Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

its probably not that difficult as making an overlapping void shield
it is a good weapon for us that will prob face massed numbers of enemies
that and rad weapons
Lost, as in a TECHPRIEST destroyed the STC because he considered it too barbarous a weapon. Nowhere in the Imperium can Phosphex still be made. We're more likely to figure out how to make Phased Plasma Fusils again AKA plasmaguns that don't blow up in your face.
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Something we can have instead of Phosphex is Phosphor, assuming the techpriests would ever let someone other than them use it. But that's at least something that can still be made.
its probably not that difficult as making an overlapping void shield
Overlapping void shields aren't even lost, I'm pretty sure a lot of heavy fortifications make use of it. As well as naval shields having multiple layers which may or may not count.

We're more likely to figure out how to make Phased Plasma Fusils again AKA plasmaguns that don't blow up in your face.
That are fail-safe AND are a bit more powerful than your typical Imperial plasmagun.

As much as people meme on the Imperials for their plasma weapons, they are as safe as can reasonably be expected for a man portable tank gun that melts cubic feet of metamaterials. The Tau get around this by using weaker plasma blasts IIRC, meaning less stress on the cooling systems.
Then there are meltaguns which are... A bunch of other things that all have roughly the same performance characteristics.

Something we can have instead of Phosphex is Phosphor, assuming the techpriests would ever let someone other than them use it. But that's at least something that can still be made.
Apparently that is an Adeptus Mechanicus exclusive weapon, which almost invalidates it by definition.

Except if you go and recover/steal some for small scale use.
Apparently that is an Adeptus Mechanicus exclusive weapon, which almost invalidates it by definition.

Except if you go and recover/steal some for small scale use.
Hence the qualifier that it would require the techpriests to let someone else use their toys, which has an estimated probability between "not even a snowball's chance in Hell" and "Yes, Juris. This fleshling right here".
The Calavar System and Nearby Worlds
With the motivation of her people, Calavar has come alive in a way that it never had while under the somewhat caring aegis of the greater Imperium.

The planet itself has four main continents. Aorm, present on the equator and the first place tamed by the original colonists three and a half millennia ago. Pleso, a volcanic line that winds it's way from the north three hundred miles towards the south. Lithua, a great block of sedimentary stone and cold desert low on the southern hemisphere. Nikria, expansive plains bracketed on two sides by larger and smaller mountain ranges.
As the original site of settlement and the location of the closest the the world has to a Hive as habitation and industry climb the ribs of the ship that brought their ancestors, Aorm is the politically dominant realm. Most maps show it as the center of the world and the shipping links to the rest of the landmasses keep it that way. A minor platform hangs above the center of the continent as a stopover and maintenance point for intrasystem craft. While armed it is hardly the defense platform that most Calavans think it is, an indication of the long peace they have enjoyed that has stripped the memory of what the true forces of the galaxy consider standard for making war or keeping the peace. Something that they were rudely reminded of as the Sector fleet was withdrawn in the face of overwhelming forces.
Located above an abnormally rapid separation fault, Pleso is nigh constantly letting out irregular streams of molten rock. The accumulated leavings of these outpourings has provided a sizable minority of the mineral resources consumed by the industries of Aorm. Few people care to live in such an environment, with most regular habitation for the strip miners located on floating complexes in the shallow water off the coast.
Lithua is a blasted landscape. Regularly hit by storms coming off of the clear ocean on all sides there s little of use for Calavans here. Some nomadic tribes have developed from deserters, criminals, and shipwrecked coming from the small port cities on the north shore where fishing fleets eke a living from the sea. These nomads shun their northern brethren, peacefully moving herds of domesticated wildlife to follow the seasons.
A significant portion of the agricultural output of the world originates from Nikria, where rich plains are fed by rivers and industrial fertilizers from the mountain ranges to the north and south. The smaller, southern range also holds several facilities where the oligarchs and elected officials of the world commonly go to vacation among snowy peaks and plantations in the lower foothills.

Officially, the planet known as Calavar is Calavar-IV. Calavar-I is a hot giant, scorched by the system primary yet resisting the stellar wind with intense magnetic fields. II and III are small, rocky lumps blasted by radiation and the occasional rock perturbed by their larger sibling sunward. Calavar-V stands vigil at the edge of the system where it shepherds a large asteroid belt; an ice giant of significant mass that bears a drydock dating back a mere nine hundred years.
The system primary is a main sequence star in the process of expanding into a red giant, something that may be of concern to the civilization it bears host to in a million years or so.



Ecovia III is a world perpetually in twilight. A dull red star provides little illumination and being the furthest of four bodies in system, Ecovia III remains cold and dark at all times with the chains of volcanoes providing most of the local heating.
The hydrosphere is limited to geothermal springs that the natives travel between, herding motile, omnivorous proteans. These creatures, somewhat similar to slime molds although much more centralized, clean lichen off of the rocks they pass over and around and metabolize them into polymers that the nomads extract and ship into orbit, where an aging manufactory placidly turns the raw plastic into manufactured goods such as building material or a middling grade of flak armor.

The rest of the system (consisting of a medium-sized gas giant and a fractured world slowly becoming an asteroid belt) is more or less mundane with little interest from E-III or the greater Imperium.


Capihus II was something of an experiment by the Sub-sector governor. While penal worlds are typically dumping grounds for criminals and the 'homes' for the innumerable Penal Legions across the Imperium, the governor wanted to see if a penal world itself could be productive. So instead of shipping the worst murderers, rapists, mad-men, traitors and so on; C-II was the final destination for malcontents, repeat offenders (robbery and such) political rivals, bastard children and so on. There they would work vast farms (to feed the population of the system) and equally vast manufactorums to produce any number of basic goods (similar to what might come out of a minor Hive world). Capihus-III was in turn set up as a lesser mining world in order to feed the factories.

While penal legions are still gleaned from the local population, persuasion (monetary and otherwise) ensure officers never looked too closely as to why the band of hardened criminals and killers were so docile compared to their peers.


This civilized world was expected to one day become a hive world, for it possessed but one single super-continent that was having its cities slowly grow together. It's nowhere near that point yet, however, even if it already has a Hive World's worth of a gang problem. These troubled members of society make up the largest portion of the military formations tithed to the Crusade.


This world was originally the private property of one of the Rogue Traders whom first explored this sector, but that was long ago. It's still dedicated to commerce however, and produces a large amount of luxury goods from the creatures harvest from its vast seas, which cover most of the land leaving humans to make a living on the large island chains it possesses. Sadly, the collapse of the sector has also collapsed the luxury goods market. many of the hunters who actually harvested the creatures have turned to banditry or official employment as mercenary forces.


Not so much a planet as strings of medium sized hab stations that move about the plentiful planetary debris in the system. Metals mined here flow into Calavar's ever expanding forges for the production of war material. The people living here are Voidborn from centuries living in their homes, with the production of single or multi seat shuttles and other craft a major industry.



Before the Fall this world had been an Agri World exporting nutrient blocks and pharmas to the Core Worlds and passing ships. Now it is a blighted world where the touch of Chaos is lightly upon it. Occupied by Nurgle and then attacked by Khorne it had lost most of its population, leading to refugees being settled here.
Now, the original population lives in underground cities carved out of the mountains that had saved them. Instead of harvesting the fan shaped fungus that was their previous export the Warrens (the common term for both their cities and people) have turned to mining and manufacturing for their livelihoods. Rotary wing and tilt rotor craft are their most defining product as vertical take off and landing capability is near critical in the rocky valleys of their homes.
In the lowlands the refugees from Ungaunt and the nearby worlds have developed their own customs. Like the original inhabitants the Feudals have built their homes for defense but have kept many of the cultural traits they grew up with. Palisades may be built with ferrocrete and structural steel rather than wood but the villages remained cozy and welcoming. Crops brought from their homes were grown alongside the local produce in nearly communal fields under the watchful eyes of the sworn protectors of the people.
The Ashen Legion safeguarded their people then and have been granted leave to do so now. They have reverted to levy soldiers who work for a living when not called up but the scars of their formative years are too great to be lost any time soon as their weapons and stories are passed down to their children. Their leader, the nameless Star Knight, has formed a citadel on the shores of the largest body of inland water on the main continent where the long term soldiers stay to keep their skills refined and ready for use.
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What I'd like to do next turn is to invent some Boarding Torpedoes and a crew component that has nests and a reserve of Murder-Servitors scattered across the ship, both for boarding enemies and, because we're facing a lot of orks, having something beyond poor quality naval armsmen to counter the inevitable Ork boarding attempts.

Edit : Oh, hey, tasty info!
having something beyond poor quality naval armsmen to counter the inevitable Ork boarding attempts.
Nah, you have moderate quality naval armsmen (admittedly, still armsmen, but at least they are equipped to the same standards as your infantry rather than intentionally handicapped). Enough to face Orks? Eh... That remains to be seen, although boarding a moving target that is maneuvering to minimize contacts is thankfully quite hard for unreliable and primitive craft.

The Chaos aligned forces, slightly different situation...
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Given we're fighting Orks, I remain confident that the amount of boarding attempts we'll receive will fall under 'Too Many'. Because as is, I'm pretty sure that even one boarding attack will count as that...

Murder Servitors will also give us something to hit Space Hulks with, once those show up.
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What I'd like to do next turn is to invent some Boarding Torpedoes and a crew component that has nests and a reserve of Murder-Servitors scattered across the ship, both for boarding enemies and, because we're facing a lot of orks, having something beyond poor quality naval armsmen to counter the inevitable Ork boarding attempts.

Edit : Oh, hey, tasty info!
There's a reason that only Space Marines use those things. Anyone less sturdy would just get turned to paste from the acceleration. What the Imperial Navy uses are Shark Assault Boats, which we should be able to develop an equivalent for. Or we could just have armoured shuttles ferrying armsmen back and forth.
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The torpedoes would be for the Kill-Servitors, not for normal armsmen. The killer cyborgs can probably be designed to live through impact. (And then arise from the wreckage and start killing gitz.)
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The torpedoes would be for the Kill-Servitors, not for normal armsmen. The killer cyborgs can probably be designed to live through impact. (And then arise from the wreckage and start killing gitz.)
As augmented as they can be, the fleshy bits that Servitors are bolted onto are still human bits, and those bits will die inside a boarding torpedo. The only boarders we could make use of in such a fashion are Ogryns, who run into the issue of being near-universally claustrophobic and not really possessed of the ability to run an operation on their own.
As augmented as they can be, the fleshy bits that Servitors are bolted onto are still human bits, and those bits will die inside a boarding torpedo. The only boarders we could make use of in such a fashion are Ogryns, who run into the issue of being near-universally claustrophobic and not really possessed of the ability to run an operation on their own.
I mean... No? You're not correct.

I can point to Rogue Trader if you want, where Boarding Torpedoes are a normal human usable weapon, you can find it in the Battlefleet Koronus book as something Rogue Traders can put on their ship. Page 8.

The more likely reason the navy uses Shark Attack boats is that if a Shark Attack boat misses, it can just come back to the mothership or even try again, while if a Boarding Torpedo misses the boarding crew is just kinda screwed.
What I'd like to do next turn is to invent some Boarding Torpedoes and a crew component that has nests and a reserve of Murder-Servitors scattered across the ship, both for boarding enemies and, because we're facing a lot of orks, having something beyond poor quality naval armsmen to counter the inevitable Ork boarding attempts.

Edit : Oh, hey, tasty info!

I support this. The handy teleportarium + murder servitors combo was always a hoot in my Rogue Trader games. (Especially for situations that DIDNT warrant murder servitors). Though I doubt we'd get Rogue Trader grade murder servitors off the bat. Still-

(Utility) Combat Servitor Bay: While all ships carry armsmen aboard, they are primarily meant to combat human-scale opponents and lack the strength and melee prowess of some xenos and heretic forces. Supplementing onboard troops with monotask combat servitors outfitted with integrated chain-weapons and heavy firearms will give our troops means to contend with hostile invaders and supplement our boarding forces with readily available and obedient forces stationed across the ship. Their numbers can also be maintained by a built-in servitor processing facility where Adeptus Mechanicus adepts can recycle the gravely wounded into functional combat servitors.
(Utility) Combat Servitor Bay: While all ships carry armsmen aboard, they are primarily meant to combat human-scale opponents and lack the strength and melee prowess of some xenos and heretic forces. Supplementing onboard troops with monotask combat servitors outfitted with integrated chain-weapons and heavy firearms will give our troops means to contend with hostile invaders and supplement our boarding forces with readily available and obedient forces stationed across the ship. Their numbers can also be maintained by a built-in servitor processing facility where Adeptus Mechanicus adepts can recycle the gravely wounded into functional combat servitors.
The overwhelming majority of servitors are made from vat grown bodies. Being converted to a Servitor is perhaps the worst non-capital punishment for a crime in the Imperium that doesn't involve the Inquisition, so I don't think morale will do very well if we start doing it to the wounded. Perhaps amend the source of flesh to the recently deceased?
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(Ground Forces) Experimental Munitions: "The best way of improving a gun is to improve its ammunition" is an old Imperial adage, one that may bear fruit to explore the truth of. Many a voidfarer has found their last moments learning just how much of a fire hazard poorly cared for life support systems with filtered oxygen coursing through them turn out to be. It would be good and virtuous for the techpriests to attempt to turn such industrial phenomenon to bring woe to the enemies of Humanity. Considering the damage wrought by sparks in the presence of leaking oxygen tanks, even in voidship hulls, one cannot help but wonder what a focused burst is capable of...
I may simply bite the bullet and lock the vote for the construction plan so I can update the Naval Roster seeing as no one has put forward an alternate plan or expressed a desire to do so.

(Utility) Combat Servitor Bay: While all ships carry armsmen aboard, they are primarily meant to combat human-scale opponents and lack the strength and melee prowess of some xenos and heretic forces. Supplementing onboard troops with monotask combat servitors outfitted with integrated chain-weapons and heavy firearms will give our troops means to contend with hostile invaders and supplement our boarding forces with readily available and obedient forces stationed across the ship. Their numbers can also be maintained by a built-in servitor processing facility where Adeptus Mechanicus adepts can recycle the gravely wounded into functional combat servitors.
If you want to use your own people a simple cyberization could be doable. Lesser quality Skitarii basically, where the soldier retains their mind. It would suit a defensive focus and to a limited degree an offensive one so long as they are treated as infantry and not expendable assets like servitors.

(Ground Forces) Experimental Munitions: "The best way of improving a gun is to improve its ammunition" is an old Imperial adage, one that may bear fruit to explore the truth of. Many a voidfarer has found their last moments learning just how much of a fire hazard poorly cared for life support systems with filtered oxygen coursing through them turn out to be. It would be good and virtuous for the techpriests to attempt to turn such industrial phenomenon to bring woe to the enemies of Humanity. Considering the damage wrought by sparks in the presence of leaking oxygen tanks, even in voidship hulls, one cannot help but wonder what a focused burst is capable of...
So this is... Pressurized oxygen lances like used in steel plants? Better to just use the typical flamer in most circumstances.
So this is... Pressurized oxygen lances like used in steel plants? Better to just use the typical flamer in most circumstances.
No, this was my attempt to couch the desire to research CLG guns in the terminology of a member of an Imperial Admiralty board who doesn't know of such things. We're not likely to beat Promethium.
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Naval Registry updated. Too soon? Probably not.

Look at all those ships... Brings a tear to me eye, it does. And they'll go off into the black to earn battle honors, do great deeds, and die gloriously in battle for all those they left behind to be remembered by the addition to the annals so as to record their deeds.

Next on the to-do list: write up all the target locations. As of now it's just Independents, Traitors, and Orks, but we'll see a slight opening in the variety of foes as we go on and the Ork Empires/WAAAGH!!s develop, you find the Minor Xenos, and the Traitors get small amounts of outside support by down on their luck Warbands of Chaos filth.