That is also less impresseive than it sounds, as all you have to do is be harder than the ground you stand on.I mean it is able to be stepped on by a Titan and keep the wearer alive.
Sounds about right. Terminator is probably about as fast as a jogging man at full sprint.Of course the loyalists found out the hard way during the Heresy that there were some limitations to their shiny super-heavy armor plate. Namely that they aren't nearly as agile as they normally are* while in said walking tanks which the traitor legions took full advantage of.
*Heck I've seen bits that stated if the Terminator suit ever loses power, the marine would barely be able to move the armor.
Or the funky fusion bolt rounds the Custodes use.And that's not even touching on Custodes exclusive wargear like Adrathic weapons. Dark Energy Guns, that even the Admech isn't allowed to realize exist, let alone that the Golden Boys' private armorers still know how to make them.
People say the Imperium is primitive. This is true. It is also true that the best M40 tech versus the best Tau tech is simply no contest as the archeaotech starts at gravity guns, goes to antimatter conversion, passes whatever the zog torsion weapons are (manipulated space-time maybe?), and can end at quantum tunneling used for instant manufacture of war machines on site (one interpretation of STC templates means they are as hard to interpret as they are because they list the position of every atom in the object, for example).
Range of motion, or speed?That's true for the Indomitus-pattern and the ones that preceded it. But the most advanced model, the one that would've eventually been made the standard armor of space marines if the Heresy hadn't happened? Tartaros-pattern Terminator armor didn't impede your range of motion at all.
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