Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Also, your plan doesn't make any use of the Sisters of Battle from what I can tell.
they are attached to the void army as i think they will needed the most on a space hulk where room for larger weapons can be limited.

This Army seems... kinda bad at delivering shock. No heavy artillery and only a small armor contingent.
The Combat Exoskeletons can carry a lot of weapons and i think inside a hive is not the best place for heavy artillery.
they are attached to the void army as i think they will needed the most on a space hulk where room for larger weapons can be limited.
It was noted that Sisters of Battle aren't really used to Void Infantry operations. Their main benefit is also noted to be the mix of morale boosting and duelling ability, not powerful infantry scale weapons.

The Combat Exoskeletons can carry a lot of weapons and i think inside a hive is not the best place for heavy artillery.
They carry heavy infantry scale weapons. Shock armies need a lot of more destructive firepower for breaching strongpoints. Exoskeleton help with this, but a Soviet Shock Army was made with very heavy dedications of artillery and armor (and in this case, Sappers for strongpoint breaching potential.)

Plus, the point of a Shock force is that it hits the enemy's front line, not the inner territory like the inside of a Hive. That's the job of other armies that exploits the breach the Shock Army makes.
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It need a different name then do you have a suggestion?
Considering that they seem geared to be heavy infantry with some armor support for the close quarters of a Hive City, they could be called an Expulsion Army, seeing as they would be doing a lot of clearing buildings of hostiles. Since this is 40k, though, Purgation Army sounds like a better fit.
It need a different name then do you have a suggestion?
Well, if you're tasking it as being elite infantry meant for fighting inside a city, perhaps Urban Army.

I also have an issue with the 1st Calavar Armored receiving Air Support and mechanized cav. They have a heavy Malcador Defender presence, which is a slow infantry tank, so they'll struggle to make proper use of it. I'd go with added foot infantry (or Mechanized Infantry) and Elite Infantry to take better advantage of that.

Put mechanized cavalry & Air Support in the other Armored Army you're raising. That's more for open field battles.
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I suppose the Armor attachment would likely consist of Hellhounds and the like, seeing as they're flamethrower tanks.
Or Malcador Defenders. Come to think of it, specifying the Armor contingent as Malcador Defenders/Urban warfare vehicles might be an idea.

Edit: But, come to think of it, this kind of urban warfare specialty might be better taken up by our Void Infantry.
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Or Malcador Defenders. Come to think of it, specifying the Armor contingent as Malcador Defenders/Urban warfare vehicles might be an idea.
Yeah, Malcador Defenders and Hellhounds/Bane Wolves AKA the stuff of nightmares for Ork and Tyranid players. If we also put in some Leman Russ Punishers we'll have the Holy Triumvirate of Guard Issue Tarpit Cleansers.
-[X] Train 4 Calavar Pattern Defense Armies (8M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Cavalry (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
Looking at this Defense/Garrison army, could we swap the Heavy Artillery for Foot Infantry? More bodies was noted as being really useful for a garrison force, and regular foot infantry already have a healthy amount of standard artillery gear.

If you want an army for defending high invasion risk/important worlds, make a separate "Fortress Army" with Heavy Artillery, Engineers (for fortifications), and either Foot Infantry for bodies or Strategic Command for anti-orbital defenses.
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If it properly takes stuff from War of the Krork Quest like I think it does, there should be about ten million men per Army. Possibly more, considering that we're playing weeny Humies that need dedicated support staff and rear echelon units instead of Orks.
Even a 1~2km vessel surely isn't going to be able to fit 10 million men and equipment in a module. The scale presumably has to be somewhat less.
What about Cavalry in place of Engineers? Would they be better on more hostile worlds (like say, former Greenskin territory or rooting out cultist dens in the boonies?)

Well, the idea I was thinking of was that the Shock Army blows open the first hole while the Shield Army rushes through it to stop the enemy counterattack. Shock Army isn't fast because it's an unsubtle bludgeon that's just meant to hit whatever's at the frontline (though I have thought about an Armored Shock or Mechanized Shield Army for better Speed.)

Hrm. Actually, the Malcador Defender is noted to be used as a mobile fortress/breakthrough tank in urban combat. What about a Shield Army Attachments being: Calvaran Malcador Defenders, Engineers, Heavy Artillery? Possibly with a Mechanized Infantry Core?

Also, what's the verdict on the Skyfire Army I thought up after posting?

I've been assuming that heavy arty might synergize a bit with Air Defense, meaning bigger and better SAMs for making the umbrella. Not much need for making it now, but just something I'd like to at least have finished thinking over.

Alternatively, replacing Strategic Command with Engineers to maximize focus on Air Denial.
Cavalry would provide a mobile force capable of quickly moving in poor terrain. Better on hostile worlds where infrastructure can not be guaranteed, infrastructure that foot infantry need to concentrate to respond to the enemy.

I believe that you are mixing roles, then. A Shock Army to break the front line with limited speed then turns to hold the "shoulders" of the breach, as they are limited in speed and the mobile reserves of the enemy front line will attempt to close the hole quickly, allowing a more mobile army to exploit the breach and start breaking Important things in the rear. Although it does depend a bit on whether you are going for Blitzkrieg or Deep Battle doctrine.

As part of the breakthrough force it would work, not so much the exploitation force.

Air Defense, StratCom, and Heavy Artillery makes for a nasty air defense umbrella, as Air Defense combines with the Heavy Artillery for bigger weapons, and the addition of StratCom allows for nuclear air defense weapons to break massed formations.
Engineers would not maximize air denial, although on offensive campaigns it may increase the defenses of the launchers.

Any chance I could ask for equivalent feedback for my own army designs?
-[] Train 2 Calavar Pattern Bridgehead Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Engineer (0M), Elite Infantry (0M)
-[] Train 2 Calavar Pattern Siege Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Sappers (0M), Additional Foot Infantry (0M)
-[] Train 2 Calavar Pattern Defense Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
-[] Train 1 Calavar Pattern Shield Army (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Elite Infantry (0M), Combat Exoskeletons (2M), Engineers (0M)
-[] Train 1 Calavar Pattern Holy Shield Army (2M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Sisters of Battle (0M), Engineers (0M), Elite Infantry (0M)
-[] Train 2 Calavar Pattern Assault Armies (16M)
-Mechanized Infantry (6M), Armor (1M), Mechanized Cavalry (1M), Elite Infantry (0M)
-[] Train 1 Calavar Pattern Void Army (10M)
-Void Infantry (8M), Elite Infantry, Engineers, Combat Exoskeletons (2M)
-[] Train 1 Fighter Army (5M)
-Fighter Army (5M)
Bridgehead: A slow moving but reasonably well balanced army. Engineers will mostly build defenses or serve as sappers under the cover of artillery while Elite Infantry serve as the hardened spearheads.

Siege: Conscripts, Sappers, and Artillery. Meant to break hardpoints such as Hives or fortresses.

Defense: A garrison force, with Engineers to build defenses for the infantry and artillery while the MP unit keeps any civilians under control and provides counter infiltration services to the hardened artillery sections and any important infrastructure.

Shield: A heavy focus on powerful infantry, with support from Engineers to ensure mobility and defenses.

Holy Shield: Exchanges local Exoskeletons for Sisters of Battle. Sisters provide less "power", but serve as a force multiplier for the rest of the army from being figures of faith and individual combat prowess to kill enemy leaders.

Assault: Heavy metal on the move. An armored spearhead with mobile elements to point out targets and Elite Infantry to take the fight into areas the Armor is ill suited for.

Void: As high a tier infantry as possible (Elite+Exoskeletons), with Engineers to shore up unstable portions of the target and demolition through obstacles.

Fighter: Saviors are reasonably capable craft that can serve in air superiority and ground support roles. Attachments are available, such as Mech Cav for dedicated spotters and patrols, Air Defense for both AAMs and SAMs, Foot Inf/MPs for base defense independent of other formations, StratCom for the nukes needed for orbital protection, etc.

Actually, on a similar note, how does the current Calvaran Standard of Foot Infantry Core + Armor, Elite Infantry, and Heavy Artillery manage?
Armor for a mobile reserve, Elite Infantry for a hi-lo mix, and Artillery to give the army teeth.
Maybe. Well, there's one way to get a clear answer.

@DaLintyGuy For the Shield Army, and in terms of rushing to the breach point through the terrain left by the Shock Army and establishing a foothold, how much better would an Aerial Infantry Core be compared to a Mechanized Infantry Core (with or without Engineers)?

And how much would an Aerial Infantry Core affect the ability to hold open said foothold, and what sort of Attachments could they still take to bolster their ability there?

A theoretical Airborne Shield Army might be:
-Core: Aerial Infantry (8M)
-Attachments: Elite Infantry (0M), Engineers (0M), Combat Exoskeletons (2M)

Elite Infantry for overall quality (might get replaced with Sisters of Battle for the first one), Engineers to set up forward positions, and Combat Exoskeletons to maximize the per-trooper firepower they can bring, particularly in terms of heavy weapons. There'd be a significant reliance on their gunships to provide heavy fire support until reinforcements arrive.

Later on might need to put in another Army that's supposed to act as the cavalry for them, but I doubt the Hive World Khornates have much in the way of heavy armor, so that can probably wait a turn if I end up going with Aerial Infantry Shield Armies.
An Aerial Infantry Core allows for envelopments much easier, being an army of paratroopers with attached gunship support. So they would likely be used to attack the enemy rear simultaneously with the actual attack to try to get the drop on the enemy mobile reserves that would otherwise support the main defenses either by reinforcing or counterattacking.
So they could simply drop wherever they wanted in support of the penetrating army.

Exoskeletons or Mech Cav provide light anti-tank firepower, while Engineers can provide some measure of field defenses.

Even a 1~2km vessel surely isn't going to be able to fit 10 million men and equipment in a module. The scale presumably has to be somewhat less.
Packed into high density barracks like accommodation, it does. If barely.
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(Strikecraft) Savior S-2: While the Savior has proven to be an effective multirole aerospace frame, it is not yet to the standards that the Admiralty have become accustomed to with Lexicalum imported Furies, most notably in its range. In terms of the mechanics, distances, and timeframes that void combat is fought in, pilot endurance becomes the core limitation to the craft's performance. The S-2 model of Savior endeavors to rectify this by means of a modified cockpit that will be flooded before launch, shielding the pilot from G-forces by means of fluid immersion. The pilot's helmets will plug into the craft itself, through which they are supplied oxygen, nutrients, water, and stimulants by an onboard supply of such during the flight. With an augmented capacity to withstand the stresses of high power maneuvers, the engines are also tuned for greater performance.

(Boarding Craft) Narwhale Breacher Craft: The first dedicated boarding craft developed in the Crusade, the Narwhale outwardly bears a great deal of resemblance to the Harbinger Transport, because it uses the same hull configuration. Internal space has been sacrificed to add additional reinforcement to the superstructure, more powerful engines, and even install a small Void Shield. An array of hull cutters is affixed to the prow to force entry onto an enemy vessel and deliver its cargo of boarding parties.

(Void Infantry/Armor) Calavar-pattern Chem Cannon: While burning Promethium is among the most iconic of the Imperium's tools with which to dispense death to the enemies of Humanity, it is at its core only as effective as the enemy is vulnerable to fire. Chem cannons are a superlative means of area denial and strongpoint elimination, regretfully limited by the Imperial Guard's lack of widespread chemical protection equipment. Troops in Preserver suits or Shelter Armor are not so vulnerable to friendly fire in this manner, and the environments they are called to fight in are not always conducive to incendiary armaments. As well, the Imperial Guard's Banewolves are available for construction save for their infamous munitions. The delivery method itself is quite simple, the only true obstacle is developing a serviceable mixture.
Fighter: Saviors are reasonably capable craft that can serve in air superiority and ground support roles. Attachments are available, such as Mech Cav for dedicated spotters and patrols, Air Defense for both AAMs and SAMs, Foot Inf/MPs for base defense independent of other formations, StratCom for the nukes needed for orbital protection, etc.
Would inf/MP/engineers be a valid combination for a fighter army?
the engineers to build airbases, inf to protect the bases from attacks and MP as Anti-infiltration forces.
Would inf/MP/engineers be a valid combination for a fighter army?
the engineers to build airbases, inf to protect the bases from attacks and MP as Anti-infiltration forces.
Yes, you can do that. You could even attach Air Support to the Army, although as it is support for that army in particular it would be tankers for supporting patrols or strikes, gunships for defending the airstrips, and bombers for more effective CAS.
I believe that you are mixing roles, then. A Shock Army to break the front line with limited speed then turns to hold the "shoulders" of the breach, as they are limited in speed and the mobile reserves of the enemy front line will attempt to close the hole quickly, allowing a more mobile army to exploit the breach and start breaking Important things in the rear. Although it does depend a bit on whether you are going for Blitzkrieg or Deep Battle doctrine.
Well, the overall idea is:
Step 1: Shock Army makes the initial breach in the frontline.
Step 2: Shield Army rushes into the breach and establishes themselves to hold it open against enemy counterattack/reserves.
Step 3: Faster speed exploitation units (Tank Armies, Mechanized Armies, or possibly Happerry's Assault Armies) move through the breach to complete things by seeing off the enemy counterattack and then moving into the enemy's depth.
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@Sir_Travelsalot added your tech to the pile of research options.
Could you also edit the entry on the newer rapid shields? I made some changes.
(Defense) Haptrix-B Rapid Shields: As successful as the Rapid Shields have been on the Hegemon's warships, the current production models are not projected to be sufficient for ships beyond the size of Frigates. In the interests of simplicity, the Haptrix-B shall operate on similar principles as its predecessor, but takes advantage of being mounted on a larger vessel to scale up the Void Shield generators and their emitters, so as to provide adequate coverage.
Just cut out the part that comes after this.
I like to promote the fact that my plan adds an escort carrier and a Savior S-1 Multirole squadron to the bombardment ship to the 1st support squadron allowing it to hold a system allowing us to deploy to one more system.
...No, no it doesn't. Carriers are support/force multiplier assets, but, and especially the base pattern escort carrier you want to produce to keep unit variety low which has no actual guns, they need solid escorts. Of which the first support squadron has a grand total of 'None'. If we stick the support squadron out on its own, extra carrier or no extra carrier, it either won't be attacked or it'll be blown up.

If you want 'maybe able to hold a system if the enemy does not deploy anything good in that direction' stick the new carrier in a patrol squadron, which will still be shitty but at least will have actual ships of the line for the carrier to hide behind.
...No, no it doesn't. Carriers are support/force multiplier assets, but, and especially the base pattern escort carrier you want to produce to keep unit variety low which has no actual guns, they need solid escorts. Of which the first support squadron has a grand total of 'None'. If we stick the support squadron out on its own, extra carrier or no extra carrier, it either won't be attacked or it'll be blown up.
It has the Scorn-Class Bombardment Ship
- Hull: Converted Freighter (1E, 3O) (3M)
- Omni: [Weapon] Fusion Breaker Bombardment Cannon (Spinal Mount) (Damage 4, Very Short Range) (4M)
- Omni: [Utility] Cargo Bay Hangar (1M) + Harbinger Heavy Transport (PD2, Military Transport) (3M)
- Omni: [Defense] Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (Shield 2, .5 Armor. (4M)
- Engine: Tuned Merchant Thrusters (2A, 1M, Fragile) (1M)

That can be used against ships according the wiki: Bombardment Cannon
and another transport with one more Harbinger Heavy Transport squadron.
Three squadrons of saviors will do more damage then one of our patrol squadrons does so i do not see the issue.

If you think this is not enough one of the torpedo squadrons can be deployed to support them during the strategic turn.
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Shield: A heavy focus on powerful infantry, with support from Engineers to ensure mobility and defenses.

Holy Shield: Exchanges local Exoskeletons for Sisters of Battle. Sisters provide less "power", but serve as a force multiplier for the rest of the army from being figures of faith and individual combat prowess to kill enemy leaders.
For my proposed Shield Army role of rushing into a breach and holding it open long enough for the main exploitation force to arrive, how good would a Mechanized Infantry Core, Sisters + Elite Infantry + Engineers do?

Since I'm feeling that the Shield Armies as they are really aren't good for the job they were thought up as performing.
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For my proposed Shield Army role of rushing into a breach and holding it open long enough for the main exploitation force to arrive, how good would a Mechanized Infantry Core, Sisters + Elite Infantry + Engineers do?

Since I'm feeling that the Shield Armies as they are really aren't good for the job.
Mechanized provides light armor and mobility for the infantry they carry, Engineers mean that there are various utility vehicles (bridge layers, for example) to get over the battleground quicker, and Elite Infantry+Sisters allows for stiff resistance on the limited fronts necessary for their role.