Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Didn't Apeirion already rearrange an entire planet from scratch in order to make a pendant for Aisha?

I feel like he can already rearrange mountains. This goes doubly if rearrange is another word for disappear.

The emphasis is on "hand out."

Joe can make a Genesis Device out of a box of scrap. That doesn't mean he's going to give something like that to the PRT.
A GECK would be useful for reversing agricultural topsoil erosion and depletion, but most deserts are actually healthy ecosystems.
Deserts are already full of life, just, life adapted to live in areas with low rainfall and humidity. Turning a desert into a forest without also permanently rebuilding the local geology and meteorology would be like building a castle on a foundation of sand, and I don't think the Forge will hand out the technology to rearrange mountains any time soon.

A GECK also breaks down everything in its area of effect to atoms. Think Genisus Device from Star Trek. Set off a GECK in a city, and you remove the city.

It can also be used to remove radiation from places Behemoth has touched.
One of those places was Manhattan.

In all honesty, does the location really matter? If the Bennie site is irradiated and non-hospitable, we're not really removing something that could be used. It's just resetting it to more of a blank slate where it could be habitable again. Sure, it sucks for the people who had houses and equipment on site but those things are already irradiated to the point of lethality so it's not like they could be used again anyways.
Nothing really to do with the chapter, but do you all wonder sometimes how a comic book artist would interpret Apetech from page to drawing? Would they decided to use a more "grimy" art style for the world in general while a more typical stylized or pristine art style for the Apetech? Would they decided to give it a more 'realistic' look to show it's different from the mundane? Would they use 3D generated images instead, to show it's 'above' just evrything else that is 2D? Or how about real life photographs? Would they go with different ink tones, or make them stand out by 'brigthening' them up, something more plain like dedicating more time and effort into drawing details into them? Or go the less time consuming and inmersing option of just drawing it as normal but have characters point out they look better?

Also, once again the PRT pass on an oportunity via missunderstanding: besides being stripped down I'm sure that when The Matrix said the G.E.C.K. is a 'domestic model' they also meant 'easily reproduceable to be sold in mass'.
Nothing really to do with the chapter, but do you all wonder sometimes how a comic book artist would interpret Apetech from page to drawing? *snip*
Use realistic drawings for mundane tech, US/UK style drawings that (barely) get across what they are supposed to be while burring the subject under superfluous bobbins and fiddly-bits that very clearly are non-functional for tinker tech and hyper-realistic Japanese style drawings that could feasibly be functional for Ape-tech.
"War never changes." Apeiron said. Armstrong looked up at him. "Neanderthal tribes, mobilized armies, or parahuman fighting in the streets. You can change the scale and the set dressing, but War? War never changes."
Except in all the ways it has. One of those 'wise' statements that when you look at it is wrong. Who, where, for what, by who, what does winning look like, how do people feel about it, with what ...

They might just have to learn to deal, considering they also object to chronic traffic jams and to addressing the systemic issues that cause elevated car traffic, urban deserts gargantuan parking lots and ghost-towns failed developments, etc.

It's not like car traffic can be solved by building more roads after all, and trying sometimes makes it worse.

PS: On the other hand, a large chunk of Brockton Bay needs to be rebuilt now anyway, and it might be the perfect time to add in tramways, denser mixed-use buildings, make permeable or revegetalize some of the urban negative space, etc. 😇
Seems like a too mundane a solution for the Forge. Like shoving parking into a car dimension would not be an difficult option. I think a portal system might be going the wrong direction
So in general, I absolutely love this story...
My one recent complaint, is the whole 69 thing. I'm not sure if our author thinks it's funny, or if he just expects his readers to think it's funny... but it's just a number. Sure Glory Girl (being a teenage girl) might complain... but I figure 95% of adults will treat it as a number and move on, and even if there are internet trolls that try to make a big deal out of it... well who cares.
Instead we've got a PRT director who's got his head on straight in every other situation spending time focusing on it... Doesn't make sense to me.
The number itself was both for the funni and because we don't know how many PRT Case numbers there are around this time in Worm. Case 70s exist in Ward, so case 69/ would also have to exist.

In story, I believe the case number 68 refers to the Rift to Shardspace March cause when she got the call gem and case 69 refers to parahumans whose power expressions are altered As a result of exposure to, in this case Apetech.
So in general, I absolutely love this story...
My one recent complaint, is the whole 69 thing. I'm not sure if our author thinks it's funny, or if he just expects his readers to think it's funny... but it's just a number. Sure Glory Girl (being a teenage girl) might complain... but I figure 95% of adults will treat it as a number and move on, and even if there are internet trolls that try to make a big deal out of it... well who cares.
The amusement comes from the stupidity of the PRT as an organization for refusing to skip a case number or just move the case order around not the joke itself.
He got the magic paintbrush which let him change how someone looks, so for someone like Newter he could just paint their appearance to human, but for Gregor, I thought he specifically wasn't at the point he could fight the shard for control over how it is manifesting the trigger incorrectly. That was the point of Fleet's speech to Gregor, and is why Joe is hesitant to do much in shardpace, because even his best works have trouble equaling some shard effects. So does anyone know what's going on here?
He didn't ask Gregor for patience because Apeiron couldn't heal him, he asked for it because Apeiron was going to be prioritizing other things over healing case 53s for a while.
A GECK also breaks down everything in its area of effect to atoms. Think Genisus Device from Star Trek. Set off a GECK in a city, and you remove the city.
The special/unique one found in Vault 87 in Fallout 3 does, yes. It automatically converts its surroundings into energy, and then reconstitutes that into a 'living landscape'.

The standard GECK found in most other vaults (such as Vault 13 in Fallout, or Arroyo in Fallout 2) don't; they contain various seeds and soil supplements, plus a Cold Fusion generator and an energy-to-matter replicator that it powers. They are just a kit, and the user has to manually use the components to create their end goal.
...You know, Joe turning a G.E.C.K. into an Anti-Endbringer weapon, and using it to transform Behemoth into a lush radiation-free forest sounds incredibly amusing.

[As the team is getting ready to leave]
Oh BTW, Director, I want you to have this. I call it a Garden of Eden Creation Kit. Or G.E.C.K. On activation, it can be used to turn everything in a 10sq mile radius into its base atomic components, and then rebuild the surrounding area into a vibrant ecological paradise full of life. Any pollution, radiation, walls, people, everything within that zone will be deconstructed and then reconstituted following the pre-programmed instructions contained within. Please, discuss how it should be used amongst your people and fellow Directors, and consider this my attempt to make up for any chaos I may or may not have inadvertently created.

[portal opens, and as they leave he cheerily adds] Don't worry too much, I can always make as many as you want.

[After they have left]
Director Armstrong: "Did....did Aperion just hand me a literal suitcase nuke, and then threatened the PRT by telling us he can make more? You know what, no. That never happened. I'm not reporting any of this.
The number itself was both for the funni and because we don't know how many PRT Case numbers there are around this time in Worm. Case 70s exist in Ward, so case 69/ would also have to exist.

In story, I believe the case number 68 refers to the Rift to Shardspace March cause when she got the call gem and case 69 refers to parahumans whose power expressions are altered As a result of exposure to, in this case Apetech.

the canon one is the fake bigfoot sighting the numbering here is based on it seeming like there's a canon case 70 in the birdcage around this time but isn't called as such plus of course Capricorn being one plus case 53s being around for a long time. Of course it's better than the bit of ward stupidity that is the selfless which is where capes put up pics of them in civvies or something like swimsuits but do something like hold up a book to block half of their face which also isn't even always the same as what their mask covers. Bearing in mind this is the setting where youth guard regulations make female wards wear chest padding because multiple of them got unmasked due to classmates tracking breast size growth the stupidity of it infuriates me.
So..? Just to confirm? Matrix Branding. The G.E.C.K. gets branded Aperion or Matrix Built?

Unless there are lots of small Vault Tec signs.

Like the Briefcase with a Fallout Boy with a Thumbs Up and eye closed.
So in general, I absolutely love this story...
My one recent complaint, is the whole 69 thing. I'm not sure if our author thinks it's funny, or if he just expects his readers to think it's funny... but it's just a number. Sure Glory Girl (being a teenage girl) might complain... but I figure 95% of adults will treat it as a number and move on, and even if there are internet trolls that try to make a big deal out of it... well who cares.
Instead we've got a PRT director who's got his head on straight in every other situation spending time focusing on it... Doesn't make sense to me.

The human mind is all about correlations though. If I hear someone say "Snap" and "Crackle" then I immediately think "Pop." That's why businesses use slogans.

Imagine if the case number assigned had been 666.
Bearing in mind this is the setting where youth guard regulations make female wards wear chest padding because multiple of them got unmasked due to classmates tracking breast size growth the stupidity of it infuriates me.
Wait, what! Where does this come from? Is this one of Wildbow's stupid WoG's, a Ward retcon, or something else? I feel like this is definitely a case of confusing "realistic" setting and "Grimderp" I barely have words to describe how little sense that world building detail makes. Can you please point me to the original source of this detail just so I can read it in context to try and gain some level of understanding?
It could have interesting consequences. Any knowledge that isn't a full on perk? Well, now it effectively will be with effort.

When he rolls the StarCraft perk, it states:
You have a full understanding of terran technology, and a proper foundation for understanding alien technology and biology, while you will never truly come to an understanding of zerg biology or protoss technology, the insight you have into them can be used to enhance other technology greatly.

So, it could potentially just help him learn Protoss and Zerg technology/biology.
Wait, what! Where does this come from? Is this one of Wildbow's stupid WoG's, a Ward retcon, or something else? I feel like this is definitely a case of confusing "realistic" setting and "Grimderp" I barely have words to describe how little sense that world building detail makes. Can you please point me to the original source of this detail just so I can read it in context to try and gain some level of understanding?

The selfless thing itself is from Ward as seen during Tristan's flashback where he and his team do one at the pool iirc and they post it on social media while I think the chest padding is from a wog.