Brockton's Celestial Forge (Worm/Jumpchain)

Fuck yeah. First official parahuman group alliance and it's with a man of integrity. Good thing Joe here will make sure you live to fulfill your end of the bargain, no matter what it takes and no matter the costs.

And no, the Undersiders are not a proper alliance. They barely bring anything valuable to the negotiation table. Uppercrust's cell on the other hand... There's financial resources, manpower and reputation. Something that only a large organization can give. Best of all, they're legit. Not the other cells though.
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I know we currently had thirty-two cubic kilometers of basement space, but I would have at least liked to have known before my duplicates decided to add a one-to-one recreation of Khazad-dûm.

You're being unreasonable.

Would you expect warning that Survey is cataloging the library?
Or Garment making barbarian-chic outfits?
Or Tybalt killing mutant-zombie rats and leaving them on your pillow?

It's just common sense.
A basement exists, obviously it's going to turn into Khazad-dûm.
What would you expect!?
Fucking he'll, the months of waiting has been worth it just for this. Conviction through sacrifice, the lines from 2!! 600 point perks, Apey demonstrating his 'power thinkering'... truly, I think this is the best chapter we've had in like months. Looking forward to seeing the fallout about this. I wonder how Yellow's handling Survey?

Also, I've had the mental image of Apey just going for a handshake and completely healing This absolute character in seconds for like half a year, glad to see it happen almost as I giddily thought jt would. I absolutely love this depiction of Uppercrust, cause I've been thinking for months what he would offer to attempt to secure the deal but the sheer weight of the proclamation that he would give up everything on the gamble of Apeiron's character... the balls on this man! What absolute chad energy. It was well though out, with sensible conclusions that only Uppercrust could come to through his unqiue lived experience... Fuckk this chapter js good.
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Welp, kinda felt like a god negotiating with an Ant, but that's pretty much the power levels the MC has reached... Pretty sure we haven't even reached the start of canon yet right?

Good that they could come to an agreement, and just like that the Celestial Forge gets itself a "Legal" front, Useful.

I wonder what the MC is going to make for Uppercrust?
I'm not sure if it's in the original document but could you please just force feed him the ability that enables him to deactivate his powers, all this bitching about not being able to act without certain powers activating is getting tedious, and just inflating the word count

otherwise it was fun finally doing some actual cape interactions
That was incomprehensible, but in a good way somehow? It blew my mind, the atmosphere was just... I felt like i wasn't reading but witnessing
I enjoyed this chapter the most out of the last say 8 or so ones. There was a bit too much talk about what Uppercrust was willing to do. I'm thrilled to just have Uppercrust as a front-row witness to Apeiron. Only Lethe has seen him before.

If anything was to be changed about this, I'd have wanted Joe to just heal him right off. Uppercrust knows just how much and how long that he'd be paying back Apeiron. On a sliding scale of payback, Uppercrust basically got into unlimited debt that he will never ever be able to pay off. Well, maybe if he built a planetary shield or such. That doesn't mean he won't be trying.

The generic request/order for him to clean house was also a PR move. Joe didn't think of it like that. If the pair ever were to be publicly paired together, then Uppercrust being much cleaner and all that would be better for all involved. And let's be honest. Uppercrust likely has the ability to ID and actually clean up his organization/PR stuff more easily than Joe could do on his end of things.

Then again, I'm thinking more like they are partners rather than one being an ally in debt to the other.

It would be fun to see the pair actually tinker together to build a city shield. Joe should be able to do the same thing himself through other means. The pair working together? They'd make one heck of a shield.
The Computer Hub (Personal Reality)
A "top-of-the-line mainframe/supercomputer", by whose standards? Because if it's by Apeiron than it's going to be pretty crazy, but if it isn't, I don't really think it could compare to what he could currently make.
Like what Aperion said, the Lambda Driver complements Spiral Energy so well. Considering the anime series predates Gurren Lagan, it can be said to be its precursor.

As for how it works, this vid is a good example of how they work. (Cant find the versions of this video with english subs/dub for some reason)

Do note that aside from having Lambda Drivers all mechs in the fight are pretty much like standard mook mobile suits from around the UC CCA era I reckon.

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This feels like a new beginning of sorts, where Aperion will descend upon the world, and all of humanity will tremble in the face of someone with the power of gods and the kindness of man.

It is also such a joy to see other people directly exposed to The Aperion Effect, and change in response.
What was I worried about?
I've always felt his worries were a bit overblown.
Was there any difficulty likely to result from that kind of request that I couldn't address with the workmanship or three mythologies at my fingertips, and several more in reserve?
He could already have resolved all those pesky issues.
No, I would go through with this, and whatever minor issues would arise, I would address. Because problems like that were well within my abilities. I was the craftsman of the gods. It was time to start acting like it.
This is what I've waited so long for. Finally the story starts picking pace.
Boy that was a whole lot of negotiation for what essentially was a healing handshake.
The healing was never the issue anyway and both sides knew that. I mean, sure, Uppercrust was desperate, but he already knew going in that Apeiron was much less mercenary than his reputation suggested and already had a good idea of what a "contract" had cost the previous people Apeiron helped. Uppercrust already knew to a certain point that his offer would be accepted and wouldn't cost him much.

But even so, Uppercrust offered everything he had in exchange for healing. Because he was willing the hedge his bets and join Apeiron and the Celestial Forge in whatever he wanted, because he knew that he would be healed and be in the front of something bigger than ever seen before. That's what the latter quarter of the conversation was about - Joe pointing out that Uppercrust didn't need to pay much, but Uppercrust paying everything and finding grim amusement that Apeiron would negotiate for a smaller bill.

And certainly? Even if Apeiron certainly gets everything as per the word of the contract, ironically enough Uppercrust was the one that benefited from such a one-sided offer. After all, not only did he get the healing he wanted, now he is bound to Apeiron and thus now witness to the sheer benefits Apeiron showers his subordinates with. I doubt that Uppercrust will ever get even a fraction of what Aisha has gotten, but the same way you can't put a price on healing, you can't put a price on power - both the literal and the parahuman sense. In this, Uppercrust gets both.
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