For convoy defense you can go with more vessels, for pirate hunting you need to be able to force battle. Be it outranging, outspeeding, tricking, or crippling them.
I was specifically listing the ways you could build a pirate hunting ship. Go fast by Designing a better Engine, go fast by using more Engine, go fast by making a Hull meant to use it's Engine better, or look like one of the convoy and turn the tables at an opportune time.Huh, I thought the new raider was specifically designed as a reaction to our escorts, which are putting a damper on their piracy. Hence us needing to step up our escort game to counter them stepping up their piracy game - unless I'm misinterpreting this all, of course.
True. Though if it is a chronic problem they will likely be issued them outside of their normal gear.And half the time they don't even get a sealed helmet to deal with environmental hazards they might encounter.