Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

ork rock fortresses.
You mean Roks. And for that you want ship boarding types of things (assault boats) and not planetary landers. Even if against Orks it kinda works due to the ability to find spots that are weak or a Mek decided to just slap on a hangar for those Fly Boyz wot won't shut up already...

Why would we board Ork rock (asteroid) fortresses? We're building torpedoes and bombardment cannons so we can blow them up, aren't we?
I mean, you never know when the Orks might 'ave somefin' wurf takin' from 'em...
There's also the fact that putting boarding forces onto one to distract the current inhabitants and blow up the gun crews can be a lot faster in making them a non-factor in fleet combat then blowing one up. Which can be very important when, say, they're in orbit over a world we want to take. Or if it's a looted imperial station over one of said worlds.

And for that you want ship boarding types of things (assault boats) and not planetary landers.
Fair enough, but against stuff like that (currently) slowly growing fortress world they're trying to make I'd still feel a lot better if we could use proper landers to place the first army down.

If'n it didn' handle one zoggin boom, prolly wern't wurf takin' in da first place...
Look, do you want to tell the adeptus mechanicus you blew up their insert sacred relic or really old tech thing here because you put a torpedo into the ork fort instead of taking it properly?

There's also stuff on them like, say 'skilled workforce they are using as slaves' or 'information' that can be nice to have the option to try for, even beyond 'and now we convert it into a proper imperial station to defend this world (and keep the orks from coming back' type ideas.

But I can guarantee you eventually we're going to run up against a looted titan weapon being re-purposed as a fortress gun or something and we're going to want options then. We won't die if we don't get it done this turn, but we do need to do it before we end up blowing something shiny up for lack of better options. Or before we need to invade a properly defended hive or equivalents.
Nah, nah, y'see, ya don' 'spect da dakka to do da job of armor, see?

'Cept I fink dat Ugrak was usin' fuel 'stead o' coolant in 'is looted humie plazma kannonz... Saved a lot uv teef fer da races, do!
Dat's Grot talk, 's wot dat is! A shoota ain't worth da skrep 's kobbled from if'n it can't take a beatin'!

But yeh, Ugrak was a roight gud larf!
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On another note, I want to wonder how long it's going to take before we enter a system and find that the Gehault Fleet Bastion decided to attack it at the same time. Which would lead to a lot less issues if either of us trusted each other... /eyes relevant GM sidestory/
But I can guarantee you eventually we're going to run up against a looted titan weapon being re-purposed as a fortress gun or something and we're going to want options then. We won't die if we don't get it done this turn, but we do need to do it before we end up blowing something shiny up for lack of better options. Or before we need to invade a properly defended hive or equivalents.
Titan guns are smaller than proper Naval Guns.
Look, do you want to tell the adeptus mechanicus you blew up their insert sacred relic or really old tech thing here because you put a torpedo into the ork fort instead of taking it properly?
I never said we were the ones to blow it up, did I? I was alluding to the notion that anything that's in one piece after leaving the hands of Orks can handle being in the blast radius.
Titan guns are smaller than proper Naval Guns.
It'd be more accurate to say that Some Titan Guns are smaller then proper Naval Guns.

I never said we were the ones to blow it up, did I? I was alluding to the notion that anything that's in one piece after leaving the hands of Orks can handle being in the blast radius.
You'd think so, but your underestimating the determination of the universe (or GM, same thing) to make life harder for proper imperials.
On another note, I want to wonder how long it's going to take before we enter a system and find that the Gehault Fleet Bastion decided to attack it at the same time. Which would lead to a lot less issues if either of us trusted each other... /eyes relevant GM sidestory/
Grehault is mostly trying to hold onto what they have rather than taking the fight to their enemies. Though this may happen if you try to make moves into their neighbors, as they do sortie to destroy raiding parties attacking nearby as they may come into their nominal borders if they didn't.

Dat's Grot talk, 's wot dat is! A shoota ain't worth da skrep 's kobbled from if'n it can't take a beatin'!

But yeh, Ugrak was a roight gud larf!
A beatin' ent gettin' shot at wif ship-dakka ya squig-fer-brainz! 'Specially when ets da looted humie gunz, dey got all sortsa fiddly fings in dem... Fingz.

Zog me, I'ze gonna need ta send ya back to da trainin' kampz fer korrekshunal dutiez!

Titan guns are smaller than proper Naval Guns.
Yes, and also kind of no. A heavy Titan (Imperator or Reaver) is a reasonable threat to an unwary Escort even if they are carrying a single laser weapon, as Titan powerplants are twice to ten times as energy dense as those on the typical warship.
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A beatin' ent gettin' shot at ya squig-fer-brainz! 'Specially when ets da looted humie gunz, dey got all sortsa fiddly fings in dem... Fingz.

Zog me, I'ze gonna need ta send ya back to da trainin' kampz fer korrekshunal dutiez!
O' really? You'z a shoddy Mek fer sure, if'n you've never even seen what metal bits look like after getting dakka'd! Dey alwayz look like dey got slam'd into by a runaway herd o' runty Squigs! There, getting dakka'd's the same as takin' a beatin'!
O' really? You'z a shoddy Mek fer sure, if'n you've never even seen what metal bits look like after getting dakka'd! Dey alwayz look like dey got slam'd into by a runaway herd o' runty Squigs! There, getting dakka'd's the same as takin' a beatin'!
Hrm, yer logic ez im-pecky-bell. Still, dere's gettin' inta a skrap, an' den dere's a Gargant squishin' 'arf da ladz in a mob. Dis 'ere iz da latter, why ya fink we put da gunz in metuhl bawkses?

You two make perfect orks.
Of course, the propa Orky fonetiks are infectious.

As for votes, it's a surprise tie! Guess I'll be doing to update tomorrow then.
Wait, Orks need their research turn, one sec.
why ya fink we put da gunz in metuhl bawkses?
Wot sorta stoopid kwestion issat? 's to stop sneeky Grots from runnin' off wiff all the shiny gubbins wot make da gunz werk! 'sidez, if'n ya want to keep summin' from gettin' squished by a Gargant, ya juzt put a Kustom Force Field on it, 'stead of mukkin about wiff metuhl bawkses... ain't a metuhl bawkz made wot gunna stop a fing from gettin' squished from that.
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In the meanwhile, could we get a tiebreaker? Preferably in my plan's favor, of course, but I'd like to move this on.
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I could try that side story about the arvus pilot going through his kill cam footage.
The only important thing to remember there is that the Nurglish craft, while intentionally ill maintained, did not possess any daemonic corruption.

In the meanwhile, could we get a tiebreaker? Preferably in my favor, of course, but I'd like to move this on.
It's been a day since the last update, don't get too wild and crazy.
Supplying tiebreaker.

[X] Plan Torpedoes and Invasion Gear Revised

Voting for this because I think we got the margin to try for serious planetary attack gear and this is stuff we either want done ASAP, or deal with problems in developing it ASAP so we have it on hand for future situations.
Never mind that, not enough time left to do the update justice. Twelve hour extension it is.
-[X] (Utility) Fusion Breaker Cannons: Based on the new Calavar Pattern Standard Macrocannon Battery, the Fusion Breaker Cannons achieve superior shell size and velocity by the simple expedient of being utterly fixed in position. This allows for bracing and reinforcements unable to be used on weapons that can actually be meaningfully aimed at other ships to be applied to the guns, thus allowing their increased capability. Of course, this also makes them unable to be used against other voidcraft, but that was never their purpose in the first place. Instead, the Fusion Breaker Cannons, and their enlarged shells which now have room for Fusion Warheads taken from the broadside armament nicknamed as 'Atomic Warheads', are meant to utterly devastate ground targets. Such targets can not meaningfully run or otherwise dodge, and thus the whole ship can be adjusted to aim the Breaker Cannons at them... and then from them deliver enough firepower to give even a warboss a very bad day.
On a different note, this will be a Weapon module, not Utility. Because it's a weapon, see.
SHOUT-UP ON SHINY GUBBINZ (IG Standard Army Upgrade, Turn 2)
I couldn't resist. My suggestion for a title for this is: "2 MEK'S TREA... TRE... SHOUT-UP ON SHINY GUBBINZ, BY MEKBOYZ PELLMELZ SPARKZOLDAH AN' BAGABUK DREDDKAP!"

Amid the clamor and shouting in Big Mek Borkul Wazzazappa's workshop, two voices boomed with such sound that they overcame both the cacophony of their own surroundings and the ringing echoes of their strikes. Two Orks, both clad in the... unique style of greenskin craftmanship were engaged in an epic clash of wills, tools and muscle mass alike for dominance. Their words lost among the Gretchin who cared for no words spoken save for summons in futile hopes of avoiding a rousing kick, and the meaning conveyed by their bellowing unable to translate to the human slaves listening between each strike of the Runtherd's lash.

The first Ork was squat in shape for such, slightly shorter than his foe but half again as broad at the shoulder and thrice the measure of all others in tooth length. A hissing and grinding frame of wires, cables, pistons and hinges wrapped around Pellmelz Sparkzoldah's form, the twin pylons and crackling light of a Kustom Force Field and a Splash Burna mounted on a rig composed of at least three different servo arms at any given time emerged from the back, looming over his shoulders as he straightened to deliver a proclamation and winding back for a punch: "IF'N IT DIDN' HANDLE ONE ZOGGING BOOM, PROLLY WERN'T WURF TAKIN' IN DA FURST PLACE..."

The second Ork's appearance could only be guessed at, fully ensconced in Mega Armor, a fully enclosed helmet (a rarity) shrouding the Orkoid form in ramshackle plating. A nightmarish maze of Speaky Tubes sprouted from the faceplate and swept over the helmet into an array like a briar patch of horns. Bagabuk Dreddkap paced in place, shifting weight from one foot to the next as his scrambled voice produced a dismissive retort: "NAH, NAH, Y'SEE, YA DON' 'SPEKT DA DAKKA TO DO DA JOB OF ARMOR, SEE? 'CEPT OI FINK DAT UGRAK WUS USIN' FUEL 'STEAD O' COOLANT IN 'IS LOOTED 'UMIE PLAZMA KANNONZ... SAVED A LOT UV TEEF FER DA RACES, DO!"

With a snarl, the fist was swung out, chased by a scathing condemnation: "DAT'S GROT TALK, 'S WOT DAT IS! A SHOOTA AIN'T WURF DA SKREP 'S KOBBLED FROM IF'N IT CAN'T TAKE A BEATIN'! ... BUT YEH, DAT UGRAK WAS A ROIGHT GUD LARF! HUR HUR HUR!"

With a snort, the fist was snagged at the wrist by a Power Klaw, pulled to the side and returned with a strike to Pellmellz's Iron Gob, knocking him back half a pace. "A BEATIN' ENT GETTIN' SHOT AT WIF KROOZA-DAKKA YA SQUIG-FER-BRAINZ! 'SPECIALLY WHEN ITZ DA LOOTED HUMIE GUNZ, DEY GOT ALL SORTSA FIDDLY FINGS IN DEM... FINGZ. ZOG ME, I'Z GUNNA NEED TA GET YA SENT BACK TO DA TRAINING' KAMPZ FER KORREKSHUNAL MUKKIN'!"

An opportunistic swipe was ducked under, Pellmellz not wasting the chance to pull his opponent's leg to send him to a kneel, followed by planting the heel of his boot on the Mega Armor's chestplate, the kick pushing Bagabuk flat on his back. With a leering, tusky grin, Pellmellz bellowed out: "O' REALLY?! YOU'Z A SHODDY MEK FER SURE, IF'N YOU'VE NEVAH EVEN SEEN WHAT METUHL BITZ LOOK LOIK AFTAH GETTIN' DAKKA'D! DEY ALWAYZ LOOK LOIK DEYZ GOT PROPA TRAMPLED BY A RUNAWAY 'ERD O' RUNTY SQUIGS! SO THERE, GETTIN' DAKKA'D'S DA SAME AS TAKIN' A BEATIN'!"

Growling, Bagabuk climbed to his feet again, before breaking into a lumbering charge. Pellmellz responded in kind, the two Mekboyz crashing against each other and grinding to a halt as neither could push the other back. With the two proving to hold no decisive physical advantage over the other, they turned to attempts to break the other's concentration. "HRMH, YER LOGIK IZ ROIGHT IM-PECKY-BUHL. STILL, DERE'S GETTIN' INT' A SKRAP, AN' DEN DERE'S A GARGANT SQUISHING' 'ALF DA BOYZ IN A MOB. DIS 'ERE IZ DA LATTER, WHY'D YA FINK WEZ PUT DA GUNZ IN METUHL BAWKSES?!"


Whether Bagabuk or Pellmellz would have gotten the better of the other would never be known for sure, as the next moment Big Mek Borkul Wazzazappa joined in himself, battered the two away from each other and bellowed for them to 'quit mukkin' about' and get back to work. Both acquiesced, stomping off to their own corners of the workshop, Pellmellz taking the chance to stop his Splash Burna from blowing up on him by venting the used up (vaporised) coolant on an unoccupied mob of Grots as he walked by. And thus was "order" restored to the workshop.
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