You are not glued. Joe is not glued. He could run. He wouldn't, because he got something to protect. But he could. So, if we take zombie analogy in the same spirit, you have some reason to not run. Which is pretty obvious for everyone, including the smartass guy, who preferred the typical internet troll tactic as an answer.
Now, mid range. What would be a mid range? With guns far is about 30m. Mid is 15-20m. Low is 5-8. If you shoot at 15-20m, you are still going to miss some, unless you are a really good shot. Nerves alone would do that. So it's still stands as example.
What would mid range be in real world, given the weaponry heroes possess? City outskirts isn't even low range, it's outright melee range. Low range would be a few dozens of km to the city. Medium - when S9 enter the state. High would be asap when they are spotted.
...entire glued thing was pointing out why your example is kinda trash, why the heck you applying it to Joe? You know what, never mind that
Mid is 15-20m. Low is 5-8
So whats between 8 and 15 meters? Are you, like, read what you write? know what, forget about it too, I can't even- just forget.
Outskirts of city is pretty mid to close range. And S9
WONT start murdering the second they near BB, it would be a sure fucking suicide to them. They however at this point would be committed to the city and on Joe's home turf where he has every single advantage imaginable. Now he can scan the shit out of them, plan all the routes they can possibly take and account for it, literally encircle them and most of all he'll be way stronger than he is even now and he will be sure NOW they have no place or method to run, thats it, they doomed. Then he has too sprung the trap. Mind you, while S9 didnt even properly settled in let alone started unfolding their plan to kill Apeiron.
RIGHT NOW S9 gods know where because Joe can only narrow it down and then use drones and pray to Omnissiah that Mannequin, Crawler, Bonesaw's creations and Siberian will fail to notice these drones which will instantly send S9 running and laying low. Then he has to pray to Emperor that they didn't picked up or, way worse btw because nobody can really account for that,
made some bullshit power that is giant Fuck You In Particular aimed at Joe specifically. Then he has to pray to Hades that they didnt picked up or, you know,
fucking made some bullshit power that is S9's Get Out Of Jail Free Card. Then he has to pray to entire fucking pantheon that Slash wont press Fuck Everyone Lets Start Armageddon button and blow up Earth Bet.
Or he can let them a bit closer, scan their asses, realize that yes, he counters everything they have AND Jacob doesnt have Fuck World button which would allow Joe to stomp them.
What a hard choice. I fucking wonder.