Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Trying to attack a defended Ork asteroid base that could well have multiple squadrons of Ork ships with one single squadron seems like...

Suicide? Suicide.

[X] Plan Local Counterstrike and Consolidation
Interesting, but of lesser substance. I can offer you XP towards a rank up for one of your armies, or a 2M discount to your next Armored Army via the use of some Malcador Heavy Tanks you have lying around on Calavar.
Eh... If the Malcadors are the Defender variant, I'll take the discount, since those are the ones that would come in really handy as an infantry support tank (and don't have that ridiculous fixed turret).
Maybe, although "Lord-Lieutenant of the Ship" is his formal rank, as he is over "the Ship" and not a specific section of it like "First Lieutenant of the Drives" or what have you that the department heads are.
Fair enough.
[X] Plan Local Counterstrike and Consolidation

I can wait for the vote to change to include the troopships.
Actually, here's a thought for the future: Do we have the means to produce Chimeras? Cause I had an idea involving them...
Yep. Although, except the flexible thrusters, that seems a little advanced than "literally our first warship" given how much angery plasma would be needed to punch around a megaton of ship.
Fair enough. I`ve started work on the top-down view of the ship, when I'm done do I make that its own post or add it on the first and you edit the name? (Ill edit out the bit about thrusters)
Fair enough. I`ve started work on the top-down view of the ship, when I'm done do I make that its own post or add it on the first and you edit the name? (Ill edit out the bit about thrusters)
Add it to the existing post.

...Wait, if this is canon then I need to give you a small bonus.
+2 to modifying the Sabre hull (specializing slots for things, for example), +1 to your next Hull design, or XP for a rank up for all Resolute class Corvettes?
Bonuses Earned and Spent/Da Pile uv Gubbinz
The Lot of the Second Rank: Spent on gaining Auxiliary Squadron, large scale lift capacity troop transports (RO-ROs in space, ish)
To Be Prepared: 2M discount on next Armored Army, representing the use of Malcador Defenders in stockpile. Spent Turn Two.
Weaving in the Void: Purified Bulk Hauler Frame, as well as a +2 bonus to designing a Light Cruiser. Spent turn eight.
Shout Up: Spent on upgrading 1st Armored to IG Standard.
Burial Away From Home: Effective +XP to Bailafax 5th and Calavar 3rd
Assaying, Priming & All Manner of Hazing: Psyker Cadre

Resolute-class Corvette: +2 to next modification project of the Sabre hull, spent turn 4.

An Imperial Tale: ++XP for the Bailafax Army

Should Have Stuck to Freight: +1 to next Strike Craft project, not spent (maybe spent on Savior, IIRC)

Torpedo Troubles: +1 to the lowest base roll Turn 4, spent
Lighter Feedback: +1 to next Fighter design, spent turn Nine
The Price of War: +1 to the next boarding component, not spent

A Solid Foundation: +1 to drydock modification, spent turn 4

Clad in Faith, Armed in Fury: Lore applied to Feudal Army recovered from Ungaunt, acquired Hero Unit "The Star Knight"

Backroom Deals: Opened Political Channels with Yttreum
Thermo-Cavitation Tinkering: +1 bonus to next plasma explosive action (spent turn Nine) and 1 set of Improved T-C SHells
bagaLoging the Savior: Cooled the Eastern War and allowed the opportunity for arbitration.
Radical Gift: Gifted an escort carrier to Yttreum
From Where Designs Are Born: 10M to first Martinet Hull built.

Foreign Intelligence: Reduced tensions with Gehault.
Post Battle Analysis: +1 to next Cruiser action. Spent turn eight.
Small Shipyard Design: +2 to next subsidiary yard design, spent turn Nine
Long Arm Heavy Frigate: +30M to next Long Arm.


Da Pile uv Gubbinz

Purified Bulk Hauler Frame Used for construction.
Looted Looted Cobra Destroyer Disassembled for Study
Khornate Armed Merchant Hull Gifted to Yttreum.

2x IN Macrocannons (Damage 3 with available shells, Medium Range)(4M,1A)(Escort) Installed on Herald Corvettes
1x IN Lance (Damage 3, Long Range)(5M,2A) (sent to Yttreum) (+1 to designing your own)(Escort)
Plasma Broadside (Cruiser, Broadside, Damage 5, Short Range)(8M,5A)

Ork Assault Boats (+2 to designing your own model from looking at the many, many ways you can cut through heavy armor; to variable success)
IG Power Swords (issued to ship officers, +1 to designing your own)
Imperial fighters (+2 to making your own)
Looted Torpedo (+1 to designing your own)

Ork Power Fields and Zzappas (? but you have them)
Examples of Hashim Shooty Bits

Harvest's Day Loot: Light IN Armor (Armor 3, 2M,2A)(Escort), +2 bonus to building a dedicated Torpedo hull, +1 to next Adamantium project (-4 difficulty modifier), +1 to next Cogitator focused project, +1 to next new Escort Hull type, +1 to next plasma drive, +1 to next plasma weapon design, handful of superheavy plasma weapons.

Uniary Salvage: 2x 'Eavy Gunz (a Dark Star inspired, selective salvage of Ork kannons to find the largest and most easily repaired guns in order to save some manufacturing capacity and get some ability that might not be available)(Damage 3, VS Range; 1M), +1 to next macrocannon project, +2 to next bomb pumped laser project from studying Ork Looted lances, +1 to next Torpedo design from study of Ork "torpedoes", +1 to next engine design OR engine focused hull from looking at the Incleon Raider wrecks]

Turn Seven Hulk Hunt: A collection of six Escort and one Cruiser turrets (to be revealed at the end of Turn Eight Design phase), a Strange Ship (requires Design action to make use of), a Superheavy Tank attachment, +1 to next Superheavy Design.
-Bombardment Cannons: Fires slow but heavy ordnance that is best suited to breaking fortifications or erasing ground features under the weight of atomic fire. Or worse. (Lance 4 with domestic ordnance, Lance 5 using the small stock of recovered melta ammunition. Very Short Range. 3M,1A.) One Cruiser or three Escort modules.
-2x Macrocannon Turrets: Standard weapons of the Imperial Navy, though a bit worse for wear after being shot out of their ships. (Battery 3, Medium Range. 4M,1A)
-Plasma Turret: Powerful, long ranged, but power hungry and temperamental even before it was set adrift. (Battery 4, Medium Range, Aggressive Spirit. 5M,4A)

2x Looted Lances (Battery 3, Medium Range. 3M)
1x Looted Engines (Accel 3, Maneuver 2. 4M)


Naval Reserve

6x Combat Lighters (1M discount to Aerial formations)
3x Thermo-Cavitation Shells
0x Improved T-C Shells
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I'm thinking the next thing we could make with the Sabre hull if we manage to remove the speed cap would be a raider, which would be really helpful to have for those of our enemies who'll be relying on some sort of logistics chain.
Local Counterstrike was already winning, but could I get someone to double check the numbers?
Let me try.
Adhoc vote count started by Happerry on Apr 20, 2020 at 5:30 PM, finished with 86 posts and 9 votes.
As for the top-down view of the Resolutes, that's going up sometime later today (its quarter past midnight where I am) I got school sorta from 1 pm on.
It's around halfway done or so, give or take a tenth or so.
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