Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

God-Tyrant is obviously weaker, and grants lesser boons to his slaves than Primordial Annihilator.
If there were any truth to that, there wouldn't have been more than one Black Crusade. The Emperor's blessings are not so glaringly obvious. What does it say that the slaves to darkness needed ten thousand years of fighting to break through one bulwark?
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@Shard of Victory, just go on a chaos quest if you want to sprout off things like that. Otherwise you look edgier then a goth going through their first phase.

Actually on second thought, don't go to those either. The people on those will just get really embarrassed that a pro-chaos person has more edges then a d20.
Ah, so you admit that the Ruinous Powers' "blessings" are in fact so weak and utterly useless that mere physical presence can overcome them. Good, I'm glad we are in agreement.
@Shard of Victory, just go on a chaos quest if you want to sprout off things like that. Otherwise you look edgier then a goth going through their first phase.

Actually on second thought, don't go to those either. The people on those will just get really embarrassed that a pro-chaos person has more edges then a d20.

You read but do not understand. I hold no more love for Primordial Annihilator than I do for Tyrant of Mankind.
Moving the subject to what we were discussing before the heretic's intrusion, @Happerry would you be alright with Seekershards, Mk2 Macrocannons, Vault magazines and the Narwhal assault boat as a preliminary plan for next turn's design phase, barring some extraordinary research opportunity that arises from the conclusion of this battle?
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Moving the subject to what we were discussing before the heretic's intrusion, @Happerry would you be alright with Seekershards, Mk2 Macrocannons, Vault magazines and the Narwhal assault boat as a preliminary plan for next turn's design phase, barring some extraordinary research option that arises from the conclusion of this battle?
That plan addresses exactly zero of my priorities: shields, sensors, and recon.
I feel the hatred burning, fighting with my control.
How servants of the Tyrant dismiss all points but theirs, and label heretic without hesitation, for ignorance is their strengh, a bliss.
For reading what the other side says is so much harder than blindly charge! Truly "A small mind is a tidy mind".
I feel the hatred burning, fighting with my control.
How servants of the Tyrant dismiss all points but theirs, and label heretic without hesitation, for ignorance is their strengh, a bliss.
For reading what the other side says is so much harder than blindly charge! Truly "A small mind is a tidy mind".
You seem to be doing your damndest to derail this thread with a stupid in-character argument about power levels, and it's not interesting or relevant at all. Please stop.
Moving the subject to what we were discussing before the heretic's intrusion, @Happerry would you be alright with Seekershards, Mk2 Macrocannons, Vault magazines and the Narwhal assault boat as a preliminary plan for next turn's design phase, barring some extraordinary research opportunity that arises from the conclusion of this battle?
I am willing to support the first two in a plan. For the earlier stated reasons I am completely unwilling to support the last one at this time and I don't find the third one to be of much current interest.

So no, not really.

So be it as you say.
Thought for the day: Be strong in your ignorance.
When asked to stop trolling and disrupting the thread, the correct response is not to try to get the last word in.
I feel the hatred burning, fighting with my control.
How servants of the Tyrant dismiss all points but theirs, and label heretic without hesitation, for ignorance is their strengh, a bliss.
For reading what the other side says is so much harder than blindly charge! Truly "A small mind is a tidy mind".
The tyrant you speak of has suffered from mortal wounds inflicted in betrayal for ten thousand years, not wavering in his vigil for a single second powering a construct so strenuous that the most powerful human psyker to ever live was reduced to ash in a matter of hours. He has kept Chaos from consuming the galaxy for ten thousand years, even as all he sought to build has been unmade. That you dismiss this sacrifice and think nothing in sympathy dams your credibility far worse than anything else you have said.
Anyway, question for Happerry from before that distraction:

(Utility) Missionary's Temple-Shrine to the God Emperor: While according to reports some rogue traders possess temple-shrines to the God Emperor that may be dropped from orbit to aid in conversion efforts before being returned to their home ship, Cavalar engineers are not quite on that level. They are, however, more then skilled enough to create a truly impressive Temple-Shrine to He on Terra, fit for prayer and inhabited by myriads of the faithful. But not just any faithful are intended for these shrines, but the learned faithful, wise in scripture and keen of mind, those trained as missionaries both by Cavalars church and also, should they be willing, certain members of the Adepta Sororitas, of both appropriate non-militant orders as well as a small number of SIsters of Battle. Together, these individuals can, hopefully, bring any poor unfortunate misguided souls to the proper light of the imperium, as well as definitely bolstering the faith and morale of the crew of such an equipped ship. And even a squad of the Sisters of Battle can stiffen the spines of Naval Armsmen in boarding combat.
Do you really think having a shrine in space would help with missionary work, more so than bringing missionaries simply by putting missionaries on a ship? And would building a shrine on a ship even need a design action?
Do you really think having a shrine in space would help with missionary work, more so than bringing missionaries simply by putting missionaries on a ship? And would building a shrine on a ship even need a design action?
The shrine in space is how you put missionaries on a ship though? Or that's the intention at least, for it to be a religious base full of talky religious people drawn from the orders whom specializing in converting people to the proper imperial faith and scholars of said faith in general, as well as missionaries? Also it's literally based on a Rogue Trader RPG ship component which actually does the 'detatch the shrine from the ship and drop it onto the planet from orbit' trick which is what I was referencing. As well as the other Rogue Trader RPG ship component which is a shrine that just is in the ship instead of the Drop-Temples drop-ness.

And yes, a component sized shrine on a ship does need a design action to make a component? I think you're not really envisioning much more then a small shrine with a few attendants here, or just something normal building sized, not the 'this is a temple ship for templing people until they worship the right way' ship shrine component type thing.
The shrine in space is how you put missionaries on a ship though? Or that's the intention at least, for it to be a religious base full of talky religious people drawn from the orders whom specializing in converting people to the proper imperial faith and scholars of said faith in general, as well as missionaries? Also it's literally based on a Rogue Trader RPG ship component which actually does the 'detatch the shrine from the ship and drop it onto the planet from orbit' trick which is what I was referencing. As well as the other Rogue Trader RPG ship component which is a shrine that just is in the ship instead of the Drop-Temples drop-ness.

And yes, a component sized shrine on a ship does need a design action to make a component? I think you're not really envisioning much more then a small shrine with a few attendants here, or just something normal building sized, not the 'this is a temple ship for templing people until they worship the right way' ship shrine component type thing.
From an engineering perspective, though, that just sounds like a barely-modified troop deck. The only non-routine challenges involved are artistic, and we'd want to outsource that to the missionaries themselves anyway.

And I'm not sure how much of an impression "there's a hugeass temple on that ship in orbit" makes. Although, if you're envisioning bringing large numbers of people up to the ship to talk religion it makes more sense (but raises logistical issues, given the number of people involved).
Let's just ask DaLintyGuy then, because this is the kind of "'well I think it would work', 'but I do not think it will work'" argument that comes down to how we believe the game setting/system works.

@DaLintyGuy, how useful would a missionary shrine component be for having on a ship sent to engage the Dark Star in religious talks verses just sending a ship or sending a ship with a troop deck and telling them to take some priesty talky people with them?
Let's just ask DaLintyGuy then, because this is the kind of "'well I think it would work', 'but I do not think it will work'" argument that comes down to how we believe the game setting/system works.

@DaLintyGuy, how useful would a missionary shrine component be for having on a ship sent to engage the Dark Star in religious talks verses just sending a ship or sending a ship with a troop deck and telling them to take some priesty talky people with them?
I would allow simply sending ships. Such a Design action might help though, as ideas can always travel both ways.

Fortunately for you such a task is rather monumental and as such would be one of the things begun rather than completed.
The Reason Behind "No Littering" Signs (some time after the Bailafax battles)
You thought it would be related to the update, but no! Ize juz muckin' about.


To the uneducated it would have been a strange group. A middle aged and young man leading a group of soldiers? Heartwarming perhaps, but still an unusual sight to tell your village about over the end of day meal.

For those in the know it was something between a training exercise and long overdue cleanup. The wrecks that littered the landscape of Bailafax in the aftermath of the campaigns on her surface had once belong to Traitors, those who had fallen to the snares of the Great Enemy. Salvage efforts had been undertaken at several points but there simply was no ability to perform a complete deconstruction. At least while the Crusade was ongoing, as the hulks had some use for training soldiers as well as the Tithe drawing on the available resources for such a project. So the behemoths lay quiescent where they had fallen. The exception being when something internal sprung a leak and released poison onto the lands around them. Be it chemical or... Other, forms of pollution.

While the last of the marauders were thought to have revealed themselves by now the taint of Chaos was still present on Bailafax. Even animals could "benefit" from the cursed gifts of the Ruinous Powers and these vessels had been centers of worship for years to the corruptive influences of the Blood God. The Ashen Legion was not always idle, plowing fields or practicing their new crafts. When a dangerous beast started killing they icked up their guns and blades to remove the threat. Particularly vile foes would see the Star Knight herself join the hunting parties with lance in hand and a dirge on her lips.
Rather than simply let things stumble across these centers of corruption Bailafax tasked their psykers to help find and destroy these locations. It was a dangerous job and more than one of the barely trained psykers succumbed to the powers they hunted. Attempting to form a cult or being forcefully used as a gateway by the denizens of the Warp. Yet Humans were ever a tenacious lot and those who survived taught those who came next. And, lobbied for safeguards to be in place. If one was going to die, better to die as oneself rather than as fodder for some otherworldly being...

As the party marched towards the unnaturally edged mountain in the distance the older man kept a steadying hand on the younger's shoulder. As the young man cast his third eye ahead the older man kept guard over his charge. Should something attack them they would not be vulnerable. Should something take residence in the mind of the psyker they would have time to destroy the physical vessel.

Overhead one of the Warren constructs flew in support of the ground team. Called a "tilt rotor" craft by its builders it was there to provide early warning and heavy fire support should the worst occur. Though its construction and pilots were more adept in the mountains of their home than on the plains it was nonetheless an asset that could mean the difference between life and death for the ground team.

Other than the two psykers the ground team was made up of Ashen Legion members. Armed with sword, hybrid polearms with integral lasweaponry, and conventional firearms they made for a motley sight. Nonetheless it was a proven tactic in addition to being an homage to their traditions.

The immediate source of the problem turned out to be fresh water falling from a stress fracture in the hull of the stricken ship. It was barely tainted yet all Chaos needed was a way in. Should someone or something keep drinking from a fountain that flowed through a chapel to the dark things of the universe they would come to notice and be noticed in kind by the patrons of those who once shed blood for their masters here.

Gaining entry to the ship was thankfully simple as the team made use of one of the parallel fractures to gain access to the decks. The upper decks as it turned out and so the team had to pick and rappel their way upward in gravity that was reversed compared to what the ship was intended to be crewed under. Butcher shrikes, the red forms birds slowly changed towards, were spotted several times as the mission progressed and quickly learned to flee from the intruders into their domain on sight.

The true challenge came from a pair of Raks that had been the ones to trigger this purge. The nigh draconic beasts had felt the touch of Chaos and boasted spines, hides, and teeth unlike those of their kin. Even so, mere flesh and minor mutations were not enough to resist the might of modern weaponry and the hexapedal reptilians were heaped on the floor along with the corpses of any other tainted wildlife that had been killed. A fit of combined whimsy and calculation had the Imperial aquila deface the vile symbol on what was left of the false chapel's altar before the backpack charge was set. Nothing would be left of what the room had once been and so its threat would be ended.

No trophies would be able to be taken even with the relatively safe nature of doing such when checked by a psyker. None complained however. The soldiers lived nearby and had already lost people from their communities. Safety was more important than fame in this case.
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(Transport) Shade Stealth Transport: Using a material coating that absorb and reflect Auspex signals along with muffling thermal signatures of its engine, the Shade Stealth Transport can safely and stealthily deploy an army through an orbital blockade by imitating the auspex signature of an asteroid the size of a Lighter.

This is more of a Step 1 to getting a Stealth systems tech tree while also making what is the 40k equivalent of the Blackhawk transport. Then whenever we decide to make a Savior 2, we can add an improved stealth system that would make the Savior have the auspex signature of a Guardsman to high end sensors and be invisible to low quality sensors.

@DaLintyGuy, how effective are Neutron Bombs in 40k? both in space and on the ground?
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@DaLintyGuy, how effective are Neutron Bombs in 40k? both in space and on the ground?
In space? Rather pointless outside of esoteric mechanisms due to hulls being made to resist similar natural phenomenon. On the ground they are merely unreliable as most military infrastructure is similarly protected as well as highly durable while exposed infantry are more vulnerable.
Still, it is typically more effective to use direct blast damage while relegating irradiation to area denial.