Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Turn Five Design Results, Construction Phase Start
Plan: Blessed are the Gun Makers

(Macrocannon Add-on) Plasma Bore Shells: While cheap to make and more than sufficient for battering down enemy Void Shields, the kinetic penetrators that are being used in our current Macrocannon Batteries are not sufficient for the armour plating that is present on proper warships. To that end, a new specialty munition has been designed to be used on vessels that have lost or never possessed shielding. A Macrocannon solid shell has been hollowed out, with a compact plasma generator stripped of its safety features and emergency shutoffs installed at the core. A proximity fuze at the shells tip will trigger at the point of imminent impact, activating a scaled-up version of the handheld plasma torches used by voidship technicians, to form a globe of plasma that acts as a thermic 'drill' driven by the shells momentum. Once the shell has penetrated into the hull, the plasma generator will eventually burn out its magnetic containment fields and unleash a blast of plasma within the target.

Result of 7-1 (complex technology)=6

The Standard Macrocannons of the Crusade had served well. Innumerable foes had been slain from the muzzles of these mighty guns. Yet worse was to come. The Carmine Glory, overtaken by Traitors as she was, had failed to be killed by three Resolute ships working in tandem because of her mighty armor. The Ork Warboss (Sneekboss? With Orks it was hard to be sure) Legcutta had a Light Cruiser in his possession.
Replacing the weapons of the entire fleet was not an option. Yet increased lethality was a pressing need.

Instead of greater and more powerful guns a change of ammunition was called for. Normally naval artillery would do this with Adamantium tipped shells for piercing armor. Calavar did not have access to this material and so a different tack would need to be taken.

To solve this a double stage weapon was planned. A budget plasma warhead made from a generator cut down past the point of functionality served as the core of the delivery method. Powering a "cutter", better described as a supercavitation bubble working off the understanding that metals are just a very viscous fluid, this generator did not produce surplus power but rather suspended a large mass of plasma. Upon impact containment of this mass is ruptured be it on the exterior of the hull, where the plasma does more damage than an equivalent nuclear shell, or the interior, where important systems can be damaged.

Of course, using a plasma core rather than a nuclear one was more labor intensive for only a subset of Adepts could assemble the necessary containment fields and initiators, even if it did more damage against heavier armor on a failed penetration.

[Thermo-Cavitation Shells: Specialist ammunition for macrocannons was a common sight in professional military forces, from Adamantium tipped armor piercing to more exotic bomb-pumped laser and Life-Eater shells. The Crusade's Thermo-Cavitation shells were the first step away from solid penetrators. (Damage 2, Short Range, 1M,1A. Reduces effective target Armor by 1 for the purpose of measuring damage done. Ammunition Add-on.)]

(Weapon) Farstrike Lance Mk.1: While the Thunderclap pattern has made new avenues of research available, a functional Lance armament for ship to ship combat is clamored for by the Admiralty. Study the salvaged Lance that we possess and see what can be done to resolve the pitiful range and firepower.

Result of 8-2 (new field)+1 (Lance study)+1 (lessons learned)=8

The tantalizing taste of new research aside, the Adepts of the Calavan order of the Cult Mechanicus knew that results were more important than mere "interesting" outcomes. And right now what was required were weapons to slay the Alien, the Heretic, and the Traitor.

The Farstrike program had one goal: turn the original Thunderclap into a deadly implement of justice. The original layout was effective enough it just suffered from a terminal lack of power. Capacitors from the Imperial weapons in storage were studied and poor duplicates were made in order to provide increased speed and power to the acceleration pulses of the circular accelerator. Effectiveness rose as a result, but results were still less than ideal. Now recoil was a factor in the design and with a circular accelerator either the barrel would be off center of the turret or much of the available space would be wasted that could otherwise have gone to making a larger, stronger accelerator.

So, instead of a circular accelerator, two of them were pushed together. Each could then take only half the load of the full war-shot instead of the full mass of the ionic projectile. This allowed for higher speeds inside the twin accelerators, and both charges would be fed into the final linear accelerator simultaneously. Even better: the two accelerators allowed for a mix of positive and negative ions to be used to nullify the chronic dispersion problems of the earlier Thunderclap.
(The demonstration shot shown to the Admiralty had some private celebrations going on as the Adepts congratulated each other. Particle weapons were not unheard of, as several Patterns of handheld Melta weapons used such principles as well as some Forge World fleets… It was still something of a status symbol to build such a thing without it having crippling issues.)

[Farstrike Lance: The result of continued perseverance in the face of adversity the Farstrike Lance was the first particle cannon weapon produced by the Crusade, a path traveled out of concerns of domestic lasers not scaling to the necessary degree. The twin circular accelerator system pioneered by this would later form the basis for more daring designs. (Lance 3, Medium Range, 3M,1A)]

War Hawk-class Hull Mk.2: While the Indomitable-class is a serviceable warship, it is neither up to the standards nor the tactical role set for the largest warships built at Calavar to date. Revise the internal layout to mend the current design's inefficiencies and attempt to address the electrical and engine power shortages, adding onto the superstructure if necessary.

Result of 9

The first combat action by the Indomitable had highlighted a number of flaws that had not been immediately noticeable during field trials inside Calavar. Most pressing was the tendency of the power grid to shudder when at full combat stations as the power core was still not fully up to the task of powering all gun decks, the shields, and the engines when every system was being urged past their design specifications in the face of an Ork charge, though the needless warren of service tunnels and hallways made ship defense and operations slightly more difficult than it could have been.

After prodding at the internal layout of the War Hawk Hull the Calavan Adepts declared that they knew what the problems were and had fixed them. The power grid had been adjusted in order to not necessitate the smaller engines as well as not cutting through living or travel space.

[War Hawk Hull MkII: With the lessons learned from the combat deployment of the Indomitable, the Crusade swiftly went to work updating their heaviest available combat asset. The Mark II of the Heavy Frigate hull featured none of the compromises made in its first incarnation and streamlined production slightly. (3W,2D,1E,1U. 8M)]

Calavar-pattern Preserver Armor: As the Crusade has progressed, the Infantry forces of the Hegemon have fought in shipboard boarding actions, on planetary surfaces and within the confines of ruined Hive cities. While in the first case, our troops have been able to make do with the ship crew's void suits, these have been deemed inadequate for future service. A basic Void Suit was taken by the design team and stripped of the bulky radiation shielding and internal air supply down to the bare self-sealing bodyglove and micrometeor-proof plating, replacing the lost weight in part with layers of flak weave and a modular helmet that can either be fitted with a rebreather or have the original air tanks reinstalled. Such a suit will not only provide more complete coverage than the current flak armor, but the environmental sealing will allow our troops to fight in even the most lethal or nonexistent atmospheres.

Result of 9+2 (simplicity)=11

Though the opening of the military-industrial complex to the common company allowed for things to be done outside the direct attention of the Admiralty and the Crusade it was undirected and limited. Not all technology could simply be handed out to potentially unworthy minds, after all. For something as important as void combat gear to allow soldiers to effectively storm hazardous targets such as Space Hulks or broken Under-Hives and survive chemical attacks, only the best technology available could be used.

The Preserver Armor, which would likely be called Calavar-Pattern Void Armor once contact with the Imperium was reestablished, was capable of sustaining the soldier inside for days of combat through the use of solid-state oxygen storage and carbon scrubbers, of protecting the soldier with layers of laminated flak armor and a self sealing bodyglove; ultimately allowing the Crusade to reap the benefits of the poisoned treasures the Warp carries.

But the resources of the State are not as finite as that of wealth seeking corporations. Drawing up the machinery needed to churn out any amount of armor was simplicity itself for the Calavan Adepts and the Lexicalum liasions and there were a number of designs of varying utility that were approved. The Shelter model armor was built with similar materials for the exterior layers, so that there was some commonality for when troops inevitably got to hacking apart the gifts of the Omnissiah in defiance of the greater wisdom of the Cult Mechanicus, but held one very key difference.
Namely, the Shelter possessed a powered exoskeleton. It was made from the same systems that drove servitors (in what was an inauspicious start but what the uninitiated didn't know would save them nonetheless) without the advanced neural sensors that allowed Astartes and to a lesser degree the Adepta Sororitas Orders Militant to command their armor with the fluidity of organic motion. Nonetheless the armor allowed the wielder to carry what would normally be considered a crew served weapon in the same manner as one would a conventional longarm.

A tertiary project bore fruit as well in the form of the power fields of the swords from Green Clade. Giving the hulking Shelter armor a close combat weapon that was extolled to match the "klaws" from the stories of established Ork WAAAGH!!s.

[Preserver/Shelter Armor: With the growing desire to end the losses of material and possible technology of the Space Hulks as well as the prospect of digging through Uniary's fallow Hives for longer than necessary a new Infantry program was born. The Crusade added functionality to typical Void Suits used on merchant vessels, replacing bulky radiation and thermal shielding with only slightly less bulky laminated flak armor and multiple self sealing layers to protect soldiers wounded in the course of a long operation. The sister program, the Shelter armor, was a crude attempt at powered armor the likes of which the Sisters of Battle bore. (Void Armies increased in cost by 2M. Powered Exoskeleton Attachments available for 2M. Void Infantry Attachments available for 1M. Ship marines upgraded because of their marginal numbers.)]

-[X](Do you allow the engineering information for strike craft to be released to the military-industrial complex, gaining an effective Design action that will only gain the salvage booster and not the omake bonus?) (Yes)

Result of 10-1+2=11

The official go-ahead to develop the first domestically produced, military aerospace craft lit a fire under the various manufacturers that had grown in prominence after the Crusade had begun. They had made Combat Lighters, Harbinger transport-gunships, armored vehicles, and industrial shuttles in the decades since the Crusade was called. And now there was prestige in the air for fighters were not merely armed transports but "knights of the sky" that could, theoretically, turn the tide of a campaign due to their performance.

The design specifications given out for the competition were loosely based off of the "Wasp Strike Fighter" concept that had been kicked about and pushed off for lack of resources: capable of engaging large and small targets in support of a void battle and carrying lasers rather than autocannon for the notable effectiveness increase they had in space or against hard targets. Industrial interests fought furiously to pull together a working contest entry and swiftly coalesced into a few competing blocks. Twice, Crusade authorities were called in the aftermath of some scandal or another to calm things down and execute those fouling the chances of the highest quality entrant winning for the chance to line their pockets.

In the end the bid of a block consisting of the second largest Ladescan builder, the only notable aircraft builder on Komaecarro, and a handful of Calavan companies that had experience with the Combat Lighters and Harbingers won the contract and the resulting royalties.
In itself the frame was nothing special, a lifting body design in the shape of a teardrop. A quartet of lascannon nosed out of the trailing edges of the vestigial "wings" while ship killing ordnance could be strapped to the upper surfaces by way of specialized support clamps- or a sufficiently determined and desperate ordnance officer. These antiship missiles were built off the same template as the Indignant Torpedo warheads where a nuclear charge excited the high density warhead such that it cored into the target.

The aerodynamic shape was chosen for the ability to easily reenter planetary atmospheres though the ancillary benefit of sharp angles on the armor in the fore section was welcome.

[Savior S-1 Multirole: As pressure mounted on the Crusade it became imperative that more resources were brought to bear on the problems facing the developing military force centered on Calavar. This resulted in the rare practice of civilian contracting being revived, and the Savior was the result. Compared to Imperial forces it underperformed but the design was met by approval on all sides for its relatively high performance and the cheapness of it's construction. (Fighter 2/Bomber 2, Medium Range. Atmospheric and Void capable. 1M)]
[GM Note: It's a teardrop with the pointy end facing forward, kind of like the BT ASF Vulcan on Sarna.]

-[X] Trade superheavy plasma weapons to Lexicalum in exchange for IG Standard equipment blueprints.

The Senior Magos of Lexicalum responded promptly to the offer, sending the majority of Lexicalum's military as escorts for the lean transport sent to retrieve the offered weapons. Even if it was only two Escort Carriers it was nonetheless a statement as well as good sense.

Experienced Adepts and low ranking Magi carefully, even reverently, worked the superheavy plasma weapons over. What they could fix, they did. What they couldn't, was marked for later. The origin of one of one of the weapons could even be identified: an arterial defense weapon on the outer bastion of an old, respected Hive on what had been Lativa Subsector's capital world.

The Calavan Mechanicus came out to see the weapons off in solidarity with their compatriots. Regular Calavan soldiers and workers were grudgingly tolerated so long as they watched from a distance as the weapons, tall as four men and more than capable of reducing a tank to cooling slag in a single shot as well as the one beside or behind it, were pulled to the heavy lift shuttles that would take them back to the Lexicalum transport and from there back to the Outpost.
The Omnissiah's children returned to it after suffering the damages of the Alien. What would become of them now none could say for sure.

Once the superheavy guns were safely stowed the cargo of the transport was disgorged onto the decks of the dockyard's warehouses. Thread spinners, crystallization vats, induction furnaces, everything needed to build the weapons of Humanity's Guard. Ready for duplication and use.

[Can build IG Standard equipment domestically. Prices will be added Soon(TM)]

-[X](Do you allow the Shrine World of Lativa to keep one of your armies on an effectively permanent basis? Doing so would give an Adepta Sororitas Attachment for the Construction phase for attachment to one of your Armies.) (Yes)

[Will be written sometime, possibly posted as a sidestory, because this is an Event]

[Gain an Attachment of Adepta Sororitas, which grants morale and dueling capability to an Army]


Lord Admiral: Ah. Yes, come in. Fresh news from the Unbroken Defender, apparently they encountered a new foe on the return leg of the trip to Komaecarro. Not a true military ship but not a civilian hull either. Small and light, it is expected to be a raider type ship. Looks like the Traitors at Incleon have turned out something new to vex us with given the cult markings seen. It declined battle of course but it is another thing to look out for.
Budget considerations are in the drawer over there. We'll be needing more Ground Forces to close all the fronts we've opened in any time and to make headway against the Dark Stars in the public relations front so make sure that gets proper attention.

[There is a budget of 260 Manufacturing Capacity (160 from Calavar+60 from her neighbors that have bent the knee+10 from the rebuilding worlds near renamed Bailafax+10 from reactivated manufactorums on Uniary+20 from services rendered unto the GM) to be spent and 10 Artisanal Workmanship available.]

[AMM-1 Voidwright Crippled (9M in repairs)]
[32M in repairs, ordnance, army replenishment outstanding]

[Bulk Hauler Frame available]

[Eight hour moratorium on votes to encourage discussion]
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On the subject of Construction, I have to ask...
Motor/Mech Infantry (1M): Increases or adds the presence of the described unit type in an Army (IE a Foot Army would gain a number of Motorized or Mechanized corps, Armored Armies would get more organic mobile infantry support, etc).
Armor: Organic Armored columns are added to the Army.
Is it actually intended that it cost M to add Mech Infantry to an army but adding actual tanks are free? Or Elite Infantry, or Artillery, and so on?

As well, are the costs in the Diplomacy post for buying Guard Gear from Lexicalum up to date?
Tentative warship design:

"Long Arm" class War Hawk (40M, 2A)
- Hull: War Hawk-class Heavy Frigate Hull mk II (8M)
- Weapon: Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Weapon: Farstrike Lance (3M, 1A)
- Weapon: Standard Macrocannon Battery MkI (2M)
- Defense: Haptrix-Pattern Rapid Shields (Shield 2, .5 Armor.) (4M)
- Defense: Scaffold Armor (Armor 1.5) (2M)
- Utility: Repair Deck (2M)
- Engine: Militarized Engine (Acceleration 2, Maneuver 2, Fuel Efficient) (3M)
- Bridge: Groupsight Combat Bridge (4M)
- Sensors: T-100 Auspex (2M)
- Warp: Merchant (4M)
- LS: Essential (2M)
- Housing: Barracks (1M)

"Long Arm" Lance Frigate. With a pair of lances to provide a measure of long-range firepower, this ship refrains from full commitment to Lance weaponry in order to remain just barely within Calavar's ability to rapidly construct and commission.
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[Thermo-Cavitation Shells: Specialist ammunition for macrocannons was a common sight in professional military forces, from Adamantium tipped armor piercing to more exotic bomb-pumped laser and Life-Eater shells. The Crusade's Thermo-Cavitation shells were the first step away from solid penetrators. (Damage 2, Short Range, 1M,1A. Reduces effective target Armor by 1 for the purpose of measuring damage done. Ammunition Add-on.)]
So do we only need to make these once per macrocannon or are they treated like torpedoes (have to make each replacement?)
[Farstrike Lance: The result of continued perseverance in the face of adversity the Farstrike Lance was the first particle cannon weapon produced by the Crusade, a path traveled out of concerns of domestic lasers not scaling to the necessary degree. The twin circular accelerator system pioneered by this would later form the basis for more daring designs. (Lance 3, Medium Range, 3M,1A)]
Yes. Yesssssss.:drevil:
[Preserver/Shelter Armor: With the growing desire to end the losses of material and possible technology of the Space Hulks as well as the prospect of digging through Uniary's fallow Hives for longer than necessary a new Infantry program was born. The Crusade added functionality to typical Void Suits used on merchant vessels, replacing bulky radiation and thermal shielding with only slightly less bulky laminated flak armor and multiple self sealing layers to protect soldiers wounded in the course of a long operation. The sister program, the Shelter armor, was a crude attempt at powered armor the likes of which the Sisters of Battle bore. (Void Armies increased in cost by 2M. Powered Exoskeleton Attachments available for 2M. Void Infantry Attachments available for 1M. Ship marines upgraded because of their marginal numbers.)]
Oh damn, we hit the jackpot here.
[Savior S-1 Multirole: As pressure mounted on the Crusade it became imperative that more resources were brought to bear on the problems facing the developing military force centered on Calavar. This resulted in the rare practice of civilian contracting being revived, and the Savior was the result. Compared to Imperial forces it underperformed but the design was met by approval on all sides for its relatively high performance and the cheapness of it's construction. (Fighter 2/Bomber 2, Medium Range. Atmospheric and Void capable. 1M)]
[GM Note: It's a teardrop with the pointy end facing forward, kind of like the BT ASF Vulcan on Sarna.]
Nice. And a lot cheaper then buying IN craft.
For reference he's what it looks like.
The Omnissiah's children returned to it after suffering the damages of the Alien. What would become of them now none could say for sure.
It involves sacred oils rubbed all over said items and mechadendrites being plugged into various ports. Best not think about it too hard.
"Long Arm" Lance Frigate. With a pair of lances to provide a measure of long-range firepower, this ship remains just barely within Calavar's ability to quickly construct and commission.
Just to be sure @DaLintyGuy would the ship suffer penalties from mounting two lances since it's still just an escort class?
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There's a penalty for two lances on an escort sized vessel? In that case, a Spatha hull with a lance and a Cove-pattern launch bay might work better as a weird sort of escort carrier. That extra acceleration could help, and it can launch strike craft and then remain at range, lancing things.
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Rather we pump out some IG equipped armys then worry bout the shipyards. Our armies had to settle for autoguns, so the las guns qill bee a big help. As well as the armord vehicles, and the heavy weapons.
There's a penalty for two lances on an escort sized vessel? In that case, a Spatha hull with a lance and a Cove-pattern launch bay might work better as a weird sort of escort carrier. That extra acceleration could help, and it can launch strike craft and then remain at range, lancing things.
Traditionally, Escorts don't have three weapons period, so I doubt there's a much bigger penalty to mounting a pair of lances than any other combination of guns.

Well, the Falchion kinda does, so it's not unheard of. Although strictly speaking the Falchion doesn't actually exist yet.
How big is the bulk hauler?
Cause if its reasonably bigger than what we currently have it may not be the worst idea ever to turn it into a carrier.
Is it bad that I kind of want to throw a Lance and a Hangar with Saviors on a Spatha Hull and just spam them?
maybe, maybe not. I was thinking of throwing two or maybe even three hangars with saviors onto a warhawk mk2 hull. Because those are some solid looking multirole fighters, which we're probably going to want to have everywhere we can, because they can help on the ground, and in orbit, and function as both a fighter and a bomber.
Of course, the Dark Star's also brought more forces to the theater total, amounting to ten Army level formations compared to the Bagalog's four and Calavar's paltry two.
So, Dark Star sent ten Armies to Homnan and lost two of them (in exchange, there's been 25 Ork Warbands lost.) This at least gives us some idea of what we'll need to build up to match their deployment (and we might want to surpass them), without factoring we've got other deployments in need as well (primarily the Khornate fight.)

Yeah, this is gonna be a big ground forces buildup for us.
There's a penalty for two lances on an escort sized vessel? In that case, a Spatha hull with a lance and a Cove-pattern launch bay might work better as a weird sort of escort carrier. That extra acceleration could help, and it can launch strike craft and then remain at range, lancing things.
I'm asking because even the Imperial Navy who has better everything then us; only ever mounted one lance on a frigate and devoted a lot of the reactor power to the thing.
Treated more like ordnance than not. You are shooting them, after all.
So we make one per ship/macrocannon and replace it after a battle?
No, it's crappier than that. Think something closer to the Alien power loader with armor over the top.
So it's far bulkier then typical power armor but smaller then sentinels or dreadnoughts with the soldier half wearing and half piloting the thing. And whose main purpose is to act as a mobile wall and haul around heavy firepower.
So different possible similar designs/inspiration: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.