Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

@DaLintyGuy would this be an effective ship for our patrol squadrons?
Armed Merchant Marine, AMM refit 7M
-Converted Freighter (1E, 3O) (3M)
-Engine: Merchant (1A 1M, Fuel Efficient) (1M)
-Omni: Self Defense Battery (Short Range, Damage 1) (1M),Haptrix Rapid Shields (4M) ,cargo bays w/ Savior S-1 Multirole (2M)
-Bridge: Merchant (1M)
-LS: Essential (2M)
-Sensors: Merchant(1M)
-Warp: Budget (4M)
-Housing: Barracks (1M)
@DaLintyGuy would this be an effective ship for our patrol squadrons?
Armed Merchant Marine, AMM refit 7M
-Converted Freighter (1E, 3O) (3M)
-Engine: Merchant (1A 1M, Fuel Efficient) (1M)
-Omni: Self Defense Battery (Short Range, Damage 1) (1M),Haptrix Rapid Shields (4M) ,cargo bays w/ Savior S-1 Multirole (2M)
-Bridge: Merchant (1M)
-LS: Essential (2M)
-Sensors: Merchant(1M)
-Warp: Budget (4M)
-Housing: Barracks (1M)
Lacks armor, meaning your carrier bay is exposed to the world, but at least it has shields. Functional but in that space of battle carrier without enough mass to dedicate to any one field that it probably wouldn't be as good as your current AMMs.
Silly one, but a surface to orbit capable mech could be fun.
"Faith Class Land/Air Mobile Armor" (Ground Army Core/Attachment) : By using advanced and admittedly hard to construct hover technology, the Faith can maneuver from orbit to ground, or ground to orbit, without needing outside aid, and while not not optimized for void based smallcraft combat can still participate in such should they be intercepted by enemy combat parasites. Normally they exist in 'Traveling' mode, where the majority of the combat armor is folded up for superior aerodynamics and centralizing their center of gravity for ease of long distance travel, but when in combat they unfold into their proper combat mode, with all weapons and defense systems activated and deployed for the purpose of giving the enemy a really bad day. For ease of logistics the Faith is armed entirely with energy weapons, primarily lasers, but designers are attempting to replicate both some of the super-heavy plasma weapons with what data was collected before those were traded away as well as attempts at fitting appropriately sized versions of the Thunderhead Disruptor Array's particle guns into this admittedly super-heavy scale vehicle.

Not exactly a proper transforming mecha, but hopefully close enough.


"Missionary's Temple-Shrine to the God Emperor" (Utility) : While according to reports some rogue traders possess temple-shrines to the God Emperor that may be dropped from orbit to aid in conversion efforts before being returned to their home ship, Cavalar engineers are not quite too that level. They are, however, more then skilled enough to create a truly impressive Temple-Shrine to He on Terra, fit for prayer and inhabited by myriads of the faithful. But not just any faithful are intended for these shrines, but the learned faithful, wise in scripture and keen of mind, those trained as missionaries both by Cavalars church and also, should they be willing, certain members of the Adepta Sororitas, of both appropriate non-militant orders as well as a small number of SIsters of Battle. Together, these individuals can, hopefully, bring any poor unfortunate misguided souls to the proper light of the imperium, as well as definitely bolstering the faith and morale of the crew of such an equipped ship. And even a squad of the Sisters of Battle can stiffen the spines of Naval Armsmen in boarding combat.

So here's a utility design that offers some morale benefits and a bit of anti-boarding, but is mostly for deploying to the defense league and in the direction of the Dark Star Alignment to try to keep their brand of non-accepted imperial worship from spreading and to bring them back in line with the proper imperial faith.
Lacks armor, meaning your carrier bay is exposed to the world, but at least it has shields. Functional but in that space of battle carrier without enough mass to dedicate to any one field that it probably wouldn't be as good as your current AMMs.
Going to try agian tommorow as i was expecting the 0.5 armor, 2 shield from the Haptrix Rapid Shields to beat the Navigational Shields (Shield 1) (1M), Hull Armor (Armor .5) (1M) combination the AMM has while the guns stay the same and the savior squadron adds to both damage and their ability to help with any ground fighting.
Going to try agian tommorow as i was expecting the 0.5 armor, 2 shield from the Haptrix Rapid Shields to beat the Navigational Shields (Shield 1) (1M), Hull Armor (Armor .5) (1M) combination the AMM has while the guns stay the same and the savior squadron adds to both damage and their ability to help with any ground fighting.
The Rapid Shields help (a fair amount mind) but they are distributed, while no armor on a civilian hull is not a good thing. Especially when there is a bomb strapped to your ship in the form of hangar bays.
Armor and Shields paired with a Fighter Hangar would be more effective, as pirates are ultimately businessmen and crippling the engines or weapons of a pirate vessel is as good as a kill.
Could we do bomb pumped lances?
So you just have these stocked up as monition floating on orbit before going of when an enemy attacks.
Could we do bomb pumped lances?
So you just have these stocked up as monition floating on orbit before going of when an enemy attacks.
Bomb pumped lasers are a thing. Not a very good thing up until you hit a certain level of technology whereupon they become really good, but they are a thing. Probably closer to say they are a single use, distributed Weapon Battery rather than Lances though.
Bomb pumped lasers are a thing. Not a very good thing up until you hit a certain level of technology whereupon they become really good, but they are a thing. Probably closer to say they are a single use, distributed Weapon Battery rather than Lances though.
I just thought about cheap ways to add some bite to our defenves and these would certainly do.

Especially as until they fire, they're basically cold rocks in space and good luck finding those.

As such their mear existence would have enemies be cautious on their approach because they may or may not eat a battery or a dozen of those when inconvenient. And a cautious enemy is a slow enemy for reinforcements to show up. Plus they will certainly do a nice bit of damage when actually fired.
I just thought about cheap ways to add some bite to our defenves and these would certainly do.

Especially as until they fire, they're basically cold rocks in space and good luck finding those.

As such their mear existence would have enemies be cautious on their approach because they may or may not eat a battery or a dozen of those when inconvenient. And a cautious enemy is a slow enemy for reinforcements to show up. Plus they will certainly do a nice bit of damage when actually fired.
*waggles hand* Cheap for space combat, yes. Cold rocks, not quite as they do need to communicate with each other and find the target.

As for damage... Also no, as you are not guaranteed a hit with every mine (good sensors does kind of defeat the point of "cheap" and it's a bunch of nonmobile mines), and defense in 40k outdoes offense. Most of the time.
Still, you can make minefields and they can shape the path of the enemy while providing cover for your approved ships (just ignore the occasional glitch).
Could we do bomb pumped lances?
So you just have these stocked up as monition floating on orbit before going of when an enemy attacks.
Honestly if I'm remembering things right, orks do bomb pumped lances as ship mounted weapons sometimes... it's one of the reasons their lances are usually kinda shit. At least until you get up to high end orks.
Honestly if I'm remembering things right, orks do bomb pumped lances as ship mounted weapons sometimes... it's one of the reasons their lances are usually kinda shit. At least until you get up to high end orks.
exactly that.

Also, does the whole local admech doesn't do servitors schtick mean we have a higher number of magos biologis?
exactly that.

Also, does the whole local admech doesn't do servitors schtick mean we have a higher number of magos biologis?
Yeah, well, there's a reason most races don't do that sort of thing inside long term assets like warships...

Kind of but not really. For one, you don't really have Magi (resulting in your military basically being Science Projects made by a bunch of reckless college students...) and for two, your Adepts are mostly there to maintain the technology of the dockyard and the old colony ship.
exactly that.

Also, does the whole local admech doesn't do servitors schtick mean we have a higher number of magos biologis?
Not really? Magos Biologis have servitors too, they just have the augments be more fleshy in nature most of the time. It seems more like we just have a bunch of lower-ranking radical adepts on hand.

Most Magos, regardless of their chosen path, spend most of their time doing research. Calavar's a pretty unremarkable planet, both in tech and in biosphere, so it's not like there would be any outstanding reason for them to gather here.
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@DaLintyGuy here is all of the suggested research suggestions that have been posted on the thread but haven't been researched. Let me know if there is a tech that you don't think will work. @ me if you have an idea you want to be added to this list or you want to edit a reasearch.
Alright... First, make two spoilers. First is To Do, second is Executed. Everything starts off in To Do.

MagusExplorator's Utility exoskeleton has been superseded by the Shelter armor. Executed. Reason: similarity in design.
Wasp Strike Fighter has been effectively born in the Savior Multirole. Executed. Reason: Developed.
Lightning Bolt Macrocannon, solid shot does not benefit from circular accelerators. Can remain in To Do, mainly a fluff problem.
If anyone has more concepts for designs, let me know and I'll write one up for them.
Tractor beams, for rapid support and if you just need to drop something big on your enemies' heads i.e. i have read the hilarious Departmento order regarding pushing meteors.

Edit: also if you want to hit a motherfucker with another motherfucker! Hahaha
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i have read the hilarious Departmento order regarding pushing meteors.
Which misses the point by the way. Rocks are, in fact, free. Because there are hundreds of them and you have no chance of spending that "money" (worthless as it is between worlds) on Exterminatus weapons, so if you feel you can smack a stubborn world with a rock and everyone involved signs off on it, do it.
Still harder and less effective than a proper Exterminatus but if it's all you have...
"Faith Class Land/Air Mobile Armor" (Ground Army Core/Attachment) : By using advanced and admittedly hard to construct hover technology, the Faith can maneuver from orbit to ground, or ground to orbit, without needing outside aid, and while not not optimized for void based smallcraft combat can still participate in such should they be intercepted by enemy combat parasites. Normally they exist in 'Traveling' mode, where the majority of the combat armor is folded up for superior aerodynamics and centralizing their center of gravity for ease of long distance travel, but when in combat they unfold into their proper combat mode, with all weapons and defense systems activated and deployed for the purpose of giving the enemy a really bad day. For ease of logistics the Faith is armed entirely with energy weapons, primarily lasers, but designers are attempting to replicate both some of the super-heavy plasma weapons with what data was collected before those were traded away as well as attempts at fitting appropriately sized versions of the Thunderhead Disruptor Array's particle guns into this admittedly super-heavy scale vehicle.

Not exactly a proper transforming mecha, but hopefully close enough.


"Missionary's Temple-Shrine to the God Emperor" (Utility) : While according to reports some rogue traders possess temple-shrines to the God Emperor that may be dropped from orbit to aid in conversion efforts before being returned to their home ship, Cavalar engineers are not quite too that level. They are, however, more then skilled enough to create a truly impressive Temple-Shrine to He on Terra, fit for prayer and inhabited by myriads of the faithful. But not just any faithful are intended for these shrines, but the learned faithful, wise in scripture and keen of mind, those trained as missionaries both by Cavalars church and also, should they be willing, certain members of the Adepta Sororitas, of both appropriate non-militant orders as well as a small number of SIsters of Battle. Together, these individuals can, hopefully, bring any poor unfortunate misguided souls to the proper light of the imperium, as well as definitely bolstering the faith and morale of the crew of such an equipped ship. And even a squad of the Sisters of Battle can stiffen the spines of Naval Armsmen in boarding combat.

So here's a utility design that offers some morale benefits and a bit of anti-boarding, but is mostly for deploying to the defense league and in the direction of the Dark Star Alignment to try to keep their brand of non-accepted imperial worship from spreading and to bring them back in line with the proper imperial faith.
The drop-temples are amazing as instant fortresses in my RT games, every ship needs to have one. Too bad that mere mortals cannot survive the impact though so what we did was as soon as temples are dropped, lighters would immediately follow and man the said temples. We then lure xeno forces to the area and then surround them, hammer and anvil style.
As the result of some discord based discussion with the GM, allow me to introduce you all to...

"Black Horizon Command Skycruiser" (Ground Attachment - Titan Scale): A prototype superheavy air unit, the Black Horizon Command Skycruiser is, well, an airship of collosize size and expanse, said to, in the event that earned it it's name, 'turn the horizon black'. Using a combination of high tech lifting gas in separate lifting cells, giant copter blades, and myriad anti-gravity engines to both stay up in the sky and propel it in its lumbering way through the clouds. And suspended beneath and between these engines of propulsion lie the vast main body of the airship, dotted with autocanons and Earthshakers, adorned with missile silos and spruced up with heavy laser point defense laser. And that is only the surface of this titanic construction, the innards strewn with supply holds for men and materials, graced with distributed and gigantic arrays of logic engines based on the suggested Deep Cogitator Stacks ship component to allow for superior command and control, scattered with silos of kill-servitor defense squads that guard against enemy boarding squads, and of course the needed quarters and infrastructure for the crew.

All of that superstructure is, of course, dwarfed by the cut down Farstrike Lance suspended beneath the Skycruiser, a devastatingly potent response to enemy titan scale units and superheavy defenses.

"Monsoon Class Submersible Amphibious Carrier-Cruiser" (Ground Attachment - Titan Scale): The second of the two proposed Titan scale units, the Monsoon Class Amphibious Carrier-Cruiser is, obviously, a giant boat. You can tell that by looking at it. You can also see the giant treads it bears, that allows it to drive right out of the sea to run over enemies and bring its battery of superheavy artillery cannons closer to the enemy, or to avoid enemy counter fire. Speaking of avoiding enemy counter fire, said superheavy artillery guns, and the hanger openings below them, can be retracted and closed when needed, allowing the Monsoon to submerge itself beneath the waves to serve as a gigantic submarine, stealthily moving across the ocean as needed to bring its firepower to new parts of the world.

Not that artillery cannons are the only thing it brings to new parts of the world, for besides the Earthshaker derived superheavy artillery turrets on the top of the craft, and the lesser laser, stubber, and plasma based armament on the sides for close in defense, the Monsoon also holds internal bays based on the Cove class hanger to carry a similar, if smaller, wing if aircraft, allowing it to serve a mobile and very well defended airfield wherever the forces of the crusade might need one, carrying either strike craft to destroy the enemy or Harbringer type transport craft to bring incredible mobility to accompanying forces.

I'm kinda assuming we can mark designs as Titan Scale to show that there's very few, or even just one, of them inherent in the attachment when it gets attached to armies here, but that seems reasonable, right?
I'm kinda assuming we can mark designs as Titan Scale to show that there's very few, or even just one, of them inherent in the attachment when it gets attached to armies here, but that seems reasonable, right?
Pretty much.

...When did the Monsoon get treads? Not impossible I suppose, but there had been no mention of that previously.
Sounds Fun though. Basically a Fatboy. And a Czar for that matter.
Basically a Fatboy. And a Czar for that matter.
I wasn't actually thinking of those two when I wrote them up, honestly. And... kinda but not sorta? Because the Monsoon is the aircraft carrier, not the airship, and doesn't have an internal factory like the Fatboy does... even if they share the artillery guns. While the Czar's death beamy gun only shoots directly downwards, where the Black Horizon's lance can shoot in... well, non-directly downwards directions. And has the lighter artillery guns the Czar doesn't really have, while not really being an aircraft carrier.
Question regarding the Chaos 'raider' that chose not to engage with our forces previously. Can we estimate it's acceleration, maneuverability etc based on what our ships observed?