Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

@jwolfe_beta I want to note that your Warhawk hull design uses 41M, which is just barely enough to make it take two turns to build. The most progress we can make on a single hull in a single turn currently is 40M.
Plan changed to use the ammo stockpile instead of refitting individual ships with the new ammo and changes the armored army for a void army as well as exchanging two of my defense armies for one of Chimeraguard's Shield Armies.

[] Plan Docks, Refits, and Armies Mk2
-[] Drydock Construction (60M)
-[] General Repairs (32M)
-[] Voidwright Repairs (9M)
-[] 1x Broadside Class Terrestrial Defense (6M) (Former Khornate Hive World)
- Hull: Terrestrial Battery (4M)
- Weapon: Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (2M)
-[] 1x "Long Arm" class War Hawk (41M, 3A) (2nd Naval Squadron)
- Hull: War Hawk-class Heavy Frigate Hull mk II (8M)
- Weapon: Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Weapon: Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Weapon: Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (2M)
- Defense: Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (Shield 2, .5 Armor.) (4M)
- Defense: Scaffold Armor (Armor 1.5) (2M)
- Utility: Repair Deck (2M)
- Engine: Militarized Engine (Acceleration 2, Maneuver 2, Fuel Efficient) (3M)
- Bridge: Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
- Sensors: T-100 Auspex (2M)
- Warp: Merchant (4M)
- LS: Essential (2M) + Servitor Defense Stations (1M, 1A)
- Housing: Barracks (1M)
-[] Retrofit the Indomitable with Servitor Defense Stations (1M, 1A)
-[] Produce 5x Thermo-Cavitation Shells attachments for the ammo stockpile. (5M 5A)
-[] Retrofit AMM-8 to a Lance Armed Merchant Marine (LAMM) (16M, 1A)
- Replace Self Defense Battery with Farstrike Lance (4M, 1 A), Merchant Engines with Militarized Engine (4M), Navigational Shields with Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (5M), and Hull Armor with Scaffold Armor (3M)
-[] Retrofit AMM-1 and AMM-2 to Modernized Escort Carrier (28M)
- Replace Self Defense Battery with Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (3M), Navigational Shields with Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (5M), and Hull Armor with a Cove-pattern Hanger + Savior S-1 Multirole (6M)
-[] Train 2 Calavar Pattern Bridgehead Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Sappers (0M), Elite Infantry (0M)
-[] Train 2 Calavar Pattern Siege Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Heavy Artillery (0M), Sappers (0M), Additional Foot Infantry (0M)
-[] Train 2 Calavar Pattern Defense Armies (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Military Police (0M), Engineers (0M), Heavy Artillery (0M)
-[] Train 1 Calavar Pattern Shield Army (4M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Elite Infantry (0M), Combat Exoskeletons (2M), Engineers (0M)
-[] Train 1 Calavar Pattern Holy Shield Army (2M)
-Foot Infantry (2M), Sisters of Battle (0M), Engineers (0M), Elite Infantry (0M)
-[] Train 2 Calavar Pattern Assault Armies (16M)
-Mechanized Infantry (6M), Armor (1M), Mechanized Cavalry (1M), Elite Infantry (0M)
-[] Train 1 Calavar Pattern Void Army (9)
-Void Infantry (8M), Elite Infantry, Engineers, Combat Exoskeletons (2M)

Further feedback is still super welcome, but I smell food and need to eat so it'll take me till I get back to a computer to respond.
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Further feedback is still super welcome, but I smell food and need to eat so it'll take me till I get back to a computer to respond.
I'd say replace the Combat Exoskeletons with Sisters of Battle for the Shield Army (maybe rename it Holy Shield Army.) They can also provide force concentration, and the stated Morale + Dueling boost they give would be really useful for the sort of forcing open/holding a breach job that they'll find themselves in.

Sisters will probably enjoy getting a Crusade on against some Chaos.

Also, since the Shield Army is there to perform the first-wave actions to take and hold breaches, I'd prefer it if the Siege Armies traded Elite Infantry with Foot Infantry for the added manpower.
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So I've changed the Crusade Army into a Holy Shield Army, but as for the Siege Armies I'm still not entirely in agreement that additional foot infantry are better then elite infantry. But on the other hand I can definitely see reasonable points to that argument, so there's now two Bridgehead Armies with Elite Infantry, Sappers, and Heavy Artillery, and two Siege Armies with Additional Foot Infantry, Sappers, and Heavy Artillery.
Lord Admiral: Ah. Yes, come in. Fresh news from the Unbroken Defender, apparently they encountered a new foe on the return leg of the trip to Komaecarro. Not a true military ship but not a civilian hull either. Small and light, it is expected to be a raider type ship. Looks like the Traitors at Incleon have turned out something new to vex us with given the cult markings seen. It declined battle of course but it is another thing to look out for.
I haven't seen anyone else discuss the matter but I figure it should at least be noted. Both in what it says about the Trator's overall strategy, how it'll affect our situation, and what - or if anything - we should do about it.
I haven't seen anyone else discuss the matter but I figure it should at least be noted. Both in what it says about the Trator's overall strategy, how it'll affect our situation, and what - or if anything - we should do about it.
Probably gonna need to up our number of patrol ships sooner rather than later. Depending on its loadout, Escort Carriers loaded with Saviors might be useful there.

So I've changed the Crusade Army into a Holy Shield Army, but as for the Siege Armies I'm still not entirely in agreement that additional foot infantry are better then elite infantry. But on the other hand I can definitely see reasonable points to that argument, so there's now two Bridgehead Armies with Elite Infantry, Sappers, and Heavy Artillery, and two Siege Armies with Additional Foot Infantry, Sappers, and Heavy Artillery.
Cool. A question about the overall plan, what do you see as being our reinforcements to the Honman Front (or whatever else we need to dedicate ground forces to)? The Assault Armies seem good for that, but what other forces are we going to be mobilizing as reinforcements or freeing up for redeployment?

@DaLintyGuy We know Dark Star had ten Armies deployed last turn, but do we have any ideas on their force composition?
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Cool. A question about the overall plan, what do you see as being our reinforcements to the Honman Front (or whatever else we need to dedicate ground forces to)? The Assault Armies seem good for that, but what other forces are we going to be mobilizing as reinforcements?

@DaLintyGuy We know Dark Star had ten Armies deployed last turn, but do we have any ideas on their force composition?
Well, we know that they had at least some Baneblades, so they have Superheavy attachments on the armies we've seen, most likely in only one or two but possibly in more.
Probably gonna need to up our number of patrol ships sooner rather than later. Depending on its loadout, Escort Carriers loaded with Saviors might be useful there.
Well if we're going by the 'canon' Chaos raider vessels in BFGA, we're looking at missile pods and a lance or torpedo. And it's not that surprising that Traitor forces are starting to up-gun considering our semi-military and true military (heavy frigate) vessels making rather loud splashes.
Probably gonna need to up our number of patrol ships sooner rather than later. Depending on its loadout, Escort Carriers loaded with Saviors might be useful there.
So, should this be something we do now, or put off 'till later? My understanding of the situation is that they're trying to hamstring our offensive by raiding unprotected targets and harassing our logistics train. Presumably speaking, the Traitors are doing this because they're not confident enough in just attacking our main fleet, or there's some reason they don't want to commit - probably the orcs attacking elsewhere or none of them trusting each other enough to cooperate.
@DaLintyGuy We know Dark Star had ten Armies deployed last turn, but do we have any ideas on their force composition?
Five Mechanized Infantry, two Armored, one Aerial, one Aerial Infantry, and an "Elite" Mechanized Infantry backed by heavy artillery, mechanized cavalry, and Baneblades (they liked to show off, so you know their composition better). Friendly forces are unsure if these are "proper" Baneblades or the "diluted" versions Forge Worlds will put out to mimic Baneblades.

Bagalog had three Foot Infantry and a Motorized Infantry.

And it's not that surprising that Traitor forces are starting to up-gun considering our semi-military and true military (heavy frigate) vessels making rather loud splashes.
Indeed. Little has been able to compete with even your AMMs in a straight fight, made worse by their tendency to go in pairs. Incleon wishes to capitalize on this, and Freebootas have started trickling into the region from outside.
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So, should this be something we do now, or put off 'till later? My understanding of the situation is that they're trying to hamstring our offensive by raiding unprotected targets and harassing our logistics train. Presumably speaking, the Traitors are doing this because they're not confident enough in just attacking our main fleet, or there's some reason they don't want to commit - probably the orcs attacking elsewhere or none of them trusting each other enough to cooperate.
Our current Patrol Squadrons should be sufficient for now, especially if the raiders are just going out by themselves. But yes, in the following turns we'll want to increase our coverage.
We should probably start beefing up our patrol squadrons with additional ships starting next turn using the +30 manufacturing from getting the first phase of the yard out of the way.

However if we want to get escorts that can chase down the raiders we are going to need proper military engines that can allow our ships to go fast enough to catch the raiders instead of merely driving them away from our merchant marine.
However if we want to get escorts that can chase down the raiders we are going to need proper military engines that can allow our ships to go fast enough to catch the raiders instead of merely driving them away from our merchant marine.
That is one way. You could also Design a Hull with two Engine slots or is built to take a bonus to straight line speed. Or Design a Q-Ship Hull.

Or you can just take it as a win that you denied them their goal and hit them where it hurt: their wallets.
So what does the Preserver suit look like? The image I have in my mind is a cross between a cosmonaut suit and a more streamlined EOD suit.
Or you can just take it as a win that you denied them their goal and hit them where it hurt: their wallets.
Huh, I hadn't realized the local Traitors needed the Hive World so badly. I suppose it's a natural consequence of their high-attrition strategies - while effective, it does require them to have a constant stream of manpower, which we've so kindly stripped from them. I'm sure it's not the only hive world they have access to, but I'll still take the win.
So what does the Preserver suit look like? The image I have in my mind is a cross between a cosmonaut suit and a more streamlined EOD suit.
Sounds roughly right. It is bulky, with rigid surface "plates", but that's because you really don't want to take damage in space.

Huh, I hadn't realized the local Traitors needed the Hive World so badly. I suppose it's a natural consequence of their high-attrition strategies - while effective, it does require them to have a constant stream of manpower, which we've so kindly stripped from them. I'm sure it's not the only hive world they have access to, but I'll still take the win.
I meant looting your ships for sacrifices, slaves, manufactured goods, and the hull, but I suppose there is that as well.
Sounds roughly right. It is bulky, with rigid surface "plates", but that's because you really don't want to take damage in space.
Actually, looking at the mechanical results of the preserver suit, it actually doesn't fulfill the function I'd envisioned for it. The idea was to have a standard armor system for infantry that would render all our infantry armies into being proofed against environmental hazards, with the ability to scale up the protection to the levels needed to fight in space. Unless I've just completely missed that in the update.
Probably gonna need to up our number of patrol ships sooner rather than later. Depending on its loadout, Escort Carriers loaded with Saviors might be useful there.
Speaking in the long term I'd like to start refitting the AMMs we're currently using as patrol ships into my new Modernized Escort Carrier schematic, because the combination of fighter bombers, an actual macrocannon battery (the big benefit there is the range increase, at least in my opinion), and actual defenses should make them far superior convoy guards then they are now.

We'll still probably need to start adding more hulls to our patrol squadrons, and probably even build a new patrol squadron or two soon, as much as it grates at me to do that when our actual naval squadrons still need a lot of work. If nothing else I'm worried that those 'lesser xenos' species are going to end up raiding us sooner or later.

Cool. A question about the overall plan, what do you see as being our reinforcements to the Honman Front (or whatever else we need to dedicate ground forces to)? The Assault Armies seem good for that, but what other forces are we going to be mobilizing as reinforcements or freeing up for redeployment?
Just accounting for the new built forces in my plan, under the assumption that most of our current forces are going to stay where they are, I'm honestly likely to leave the shrine world detachment as is groundside in return for giving it the first support squad to apply orbital nukage to any problematic ork areas. Because I think we need to go into a holding pattern somewhere, at least until we get more armies out, and suppressing the orks there instead of invading them seems the easiest place to do it.

For the hive world, I want to send both siege armies, one bridgehead army, one defense army, and the holy shield army. It already has an armor army, so I don't think it needs another, and I don't think the mechanized armies are the best choice for what's effectively a giant cityfight. The siege armies will give the manpower to hold ground and push the enemy at the same time, the bridgehead army and the holy shield army to apply force concentration where it's needed, and the defense army to ensure we hold ground, prevent enemy sneaky tricks, and I'm hoping the Military Police function helps with the refugees as well.

Then for the defense string, one bridgehead army, one defense army, the shield army, and both Assault Armies. The defense army does the same thing there as in the other place, while the bridgehead army and shield army pressure the orks and the Assault Armies... well, assault them.

Lastly, the void army and the 1st Auxiliary Squadron will hit the space hulk if it is still there to hit.

Edit :
Oh, you're referring to just making more of our current escorts, and even if they'd fail to get kills, it'd still seriously inconvenience our foe. That makes more sense.
No, Linty is referring to our current patrol squadrons, which are putting a damper in piracy as is. By shooting any pirates that attack their convoys. More ships will make that work better, but we're already doing that to them.
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Actually, looking at the mechanical results of the preserver suit, it actually doesn't fulfill the function I'd envisioned for it. The idea was to have a standard armor system for infantry that would render all our infantry armies into being proofed against environmental hazards, with the ability to scale up the protection to the levels needed to fight in space. Unless I've just completely missed that in the update.
Ah. Okay. Still, so long as you have a body suit capable of repelling the surroundings you can put the helmet on and survive like that. I'd peg it as +2M for any Infantry Army cost, Foot/Motor/Mech.

...What, you thought it would be cheap to produce bodysuits and high tech breathing systems? Why do you think the typical Guard unit has torso armor and a helmet?
No, Linty is referring to our current patrol squadrons, which are putting a damper in piracy as is. By shooting any pirates that attack their convoys. More ships will make that work better, but we're already doing that to them.
Huh, I thought the new raider was specifically designed as a reaction to our escorts, which are putting a damper on their piracy. Hence us needing to step up our escort game to counter them stepping up their piracy game - unless I'm misinterpreting this all, of course.