Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

Based on the patchnotes I'm not sure both Armies were meant to be IG-standard. Happery, DLG, you might wanna check that out, I think Happ missed updating their plan's infantry component.
They both are Guard Units. The patch notes missed being patched in the last round of 'wait if I do that then I can do that' money moving around when it was pointed out that giving the AMMs the anti-boarding part was a bit meh.
Lighter Feedback (Set in Battle for Pox Marsh, +1 to next Fighter design)
AN: Omake numero dos about our combat lighter pilot giving the mechanicus feedback on how to make a better fighter.
Lighter Feedback​

I, Erika Hermann, am a simple gal. Give me a chance to do something fun, like piloting a voidcraft to kill the Emperor's enemies in a Crusade, and I will be your new best friend. When the call came for Lighter pilots, I was the first ones to volunteer. It is after the battle and due to drawing the literal short straw, I now had to give the Mechanicus feedback on how the Lighter performed. Luckily the Lighter helmet had a optical recorder, so I mostly just say a few comments like the Lighter is really sluggiesh on a turn, getting a higher top speed would help in pursuing enemy voidcraft, that sort of thing.

"I rarely use the autocannons, I was too busy concentrating on flying the Lighter and evading enemy voidcraft to utilize the turrets so I just lock them to the front and use them like they we were fixed to the roof and floor. I cannot fly and aim the turrets accurately at the same time without a lot of practice, so having a 2nd crewmen or a machine spirit can handle the turret would be really helpful in lighting my load."

I comment as on the screen shows me using the autocannon as if it were fixed rather than as a turreted weapon as I could not spare the attention to both aim the turret and not fly in a straight line as that leaves me vulnerable for a leading shot. Luckily the traitors still use ballistic weapons so they will need to get lucky or be a really good shot for me to get a hit.

"The Lascannons are good, but it would be great if the cooldown is much shorter as the Lascannon is my main source of getting kills as everytime I pull the trigger a craft instantly dies, but waiting for 8 seconds for the Lascannons to cool down is a long time in a dogfight. Having more options to use while the Lascannons are reloading would be great to have. The few anti voidcraft missiles is nice to have, since the traitors currently have point defense on their civilian voidcraft, when I am outnumbered, releasing a several anti-voidcraft missiles will greatly help in reducing the numbers disadvantage."

The recording now shows me engaging a new swarm of voidcraft which I answer with my last volley of missiles before firing my Lascannons on a particularly large model voidcraft, before finally using the autocannons.

"While the autocannons are powerful the recoil severely damages the accuracy and causes my shots to go wide. Does not help that I had to turn my head to view what the turret is aiming at. The fact that it also have travel time makes trying to hit an evasive target nearly impossible. I wouldn't mind replacing it with a multilaser instead."

The video ends when all of the heretic fighters retreated and I came back to my carrier to repair and restock on rockets.

"Alright, so to summarize, the next voidcraft fighter will have to require a more powerful engine and be able to manuever really well. The Lascannons are good enough to kill an enemy fighter in 1 or 2 shots but the downtime between those shots is too long and a model that could shoot faster would be welcome. The turrets need to be operated by a 2nd person as the pilot can't fly and aim the turrets at the same time without a lot of practice. Changing the Autoguns to Multi-lasers would be better as it is much more accurate, if we encounter a fighter that can shrug of a Lascannon or Multilaser, a Krak missile should be able to damage it. If you can somehow give these voidcraft rapidly recharging shields like the ones we have on our Corvettes that would be great. Flares would be great incase the traitors or Orks manage to get guided missiles. And I think that is everything."

The Mechanicus members nodded and then started talking technobabble that I am not technically minded enough to understand. So I guess the debrief is over. Now I need to write a report on what I said to the higher ups. The things I do for a weeks worth of pitzza pie rations.
AN: a little bit more plain cause I don't have much to write about here I can only comment on everything so that is what I did. If you have any constructive criticisms I'll be happy to hear them out.
[X] Plan: Ungaunt
Next omake will be the armsman fending off a Nurgle cultist boarding. If anyone have any omake ideas they want me to write I'd be happy to hear them.
Well, on the matter of the writing prompt, even weak active Psykers can do things like create illusions, cause people to spasm violently, project auras of fear or awe, look into the near future to dodge attacks or lead their shots, cause or dull debilitating pain at a distance, lock people's minds into a short duration loop (they repeat an action), make themselves impossible to perceive, will living flesh to knit back together, temporarily erase memories, float off the ground, create flashbangs from nothing etc. They would be terrifying in asymmetrical warfare.
On one hand psychic special forces, on the other hand psychic special forces that can be corrupted by daemons. So spreading them across an IG army is just asking for an army to turn traitor due to 1 link in the chain breaking. I think having a support squad of psykers that specialize in illusions or etc would be great to have. This would be where the weak psykers are put. I am not sure where we can put the more powerful ones without having them be too damaging if they get possessed.
A group focusing on finding traitors and chaos cult members finding these as soon as possible is vital.
Pyskers with more combat related skills can serve in small units attached to our armies, keep the groups small so the normal troops in the area can handle them if they go chaos.
Just to confirm: this is a writing event. Short stories about psykers doing anything that they could do better than a normal person, and how the people around them treat them with the only real knowledge they have being that psykers were previously taken by the Inquisition.
Possible rewards do include Hero units.

@DaLintyGuy Sorry if this was already asked but do we have intelligence on how heretical the Dark Star Alignment is? Like defacing the imperial eagle heretical or "praying in a different day" heretical?
Relatively heretical, treating the Emperor as a Warp entity akin to the existing Ruinous Powers with the justification of the miracles produced by the Ecclesiarchal members of the Shrine World to the North. Potentially reclaimable, but not allowable.

AN: Omake numero dos about our combat lighter pilot giving the mechanicus feedback on how to make a better fighter.
Nice. Small factual errors with what a Combat Lander is, with the autocannon being unable to face forward and presumably having their own gunners. Other than that it is a functional piece of work. +1 to the next Fighter design.
Next omake will be the armsman fending off a Nurgle cultist boarding.
Interesting. Set where/when? Breezy did one for Pox Marsh although he gave them a bit too much Warpiness for that point of the game.
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Omnissiah, Let Me Be Heard (Possible at Any Point)
The ground of Laskin had been polluted over the ages. Not from neglect, but an intentional act of despoilment to destroy the existing biosphere. Yet life finds a way even so. The plants of the tidal marshes of the east coast of the lone continent had adapted to the heavy metal and hydrocarbon pollutants with their trademark ease and now absorbed the chemicals lacing the heavy mire to fuel their growth, forming blades, wires, and flammable pustules to defend themselves from the wildlife.

The toxic mass was a great deterrent as little of value was found in the region. Orks that landed there had minimal resources to repurpose into transportation and even their brutish biologies struggled to survive on the poisons that made up the life that grew there. Orkoid fungus rarely took root in the treacherous muck and when it did it was thin and sickly. With this in mind it formed a flank when one of the near constant Ork attacks reached the surface and threw themselves at one of the great forge-cities in a single minded bid to repurpose them for their own ends. But sometimes a contingent of Orks would prove their foolishness and drop into the unforgiving area, or their cunning by asembling some contraption with the expectation of avoiding the main defensive positions. At these times the guardians of the region would be called upon to perform their duty.

Dexterous legs cut through the water, supporting the Skitarii Ranger on the unstable mass below. Sonic and electrical sensors kept the soldier from stepping on any of the more dangerous species that lived in the area or stepping into unstable locations that would not easily bear their weight. A cameoline cloak shrouded vision of the Ranger, though it would only come into it's own in time, hiding the matte finish of the Ranger's mechanical limbs, armor, and quiescent weapon.

Ahead, the raucous cries and jeering laughter of Orks could be heard as power tools and raw muscle hacked away at their ship to turn it into ramshackle offenses to the word "vehicles". Some of the products of the barbaric Xenos hovered on cushions of force inside the cancerous looking workshops extending from the exposed flank of the once starfaring vessel, fitfully sparking and electrocuting the occasional passerby with arcs of lightining coming from the exposed coils. Turrets and cannon meant to engage other craft on it's scale were the subject of their own work parties in order to return them to some semblance of working order; to serve as superheavy artillery against the forge-cities or simply for the simple joy of firing, the Ranger knew not.

Passing nearly silently by the thrashing and screaming of a Grot caught by a swamp predator as Orks pointed and laughed, the Ranger dropped into a small hole and crouched so that a minimum of their body was above the fetid, toxic water. With the caress of an input rune the weapon they ha carried so far came to life with a hum, internal systems awakening with bloodthirst once more. Laskin was under existential threat by attrition and so long sealed vaults had been opened. This weapon was the size of an Imperial Guar heavy bolter but was infinitely more dangerous as it carried forbidden knowledge from the Dark Age. A handful had been sourced from a Space Hulk millennia ago and sealed away from the fear of their power. Yet they were uniquely suited to this task.

Thin lasers mapped over the hull in front of the Ranger from the unit attached to the side of their head, building a topographical map of the structure. In defiance of all conventional wisdom the Ranger aimed the weapon at the most solid plate under the cannon batteries as they whispered inaudible catechisms to the Machien God. Blessings of activation, function, of true aim, and more were intoned. The short list of the previous deeds of the device was recited as the charge within the activation tubes reached it's peak. And then, the eenrgy was released.

Space itself warped for a fraction of a second. A perfectly round hole was left in the armor, the air, and anything as all matter was compressed into a disk the thickness of less than an atom at the termination point of the line segment of space-time the weapon distorted. Then, that segment of degenerate matter collapsed into a micro-singularity, existed for less than a millisecond, and evaporated. Energy released in prodigious amounts inside of the somewhat armored magazine of the haphazard batteries and touched off the munitions. A jet of highly energetic matter was forced through the entry wound but the vast majority of it vented upward through the open spaces around the gun decks that were under reconstruction, or down into the buckled hallways and corridors of the ship.
The Ranger flared with light as the shockwave spilled over them, arcane science neutralizing the shockwave that may have been lethal to even their enhanced physiology.

The ship wreckage burned, but that was not all there was to do. A second weapon was deployed, a linear barrel on a rotating mount attached to the shoulder. This time the target was the Mek that seemed to be taking charge of the relief efforts and so the laser winked once, superheating the contents of the Ork's skull and painting the nearby decks with green and white flecked blood and flesh.

Job done, the Ranger rose and fled. Just one of the many mud covered creatures that had been spooked by the massive surface explosion.
Just to confirm: this is a writing event. Short stories about psykers doing anything that they could do better than a normal person, and how the people around them treat them with the only real knowledge they have being that psykers were previously taken by the Inquisition.
Possible rewards do include Hero units.
I'll see if I can tackle this one, I don't think I'll do good on the social commentary since I am not a social person. Also have to research psykers in the future. Maybe I am torn between making street rat psyker or a noble psyker, I could make both if that is alright?
Huh, if the Orks capture some of those weapons they might be able to move Vakuum Bommz to Looted and make reverse engineering the damn things viable.

That would not be good.
So the boarding ships were filled with stinky civs? what are they doing at orbit in a ship?
The cultists threw expendable slave fodder at the Loyalist fleet, led by true cultists with some more proper weapons. Some attack shuttles had full cultist complements.
The cultists themselves were predominantly the crew of a double handful of civilian vessels that fell to Nurgle's influence.
-[X] South: Send 3rd Patrol Squadron
-[X] Civilized World Ungaunt (40LY): A lone beacon of civilization amidst a string of Feudal and Feral Worlds, Ungaunt has taken to providing weapons for the faithful of it's neighbors to provide the hearty folk with the weapons to resist Ork and Traitor attacks that are seeking slaves over territory. Currently under attack by the Minor Xenos of the region and Gunbreaka raiders. [Independent]
A question, as you seem to be the creator of this plan. What is your mission objective with this maneuver?
A question, as you seem to be the creator of this plan. What is your mission objective with this maneuver?
Although I'm not the plan creator, as someone who did vote for it my impression was that we would make contact and offer assistance with their raider problem, hopefully bringing them into our sphere in exchange for additional future protection.
Although I'm not the plan creator, as someone who did vote for it my impression was that we would make contact and offer assistance with their raider problem, hopefully bringing them into our sphere in exchange for additional future protection.
Do we have free patrol fleets to take up on more territory?
Just to confirm: this is a writing event. Short stories about psykers doing anything that they could do better than a normal person, and how the people around them treat them with the only real knowledge they have being that psykers were previously taken by the Inquisition.
Possible rewards do include Hero units.
Might take a poke at this.

Though a check first: You previously showed that the Calavar mechanicus to be less augment happy then normal so the place isn't 100% 'traditional' when it comes to things. What sort of culture does the place have towards psykers, and what degree of training would they have access to (sanctioned psykers already on planet, astropaths etc)?
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