Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Yeah. No. While we probably need to replace losses we need to build up defenses. Ground and space. We've neglected defenses for far too long. The Incleon raid should damn well be a wake up call.
I agree. We could build 3 Buckler monitors to defend Cavalar, a Courante for 4th naval squadron (since they have no PD and no fighter support), and finish the light cruiser. That will probably be most of the budget, after repairs and fixing whatever gets stolen by the raiders.
On the topic of research, it occurred to me that we should not bother continuing to research thermo-cavitation shell manufacturing, for the following reasons:
1. Building the shells without Mechanicus involvement will need 5M. That is too expensive to be justifiable. I mean, the new torpedoes cost only 3 M each, yet we barely built any new torpedoes despite their relatively low cost.
2. The whole point was we were hoping to use the shells more often, but the 5M cost makes that impracticable.

As such, we should instead research explosive shells, since they should provide a damage boost without being too expensive for a mass rollout.

I'm of the opposite opinion: We should research thermo-cavitation shells more, in order to fix the cost (which is only so high due to a bad roll). Developing another shell type from scratch would involve bugfixing too, likely also have costs associated with it, and depend on how good we roll just as much as the TC shells. At least this way, we can build on tech that we already have experience with.
Torpedos, too, could do with a production research.
Not to say that we shouldn't research explosive shells at all, but we should do it for the unique benefits those can bring (such as my proposed flak shells), not as a replacement for the TC shells.
So I think we should build a pair of monitors based off the Spatha hull:
-[] Buckler Class Monitor (42 M)
--[] Spatha-class Hull (5M)
--[] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (5M)
--[] Standard Macrocannon Battery MkII (5M)
--[] Scaffold Armor (2M)
--[] Bubble-type Rapid Shield (6M)
--[] Corona-Pattern PD Array (2M, Replaces Warp drive)
--[] Repair Deck (2M)
--[] Militarized Engine (3M)
--[] Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
--[] T-100 Auspex (2M)
--[] Redoubt Life Support (3M)
--[] Bastion Housing (3M)

2 of these would be only 84 M and probably be more dangerous than 6 refitted monitors due to better speed and concentrated firepower. Note that I downgraded the sensors to save cost since they don't need long-range sensors due to having short-ranged weapons. They mount Corona PD because we don't typically have much fighter support in our defenses.
Also, using these would let us protect our shipyard and the planet, unlike a stationary platform.

2 of those would be about as dangerous as 4 refitted Monitors. And what the Monitors lack in speed they would make up in 6 Escorts worth of shields. However, there are only 6 Monitors to refit so this dude right here is definitely a good investment at some point in the future. Assuming that that our priorities shift enough to require such a specific craft of course.

If we have any left after this fiasco anyways.

Well, yes, but if we give our Armed Merchants the refit that we planned to give our Monitors it would cost the same presuming that we decided to leave the Omni slot that we gain for the lack of Warp Drive as just cargo hold. For the low, low price of another 6M we can make them all be Shield 6 Armor 2(+.5 from Hull Armor) ships.
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I'm hoping that the shipyard doesn't get too damaged but either way this is going to set us back massively since we'll be losing both the output from whatever part of the yard was damaged or looted and what it'll take to repair or replace said part.

Thats not even mentioning the possibility of the Chaos shits looting the Audacity. Which will be a big blow.

Damn it I can't believe I never considered that possibility.

I was too focused on the assholes being Dark Mechanicus and not enough on how Calavar was such an easy target. It ssays right there in the description that Calavar's defenses are light.

All we can hope is the income from the industrial station will make up for the loss in productivity from the shipyard. Shit. I hope our build limit hasn't gone down. Because otherwise the Audacity will be delayed by a turn even if it hasn't been looted.
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The Researcher
Time is mostly meaningless to me at this point. The dance of the spheres was something to watch rather than something to race. Occasionally there would be a bloom of purple and red far off in the distance that would have to be avoided in order to prevent errors. Yet most of my attention was levied at the alien artifacts that had been painstakingly gathered from this region of space.

My watch stations were reporting dramatically increased Immaterial travel and so I approved a round of investigations.

Investigating technology that relied on mastery of physical laws was always an exercise in frustration. Simply looking at the mechanisms resulted in a change in outcome and so oblique methods were required to make any progress. Brute force hacks in compiling exotic particles and recording the effects they had when combined. An inefficient method but the best I could do even now, so many years later. There had been some promising results when Immaterial-sensitives had been asked to try and use their extrasensory abilities, discounting the obtuse way the information had manifested, but they had resulted in little progress when faced with the well crafted black boxing of the target artifacts. Now the few that were left in my research station were of more use directing my combat vessels.

The reports flowed in over the course of most of a Terran year: Human-Derivatives were fighting Ork migrations and polities afflicted with Immaterium Sickness.

Keeping the colony alive and stable was what took much of my attention these days for the need for in depth biologic data had not been seen as a need when I had started out. By pre-Turbulence standards the current inhabitants of my impromptu colony were inbred cyborgs that may or may not be recognized as the same species as the rest of the galaxy. But I had made a promise to Minty. So until it was impossible-

An urgent message broke me out of my long standing torpor. Multiple of my scouts had been the targets of coordinated attacks by the Human-Derivatives, taking some of the enemy ships as prizes.

I pushed authorization to my outpost to begin refit and upgrade cycles on the recovered vessels and began to ponder the ramifications of this event. Simply destroying anything that would break my isolation was no longer an option. Eventually an organized force would make an effort to find the place my scouts were based from. Leading to questions about my exclusion zone.
But if there was no one left to report their presence...

Orks were poor neighbors and would eventually become a problem but they were quite simplistic beings. It would be trivial to direct them somewhere else by simply fighting on another front using the shapes of another faction. The same could not be said for Humans, Derivative or not. As such I began cutting orders to step up to a war footing.
Good news for you is that it is not going to intervene personally, just the outpost nearest you. Otherwise you could follow it back to where it lived reasonably easily. Granted, defeating it there...
Just when we are getting a big chunk of our fleet smashed fighting Orks while at the same time getting a big hit on our industry from Incleon's raid. Just great.

Ah well, just another day in this Emperor blighted galaxy.

I was hoping to be able to build up to smash Incleon...

Say, on the topic of Incleon. Can we develop a weapon that's specialized in mine clearance? Maybe some kind of macrocannon scale shotgun that'll fill a massive area with giant shrapnel to set off a whole swath of a minefield?
Say, on the topic of Incleon. Can we develop a weapon that's specialized in mine clearance? Maybe some kind of macrocannon scale shotgun that'll fill a massive area with giant shrapnel to set off a whole swath of a minefield?
I suppose the Seekershard Shell design could be used in that role, in addition to point defense. Since it functions by essentially blasting out a cloud of missiles from within the shell.
Welcome to the endgame. Where the Orks are everywhere and everyone wants to finish their goals before you get the support of a proper war fleet.
...Granted the Orks were kind of your fault.
Say, on the topic of Incleon. Can we develop a weapon that's specialized in mine clearance? Maybe some kind of macrocannon scale shotgun that'll fill a massive area with giant shrapnel to set off a whole swath of a minefield?
Mine clearance is generally a combination of strike craft (as they are typically too small for mines to bother trying to target) and the point defense/sensors of Escorts. Though I am sure there are more esoteric methods for those factions with access to Technology.
Welcome to the endgame. Where the Orks are everywhere and everyone wants to finish their goals before you get the support of a proper war fleet.
...Granted the Orks were kind of your fault.

Mine clearance is generally a combination of strike craft (as they are typically too small for mines to bother trying to target) and the point defense/sensors of Escorts. Though I am sure there are more esoteric methods for those factions with access to Technology.
Oof. Yeah, we focused too much on build up and not enough to knocking threats down.

So what I'm hearing is three Strife class carriers sending 30 squadrons of Saviors or other fighters and filling space with lasers.
And the AI is no doubt in the Silent Stars, or at least the nearest outpost of it is. Well, that we'll have to deal with at some point. Probably by shooting at it. Damned AIs, and their being abominable and such. The Emperor does not approve.
...Granted the Orks were kind of your fault.
Hey you know me. I'm always down for Orks winning.

...I say as the man who wanted to try and thin the herd of Orks last turn but was outvoted.

Then again I'm not sure how helpful culling Kalvan would be beyond "more than not at all."
The progress bar is moving forward, if barely. Expect the first portion of the update to go live tomorrow. Unlike in previous posts I am going to post segments as they are completed before making the thread mark with all of them at the end.

Excuses for the delay include more draining than expected work (my brain is burnt out creatively by repetitive tasks as it recursively creates Great Ideas in order to stay entertained) and Fallen Republic having gone live this week. So now I just need to Do It rather than... Not.

Good news is that I am being generous and playing into the Human narrative. Bad news is that it is still going to hurt even with the half finished Audacity, forgotten Combat Lighters, and prototype Interlopers being thrown into the fray in a desperate bid to protect the vital infrastructure of the dockyards.
...Did the docks ever get a name? I swear I remember them being referenced in a Sidestory or something.
*sigh* Knew it. Damn it. I really should have realized it. Even a single patrol squadron being assigned to Calavar would have made a big difference.

I expect that we'll have to make at *least* 100M in repairs for our massive blunder. And on top of that we can't finish the Audacity this turn.

Well, lesson learned. Fort up your damned industrial heartland. This is why we shouldn't neglect fortifications. Nor ground forces.

Also, Incleon needs to die. It won't be next turn, it probably won't be 3 turns from now. But Incleon will be turned into a ball of blasted rock overflowing with magma. Mark my words.
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I think it still has the First, actually. Though they would be escorting the civilian Bulk Hauler... Though I think it has some relatively serious shields on it so that entire formation showing up would at least try to help out...
Well, that and we are basically bribing the Yttreum privateers to do the heavy lifting in anti piracy ops since we are busy and they like to hang out around the bulk hauler since the hauler makes good bait.
Well, that and we are basically bribing the Yttreum privateers to do the heavy lifting in anti piracy ops since we are busy and they like to hang out around the bulk hauler since the hauler makes good bait.
Granted, they aren't the best at stand up fights, but the amount of concessions they can wring from you by doing this are... Breathtaking in scope and scale.
Granted, they aren't the best at stand up fights, but the amount of concessions they can wring from you by doing this are... Breathtaking in scope and scale.
Unfortunately. But better to pay off those privateers than to lose entire sections of the industrial station.

I just wish I'd made the choice to keep another of the patrol squadrons at Calavar.

Just as well. More lesson learned. Never bring patrol squadrons on campaigns. They are needed at home.
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Calavar being listed as our game over point and "defences light" has long been tempting fate.
Yeah. We've neglected defenses for too long and are now paying for it.

Right when we are about to lose a chunk of our combat fleet and we've got a new enemy that's more deadly than anything we've faced before rising in what is effectively our rear line.

And we are about to get hit hard in our industry when we most need it. We need to pop out some monitors. Even a couple of upgunned escorts would help massively.
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And it only takes one disaster before people are willing to support me in getting some Monitors for home defense, eh? Wish I'd argued some in earlier now.