Probably gonna need to up our number of patrol ships sooner rather than later. Depending on its loadout, Escort Carriers loaded with Saviors might be useful there.
Speaking in the long term I'd like to start refitting the AMMs we're currently using as patrol ships into my new
Modernized Escort Carrier schematic, because the combination of fighter bombers, an actual macrocannon battery (the big benefit there is the range increase, at least in my opinion), and actual defenses should make them far superior convoy guards then they are now.
We'll still probably need to start adding more hulls to our patrol squadrons, and probably even build a new patrol squadron or two soon, as much as it grates at me to do that when our actual naval squadrons still need a lot of work. If nothing else I'm worried that those 'lesser xenos' species are going to end up raiding us sooner or later.
Cool. A question about the overall plan, what do you see as being our reinforcements to the Honman Front (or whatever else we need to dedicate ground forces to)? The Assault Armies seem good for that, but what other forces are we going to be mobilizing as reinforcements or freeing up for redeployment?
Just accounting for the new built forces in my plan, under the assumption that most of our current forces are going to stay where they are, I'm honestly likely to leave the shrine world detachment as is groundside in return for giving it the first support squad to apply orbital nukage to any problematic ork areas. Because I think we need to go into a holding pattern somewhere, at least until we get more armies out, and suppressing the orks there instead of invading them seems the easiest place to do it.
For the hive world, I want to send both siege armies, one bridgehead army, one defense army, and the holy shield army. It already has an armor army, so I don't think it needs another, and I don't think the mechanized armies are the best choice for what's effectively a giant cityfight. The siege armies will give the manpower to hold ground and push the enemy at the same time, the bridgehead army and the holy shield army to apply force concentration where it's needed, and the defense army to ensure we hold ground, prevent enemy sneaky tricks, and I'm hoping the Military Police function helps with the refugees as well.
Then for the defense string, one bridgehead army, one defense army, the shield army, and both Assault Armies. The defense army does the same thing there as in the other place, while the bridgehead army and shield army pressure the orks and the Assault Armies... well, assault them.
Lastly, the void army and the 1st Auxiliary Squadron will hit the space hulk if it is still there to hit.
Edit :
Oh, you're referring to just making more of our current escorts, and even if they'd fail to get kills, it'd still seriously inconvenience our foe. That makes more sense.
No, Linty is referring to our current patrol squadrons, which are putting a damper in piracy as is. By shooting any pirates that attack their convoys. More ships will make that work better, but we're already doing that to them.