cloaks.
He probably does have stealth tech or enough info to field some. ME has working stealth tech so Apeiron should be aware about principles from his 'engineer' class (if only for maintenance purposes).
While the tech building was impeccable, the whole premise of March being able to perfectly model Apron is straining my suspense of disbelief.
How did you arrive to the collusion that March can perfectly model Apeiron?

For all we know it was Uber who came up with the plan to bait Apeiron by making simple psychological profile and guessing at possible reaction. It doesn't require a power to make, plan seems to be simple and mostly timing independent: leave a bait in ABB's network and wait for the fish. Even Armsmaster would have 'fallen' for that.

The primary hint that March was involved is the perfect timing for the channel to appear, which again is not nessesary a result of a perfect model or March's power:
1. It might be a part of 'universal' bait. Start by dropping 'crumbs' into the area, slowly lead the prey towards primary bait by preorganized 'leaks', and since leaks were preorganized you will know exactly when to show the primary bait.
2. It might have been Apeiron's own power (or multiple, like with his first entrance vs Bakuda) . He needed to make an entrance, and what a better entrance than reacting for the 'bait' immediately (when Kenta was expecting to wait for hours), like he was waiting for it all the time? Even had a camera ready!
In Apeiron's specific case you just need to setup something for dramatic entrance (music and stage lightning), make sure there is a recording going on or public is present, say 'nobody will oppose us' and Apeiron will deliver by pure accident.
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You are missing important part here: March's motivation.

If March's goal is shardspace, she automatically sees Apeiron not as obstacle, but as a tool to reach it. It is Very unlikely that March would want Apeiron dead - he has info she needs and dead don't talk. This severely limits March's options.

March might try to capture motoroid or try to find Apeiron's workshop. She also might try to eliminate Lung as obstacle by way of Apeiron (she should be aware that Lung is mostly countered by Apeiron) to spin some insane plot or 'frame' Apeiron in some way to try to ensure his cooperation, capture him (she should be aware that crippling might not work, so a softer capture).
Most things that would count as 'pyrric' by Apeiron's standards (short of March just getting away) are automatically not an option for March to aim for if March wants to secure Apeiron's cooperation later and not get a 'I will kill her on sight' response (unless she is aiming for a 'rivalty' to push Apeiron into more research)
March's remark to Leet: 'Apeiron might not be a problem' might mean a lot of things: we won't be in this city, he will be on our side, he will be busy with more important things. He will be rebuilding his lab (at least she shouldn't know that whole thing is fiat backed and pointless to destroy).

P. S. I think March just 'set up Lung', but also going to use this a distruction for her other goals.
He probably does have stealth tech or enough info to field some. ME has working stealth tech so Apeiron should be aware about principles from his 'engineer' class (if only for maintenance purposes).
How did you arrive to the collusion that March can perfectly model Apeiron?

For all we know it was Uber who came up with the plan to bait Apeiron by making simple psychological profile and guessing at possible reaction. It doesn't require a power to make, plan seems to be simple and mostly timing independent: leave a bait in ABB's network and wait for the fish. Even Armsmaster would have 'fallen' for that.

The primary hint that March was involved is the perfect timing for the channel to appear, which again is not nessesary a result of a perfect model or March's power:
1. It might be a part of 'universal' bait. Start by dropping 'crumbs' into the area, slowly lead the prey towards primary bait by preorganized 'leaks', and since leaks were preorganized you will know exactly when to show the primary bait.
2. It might have been Apeiron's own power (or multiple, like with his first entrance vs Bakuda) . He needed to make an entrance, and what a better entrance than reacting for the 'bait' immediately, like he was waiting for it all the time? Even had a camera ready!
In Apeiron's specific case you just need to setup something for dramatic entrance (music and stage lightning), say 'nobody will oppose us' and Apeiron will deliver by pure accident.
What if that last bit is how fate finds you interesting works? It's just on his enemies because it's post jump?
Oh the part about apeiron delivering maximal ham is a thing now, but prior to that fight he was seen maybe once. So he was very hard to model his behavior. But I was more speaking of how she was able to give them timers dictating how long their tech would last as if it was not dependant on enemy actions. Predicting how fast he will arrive would require her knowing how fast he can travel.
It's hard to say which parts are influenced by March, and which are happenstance. Was Aisha almost getting killed a bait to make ABB less interested in the long run by eliminating steady supplies of income? Or did it happen accidentally? Uber and leet had robots waiting and baked was ready with rocket barrage, but it might have been waiting in reserve either way.

Now with touched by fate (non)perk, he is assured of getting tangled in such situations. At least it does not seem to ensure tragic fate only an interesting and challenging one. So as long as current environment is challenging in some ways we should not expect jumps in difficulty. With your know the exception of visit by an endbringer or travelers finally arriving and Noelle producing multiple copies of March hellbent on getting Apeiron to work under them, and watching the world burn.

Another thing was emergency when Dragon and Apeiron were close to cracking encryption on Bakudas signal. And subsequently pushing for confrontation between them. It might have been Contessa or it might have been March. Either way it stinks of targeted actions. Only question was whether he was supposed to lose against dragon? He would have if not for anti abominable intelligence weapon which he just received from celestial forge.

The piece about March not seeing Apeiron as an enemy is understandable. As far as I know she wants conflict and to get closer to the powers. He is a great Avenue for both. And remember that what happened was small power gem breaking. Now the power tap in Motoroid is incomparably stronger. What will happen when it breaks? Will someone be able to cross over? Or maybe something from the other side? What will be the reaction of the network or Ziz ?
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I don't know why, but I can't get it out of head the March is going to TRY and second trigger Joe in this fight by making him choose between saving Aisha and stoping the ABB.

I figure that anything not in Joe's shop is known to the shards. So March probably has some sort of Thinker plan to delay him until Aisha shows up, which will be because Bakuda is probably live streaming this. And from what I remember from Worm, Thinker powers still know Aisha is there even if the host doesn't. So all March's power has to do is go 'Sting here and now.' Which will probably cause Aisha to drop her power and while Joe is trying to save her from dieing, the remaining ABB will make an escape.

All so Joe will second trigger and hopefully build more things that lead to shardspace so March can steal/use to get in.

How likely is this, people with a better understanding of March than me?
What if that last bit is how fate finds you interesting works? It's just on his enemies because it's post jump?

Fate find you interesting only functions as a boost to Demigod power. It is a strange edge case of a benefit given by a drawback that persists after the drawback goes away. Everything is being treated as post jump, and thus no actual drawbacks are present within the forge.

I don't know why, but I can't get it out of head the March is going to TRY and second trigger Joe in this fight by making him choose between saving Aisha and stoping the ABB.

This is not how Second Triggering works. He has to face a traumatic situation that matches the trauma of his original trigger event. Because he triggered as a tinker, this necessitates an incredibly drawn out time period for that trauma to build. Even if Marche is aiming to Second Trigger him, it would literally be impossible for a single event to do so and I'm sure she'd know that. A choice between saving someone and defeating someone isn't even the right kind of event to include in the build up anyways.
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This is not how Second Triggering works. He has to face a traumatic situation that matches the trauma of his original trigger event. Because he triggered as a tinker, this necessitates an incredibly drawn out time period for that trauma to build. Even if Marche is aiming to Second Trigger him, it would literally be impossible for a single event to do so and I'm sure she'd know that. A choice between saving someone and defeating someone isn't even the right kind of event to include in the build up anyways.

WE know that, but does March? Wasn't she trying to cause second triggers in Ward? Which from Worm isn't a well known phenomenon, so I imagine that she mostly just throws shit at a wall to see what sticks. So I figure now would be about when she'd have started trying to cause them on purpose without having any prior knowledge.

I may also just be an idiot who's missremembering things and now sound sounds like an ass
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Another good chapter. Not as much crafting/creation, and it felt much better word-wise, with less repetition and exposition about power interactions.
That Lung appearance in the earlier chapters totally passed me by. The addendum really showed a good look into Lung's head.

As far as the discussions on March being OP, or being Contessa go, I think it's more like she's Contessa-lite. She needs information, needs to observe things herself, before she can make a plan. Contessa just 'knows' what needs to be done. No research, her power does the lifting for her.

March is City Wide. Contessa is World Wide.

We can't really get a look her at how March will fare vs. the New And Improved Aperion, because that's (hopefully) next chapter. Given all the massive upgrades however, I think she's going to go in expecting a house-cat, and find herself facing a tiger. And of course Aisha.. ahem Lethe, will be there as well, throwing another wrench in her plans. An unseen, invisible wrench, that no-one can remember, or record.

And if Aisha's power works on machinery now, is it temporary? or permanent? If you take a video, will she appear in it when she suppresses her power again? Either way, as long as she's able to become techno-invisible, she's the ultimate unplanned element.

Pure ragnite based technology was also possibly possible, though considerably more difficult.
The weapon had been fully upgraded by my duplicates, with the design streamlined, the mechanism made more efficient, and a full complement of variable weapon features added.
Anything 'good' about shoes, anything they could do well, was magnified to a lubricious ludicrous degree with them.
The motoroid hung in midair for a fraction of a second before the line went taught taut and drove it into the ground.
Without the enhanced perception allowed by my Aura and my other enhancements I probably would have missed the shudder of the impact and the slight flexing of impossibly durable armored plates.
Then there was nothing left to see as the motoroid launched itself was launched with a crack of displaced air, and the explosion of the arena's stadium seating as a five-hundred-pound projectile launched [barrelled/plowed/smashed/hurled] into them like a cannon shot.
Even without being used personally by me the defensive properties of my equipment outstripped my its offensive power.
That meant I avoided repair time post sparring and peace of mind concerning Aisha's safety.
The company was clearly trying to roll out the red carpet, so to speak, but with a guest who didn't eat, drink, or have any physical body most offered offers naturally came across as a bit lame.
The process was more like pattern dying than making a signature, but it was a unique and identifiable marking.
The rough layout was the entry room, larger studio type space, then the mess of back rooms that seemed to be half storage and half offices, pulse plus a pair of small bathrooms that needed some work.
A thought brought a gray blur to my left hand that settled into the black metal band of my collapsed lantern shield.
"It's a soft suit." I explained. "Compliment A complement to the hard suit.
I could, at least in short bursts, move faster that than the eye could see.
It felt like trying to build a house using cement made from orphan blood.

Is this a slight nod to the Oxventure D&D videos?!
He has to face a traumatic situation that matches the trauma of his original trigger event. Because he triggered as a tinker, this necessitates an incredibly drawn out time period for that trauma to build.
To be fair, if March manages to keep getting away and causing more damage and lost lives Nemesis style while Joe manages to miss her each time. That could eventually lead to a similar situation of despair at his inability to keep up. The sense of being trapped in having to keep trying but not seeing the end of the tunnel anywhere close. Get him in that mindspace over a few weeks and then hurt Aisha signalling that not even something he was putting significant effort into is safe. I call that trigger worthy.

But honestly, I don't think March can keep it running that long. Not without truly tremendous luck and exterior factors lining up in her favour.
That said, if anyone could pull it off, I'd put my money on March.
Something that might have been overlooked is sign language. When Garment first appeared, it was mentioned alongside some other potential means of communication that could be taught to her. But only mentioned the once. We never saw her try it. Nor was it mentionted that she couldn't learn it, as with the typing.

It's been brought this chapter again, indirectly, with the signature. Is Garment incapable of learning sign language or has it just not been attempted yet?
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Get him in that mindspace over a few weeks and then hurt Aisha signalling that not even something he was putting significant effort into is safe. I call that trigger worthy.

I wouldn't say that would be a worthy final moment for the second trigger. He didn't trigger the first time in a moment of personal failure related to his responsibility to protect another. The final moment of his tinker trigger was an argument with his family over a drug change he wasn't alerted to while on said drug and suffering its side effects.
I'd consider the critical point of his first trigger to be the realisation that there was no easy solution, just a long tough slog filled with hurtful sharp moments like the one he was currently in. His"and that's when it hit me" reference with the therapist.
But yeah, lack of drugs could be a deal-breaker.
Something that might have been overlooked is sign language. When Garment first appeared, it was mentioned alongside some other potential means of communication that could be taught to her. But only mentioned the once. We never saw her try it. Nor was it mentionted that she couldn't learn it, as with the typing.

It's been brought up here again, indirectly, with the signature. Is Garment incapable of learning sign language or has it just not been attempted yet?
There's a WoG on A03 that Garment's sign language lessons are going poorly.
But yeah, lack of drugs could be a deal-breaker.

Well, he has a strange Celestial Shard or whatever in him now, so the rules for second triggering could be different. That said, I can totally see his Passenger refusing to give him a power boost unless Joe gives him Tinker drugs that work on a shard. Being a chunk of crystal sounds boring.
Well, he has a strange Celestial Shard or whatever in him now, so the rules for second triggering could be different. That said, I can totally see his Passenger refusing to give him a power boost unless Joe gives him Tinker drugs that work on a shard. Being a chunk of crystal sounds boring.

Joe's passenger is both not at all a mass of alien crystal and is adhering to regular giant-mass-of-crystal-established trigger rules. I'm fairly sure Lord has gone over this before.
I don't know why, but I can't get it out of head the March is going to TRY and second trigger Joe in this fight by making him choose between saving Aisha and stoping the ABB.

I figure that anything not in Joe's shop is known to the shards. So March probably has some sort of Thinker plan to delay him until Aisha shows up, which will be because Bakuda is probably live streaming this. And from what I remember from Worm, Thinker powers still know Aisha is there even if the host doesn't. So all March's power has to do is go 'Sting here and now.' Which will probably cause Aisha to drop her power and while Joe is trying to save her from dieing, the remaining ABB will make an escape.

All so Joe will second trigger and hopefully build more things that lead to shardspace so March can steal/use to get in.

How likely is this, people with a better understanding of March than me?
Not at all likely. March's power needs her to have an understanding of the people she's fighting against/with and the area she's doing it in when it comes to combat. If March doesn't know Aisha is there her power won't tell her (there are actual examples of this exact thing in canon).
There's a WoG on A03 that Garment's sign language lessons are going poorly.
That's good to know. Thanks for the info.

Now knowing this, the issue is instead that that tidbit belongs in the story, if only as a brief sentence. Can't expect readers to read WOGs for fairly important plot points (which Garment not being able to communicatee regularly does qualify as, even if it's not really a source of conflict.)
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I don't know why, but I can't get it out of head the March is going to TRY and second trigger Joe in this fight by making him choose between saving Aisha and stoping the ABB.

I figure that anything not in Joe's shop is known to the shards. So March probably has some sort of Thinker plan to delay him until Aisha shows up, which will be because Bakuda is probably live streaming this. And from what I remember from Worm, Thinker powers still know Aisha is there even if the host doesn't. So all March's power has to do is go 'Sting here and now.' Which will probably cause Aisha to drop her power and while Joe is trying to save her from dieing, the remaining ABB will make an escape.

All so Joe will second trigger and hopefully build more things that lead to shardspace so March can steal/use to get in.

How likely is this, people with a better understanding of March than me?
Yeah, no, first of all March has to have data points for her plans, she might be good but she's not omniscient and second, she first needs to know Aisha exists in the first place to do something lime that.
Now the power tap in Motoroid is incomparably stronger. What will happen when it breaks? Will someone be able to cross over? Or maybe something from the other side? What will be the reaction of the network or Ziz ?

Oh that is actually a really good guess. Maybe the goal is to get more data on Apeiron's dimensional tech, either by scanning, destroying, or capturing his Motoroid. With all of the work that March and Leet are putting towards researching dimensional tech and shard space, then the Call Gem is a treasure. I don't know how the heck they plan to actually nab the thing. Have a hidden Oni Lee teleport Bakuda's explosive tech scanning grenades right on top of the Motoroid may work, but the Motoroid's new point defense system and advanced scanning tech should stop that. Unless Oni Lee is geared up further with some stealthy Leet tech.

I don't even know if Bakuda's tech scanning grenades could even harm the Motoroid at this point.
2) As for the rest of the Thinker abilities, he already have random new powers, limit what data he is giving to the outside world, and he installed a protection in his lab. That's not great, but it's better than nothing (and it's obviously enough, otherwise the ABB/Dragon/The PRT would have tried attacking his lab already).
Eh, I gotta say the Lab protection is from Simple Scientific Solutions...

I.E. it is Washu tier tech, aka bored multiversal creator goddess masquerading as a several hundred year old alien mad scientist "Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe!". Washu-chan's tech is as terrifying as it is hilarious, and if he ever gets access to her more "serious" tech (note not her actual goddess tier stuff, just what she considers serious while pretending to be mortal) then erasing galaxies is small change.
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That's good to know. Thanks for the info.

Now knowing this, the issues is instead that that tidbit belongs in the story, if only as a brief sentence. Can't expect readers to read WOGs for fairly important plot points (which Garment not being able to communicatee regularly does qualify as, even if it's not really a source of conflict.)
I like to think of Garment as Cassandra Cain, but with fashion instead of martial arts.

It'd be like making each word into fabric, each peice of punctuation into thread, each sentence into an outfit, and every paragraph into a fashion line. It takes her so long to type because she's trying to convert letters into creating clothes, picking each one like she would cloth and threading them together with punctuation.

I don't know if it's ever been shown that Garment can read at a normal pace, just that she certainly can't type at one.
It's hilarious that Lung is looking forward to crushing Apeiron while Jozef has basically written him off as the least problematic cape he's currently dealing with.

Can't exactly say why but this here made me think of a particular movie scene, fortunately through the eldritch forces of youtube I found it. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Just for clarity sake, imagine Apeiron as Batman and Lung as the Strongman.
