The relentless march of production carried on. Masses of raw material was shoveled into great, blazing furnaces, turned into massive ingots, and shaped into the frames of new ships. Broken and scarred ships were partially disassembled and refurbished as their depleted crews were replenished with fresh faces.
New faces were seen in the Calavar system as the Lexicalum Mechanicus delivered great loads of war material to their soft overlords. Blocky interceptors and bombers were taken out of their transport cages and flown into their new hangars for their Imperial crews to familiarize themselves with their new vehicles. Crates of rifles and shipping containers of artillery carriages and barrels were driven into and off of heavy lifters for delivery to the windswept southern continent of Calavar where far reaching training grounds had been established for the tens of millions of new soldiers to learn discipline and the operation of their equipment by the next campaign season.
But for the Admiralty the biggest development was the formation of a true, professional military squadron of the Crusade Fleet. As soon as it was concepted it was apparent that the only place that could be given such a concentration of military might was the First Naval Squadron: the most senior squadron with the most senior ships with the most senior commander. The first two Resolutes, the newest and most powerful Resolutes, and the only carrier carrying Imperial Navy void superiority strike craft.
It was the opinion of the Calavan High Command that this was the single most powerful formation in the vicinity of Calavar, and the celebrations lasted well into the night at this show of Calavar's increasing might.
Lord Admiral: Our northern flank has collapsed and WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka is beginning to turn to the business of conquering the leftovers of the Homnans while the Dark Star Alignment spreads their heretical creed through the populace they save and supply. As bad as it sounds there are still spots of... Dubious, hope: Mulyran has offered to coordinate her response with ours. She has pledged a squadron of three warships to the reclamation of the Homnans as well as a ground force of approximately two Armies in strength. So long as proper distrust is in place I believe that our interests align.
Even if it's only as far as killing greenskins.
Our other pressing theater is the Bailafax siege. Now that we have the fleet strength we need to reestablish control and kill every misbegotten Traitor who had the temerity to trespass with murderous intent. The enemy is making gains against our settlements and it is likely that additional forces are being directed our way.
I shouldn't have to inform you that defeat is unacceptable.
[Ships are part of their Squadron which are the method you use to send orders. Each Task Force is assigned to one location and multiple Squadrons can be assigned to the same target if resistance is expected. Armies are assigned independently, but must go to a location alongside at least one Squadron for protection. Refer to the Naval Registry for current Squadron dispositions.
On these campaigns Squadrons can be given Rules of Engagement. Should they engage aggressively, prioritize survival, hunt enemy transports, or limit themselves to escorting friendly transports and shielding ground forces from bombardment to let cheaper forces win the day. Etcetera.]
[Friendly Territory needs a Garrison to keep the space lanes clear and prevent Manufacturing losses to raiders. Putting a Squadron into Reserve over Calavar means that it can be sent into a newly active theater but will arrive late.]
Central: The immediate vicinity of Calavar.
-Calavar: Homeworld and critical production center. If this is lost, you lose. Even successful defenses can result in a loss of production and morale. Current Defenses are estimated as "Light". [Owned by Calavar]
-Surrounding Calavar: Similarly cast adrift but not as well blessed by their leadership these worlds need an affirmation of order and hope so that we can profit from their manufacturing capacity. [Owned by Calavar, provides 60M] [Currently Assigned: 1st Patrol Squadron, 4th Calavar Infantry Army]
North: The core of what was once and what may again be Lativa. Overrun by a myriad of small Ork forces in the wake of the final defeat after centuries of encroachment.
-Homna String Defense League (20LY): A defensive pact once stood among these worlds. Their strength bled out by the mere sheddings of the nearby WAAAGH!!s and the overflow of Freebootas from the fallen core worlds, WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka struck in force and scattered their so called warships and bowled over their limited armies. Now all factions look to the region to deny their enemies territory and assets. [Contested]
-Dark Star Alignment (20LY): Followers of a heretical version of the Imperial Cult based around the former Imperial Guard depot on the Feudal World of Calsum. Their ground forces and marines are well equipped, but they lack a true shipyard for the Adeptus Mechanicus in their territory refuse to aid them. Embroiled in conflict against the forces of WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka, supposedly only in defense of the Homnans. [Nominally Traitor]
-WAAAGH!! Jawbreaka (40LY): The farthest point that has been tainted by Orks spilling from the North. Jawbreaka leads a small WAAAGH!! as these things go, even for Lativa. Defenses are estimated to be "Light" with a notable mobile force element due to the WAAAGH!!s small territory. [Ork Held]
-The Starved (40LY): A Hive World that has fallen to starvation and, subsequently, a Warp entity outside of the Four Powers. Now it's skeletal slaves seek to conquer other worlds. A moderate amount of weak combat craft have been reported subjugating nearby worlds. Under attack by the Minor Xenos of the region. [Traitor]
-WAAAGH!! Legcutta (40LY): An Ork force that is said to use such "unOrky" tactics as ambushes, bombs, and regular Kommando forces and has been claiming poorly defended worlds among the southern portion of the core worlds from rivals and Humans alike. [Ork Held]
-Minor Xenos (40LY): Heavily built ships with severe appearances have clawed out a few systems for their own purposes. [Xenos]
West: A string of fallen worlds shows the interest of the Ruinous Powers in the Subsector, surrounded by worlds they plunder for slaves and material as their corruption deepens.
-Civilized World Oprechna (20LY): A backwater off the shipping lanes that only is dimly aware of how far the Subsector has fallen in recent years. Has had recent changes in government. [Independent]
-Khornate Cult (20LY): Only newly come into their madness these Traitors retain most of their discipline and technical skill even as they war against all near them. Defenses are judged to be "Light" with notable numbers of converted civilian shipping lead by a pair of ex-Imperial Navy escorts of unknown class. [Traitor]
-Bailafax (20LY): Once conquered and once again besieged, Bailafax resolutely stands against the tide of frothing madmen. At least four Army equivalents maraud against the mountain holds of the Loyalist survivors as their warships watch from above. Warp manifestations have begun occurring, spreading from the "temple" being erected by the more disciplined of their number from the ruins of the old capital and the bodies of the slain, Loyalist and Traitor alike. [Owned by Calavar, provides 20M?] [Current Friendly Forces: 3rd Calavar Infantry Army, 5th Bailafax Infantry Army]
-Khornate Cult (40LY): Squatting among the wreckage of what was once a prosperous if small Hive World these Traitors seem to be more interested in hunting down the remaining civilians and soldiery than offensive actions beyond their nominal space. Defenses are judged to be "Light". [Traitor]
-Tzeentchian Cult (40LY): A rare example of the people in the Subsector who were most vulnerable to the temptations of Tzeentch. Defenses are judged to be "Moderate", mostly through the use of sorcery. [Traitor]
-Nurglish Cult (60LY): Previously a Civilized World, this group has at least one Squadron of Imperial Navy classes in good repair and use them to aggressively patrol their territory, regularly clashing with their red neighbors. Defenses are judged to be "Light", but with quality mobile forces. [Traitor]
-Khornate Cult (60LY): When all hope is lost anger can become stifling. This roving fleet of followers of the Blood God pay little attention to anything but where the next place to shed blood may be. At least one military vessel was spotted in the small horde of transports. [Traitor]
-Forge World Incleon (60LY): To call this a true Forge World does the Mechanicus a disservice, but it was one of their distribution and lesser production nodes in the Southwestern portion of the Subsector. Now it sees regular visits from the lesser cults in the vicinity in order to buy bulk produced small transports and bears defenses in excess of what it previously did under Imperial authority, estimated at at least "Moderate". [Traitor]
-Fleet Bastion Kandahar (60LY): Once supporting the actions of Navy vessels rooting out piracy this minor fortress has been overtaken by Nurglish cultists. Defenses and mobile forces are not well understood, though the former should be at least "Medium" from repurposing existing defenses. Navigators report ill omens for the future when near this location. [Traitor]
South: This is the shortest route to Imperial territory from Calavar, in terms of objective distance.
-Bagalog (20LY): An opportunistic warlord has risen to power over the Civilized World of Bagalog. Nearby worlds have been yoked or willingly come to the banner of it's leader, the new leader of a middling merchant cartel by the name of Loree Mulyran. The central location and continued pleas for assistance have attracted an Explorator to the region, providing technology and manufacturing to the upcoming merchant lord for oaths of power and riches. Defenses are judged to be "Light" with a small number of newly built hulls coming from a recently operational construction dock in orbit. [Independent]
-Outpost Station Lexicalum (20LY): An Adeptus Mechanicus outpost that is supplying and organizing a small stretch of Loyalist worlds against attack. Orkish raiders and Traitors threaten their shipping in hopes of acquiring war material for their own designs. [Allied with Calavar] [Currently Assigned: 2nd Patrol Squadron]
-Feral World Jurgenz (40LY): Taken by WAAAGH!! Gunbreaka this is now a fortress world. At least by Orkish standards. Current Defenses are judged to be "Moderate" (a double handful of small defense platforms anchoring a minefield and what are probably monitors of some description), with the signs of that continuing to go up in coming years. [Held by WAAAGH!! Gunbreaka] [Sits on the Warp Current leading towards Imperial space and deeper into Gunbreaka territory]
-Minor Xenos (40LY): Smooth and flowing ships have emerged, wresting a handful of frontier worlds from Human and Ork alike. [Xenos]
-Civilized World Ungaunt (40LY): A lone beacon of civilization amidst a string of Feudal and Feral Worlds, Ungaunt has taken to providing weapons for the faithful of it's neighbors to provide the hearty folk with the weapons to resist Ork and Traitor attacks that are seeking slaves over territory. Currently under attack by the Minor Xenos of the region and Gunbreaka raiders. [Independent]
-Civilized World Allient (40LY): Fallen to the perfidious greenskins Allient now provides for the raiding fleets sent out by it's barbarous overlords with it's maintenance platform of similar design to Calavar's. Defenses are judged to be "Light" and increasing slowly, but with mobile elements returning from attacks at unpredictable intervals. [Held by WAAAGH!! Gunbreaka]
-Agri World Blackim (60LY): Once feeding the Human residents of the Subsector this world now provides fodder for the biological monsters of the Orkish horde. [Held by WAAAGH!! Gunbreaka]
East: The least affected portion of the Subsector due to distance from the main threats.
-Civilized World Yttreum (20LY): Having taken the lead over several Agri and Mining Worlds Yttreum eyes the Imperial deserters at Gehault with increasing hostility and has begun a crash industrialization program on their allied worlds. [Independent]
-Stream Trade Triangle (20LY): A collection of worlds bound by trade ties and pacts into a rough oligarchy. Under increasing pressure from their militarized neighbors they have acquiesced to the demands, allowing the Navy deserters of Gehault access to their fueling and repair network and tactical command of what few combat ships they have. [Gehault]
-Fleet Bastion Gehault (40LY): Several squadrons of the Imperial Navy continue their protection of their homeworlds where the Sector battlefleets do not out of the logistical base at Gehault. Several vicious punishments against rebellious worlds have been reported by local shipping, including at least one life eater bombardment, but they commonly range outside of their nominal territory in order to destroy Traitor raiders and collaborators. Their Read Admiral keeps a wary eye on the growing power of their neighbor. [Gehault]
-Silent Stars (40LY): Rare is the Human ship, Loyalist, Secessionist, or Traitor, that returns from this region. Entry is unthinkable during these times.
Event: The psykers of Calavar have been asked to prove their purity by volunteering for service in the name of the Crusade, in recognition of the fact that they are victims rather than the threats. Be it children hunting pests using instinctual third-sight, adults volunteering to join all-psyker units in the ground forces, or any other civil service the afflicted citizens will have the same chance to serve Humanity as any other Loyal citizen. Even if their increased potential for damage gives cause to more intense scrutiny.
-Open writing prompt: What kind of duties can you see psykers performing with their wildly varying, weak powers? What sorts of training would develop from hard won experience?