Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

40K also has a lot of canon combat stimulants too. 'Slaught, frenzon, blind-snake venom, spur, whatever hell-cocktail they give to eversors that makes them explode…
It's not poor craftsmanship if you intend for it to be dual-purposed. Combat Drugs for Tybalt can easily be poison for anyone else.

Like with the de-powering potion Joe has, which would kill mere mortals by eliminating their musculature entirely if not worse, I suspect any Tybalt-specific combat drugs would explode people like Behemoth's kill aura.

A good example of why not to use Apeiron-tech without the prerequisite physique and skills (looking at you there, Victor)

It would be funny to see someone stealing Joe's normal juice and shriveling up like a slug in salt though. (Anti-Brute applications?)
It's not poor craftsmanship if you intend for it to be dual-purposed. Combat Drugs for Tybalt can easily be poison for anyone else.
Clone-grade drugs, Tybalt-grade drugs, and other grades of drugs, such as civilian and combatant grades of it, all have different quality perimeters; only making one would be poor craftsmanship.
It would be funny to see someone stealing Joe's normal juice and shriveling up like a slug in salt though. (Anti-Brute applications?)
Give it to Crawler to see how he evolves to move without muscles? I'm sure that Survey would be interested in what information she could pull out of him; he might even enjoy it.
Some duplicate has definitely made better combat drugs by now.

Skooma would be more thematically appropriate.

A skyforged Skooma-ecstasy-meth alloy that's an under-tongue tablet, for Endbringer use only :p

Hey, he's got Fallout tech.

Add some Jet, Buffout, and Pyscho to that payload!

40K also has a lot of canon combat stimulants too. 'Slaught, frenzon, blind-snake venom, spur, whatever hell-cocktail they give to eversors that makes them explode…

Brian: So you have been sneaking off to hang out with an older guy in his secret clubhouse?

Aisha: ...Yeah, but the way you just described it sounds bad. Think of it more as a science club.

Brian: What did you guys do last night?
Skooma would be more thematically appropriate.
Divinely crafted Skooma, no less.

I cannot fathom the sheer ridiculous of alchemy, medicine, magic, enchantment, and divine skills that would go into making a single combat consumable.

"Here's a low-level buff potion. It's just some combat drugs, a potion that gives you Wolverine regeneration, the vial has an enchantment that dumps healing potions into you if you're hurt more than your regen can handle that works for the next 48 hours after you crack the vial, drinking it gives you the strength of Hercules, the impenetrable skin of the Nemean Lion, removes your nead to breathe, grants Spider-man danger sense and heightened reflexes, reflexive teleporting to the nearest safe location in case that precognitive danger sense can't find a way out, the ability to fire lasers from your eyes, the ability to sense shatterpoints, and slows down your sense of time during stressful moments so you have time to think.

Also it cures acne, the common cold, you won't ever get cancer, the vial is probably worth 100m dollars as an art item, you'll find your body will slowly change to fit your own subconscious idealized version of yourself over the next six months, it renders you forcible and fully sane, and for some reason you'll suddenly be fluent in a foreign language, which may or may not be designed for the human voice to reproduce.

Oh, drinking it will cause you to sneeze. That's just your body expelling your fillings and any other no-longer necessary medical implants as high-speed dust"

Anyways, I only had ten minutes so I only have 1.4 million doses of this low quality crap, but it might save a life so I though I'd just hand them out"
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Brian: So you have been sneaking off to hang out with an older guy in his secret clubhouse?

Aisha: ...Yeah, but the way you just described it sounds bad. Think of it more as a science club.

Brian: What did you guys do last night?
"Well we kind of had a council of war ab what to do with his ex being a bitch but that was very unusual. Normally he teaches me science and stuff so I can do well in school, and his friend is a martial artist so I've been learning ninjitsu…"

Actually, sort of related; do we know Aisha's Semblance yet? Also what about a mechashift weapon for her? Trauma needs a friend…
Brian: Oh, so you guys made food? I heard that chocolate can get really addicting-

Aisha: Nope, we made super-meth. And we fed it to a cat!

Brian: What?

Aisha: What?
Aisha: "To be fair it was also a super-cat. He's cool."
I meant it mostly due to Tybalt being close enough to khajiit, as well as the fact that moon sugar is considered divine substance. I think there should be a sample of the source plant in seed perk.
I also wonder if the Menagerie perk have Arackis's sand worms in it.
Divinely crafted Skooma, no less.

I cannot fathom the sheer ridiculous of alchemy, medicine, magic, enchantment, and divine skills that would go into making a single combat consumable.
pssh I could do that with some salt, small antlers, and some alchemy gear that I ritually take on and off everytime I drink a potion of said ingredients :p
Pipes doesn't produce limitless fluid, it just transports fluid that something else produces. There's no indication that the vending machines produce phones at limitless rates.