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We lost shockingly few ships in all that. Wage of Dissent's looting by Orks stings, but that loss is materially not so severe, given how old the thing was.
I've admitted to being nice to you a few times, to be fair. Though again, a total loss of a ship is somewhat difficult to do unless you cede the field to enemy scuttling or salvage parties.We lost shockingly few ships in all that. Wage of Dissent's looting by Orks stings, but that loss is materially not so severe, given how old the thing was.
Still, we only lost 3 ships in that four-way clusterfuck. Meanwhile everyone else lost ships in the double digits. Even if we lost the reputation of having little or no losses, that's going to be a good feather in our cap.I've admitted to being nice to you a few times, to be fair. Though again, a total loss of a ship is somewhat difficult to do unless you cede the field to enemy scuttling or salvage parties.
And the majority of your ships have integral moderate self repair abilities.
Khornates and Orks came with ships even worse than yours, true militia trash. Which were the bulk of the casualties present.Still, we only lost 3 ships in that four-way clusterfuck. Meanwhile everyone else lost ships in the double digits.
Salvage will take some time, though I'll probably tell you it in the upcoming Design phase.That said, aside from what we can repair, what can be safely salvaged, or at least, denied to enemy forces? Like a Battletech army, we exist on what we can produce, but can only grow stronger with salvage from our defeated enemies.
Looks like there weren't a lot of good hulks to loot, though. Assuming the Claymore losses listed are the same ship being captured from the Nurglites and then destroyed while under Khornate control, only two actual military ships were lost (not counting the Sharp Retort, which is confirmed not-looted). I don't know what he can do with all the wrecked freighters and raiders he made off with, but it cost him two looted Imperial ships to do it.[GM Notes: My lack of Ossum strikes again. Still an interesting battle with how everyone kept showing up, and the Kommando Boss showing why he exists and why you should be scared. Though, now Legcutta has a bunch of hulks looted from Uniary orbit...
Small bits will be done as I do them. Design phase Soon(TM), with a few diplomacy options.
Thermo-Cav shells were of use, especially against the Nurgle Leviathan (because fire-ish).]
On the other hand, garbage is most of what they can get their hands on, and they've lost a staggering amount of their force projection ability here.On a related note, the Chaos forces aren't actually looking all that crippled. They lost a ton of garbage, but their real warships mostly made it out okay.
Khornates (Under command of "Lord" Tellis):
-14x Captured Freighter Gunships
-19x Captured Freighter
-5x Armed Freighters
-2x Bulk Haulers (CVL)
-2x Claymore Corvette
-4x Incleon Raiders
-1x Idolator Escort
Combined Chaos:
-5x Incleon Raiders
-4x Incleon Flatpack
-1x Firestorm Frigate (Nurglite)
-2x Claymore Corvettes (Nurglite)
-2x Civilian Freighters (Tzeentchian)
-1x Bulk Hauler (Tzeentchian)
-1x Ended-Effort Lite Krooza
-2x Bigzzappa Attakk Ship
-1x Choppa Attakk Ship
-9x Onslaught Frigate
-4x Ravager Frigate
-15x Attakk Ship]
Surviving ships for the three enemy forces:Enemy Losses:
10 Captured Freighter Gunships
19 Captured Freighter
3 Armed Freighters
2 Bulk Haulers
1 Claymore Corvette
3 Incleon Raiders
Chaos Undivided
3 Incleon Raiders
1 Claymore Corvette
Nurgle Leviathan?
2 Captured Freighter
5 Civilian Freighters
1x Bigzzappa Attakk Ship
1x Choppa Attakk Ship
5x Onslaught Frigate
3x Ravager Frigate
12x Attakk Ship]
The Khornates might have two Claymores, actually, given that they captured one in the first stage of the battle. I'm not sure if the Claymore listed under their losses means one was destroyed or if it means they left with one fewer than they came in with. @DaLintyGuy?Surviving ships for the three enemy forces:
-4 Captured Freighter Gunships
-2 Armed Freighters
-1 Claymore Corvette
-1 Incleon Raider
-1 Idolator Escort
Chaos Undivided (Tzeentch & Nurgle, 1 Sword & 1 Cobra reinforced mid-battle, so it's messy):
-2 Incleon Raiders
-4 Incleon Flakpacks
-1 Claymore Corvette (Nurglite)
-1 Firestorm Frigate (Nurglite)
-1 Sword Frigate (Nurglite)
-1 Cobra Destroyer (Nurglite)
-1 Bulk Hauler (Tzeentchian)
-1 Ended-Effort Lite Krooza
-1 Bigzzappa Attakk Ship (captured Firestorm)
-4 Onslaught Frigates
-1 Ravager Frigate
-3 Attakk Ships
Out of the various hostile factions, it looks to me like the Nurglites came out of this the most intact. Not surprising, considering they're the ones with all the former Imperial Navy ships.
My first thought was they didn't take the Claymore, but rather crippled it for lack of skilled crew and it being a Nurgle ship of some level of corruption in the middle of an ongoing fight. They'd have salvaged it after the battle but seeing as they lost...The Khornates might have two Claymores, actually, given that they captured one in the first stage of the battle. I'm not sure if the Claymore listed under their losses means one was destroyed or if it means they left with one fewer than they came in with. @DaLintyGuy?
Curses, those heretics are looking out for each other as they cover their 6'o clock.
While Chaos is inherently self destructive, it's mostly unique to Khornates to give absolutely no thought to force preservation. After all, every dead one of their soldiers increases the Favor of the group.Curses, those heretics are looking out for each other as they cover their 6'o clock.
Huh, I thought I saw their Claymore count go up by 1 between the first and second stages of the battle, but I guess I must have mixed it up with the raiders on the next line.My first thought was they didn't take the Claymore, but rather crippled it for lack of skilled crew and it being a Nurgle ship of some level of corruption in the middle of an ongoing fight. They'd have salvaged it after the battle but seeing as they lost...
Legcutta's Underboss got beat up and saved by his retinue, Legcutta was off doing Kommando business.Also, apparently Legcutta got the shit kicked out of him by the Fallen Astarte but lived? Not sure if that means he'll be looking for payback, or that was more Khornate speak for 'I made a tactical withdrawal.'
Normally it's a defense slot, but one that can double as (weak) ship weaponry like the Hashim pulse lasers would be a weapon.Hey @DaLintyGuy quick question would Point Defences count as a defence slot or add on?
There was the design for Seekershard shells that lets us use our regular guns for PD when needed, especially if paired with the Vault magazine design, which would let us have specialty munitions without dedicating an entire gun battery to them.Normally it's a defense slot, but one that can double as (weak) ship weaponry like the Hashim pulse lasers would be a weapon.
Considering how our ships are designed for firepower, it might be best to try for a similar PD Weapon slot. We'd have an easier time fitting it in.
Yeah, but I'm skeptical on how well they'd work compared to dedicated PD, since point defense is probably way faster firing that big macrocannons.There was the design for Seekershard shells that lets us use our regular guns for PD when needed, especially if paired with the Vault magazine design, which would let us have specialty munitions without dedicating an entire gun battery to them.
Yeah they'd probably be about as effective as the quote-unquote anti-fighter shells the IJN made for the Yamato's main guns (and other ships). Been a while but from what I recall the sum total of thier effect on USN planes were 'pretty fireworks'.Yeah, but I'm skeptical on how well they'd work compared to dedicated PD, since point defense is probably way faster firing that big macrocannons.
IIRC those were neither radar fused nor directed. Unlike the ubiquitous American dual purpose 5in guns.Yeah they'd probably be about as effective as the quote-unquote anti-fighter shells the IJN made for the Yamato's main guns (and other ships). Been a while but from what I recall the sum total of thier effect on USN planes were 'pretty fireworks'.
As the Seekershard shells were basically missile packs they'd be active rather than passive defense (that is to say, engaging targets in the ranges of Very Short to Short rather than Very Short to Contact), they'd "work" but be different in scope. Taking the above analogue, being DP 5in rather than 40mm Oerlikon. Breaking up formations rather than engaging in the attack run itself.Yeah, but I'm skeptical on how well they'd work compared to dedicated PD, since point defense is probably way faster firing that big macrocannons.
Yeah, but I'm skeptical on how well they'd work compared to dedicated PD, since point defense is probably way faster firing that big macrocannons.
The proposed design of the Seekershards isn't as much flak as it is a SAM battery that gets launched into range by the macrocannon.Yeah they'd probably be about as effective as the quote-unquote anti-fighter shells the IJN made for the Yamato's main guns (and other ships). Been a while but from what I recall the sum total of thier effect on USN planes were 'pretty fireworks'.