[X] Plan local Starfuries and marcocannon frigates.
-[X]Cruiser Plasma Broadside available for trade with Lexicalum. Trade it for the ability to build the Fury Interceptor Squadron
-[X] Trade superheavy plasma weapons to Lexicalum in exchange for IG Standard equipment blueprints.
-[X](Do you allow the engineering information for strike craft to be released to the military-industrial complex, gaining an effective Design action that will only gain the salvage booster and not the omake bonus?) (No)
-[X] Sororitas deal: yes
-[X] Improved metalworking
Powerarmor and military hulls use Plasteel or Adamantium, create a forge capable to build a stronger metal then used for our current hulls that our tech priests think is within our abilities, look at the plassteel of our monitors and the salvaged Adamantium for inspiration. (tries to go for a new armor module and possible improvements to infantry armor/hulls from making them out of better metals)
-[X] lascannon defense batteries
With the increasing amount of fighters and torpedoes in use by our enemies its time to develop a defense system against them based on the lascannon. these guns serve as the final close range weapon and as point defense
-[X] Improved Frigate hull
Using the lessons learned during the design and testing of the War Hawk a improved design was made that sacrifices flexibility for increased abilities(two weapon slot locked to macrocannons) and fixes the engine troubles.
-[X] (Macrocannon Add-on) Plasma Bore Shells: While cheap to make and more than sufficient for battering down enemy Void Shields, the kinetic penetrators that are being used in our current Macrocannon Batteries are not sufficient for the armour plating that is present on proper warships. To that end, a new specialty munition has been designed to be used on vessels that have lost or never possessed shielding. A Macrocannon solid shell has been hollowed out, with a compact plasma generator stripped of its safety features and emergency shutoffs installed at the core. A proximity fuze at the shells tip will trigger at the point of imminent impact, activating a scaled-up version of the handheld plasma torches used by voidship technicians, to form a globe of plasma that acts as a thermic 'drill', driven by the shells momentum. Once the shell has penetrated into the hull, the plasma generator will eventually burn out its magnetic containment fields and unleash a blast of plasma within the target.
Returning to my old plan with a slightly less ambitious war hawk Mk2 that has two fixed macrocannon slots.
By trading for the ability to build furies we can build them cheaper and can build variants next turn using our strike craft bonuses.
The Hashim point defense guns are 1x Pulse Lasers (Damage 1, PD 3, VS Range) so adding one of those will help protect our frigates against the increasing amount of torpedo armed ships and the orcs have build their first fighter/bombers as well. Our only counter are fighters based on ships with merchant engines those might limit the ability of our squadrons to move tactically in battle.
The improved armor entry is a bit vague as i am not sure how hard working with Plasteel is but i think better metalworking is another step on the road to the next generation of ships.