(Utility) (
@Magus Explorator I need a name for this module): as traitor and Ork forces try to initiate boarding combat and the inevitable conflict in the ground perhaps we can adapt some industrial Exo suits for combat operations for anti boarding teams and heavy weapons in the guard, a plated Exo suit seems best for that kind of conflict, upgrading the wearer strength and allowing him to carry heavier weapons and more equipment, it would allow a soldier to fight a low-level boy in single combat and depending on training and equipment almost always win, although the plate cannot stop direct hits it can deflect and tank shrapnel. - Shelter Power Armor
(Ordnance) Wasp Strike Fighter: With recent combat including performance data from both Fury and Starhawk Squadrons, home grown combat craft, and heretic converted civilian strike craft, as well as orkinoid crafted fighter-bombers, it has been decided to try once more to design a new form of strike craft for Calavar. Unlike former efforts the new 'Wasp' class craft are not based a on converted civilian hull, but instead designed from ground up to meet the projected performance needs of a dedicated space combat parasite, using heavy laser projectors and light plasma armaments derived from the collection of superheavy plasma weaponry retrieved from the orks to be a proper threat to other small craft. As well, attachments based on the external hardpoints for mission packages that the Arvus Combat Lighter possesses are included to enable the Wasp to carry short ranged unrotated projectiles based on the Indigent class Torpedo to allow properly equipped Wasps to damage, at least somewhat, enemy naval assets.
(Intended Statline - Fighter 1 or 2, Bomber 1) - Savior S-1 Multirole
(Housing) 'Bastion' housing complex. Further experience with ship building has allowed for more effective placement of ratings and deckhands living space; giving better 'elbow room' while keeping mass and space costs low. As an additional benefit, this redesign includes security garrisons at vital locations (reactor, warp drive etc) to counter on-board rebellions or boarding attempts.
(Engine) Plasma Pulse Drive Array: One means of increasing the thrust of the merchant grade drives is to compress the expelled plasma and propel it through a narrower aperture in the drive nozzle. Such would even theoretically allow the new drives to retain much of the original's fuel efficiency, more so than simply making the drives bigger. The only complication to doing so is the increased thermal stress on the components, which made long burns infeasible without access to more advanced materials. Instead, the reduced size has been taken advantage of to include a greater amount of thrusters in the drive assembly, firing in short pulses in tandem to facilitate greater speed without risk of melting the drive. Because of the smaller size, each nozzle can now also be mounted on a gimbal, which allows for greater fine maneuvering mid-burn.
(Defence) Haptrix-Alpha Interlock Shields: The Haptrix-pattern shields are a serviceable design, but are fairly expensive, and have proven somewhat unreliable in practice. Perhaps worse, they are projected to scale up poorly both in terms of cost and in ability to stop capital-scale weaponry. This redesigned version uses a smaller number of larger shields to simplify the design and strengthen each pane, and arranges them in two concentric shells with the panes offset like bricks to provide redundant coverage.
(Sensor) Distributed Array Auspex: The time when merchant grade sensors, no matter how expensive or cheap, can serve the crusade is now almost over. Fortunately, before this happened they've given the Mechanicus of Calavar ample information on what capabilities are needed for an actual, proper, militarized sensor array. Such requirements include hardened receivers that do not overload from detecting voidfire, a wide and distributed structure spread across the ship's hull for accurate long ranged scans, ample backups in case of combat degradation of said sensors, and specialized integrated cogitators to make sense of what the sensors are actually seeing. And lastly, they need to be hardened against enemy electronic counter-measures... or just plain old blasphemous screaming across the void. Fortunately, such capabilities are within the capacity of the Mechanicus to build. - T-150 Auspex
(Farstrike Lance add-on) Laser Containment Array: The Farstrike lance boasts damage output within spitting distance of standard IN lances, but its range is far shorter. This modification attempts to address this weakness by surrounding the particle beam in a shell of lasers. The additional damage dealt by these lasers is marginal at best; their real purpose is to contain the main beam by nudging stray particles back in the right direction.
(Weapon) Standard Macrocannon Battery Mk2: A natural iterative development of earlier Calavan macrocannons, the Mk2 utilizes many of the same components as the Mk1 to ease logistics concerns regarding spare parts. The key difference is two-fold; the electromagnetic coils in the gun's barrel have been wound twice as tightly to provide a significant increase to projectile velocity, and the batteries themselves have been installed with shock dampeners not unlike those in structures built on seismically active regions, so as to mitigate an incoming impact's effects on accuracy.
(Defense) Multilayer Rapid Shielding: As the distributed shield design of Haptrix-pattern shielding seems to be inherently unworkable at cruiser-scale, a new approach is needed. This new system still layers multiple weak shields, but uses conventional full bubble shields rather than smaller scales. The outermost layers are weakest and fastest to recharge, with the shields getting progressively stronger farther in, although of course even the innermost is much weaker than a traditional shield.
(Economy) Dockyard militarization: Although the Calavar-V dockyard has been greatly expanded and is being expanded further, replicating and expanding the existing systems does not change the fact that they were originally designed for small civilian vessels. Although they can nonetheless produce capable warships, it is not without some difficulties, especially when casting the great structural beams of a ship's frame. This project seeks to change that, reviewing the various bottlenecks of warship construction and improving the least adequate systems.
(Ground Army Core/Attachment) Lapis Signum-Pattern Shelter Armor: With the success of the Shelter Armor, many a techpriest has wondered how to upend the table on this discovery. The Lapsi Signum-Pattern Shelter Armor is the answer. By upscaling the armor instead of trying to fit technology that the Calavar Mechanicus does not have in a fitting size, the Lapis Signum aims to provide a 5-meter tall "micro knight" to carry multiple heavy armaments and anti-tank as well as anti-infantry weapons in the righteous fight. Due to the fact that this enhancement of the Shelter Armor is intended to play the role of super-heavy tank hunter and bunker-buster to aid in speedy reclamation of fallen worlds, heavy armor is utilized. Several plans for specialized versions to operate in Hives or onboard ships have already been tentatively planned, though they have been deemed as a non-priority to getting the Lapis Signum functional and in the field.
- Levy Medium Walker: The fruit of the collaboration that broke the stranglehold of the Conservative faction on the Outpost of Lexicalum. While less capable in every way than the slightly taller Armiger Pattern Knight chassis due to using plasteel and ceramite instead of Adamantium for armor and inferior weapon systems derived rather than designed, the Levy nonetheless proved a successful test of the concept as a flexible trooper design.
A small plasma reactor was placed just above the hips with the pilot seated above that in a reinforced capsule and armored derivative of the Preserver infantry armor. The small "head" of the unit mounted the primary sensor clusters with backups mounted on the chest and back while supplementary seismic and auditory receivers lined the feet. Armor plating ranged in thickness equivalent to a Leman Russ on the torso down to a Chimera on the limbs.
(Defense) Corona-pattern PD Array: While our strike craft have thus far proven adequate defense against the enemy's, it has been considered prudent by the Admiralty to have additional countermeasures on ships that the Crusade could scarcely afford to have struck by torpedoes. The cogitator framework that directs the fire of the Lascannon turrets has been adapted from conventional flak arrays and spliced into the ship Sensorium's datafeeds for enhanced target acquisition and tracking.
(Ordnance) Plasma Explosive Manufacturing Protocols: Thermo-cavitation shells have proven their value in Calavar's arsenal, but the high cost of manufacture prevents a widespread rollout. In order to make them more widely available, a standardized manufacturing process and associated specialized machinery will be created (possibly requiring some small tweaks to the design). In particular, automation of the most delicate parts of the reactor production should remove the need for direct Mechanicus involvement in every shell. In addition, the shells will be adapted for use in the Mk2 Macrocannons.
(Strikecraft) S-2 Interloper: An evolution of the S-1 Savior, this multirole strikecraft incorporates a number of small improvements. The engines are enlarged, and horizontally-mounted grav plating is added to serve as crude inertial compensation (though only for the main engines). The lascannons are replaced with more powerful models, and alternative clamps for anti-fighter missiles are available for when ship-killing munitions are not a priority. Perhaps most importantly, a slightly enlarged hull provides space for a copilot and some cramped crew space where the crew can eat (protein bars), drink (water), and see to their other bodily needs in the calmer moments of long deployments, extending the Interloper's effective range significantly.
(Life Support) Redoubt life support: Built with an eye towards redundancy and damage control, this improved life support system incorporates improved compartmentalization to more easily seal off damaged sections, fire suppression systems, numerous caches of repair tools and spare parts, and a few machine shops for supplying them. As it is not unusual for a ship to have months of relative downtime between engagements, training much of the crew to assist in damage control as needed should be straightforward. Although the additional air scrubbers and water purifiers are intended primarily for redundancy in case of damage, they also provide increased capacity, improving living conditions on board and therefore morale.
(Ordnance) "Intolerant"-model Torpedo: The Indignant model torpedo has served us well, but in the face of greater threats it is time to create something stronger. Removing the built-in point defense, and using the sensors to instead help guide the torpedoes into enemy ships, increasing the chance of hitting. Create an improved engine, allowing for stronger armor combined with more powerful explosives for a faster torpedo and an even stronger jet against enemy armor.
(Economy) Subsidiary Shipyards: With the expansion of the Calavar-V shipyard complete, projections are that further expansion would encounter significant diminishing returns. However, building small subsidiary shipyards in Crusade-controlled systems has the potential to multiplicatively increase their contributions. Preliminary plans are to build a central foundry and factorum surrounded by a docking ring, with slipways for repairs and construction on one side and heavy cargo-handling systems on the other.
Pulsed Torch Plasma Drive: Although the maneuvering thrusters of the Pulsed Plasma Array Drive have proven more than satisfactory, the main bank of engines leaves something to be desired. Finally, after years of using the more standard Militarized Engines, a more voracious and powerful main thrust has been thought of that provides the speed that the old Array didn't. A veritable
torch, if one would, while still having the same over all set up.
Cataphract Super-Heavy Armored Vehicle: In the face of the emergence of the Orkish 'Stompa', and the grievous casualties they have wrought, Calavar's minds turned to design a vehicle that could stem the advance of the green tide's newest creations. The Cataphract makes use of the cutting edge of Hegemon's technological base to become a tank that, while not individually the match of a Stompa, could fight on parity with them and win as a full squadron of three. The Cataphract's main armament consists of the ubiquitous Earthshaker Cannon, fully mounted on a turret large enough to contain the necessary recoil dampeners. The key difference to the main gun found on a Basilisk is the ammunition; the new Giantlancer shells are based on a miniaturized version of the Thermo-Cavitation Shells that have served Calavar's warships long and well. As well, the large turret allows for the inclusion of a coaxial twin-linked Lascannon and a new development; an autoloader for the gun's shells that will allow for an unprecedented rate of fire. To save room within the hull for ammunition, the rest of the armament on the Cataphract is energy-based, mounting several Multilasers in sponsons and in smaller secondary turrets to secure the tank against infantry assaults. The most advanced technology is found in it's fire control systems, however. Without need to calculate fire solutions for guns firing building-sized shells through the depths of space, the cogitator framework that has been derived from the design of the Groupsight Bridge has been miniaturized. Combined with state of the art communications systems, all tanks within a squadron are able to share target telemetry to focus fire on breaches in enemy armor. In addition to extensive armour plating, the Cataphract also features the protection of a Void Shield.
(Weapon) MK.III Macrocannons: The MK.II and even MK.Is have proven a success beyond all thought and doubt. But recent struggles with the Orks suggest that their short range renders any ship with them somewhat...vulnerable. The MK.III aim to fix that. Using data collected from a score and more clashes, both big and small, raids or actual battles, cognitator banks as well as more streamlined data processors will hopefully allow the Macrocannons to gain target acquisition at a much farther distance as well at a much faster rate.