Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

did all the dust crystals and other ungodly hour stuff disappear yet? and when in the next predicted endbringer fight again?

The dust that was released by Apeiron's damaged equipment was recovered when his gear did the 48-hour (or is it 24 now?) self-repair thing. The propagated Dust (regular rock converted to Dust in proximity) is still there and being collected by pretty much anyone with any connections to the Wards/Protectorate, tinkers, or especially both. Unclear if the propagated Dust retains that property though as the Dust in Joes gear was best-quality hyper refined and enchanted elven dust. The stuff Gully/Ravine is picking up is "just" baseline Dust as seen in RWBY.

The I-Field was partially destroyed by Scion though only Armsmaster (and Director Piggot, plus her superiors) and Dragon (and the Dragonslayers) know that. The rest of it is being left to break down "naturally" based on its half-life and should be gone in a few weeks assuming no-one hits it with a saltwater fire hose followed by lightning. Or some other effect to ground out the field. Or I guess Manpower could eat it all? His power seems to like it.
did all the dust crystals and other ungodly hour stuff disappear yet? and when in the next predicted endbringer fight again?

Enough time has passed the enhanced dust from Joe's costume has disappeared. However, because lord wants other people to play with Joe's stuff he ruled the gundam particles stay until they naturally fade and that heretical adaptation from symphogear made dust from every trail adapt into veins. These dust veins slowly generate standard unenhanced dust as you'd see in rwby which Joe has been made to be dismissive enough to have not acted on his stance about people going after it.

The next endbringr atk in canon was levi in the bay on Vista's birthday which is the 15th of May with the current in story date being the afternoon of the 28th of April iirc. However, endbringer atks are not fixed and per lord wog it can be brought slightly further forward tho irl it's probably at least a year off even in the most optimistic view that once the aftermath of the nine is done there'll be a timeskip.
The Dust trails ended in chapter 55.1:
"Now, isn't that interesting." He traced Uppercrust's gaze, out to the blue glow of one of Apeiron's elemental trails. Where the blue glow used to be. As he watched the trail of what he knew to be a zone of absolutely frigid air faded to nothing. Glancing around he spotted the three other trails visible from their location fading out, like someone cut whatever power was sustaining the effects. "Quite extraordinary, and right on schedule."
The Dust effect fields disappeared already, so there's not any more 'lanes' of elementally charged magic hanging around anymore. The Dust in the ground is self-propagating and is being snapped up by everyone who can swing a hammer and a chisel, which certainty won't cause any handling issues :cool:.
The arranged molecular field from whatever mecha anime is still present and was partially removed by Scion, and is noted to be weak to water storms, so it'll probably be destroyed by the Leviathan attack.
The next endbringr atk in canon was levi in the bay on Vista's birthday which is the 15th of May with the current in story date being the afternoon of the 28th of April iirc. However, endbringer atks are not fixed and per lord wog it can be brought slightly further forward tho irl it's probably at least a year off even in the most optimistic view that once the aftermath of the nine is done there'll be a timeskip.

I mean I don't think there'll be an time skip. It sounds like the 9 will be taken care of either in the current day after the Taylor talk or early the next day. I imagine that after the 9's spanking we'll get a reaction chapter or three. Then the coil operation is coming up next which (based off the latest butcher interlude) will likely devolve into a clusterfuck involving The Teeth and the ABB. After that there is the clean up having to deal with Noelle will doubtlessly cause. Of course this will happen probably on Saturday to coincide with Jozef's date because luck just has a way of making things line up.

Then I imagine is going to be an attack on the Dragonslayers. I find it hard to believe that the Laboratorium skulls + Survey haven't already deduced that Dragon is an AI.

The upcoming talk with Jozef and his dad....

Did I miss anything...? Either way I feel like Lord has let a ton of little Nuggets to plot with...enough for the three day cycle to repeat over on itself several times over leading up to the Levi attack without any time skips.

Also @LordRoustabout no worries. Take all the time you need. This is free content youre putting out. Don't apologize. You manage to quadruple my yearly word count with each chapter you write. Seriously. I kind of feel like I need to go and read the fic again in case I missed anything on the future plotthreads you've set up.
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Then I imagine is going to be an attack on the Dragonslayers. I find it hard to believe that the Laboratorium skulls + Survey haven't already deduced that Dragon is an AI.
Joe KNOWS there is an AI, but he also knows that Dragon does have a parahuman power. With all his knowledge about passengers and triggers, the idea that an AI can trigger is so out there, that is simply not being considered. To him Dragon and the AI must be separate individuals.
Joe KNOWS there is an AI, but he also knows that Dragon does have a parahuman power. With all his knowledge about passengers and triggers, the idea that an AI can trigger is so out there, that is simply not being considered. To him Dragon and the AI must be separate individuals.

Gotcha. I feel like Survey could definitely find out that Dragon is an AI though. I figure a few watchalongs of the Dragonslayers and they'd have to slip about how they're 'saviors of the world' for fighting Dragon.

I also remembered something else that will probably be causing some major issues soon. This would likely occur after the Coil, Travelers, ABB, and Teeth situation wraps up. Also mentioned in the last Butcher Interlude but isn't Victor looking to have a meeting with Truth pretty soon due to the Human Transmutation he's going to attempt to bring back his ex? I can't see that not causing issues. Worst case he dies. Best case...well an arm and leg should do...Probably second Trigger as well from being shown the Truth.

Joe is going to be so mad when he finds out the government's secret cabal of Thinkers is messing around with FMA Alchemy based on a snippet of information Victor of all people stole out of Aisha's brain. I expect Escalation from the Forge against the Empire and possibly further worsening of relationship with PRT. Surely no one is dumb enough to attempt to create a Philopsher's Stone? Would they even be able to work out how to make one? It kind of sounds like Victor managed to pick up some information from Aisha at Sommer's Rock and shared it around with Watch Dog Thinkers to figure out what they would make of it - and in return they gave him the run down WITHOUT the necessary safety talk which even they likely have't yet realized.

I can't see him not finding out until after Coil's dealt with cause that boy has just a packed schedule in the upcoming days, but realistically Survey should be able to use her Scrying Pool / Temple of Omniscience to get ALLL the deets.
Second triggers. Require a VERY SPECIFIC, emotional echo of the original trigger.

Did Victor trigger from interacting with god? No? Then there's not gonna be a second trigger being handed out like fucking candy.

Do we know how Canon Victor triggered? I'm assuming it had something to to with his Ex, seeing a shriveled eldritch horror in her likeness should he survive his talk with Truth could be enough. Victor is a Proficiency Thinker ( I think if I've got these power classifications down). They trigger form feeling helpless or doubting their own competence in situations where they feel out of their depth.

Victor is under a lot of stress at the moment, he's being isolated from the rest of the Empire. They don't even trust him to be around them anymore. Not to mention his actions directly lead to all those sanctions against the Empire. His ability as a public member of the Empire has come into question. He's starting to keep his trump cards close at hand, hell the rest of the Empire doesn't even know he's working with government Thinkers at this point. He's lost face in his organization. He's out of his depth with the Alchemy. I wager that if he doesn't second trigger from the experience, then he's going to end up pretty dang close to it - similar to Sabah at the gala.
Oh, I just had a great idea for an ironic punishment for Truth to hand out to Victor; stick his soul in the new body and leave his old one, with all its stolen skills, behind.
I mean I don't think there'll be an time skip. It sounds like the 9 will be taken care of either in the current day after the Taylor talk or early the next day. I imagine that after the 9's spanking we'll get a reaction chapter or three. Then the coil operation is coming up next which (based off the latest butcher interlude) will likely devolve into a clusterfuck involving The Teeth and the ABB. After that there is the clean up having to deal with Noelle will doubtlessly cause. Of course this will happen probably on Saturday to coincide with Jozef's date because luck just has a way of making things line up.

Did I miss anything...? Either way I feel like Lord has let a ton of little Nuggets to plot with...enough for the three day cycle to repeat over on itself several times over leading up to the Levi attack without any time skips.

After the nine are defeated on the next in story day which is months away to begin with the forge are aiming to shatter the nine's legacy. To that end they are not only going to go on a huge trip across the county fixing everything the nine did but they are also going to remove the mental effects of Broadcast from everyone, tell them about it and show the footage of them including Garment stomping the nine. That tour alone is going to take a while because of how much the nine did, during it Joe will learn about Cauldron and the prt is bound to do something during it. The aftermath of it is thus going to be huge since it'll shatter the confidence everyone has in thinkers and letting them plan everything along with the mental health of a ton of capes who'll learn their minds were messed with for so long.

So I wouldn't be surprised if in the next year we only got through 24-48 in story hours which is why I said I don't see us reaching levi within an irl year even in the most optimistic scenario of there being a time skip after it.
Victor second-triggered on screen in Ward and IIRC went into some detail why.

The gist of it is because ward is weird and inconsistent in a lot of ways. The main ones for this are that things are said including figures given at some point in the worm epilogues, transitionary stuff and the start of ward that basically goes 5212 capes were at the final confrontation with scion then with a bunch of fractions of them. That all was done to basically end worm with a things are wrecked will be ok because most of the surviving capes are heroes and even better they decided to do a blanket pardon on crimes before scion's death because new earth and all so a ton of villains retired, went deep into the countryside to fend for themselves or took the chance to be heroes.

However, Wildbow. Thus it quickly turned out it was wrong because a stupidly large number of heroes also fully retired leaving the incompetent ones left behind scrambling to make up numbers and fill important gaps. It also turned out that the blanket pardon wasn't really ironclad heck the thing that drew Vicky back into cape stuff was someone joining a hero team and people protesting it because their power is brightly coloured gas projectiles and pre gm an idiotic pregnant woman stupidly walked into the remnants of one and lost her baby because of it and people were protesting. The big threats also got treated to a bizarre mix like Inguene and Nilbog were basically on house arrest in the warden's hq, Goddess and Amy were allowed to roam but they had people keeping tabs on them and Marquis and Teacher were just left unsupervised.

Relevant to Victor he and Rune joined one of the biggest hero teams but it came out about their history and being ex Empire capes and so Nazis. Victor took an apologist stance to try and fit in and even advised Rune to do the same but she refused to saying it wouldn't really make a difference and she wasn't really sorry. Victor also pulled a dick move of using his power to snipe her speech therapy to bring back her stutter so they didn't exactly part on good terms and that was during the series of trainwrecks that is the end of ward so maybe something offscreen during the second or third wave of Titans pushed him over the edge or maybe he just got too close to one of the cracks in reality like Contessa.
The arranged molecular field from whatever mecha anime is still present and was partially removed by Scion, and is noted to be weak to water storms, so it'll probably be destroyed by the Leviathan attack.

That refers to a Minovsky-Ionesco field, of "Mobile Suit Gundam" (the original 1979 version) lore. Click the link if you want to know more. And, yes, it is dispersed by water.

Don't remember if it's saltwater, offhand, but water nonetheless. And, yes, it seems to be leading up to Leviathan hitting the Bay. Whether on time or not.
Rereading it feels kind of weird that Joe knows anything about Taylor from his faculty advisor, much less specifics about her life. I talked to my advisor maybe 7 times in two years and I honestly couldn't tell you her name.
Rereading it feels kind of weird that Joe knows anything about Taylor from his faculty advisor, much less specifics about her life. I talked to my advisor maybe 7 times in two years and I honestly couldn't tell you her name.

Given Joe's family, it seems like his relationship with Annette was the only positive adult relationship he had in his life at that point. So, it's no wonder he closely bonded with her. Just like some people are really close with one of their high school teachers or college professors.