Blood, Sweat, and Tears (WH40k Design Bureau)

The diplomacy post was updated with:
Ship Components: Unlike Calavar, Lexicalum can produce Adamantium in limited quantities. Among other developments of late.
-None currently.
Is this something we can get by trading with them(maybe for a hull?) or more a long term development.
Will we see them make something with the handful of superheavy plasma weapons we traded with them in the rounds to come?
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Minefields are static, area denial systems. Similarly to ground installations they are less for killing the enemy than to make them maneuver a specific way. Though, sailing into them without a care is still not something that is recommended...

Economically they cost less than a Torpedo as they do not carry the same propulsion, sensor, or self defense assets. Being a large payload that is triggered by passive sensors outside of specific requests to the contrary (an example being cheap missile pods).
Deployment will likely be by scale and density in some manner, with laying a thin belt to punish transports rushing to land troops on a specific continent being much cheaper than encasing a planet in clusters to give capital ships pause.

"Offensive" uses might be loading up ships with mines to deliver to an enemy world to complicate the lives of any enemy reinforcements or mobile forces in general.


[Station Utility] Minelayer Factory: To augment our static defenses, we can outfit our stations with the ability to manufacture and deploy mines on-site. These simple munitions will be useful for area denial and covering our station's blind zones. Supported by local resources, they will produce and deploy mines proportionate to local support and importance.

[Mine] Dead Hand Missile Pods: A deployable one-salvo missile pod that can be dropped by our ships as deployable ordinance. Their functionality will be to shred enemy dropships and strikecraft that get in close. In sufficient densities, they may be a threat to enemy escorts.

[Sensor Add-on] Minesweeper Lens: A supplemental active auspex array paired with dedicated cogitator arrays made specifically to home in and detect enemy mines and hidden assets within the void such as ships under silent running. Give our ships more awareness of the void around them, and if they can spot it they can kill it.
A way to build a quick minelayer would be to take an armed merchant hull and give it a way to deploy missile pods who are based on standard shipping containers.

Then all you need is a system to quickly jettison those containers.

Another use of such containers would be a launch platform for a kinetic bombardment system.

Optinally you can give the containers some solar panels for power generation in extended engaments but at least give maneuvering thruster for aiming purposes and they can be parked in orbit and deliver "rods from above".
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Mines are capable of very simple maneuvers via cooled gas thrusters and can be built as bomb pumped laser weapons for extra range in exchange for having to burn through enemy shields.
The diplomacy post was updated with:

Is this something we can get by trading with them(maybe for a hull?) or more a long term development.
Will we see them make something with the handful of superheavy plasma weapons we traded with them in the rounds to come?
Over time, as they come up with ship scale components that are different from yours.
We'll see, though it'd likely be a ground force unit. Which, they will be asking you about come next turns Design phase...
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I'm interested in them, but my primary goal for the next turn is to actually get some fortifications up.

This leaves me less then inclined to build a scout/raider hull which will then get people going 'oh we have a scout/raider hull, we should make some of those which we can do cool and fun things with like getting involved in another fight zone instead of making boring old fortifications, right?' if you get my line of logic.

(This is honestly also why I'm inclined to not do the boarding shuttles even if I do a plan with the Naval Garrison, because if we do I expect people will want to go make dedicated boarding ships instead of the fixed defenses.)

My ideal design plan for the next turn would honestly, thinking about it more, be something like New Shields, New Armor, Disruption Lance, Mk2 Guns OR Long Ranged Guns (particle battery type or bolter shell type, whatever), all of which can easily be fit on and would be useful to have on our defensive stations.
The reason I want at least one scout frigate next turn (as opposed to the turn after) is so that we can make contact with Grudan without getting involved in another fight, and maybe trade with them for a better warp drive design. We'll also be able to scout out our enemies better so that when we do make another push 2-3 turns from now we'll be able to pick our targets better. I really think that's worth building two defense stations instead of three.

And it's not really a scout/raider hull. It's a combat hull that has a single omni slot, allowing it to mount double engines to serve as a scout/raider as a secondary role. We'd probably end up building those first, but the hull would still be a substantial upgrade to our gun line.
My ideal design plan for the next turn would honestly, thinking about it more, be something like New Shields, New Armor, Disruption Lance, Mk2 Guns OR Long Ranged Guns (particle battery type or bolter shell type, whatever), all of which can easily be fit on and would be useful to have on our defensive stations.
I don't suppose I can convince you to get a raiding focused hull for this turn and focus on defenses on next turn? The sooner we start raiding Incleon, the sooner we can cripple Chaos' ability to build ships.
With a major battle that where we can loose multiple ships and gain salvage and or bonuses on design actions from loot it think it a bit early to start planning for the next design phase.
I'm a big no on the boarding torpedoes, I think that's just a good way to get a lot of boarders killed with no return vector when we could be using actual torpedoes to kill a lot more of the other guy. (Yes, the guy that pushed for "ablative" PD slap-on patches is saying this!)

I also think that a PD module or add-on of some thing is going to become increasingly important, especially with Incleon starting to churn out ships and Legcutta around.

Continuing to improve shielding will help.

Warp drives should be traded for instead.
By the way, @DaLintyGuy, exactly how heretical is the version of the Imperial Cult the Dark Star Alignment is following, and what's the Imperial position on such things? Is a diplomatic/missionary solution plausible?
A shopping trip by the resolute-A's to the forge world not under siege might be something we can do next turn. They have cargo bays, enough guns to fight of lone raiders and military engines to outrun armed merchant men.
@DaLintyGuy how does the speed of our fighters/bombers compare to that of the raiders?
A cove hanger might serve as PD with fighters shooting incomming torpedoes and strikecraft down.
By the way, @DaLintyGuy, exactly how heretical is the version of the Imperial Cult the Dark Star Alignment is following, and what's the Imperial position on such things? Is a diplomatic/missionary solution plausible?
Its borderline, as it equates the Emperor with the Ruinous Powers rather than putting Him above and in opposition to them.
@DaLintyGuy how does the speed of our fighters/bombers compare to that of the raiders?
A cove hanger might serve as PD with fighters shooting incomming torpedoes and strikecraft down.
Point defense is a job fighters do, yes. It's not exactly the same (fighters need to return to their carrier to refuel and rearm whereas PD is integral to a ship) but they can do it.
they are still steps away from chaos while there are multiple worlds under control of chaos i say we should still ally with them or at least agree not to fight each other while there are bigger problems and try to convert them back to a more orthodox version of the faith.
they are still steps away from chaos while there are multiple worlds under control of chaos i say we should still ally with them or at least agree not to fight each other while there are bigger problems and try to convert them back to a more orthodox version of the faith.
Yeah, if they could be guided/pressured back onto the proper path they'd be valuable allies. I think it'd be worth the attempt.
I don't suppose I can convince you to get a raiding focused hull for this turn and focus on defenses on next turn? The sooner we start raiding Incleon, the sooner we can cripple Chaos' ability to build ships.
This is precisely the line of thought that leads me to being 100% unwilling to design that kind of hull this turn. We're not going to cripple Incleon's ability to build ships unless we do a major campaign on Incleon, and we won't mildly hamper them either with one ship, so if people want a raiding squadron we're going to need at least two, and better three of them, and given that the budget next turn is almost certainly going to start with 'giant repair bill', and then follow up with 'and we probably lost ships so now we have to replace them', and then 'oh also we can not afford to stop building the drydock either' before anything else gets added to it I am not willing to go 'oh let us also build an entirely new squadron' to the planning for that turn.

And then if we're attacking Incleon with the purpose to disrupt its ability to build we'll likely get sucked into a front there, because one or two or even three raiders isn't going to cripple their ability to build ships, it'll at most mildly hamper them, and then people will push for escalating the engagement since we're already fighting there, and then we'll be stuck in another big fight, right while the whole Gehault likely explodes, instead of actually making the defenses which will allow us to concentrate our forces. Unlike now, which shows that doing so leaves us with empty commitments and undefended territory which we can't afford to keep doing.

Not to mention the fact that I'm expecting the whole Gehault thing to explode sooner then later, which makes me want to open another campaign right while that's ramping up even less. Because we're going to need to eventually do something there, and I don't want that need to show up when we're in the middle of trying to subdue a forgeworld. Even a forgeworld in name only.

Yeah, if they could be guided/pressured back onto the proper path they'd be valuable allies. I think it'd be worth the attempt.
I'm just gonna repost this write up.

(Utility) Missionary's Temple-Shrine to the God Emperor: While according to reports some rogue traders possess temple-shrines to the God Emperor that may be dropped from orbit to aid in conversion efforts before being returned to their home ship, Cavalar engineers are not quite on that level. They are, however, more then skilled enough to create a truly impressive Temple-Shrine to He on Terra, fit for prayer and inhabited by myriads of the faithful. But not just any faithful are intended for these shrines, but the learned faithful, wise in scripture and keen of mind, those trained as missionaries both by Cavalars church and also, should they be willing, certain members of the Adepta Sororitas, of both appropriate non-militant orders as well as a small number of SIsters of Battle. Together, these individuals can, hopefully, bring any poor unfortunate misguided souls to the proper light of the imperium, as well as definitely bolstering the faith and morale of the crew of such an equipped ship. And even a squad of the Sisters of Battle can stiffen the spines of Naval Armsmen in boarding combat.
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