As the result of
some discord based discussion with the GM, allow me to introduce you all to...
Black Horizon Command Skycruiser" (Ground Attachment - Titan Scale): A prototype superheavy air unit, the Black Horizon Command Skycruiser is, well, an airship of collosize size and expanse, said to, in the event that earned it it's name, 'turn the horizon black'. Using a combination of high tech lifting gas in separate lifting cells, giant copter blades, and myriad anti-gravity engines to both stay up in the sky and propel it in its lumbering way through the clouds. And suspended beneath and between these engines of propulsion lie the vast main body of the airship, dotted with autocanons and Earthshakers, adorned with missile silos and spruced up with heavy laser point defense laser. And that is only the surface of this titanic construction, the innards strewn with supply holds for men and materials, graced with distributed and gigantic arrays of logic engines based on the suggested Deep Cogitator Stacks ship component to allow for superior command and control, scattered with silos of kill-servitor defense squads that guard against enemy boarding squads, and of course the needed quarters and infrastructure for the crew.
All of that superstructure is, of course, dwarfed by the cut down Farstrike Lance suspended beneath the Skycruiser, a devastatingly potent response to enemy titan scale units and superheavy defenses.
Monsoon Class Submersible Amphibious Carrier-Cruiser" (Ground Attachment - Titan Scale): The second of the two proposed Titan scale units, the Monsoon Class Amphibious Carrier-Cruiser is, obviously, a giant boat. You can tell that by looking at it. You can also see the giant treads it bears, that allows it to drive right out of the sea to run over enemies and bring its battery of superheavy artillery cannons closer to the enemy, or to avoid enemy counter fire. Speaking of avoiding enemy counter fire, said superheavy artillery guns, and the hanger openings below them, can be retracted and closed when needed, allowing the Monsoon to submerge itself beneath the waves to serve as a gigantic submarine, stealthily moving across the ocean as needed to bring its firepower to new parts of the world.
Not that artillery cannons are the only thing it brings to new parts of the world, for besides the Earthshaker derived superheavy artillery turrets on the top of the craft, and the lesser laser, stubber, and plasma based armament on the sides for close in defense, the Monsoon also holds internal bays based on the Cove class hanger to carry a similar, if smaller, wing if aircraft, allowing it to serve a mobile and very well defended airfield wherever the forces of the crusade might need one, carrying either strike craft to destroy the enemy or Harbringer type transport craft to bring incredible mobility to accompanying forces.
I'm kinda assuming we can mark designs as Titan Scale to show that there's very few, or even just one, of them inherent in the attachment when it gets attached to armies here, but that seems reasonable, right?