AN: Omake numero dos about our combat lighter pilot giving the mechanicus feedback on how to make a better fighter.
Lighter Feedback
I, Erika Hermann, am a simple gal. Give me a chance to do something fun, like piloting a voidcraft to kill the Emperor's enemies in a Crusade, and I will be your new best friend. When the call came for Lighter pilots, I was the first ones to volunteer. It is after the battle and due to drawing the literal short straw, I now had to give the Mechanicus feedback on how the Lighter performed. Luckily the Lighter helmet had a optical recorder, so I mostly just say a few comments like the Lighter is really sluggiesh on a turn, getting a higher top speed would help in pursuing enemy voidcraft, that sort of thing.
"I rarely use the autocannons, I was too busy concentrating on flying the Lighter and evading enemy voidcraft to utilize the turrets so I just lock them to the front and use them like they we were fixed to the roof and floor. I cannot fly and aim the turrets accurately at the same time without a lot of practice, so having a 2nd crewmen or a machine spirit can handle the turret would be really helpful in lighting my load."
I comment as on the screen shows me using the autocannon as if it were fixed rather than as a turreted weapon as I could not spare the attention to both aim the turret and not fly in a straight line as that leaves me vulnerable for a leading shot. Luckily the traitors still use ballistic weapons so they will need to get lucky or be a really good shot for me to get a hit.
"The Lascannons are good, but it would be great if the cooldown is much shorter as the Lascannon is my main source of getting kills as everytime I pull the trigger a craft instantly dies, but waiting for 8 seconds for the Lascannons to cool down is a long time in a dogfight. Having more options to use while the Lascannons are reloading would be great to have. The few anti voidcraft missiles is nice to have, since the traitors currently have point defense on their civilian voidcraft, when I am outnumbered, releasing a several anti-voidcraft missiles will greatly help in reducing the numbers disadvantage."
The recording now shows me engaging a new swarm of voidcraft which I answer with my last volley of missiles before firing my Lascannons on a particularly large model voidcraft, before finally using the autocannons.
"While the autocannons are powerful the recoil severely damages the accuracy and causes my shots to go wide. Does not help that I had to turn my head to view what the turret is aiming at. The fact that it also have travel time makes trying to hit an evasive target nearly impossible. I wouldn't mind replacing it with a multilaser instead."
The video ends when all of the heretic fighters retreated and I came back to my carrier to repair and restock on rockets.
"Alright, so to summarize, the next voidcraft fighter will have to require a more powerful engine and be able to manuever really well. The Lascannons are good enough to kill an enemy fighter in 1 or 2 shots but the downtime between those shots is too long and a model that could shoot faster would be welcome. The turrets need to be operated by a 2nd person as the pilot can't fly and aim the turrets at the same time without a lot of practice. Changing the Autoguns to Multi-lasers would be better as it is much more accurate, if we encounter a fighter that can shrug of a Lascannon or Multilaser, a Krak missile should be able to damage it. If you can somehow give these voidcraft rapidly recharging shields like the ones we have on our Corvettes that would be great. Flares would be great incase the traitors or Orks manage to get guided missiles. And I think that is everything."
The Mechanicus members nodded and then started talking technobabble that I am not technically minded enough to understand. So I guess the debrief is over. Now I need to write a report on what I said to the higher ups. The things I do for a weeks worth of pitzza pie rations.
AN: a little bit more plain cause I don't have much to write about here I can only comment on everything so that is what I did. If you have any constructive criticisms I'll be happy to hear them out.