-Civilized World Oprechna (20LY): A backwater off the shipping lanes that only is dimly aware of how far the Subsector has fallen in recent years. Has had recent changes in government. [Independent]
Well, this is something to pay attention to.
-[X] North: Send 2nd Naval Squadron (RoE: Hunt Enemy Transports)
-[X] Dark Star Alignment (20LY): Followers of a heretical version of the Imperial Cult based around the former Imperial Guard depot on the Feudal World of Calsum. Their ground forces and marines are well equipped, but they lack a true shipyard for the Adeptus Mechanicus in their territory refuse to aid them. Embroiled in conflict against the forces of WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka, supposedly only in defense of the Homnans. [Nominally Traitor]
Er, what? Why are we raiding these guys when the defense league is being swarmed by freebooters? This is more an issue for sending missionaries in, not to start shooting their logistics in the middle of them shooting orks.
Even beyond that though...
-[X] North: Send 1st Naval Squadron + 1st Torpedo Squadron + 1st Auxiliary Squadron + 8th Crusade Infantry Army
The 8th Crusade army isn't deployable right now. Neither is the 7th.
7th Crusade Guard Infantry Army
-Raised Turn Three/active Turn Four
8th Crusade Guard Infantry Army
-Raised Turn Three/active Turn Four
Have an alternative plan.
[X] Plan: Two Fists Aflame With Justice
-[X] North: Send 1st Naval Squadron + 3rd Patrol Squadron + 1st Torpedo Squadron + 1st Auxiliary Squadron + 6th Crusade Infantry Army & 1st Calavar Infantry Army
-[X] Homna String Defense League (20LY): A defensive pact once stood among these worlds. Their strength bled out by the mere sheddings of the nearby WAAAGH!!s and the overflow of Freebootas from the fallen core worlds, WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka struck in force and scattered their so called warships and bowled over their limited armies. Now all factions look to the region to deny their enemies territory and assets. [Contested]
-[X] West: Send 2nd Naval Squadron + 3rd Naval Squadron + 1st Support Squadron + 2nd and 3rd Calavar Infantry Army + 5th Bailafax Infantry Army + 1st Calavar Armored Army
-[X] Bailafax (20LY): Once conquered and once again besieged, Bailafax resolutely stands against the tide of frothing madmen. At least four Army equivalents maraud against the mountain holds of the Loyalist survivors as their warships watch from above. Warp manifestations have begun occurring, spreading from the "temple" being erected by the more disciplined of their number from the ruins of the old capital and the bodies of the slain, Loyalist and Traitor alike. [Owned by Calavar, provides 20M?] [Current Friendly Forces: 3rd Calavar Infantry Army, 5th Bailafax Infantry Army]
This plan doesn't start doing commerce raiding on people fighting orks in the same battlezone we're sending half our fleet to, gives some extra numbers to the defense league relief group by sending them the 3rd Patrol Group because dealing with raiders is an issues of catching them as much as fighting them, and drops more of our armies on both hotspots we have to worry about this turn.
It also doesn't try to use an army that's still mustering up and not combat ready yet.
Also, really, why do you want to pick a fight with the Dark Star Alignment when there's actual chaos worshipers and orks and xenos about? They're worshiping the Emperor wrong, not not worshiping the Emperor. Even the strat-turn calls them 'Nominally Traitor' instead of actually just calling them 'Traitor'.