Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

You know, looking at it, Brian and Aisha have an interesting parallel relationship in comparison to Joe and his sisters. While not the same, it's similar enough to make me wonder if Joe's noticed the 'Toxic Smothering' (mind, Aisha hasn't helped work out of that in any way with bratty behaviors, but it's still a neat point of comparison.)
I can't believe that was 10k words and it went by so fast. Edge of my seat the whole time, which is wild, because normally in worm fics I skim the social interactions to get to the important parts.

Well, it's become obvious over time, but LordR's work on characters is immaculate. I have never in my life ever been as interested in interludes of... anyone's perspective, really. Every new chapter I hope that it's just another interlude. Which is a wild thought to have.

Of course, I do still want the story move forwards, but I really like his character work, so there's a bit of an internal struggle.
Brian really hit me as a bit of a control freak where everything has to be a certain way where he's in control and everything is going to plan
Yes Brain has been kind of an Asshole, but something about this just had Aisha coming across as pointlessly cruel. Can't she feel him freaking out and on the verge of panic out of concern for her?
This was wonderful, in how it captured Brian and he needs for control. To control himself, his relationship with others, and in canon, the team rep.
Except, in third story, he has never had the control he thought he did, and now he is struggling, because his view on reality is based on how he controls things.
I wonder if Jack's shard was doing anything there. Brian was being very paranoid, and kept winding himself up. And any attempt at an explanation was being suppressed.

I believe the only thing that kept the situation from devolving was that Jack's shard can't nudge the other side in this equation. And once he is behind the curtain, Brian can't be pushed at all.
to pick him and Aisha.
Should this have an "up" as in pick him and Aisha up?
"Uh-hu." Brian said stiffly,
Should "hu" be "huh"?

Anyway, this was great. Turns out Vince was thinking exactly what we thought he was thinking, which was funnier than it had any right to be.
I wonder when Brian is going to finally process the combination of "the hot guy standing next to Aisha has a girlfriend" and "the hot guy next to Aisha is Joeperion" and realise "Apeiron has a girlfriend" is now information he has rattling around his head for Tattletale to pick up on?

Also curious as to what effect Joe deployed to get them out of the gym. Presumably apparition for the actual teleport but what fiction was presented to the other occupants to cover the three of them suddenly disappearing?

Thank you @LordRoustabout for the many, many brilliant words and here's hoping you get all the time you need to do the things you want to do this season.
He's a natural trigger, he basically lives and breathes paranoia and other mental problems.
It doesn't help that his Trigger is all about fear, for himself and his loved ones. It's like Alec having to confront Heartbreaker, or Lisa being reminded of her brother's suicide - it's something that they are all innately irrational about. And it doesn't help too that the Aisha he knows is still that Aisha before all the character development. Can't really blame him much.
It doesn't help that his Trigger is all about fear, for himself and his loved ones. It's like Alec having to confront Heartbreaker, or Lisa being reminded of her brother's suicide - it's something that they are all innately irrational about. And it doesn't help too that the Aisha he knows is still that Aisha before all the character development. Can't really blame him much.

Also shows how twisted parahuman powers really are; Aisha's "superpower" by default hides her from the world permanently but she's naturally a gregarious extrovert to the point where her Semblance, her truest expression of self through it's-totally-not-magic-honest, is to literally grab the attention of everyone and everything in the room.

Which also explains her relationship with Joe; they're polar opposites. His powers won't let him be anything other than the centre of attention in most circumstances but his Semblance is total aversion to the point of intangibility. No wonder they're such god best fiends.*

* this was a typo but I'm keeping it.
Now I want to know what all craziness Aisha can pull with the combination of grabbing everyone's attention, erasing herself from their memories, and blitzing them with impossible lights.
Like, just the first two would be a terrifyingly good impression of a wandering poltergeist.