Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Mechanized provides light armor and mobility for the infantry they carry, Engineers mean that there are various utility vehicles (bridge layers, for example) to get over the battleground quicker, and Elite Infantry+Sisters allows for stiff resistance on the limited fronts necessary for their role.
@Happerry Could you swap the Shield and Holy Shield Army to this combo for the new Shield Army? It lets them do their job a lot better, and it costs the same as the two previous Shield Armies combined, so there's no change in overall expense.
[X] Plan Army Focus
-[X] Drydock Construction (60M)
-[X] General Repairs (32M)
-[X] Voidwright Repairs (9M)
-[X] 1x "Long Arm" class War Hawk (40M, 3A) (2nd Naval Squadron)
- Hull: War Hawk-class Heavy Frigate Hull Mk II (8M)
- Weapon: Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Weapon: Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Weapon: Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (2M)
- Defense: Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (Shield 2, .5 Armor.) (4M)
- Defense: Scaffold Armor (Armor 1.5) (2M)
- Utility: Repair Deck (2M)
- Engine: Militarized Engine (Acceleration 2, Maneuver 2, Fuel Efficient) (3M)
- Bridge: Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
- Sensors: T-100 Auspex (2M)
- Warp: Merchant (4M)
- LS: Essential (2M)
- Housing: Barracks (1M)
-[X] Retrofit the Indomitable with Servitor Defense Stations (1M, 1A)
-[X] Produce 5x Thermo-Cavitation Shells attachments for the ammo stockpile. (5M, 5A)
-[X] Retrofit AMM-8 to a Lance Armed Merchant Marine (LAMM) (14M, 1A)
- Replace Self Defense Battery with Farstrike Lance (4M, 1 A), Merchant Engines with Militarized Engine (4M), Navigational Shields with Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (5M), and Hull Armor with Scaffold Armor (3M)
--Discounted 2M due to replacing previously damaged components.
-[X] Retrofit AMM-1 and AMM-2 to Modernized Escort Carrier (24M)
- Replace Self Defense Battery with Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (3M), Navigational Shields with Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (5M), Merchant Sensors with T-100 Auspex (3M) and Hull Armor with a Cargo Bay Hangar + Savior S-1 Multirole (3M)
-[X] Train 2 Garrison Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Additional Foot Infantry (0M)
-[X] Train 1 Calavar Pattern Void Army (10M)
-Void Infantry (8M), Elite Infantry, Engineers, Combat Exoskeletons (2M)
-[X] Train 2 Siege Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Sappers (0M), Additional Foot Infantry (0M)
-[X] Train 2 Bridgehead Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Engineers (0M), Elite Infantry (0M)
-[X] Train 1 Shock Army (5M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Sappers (0M), Strategic Command (2M), Void Infantry (1M)
-[X] Train 1 Holy Shield Army (6M)
-Mechanized Infantry (6M), Elite Infantry (0M), Sisters of Battle (0M), Engineers (0M)
-[X] Train 1 Tank Army (11M)
-Armored (8M), Mech Infantry (1M), Air Support (1M), Mechanized Cavalry (1M)
-[X] Train 2 Assault Armies (16M)
-Mechanized Infantry (6M), Elite Infantry (0M), Mechanized Cavalry (1M), Armor (1M)
-[X] Train 1 Augmented Fighter Army (6M)
--Fighter Army (5M), Engineers (0M), Foot Infantry (0M), Air Support (1M)
-[X] Add Mechanized Infantry & Elite Infantry to the 1st Calvaran Armored (1M)
-[X] Add Elite Infantry to the Ashen Legion (0M)

Ok, I think I have a properly revised Army Focus Plan.

Shock Army to shatter, Shield Army to hold the breach open, and Assault and/or Tank Armies to exploit. Also made a mix of Siege and Bridgehead Armies, with Bridgeheads likely to serve as a main battle line force.

At some point in the future, I want to upgrade the Shock Army to a Void Infantry Core and replace their attachment with either Heavy Artillery or Heavy Tanks (Malcadors for now), and make an Aerial Infantry Shield Army to provide really rapid movement into a breach point. I've also properly upgraded the Fighter Army into an Augmented Fighter Army, with Engineers and Foot Infantry to provide airbases, and Air Support for versatility in ground attack.

And finally, approval voting Happerry's plan.

[X] Plan Docks, Refits, and Armies Mk3
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The Arrival (Set During Turn 5 Design Results)
The incoming wave of Harbinger transports kept a rigid formation as they entered the hangar in echelon. For an occasion such as this nothing less would be acceptable for the Crusade of Calavar was now host to the most direct servants of the Emperor in the Imperium. The Harbingers swung around with only a single twinge out of line and set down as the mass of soldiery came to attention.

That the reception party was nearly twenty thousand soldiers was more for the benefit of them rather than the guests the Crusade had invited. Ranks of line infantry encapsulated blocks of exoskeletons, pilots, and ship crew to ensure the maximum dispersal of the resulting stories. Officers from the ships present in system formed the front rank of the review, displaying their individual accomplishments and campaign ribbons in their nonstandardized armor.

The Lord Admiral stood with the only commodore present in the system by his side. Even being one of those that had warranted the rejuvenat treatments before the Imperial Navy withdrew from Lativa and now did once again with his reactivation, Lord Admiral Awniv Mings looked the part of tired old man: gaunt and lined face, a slight build only hidden by the flak vest he had worn as a crewman and the spacious cloak that was part of his mark of office (none of that newfangled nonsense with wearing a power frame to try and copy the Astartes even though he could easily get something like that for himself), and thick goggles that kept his vision clear against thruster wash and bodily degeneration alike.
He had likewise declined being issued a power sword recovered from the stockpile at Green Clade. What was he going to use it for, a poor paperweight? There wasn't even enough paper to warrant humiliating such a deadly tool in that role.

In contrast, the commodore next to him was barely out of his forties and had snapped up one of the "Shelter" units. Something that made sense, as the Third Patrol Squadron had only recently come off station at Bailafax to get maintenance and repairs and commonly got into combat.

The ramps of the Harbingers came down in unison and even Awniv could not resist bowing his head slightly as the soldiers behind reflexively snapped into salutes for lack of better options.
Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas were the bulwark of the faithful, the guardians of those locations of the Imperial Creed that warranted mention to people on the planets around rather than just commemorating local events. They were the core of the Ecclesiarchy's protection of the people and would center the large numbers of volunteers during a War of Faith. They were not soldiers, but warriors that served as symbols.
The Commandery of Sisters of Battle disembarked their provided transports with military efficiency. Helmets were mag clamped to their sides so that the Sisters could see and be seen by the soldiers they were to fight for while weapons were present but noticeably unloaded. The noncombatant Sisters followed the Militants out of the transports, wearing light robes that denoted their Order and presumably rank. Hospitaller, Dialogous, and Famulous alike would be necessary to secure the stability of Humanity's rule in the free portions of Lativa.

Awniv stepped forwards to meet his opposite halfway. The Canoness Commander was a head shorter than him yet infinitely more dangerous and her eyes were simultaneously warm and calculating. This was her flock, but enemies could be anywhere or anyone when it came to the insidious nature of their foe.

"Admiral." She greeted with a shallow bow, which Awniv matched to the degree. After all, if she was going to snub the rank he had been given than reciprocation was the minimum answer.

"Canoness Commander." He intoned formally, in the slower cadence of High Gothic. "On behalf of the Crusade, Calavar, and all those who live in fear I welcome you to our world." Technically they were on the industrial platform of the Calavar system but it was close enough as the saying went. The Sisters would tour the world and then be shipped to one of the urgent campaigns in due time but the niceties needed to be upheld for they were, ultimately, guests of a sort.

"I thank you for your hospitality and support in these trying times." She replied, before drawing her sword. At a wordless request Awniv nodded minutely and stepped to the side. At some unseen motion or signal the Canoness's sword lit with a warm, golden glow as she raised it into the air as she began to exhort the gathered soldiers to keep the Imperial Creed and the Emperor's tenets close to their hearts in this time of trial. Audio repeaters broadcast her voice across the room so that every soldier could hear the words of one of the chosen Daughters of the Emperor, who had answered their personal cries for support in these dark times.

[GM Note: I am not a speechwriter, sue me. For reference, a Sister of Battle is better than your Shelter exoskeletons and can actually call upon divine influence for events such as this or during combat to firm the resolve of the faithful. There are roughly a hundred Militant Sisters and a hundred noombatant ones, each having their own direct support staff of menials and servitors.]
(Defense) Corona-pattern PD Array: While our strike craft have thus far proven adequate defense against the enemy's, it has been considered prudent by the Admiralty to have additional countermeasures on ships that the Crusade could scarcely afford to have struck by torpedoes. The cogitator framework that directs the fire of the Lascannon turrets has been adapted from conventional flak arrays and spliced into the ship Sensorium's datafeeds for enhanced target acquisition and tracking.
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(Weapon) Corona-pattern PD Array: While our strike craft have thus far proven adequate defense against the enemy's, it has been considered prudent by the Admiralty to have additional countermeasures on ships that the Crusade could scarcely afford to have struck by torpedoes. The cogitator framework that directs the fire of the Lascannon turrets has been adapted from conventional flak arrays and spliced into the ship Sensorium's datafeeds for enhanced target acquisition and tracking.
Counts as a Defense slot unless it can double role into hitting starships/make it like an actual anti-ship system rather than a distributed defense system.
If anyone has more concepts for designs, let me know and I'll write one up for them.

I don't know if it's necessary but Ortillery Strikecraft kinda like an Ac-130 but from near orbit to surface that would be used when orbital mastery is lost but there's is still troops on the ground or just for overkill
[GM Note: I am not a speechwriter, sue me. For reference, a Sister of Battle is better than your Shelter exoskeletons and can actually call upon divine influence for events such as this or during combat to firm the resolve of the faithful. There are roughly a hundred Militant Sisters and a hundred noombatant ones, each having their own direct support staff of menials and servitors.]
Yeah I can see how they'd be a bit naff in conventional warfare as an Attachment if there's only 100 of them, true.
I don't know if it's necessary but Ortillery Strikecraft kinda like an Ac-130 but from near orbit to surface that would be used when orbital mastery is lost but there's is still troops on the ground or just for overkill
That just seems a bit of an odd choice. If you want ortillery, just use ortillery. If you want the strike craft to descend to more normal attack ranges from orbit, make a run, and then return to orbital staging platforms our current Saviours can do that fine.
(Defense) Thunderhead Disruptor Array: While the Thunderclap was rather disappointing as a lance, new avenues of research to pursue have been uncovered by this first attempt to develop our own domestically produced void combat scale direct energy weapons. In particular, the properties of the energy transfer on target have aroused some speculation. In any case, the weapon is much too large in its current state to be serviceable, so the first stage of development for the Thunderhead array is to attempt to miniaturize the weapon to a scale not much larger than conventional point defense guns. While such would make the weapon useless against true voidships, it would allow the Thunderclap to be used as a point defense weapon, especially if the energy transfer were to be enhanced, to say nothing of the possibility of mounting such weapons to smaller platforms than warships...
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Yeah I can see how they'd be a bit naff in conventional warfare as an Attachment if there's only 100 of them, true.
Yeah, it's the same thing as Astartes where you don't take them for their ability to do army damage but the benefits of having them. Sisters are primarily morale boosters and have enough of a presence on the battlefield to hunt or bait out enemy leaders as, again, they are quite a bit better than your troops on an individual basis and carry a Reputation.

Whereas if you do get Astartes allies, they do things like decapitation strikes and commando raids rather than buff your own forces. Most of the time.

(Weapon) Thunderhead Disruptor Array: While the Thunderclap was rather disappointing as a lance, new avenues of research to pursue have been uncovered by this first attempt to develop our own domestically produced void combat scale direct energy weapons. In particular, the properties of the energy transfer on target have aroused some speculation. In any case, the weapon is much too large in its current state to be serviceable, so the first stage of development for the Thunderhead array is to attempt to miniaturize the weapon to a scale not much larger than conventional point defense guns. While such is projected to reduce damage to void ships to negligible amounts, it would allow the Thunderclap to be used as a combination point defense and knife fighting range gun, especially if the energy transfer were to be enhanced, to say nothing of the possibility of mounting such weapons to smaller platforms than warships...
A weapon capable of ship scale Haywire needs to be ship scale.
It has the Scorn-Class Bombardment Ship
- Hull: Converted Freighter (1E, 3O) (3M)
- Omni: [Weapon] Fusion Breaker Bombardment Cannon (Spinal Mount) (Damage 4, Very Short Range) (4M)
- Omni: [Utility] Cargo Bay Hangar (1M) + Harbinger Heavy Transport (PD2, Military Transport) (3M)
- Omni: [Defense] Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (Shield 2, .5 Armor. (4M)
- Engine: Tuned Merchant Thrusters (2A, 1M, Fragile) (1M)

That can be used against ships according the wiki: Bombardment Cannon
and another transport with one more Harbinger Heavy Transport squadron.
Three squadrons of saviors will do more damage then one of our patrol squadrons does so i do not see the issue.

If you think this is not enough one of the torpedo squadrons can be deployed to support them during the strategic turn.
You seem to not understand the difference between 'combat assets' and 'support assets'. Combat assets can fight on their own. Support Assets can not fight on their own, no matter how many of them you stack up nor how dramatic the combat multiplier they offer for combat units. The Bombardment Ship is not a ship of the line. It bombards stuff, like planets and enemy space hulks, but expecting it to use its very short ranged spinal weapon verses enemy combat ships is as silly an idea as putting carriers out without combat ships to screen for them. Or as silly as thinking that three wings of Saviors are enough to equal a front line, because that's only absolutely hilarious until someone realizes you actually believe that.

Putting the torpedo ships in would make things better, in that they actually have guns and can do some fighting and so are arguably a hybrid, but for line duties the things you want are actually, you know, ships of the line. Not anti-fortification bombardment ships and weaponless carriers. Even things like torpedo ships, or my carrier design that can actually defend itself, would still vastly prefer to leave the front line duties to the ships designed for the front line.

@Happerry Could you swap the Shield and Holy Shield Army to this combo for the new Shield Army? It lets them do their job a lot better, and it costs the same as the two previous Shield Armies combined, so there's no change in overall expense.

(Defense) Stormhead Disruptor Array: While the Thunderclap was rather disappointing as a lance, new avenues of research to pursue have been uncovered by this first attempt to develop our own domestically produced void combat scale direct energy weapons. In particular, the properties of the energy transfer on target have aroused some speculation. In any case, the weapon is much too large in its current state to be serviceable, so the first stage of development for the Thunderhead array is to attempt to miniaturize the weapon to a scale not much larger than conventional point defense guns. While such would make the weapon useless against true voidships, it would allow the Thunderclap to be used as a point defense weapon, especially if the energy transfer were to be enhanced, to say nothing of the possibility of mounting such weapons to smaller platforms than warships...
Mind if I try rewriting this?

(Weapon) Thunderhead Disruption Battery: While the thunderclap was a rather disappointing first generation experiment in ionized particle weapons, it did offer proof of concept and unveil new avenues of development. In particular, the properties of the energy transfer on target have aroused some speculation and interest. While the Thunderclap was a failure at getting a lance scale weapon out, some have thought 'well, why not make it a battery then?'. And so they utilized the same particle acceleration principles as used in the lance in mass bank arrays, using a higher number of expected impacts and repeated attacks to both damage the enemy with ravening particle bursts and cause disrupting havoc throughout as the charges electrocute stuff that should not be covered in electricity.
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Mind if I try rewriting this?

(Weapon) Thunderhead Disruption Battery: While the thunderclap was a rather disappointing first generation experiment in ionized particle weapons, it did offer proof of concept and unveil new avenues of development. In particular, the properties of the energy transfer on target have aroused some speculation and interest. While the Thunderclap was a failure at getting a lance scale weapon out, some have thought 'well, why not make it a battery then?'. And so they utilized the same particle acceleration principles as used in the lance in mass bank arrays, using a higher number of expected impacts and repeated attacks to both damage the enemy with ravening particle bursts and cause disrupting havoc throughout as the charges electrocute stuff that should not be covered in electricity.
Don't see any reason why we couldn't have both, with one resulting in a weapons battery and the other gives us a heavy weapon for future strikecraft and ground vehicles.
You seem to not understand the difference between 'combat assets' and 'support assets'. Combat assets can fight on their own. Support Assets can not fight on their own, no matter how many of them you stack up nor how dramatic the combat multiplier they offer for combat units. The Bombardment Ship is not a ship of the line. It bombards stuff, like planets and enemy space hulks, but expecting it to use its very short ranged spinal weapon verses enemy combat ships is as silly an idea as putting carriers out without combat ships to screen for them. Or as silly as thinking that three wings of Saviors are enough to equal a front line, because that's only absolutely hilarious until someone realizes you actually believe that.
I actual do as 3x (Fighter 2/Bomber 2, Medium Range. Atmospheric and Void capable. 1M) are the weapons of the carriers while a patrol fleet has Self Defense Battery (Short Range, Damage 1) (1M) x2(the Armed merchants) + 2x 2x Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI, Damage 2, Short Range (4M)(the corvette).
So both do 6 damage in total with the patrol squadron at short range and the support squadron at medium range.
What do you mean by Configuring and Air-mech? Do you mean a transforming mech vs one that just flies by default?
Configuring: changes between flight and mech forms.
Air Mech: the in between form where you are most of a fighter plane but with legs and arms.

So both do 6 damage in total with the patrol squadron at short range and the support squadron at medium range.
The bombers can only be launched once before the enemy is among the carriers, destroying the flight decks on the mostly helpless ships. This single blow is not going to be enough to do much on anything other than a mobile Ork scrapship that helps destroy itself whereas weapon batteries can fire multiple times in the same period.

That is to say, Defenses Are Important. Just look at the Carmine Glory fight for an example. Granted it was also larger and tougher than any one of your ships but still.
Chaff Shells: In order to degrade an opponent's targeting systems, special chaff shells were thought up.

They consist of a hollow macrocannon shell that has sufficient integrity to withstand the acceleration forces of being fired but allows for the maximum payload to be delivered.

The payload consist of a frangible polymer lattice filled with strips reflective material.

Upon reaching intended target area, the shells fuze will trigger a bursting charge. The explosive charge will then spread the chaff in a conical pattern.
moved a resolute from the 2nd naval squadron to the 1st support squadron as the 2nd naval squadron is getting the newly build frigate.
Configuring: changes between flight and mech forms.
Air Mech: the in between form where you are most of a fighter plane but with legs and arms.
Then probably the latter, that in between form is properly called GERWALK mode by the way, if you're going on SDF macross names. Since configuring sounds like a lot of work, and a booster seems no fun.