And What a Dance it Was (NO SV, War is Coming, Prepare)

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What a Dance it will be.
Meanwhile: With Valaar
Meanwhile: With Valaar

Everything felt wrong, yet you could not place a finger on it. There was much in your mind that was swirling and whirling about that it was… incredible. There was something wrong like you were drunk and in dire need of sleep.

But you knew it wasn't poison, but it was like sweet slope or Milk of the Poppy, something seriously sweet and powerful, a poison that was trying to make you sleep.

Yet you remained awake, watching the line of men, your crew, parade forward and do roll call, to make sure everything was alright, that no one was left behind, and of course, see if you had any stowaways on board.

Yet you saw all the men chatting, wishing to be on the sea again so that it would be far less disciplined and controlled, but you saw the man shambling about. The man was lysine, with hair white as yours, but different. You recognized him, a lad from Pentos, who always had a quick laugh and a drink about him, wanting to work for passage to Volantis.

Yet you had told him he was going as far as Lys, and that he would do well to leave the ship before you went back to Dorne than to Dragonstone.

You walked over to the man, your men parting before he smiled. "What's wrong captain?" He sounded stressed, the smile forced as if he was not wishing to be seen. "Aren't we going to Westeros?"

You hadn't told anyone that. You didn't need to, the lads never discussed the route you ran with outsiders. "Aye." The lads saw the deliberate motion you made with your hands. An extra syllable and letter that was always in use, that only they knew.

"Danger." Every man became on edge.

"Well, aren't we going?" He asked.

You then spoke, your voice a signal for every man who had known you. "Valar Morghulis?"

The man looked at you. "Valar Dohaeris." At those words, the man's entire demeanor changed, and you barely dodged the knife strike.

A Faceless Man?!

You rolled backward, missing the barrage of throwing knives that were thrown, following you, as the man drew blades, and began to fight off the lads.

You stood up and looked at the only weapon you had. A single dagger, and walked over to the side, looking at a piece of rope. The assassin was toying with the lads, putting several cuts onto them before going towards the killing blow. The blade was not poisoned, at least not that you could see, or the lads would have been dropping like flies.

You quickly tied the blade to the dagger and whistled, the lads knowing a signal, and ducking.

The dagger sailed through the air, and in an instant, the blade entered the head of the Faceless man.

He didn't even see it coming… well rather he saw it fully, as the blade went through his eye.

You flicked the blade out, and the body dropped to the ground with a thud.

The Lads quickly stood up and looked at the body. One even kicked it. "Fuck me, the first time I've seen a faceless man fail?" He said. The lads then look at you. "Bloody good job captain."

If there was any man that would mutiny and kill you, you wanted to know them.

And Faceless men, you did not know.

You signed. "Set sail lads. We have to get home."

Hopefully, the Faceless men wouldn't try again.

AN: The Faceless man rolled a nat fucking 1. and that 83 was for Valaar dealing with him.

I have nothing else to say.

But Essos is not sending their best to kill our best.

Their sending incompetent idiots, poor blades men, and crappy merchants.:V
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King Viserys Small Council Meeting
King Viserys Small Council Meeting

Otto Hightower seated himself at the right of where King Viserys would sit. Though the king has yet to arrive. Which was understandable because Otto arrived early to gather his thoughts.

Things be honest with himself not well. The Reach and the Faith were causing problems to not only the King but house Hightower and its allies. The High Septon since the Great Council has been unhappy with things have been going in King Viserys reign. Princess Rhaenys passed over and now the Gods of old Valyria in the rise in the Crownlands.

If Otto himself wasn't in Kingslanding he might of agreed with the High Septon on the Gods of old Valyria but he has been in Kingslanding as Hand. So he knows it can be managed but the High Septon currently won't listen to reason.

Before he can get further into his thoughts the other Small Council members have arrived along with King Viserys. Otto stood from his seat to bow and said "Your Grace."

King Viserys waved his hand at Otto. "None of that Otto. Don't need to get up from your seat everytime I walk into the Small Council chamber."

"You are most generous, your Grace." Otto said while returning to his seat while watching everyone enter the chamber and seated themselves.

King Viserys seated himself at the head of the table and then turned to Lord Strong. "So how is the Riverlands doing, Lord Strong?" From what Otto could tell Lord Strong been very loyal to the King. Been directly involved with the roads being built in the Riverlands which has made Lord Strong popular in the Riverlands along with the King.

Lord Strong going through a few pieces of paper before speaking. "Things are going well, your Grace. With the roads in place Coin is flowing throughout the Riverlands. Which leads to the Crown."

The King smiled. "That's excellent news!! Lord Beesbury how's the City Watch doing?" Lord Beesbury was one of the few Reach lords to support King Viserys claim at the Great Council along house Hightower. They gained much but also been having trouble with the Faith and other Reach houses. Which has made Otto and Lord Beesbury work together a good deal.

"Still a bit disorganized since the last Lord Commander died, your Grace" Lord Beesbury said to the king while going through a few papers until he found the one he was looking for. "Been looking for a replacement but haven't completed the list of candidates yet but should be finished at the next Small Council meeting, your Grace."

King Viserys nodded at Lord Beesbury. "That's good news. News from the North Grand Maester?" Grand Maester Mellos always a calming figure during Small Council meetings. Too neutral in Otto's opinion but he was loyal.

Grand Maester handed a letter to King Viserys. "Lord Stark been reporting a possible King Beyond the Wall. Says the North can handle it alone if needed but would rather have support, your Grace."

The King rubbed his chin in thought. Before he can speak the Small Council chamber doors opened. Princess Rhaenyra arriving late to the meeting. Not the first time and something the princess needs to work on Otto thought. The King smiled at seeing his daughter. "You are late Rhaenyra."

Princess Rhaenyra smiled. "Sorry father. Need to change and clean up for my duties so I don't smell like dragon." The usual reason the princess is late. That checks out. That or spending time with his daughter Alicent but the princess always uses flying her dragon for why she is late.

King Viserys laughs and then turns to his Small Council. " As for the North. I am inclined to send a dragon rider. Either my brother Daemon or my cousin Lucien." King Viserys didn't notice but Otto noticed the Princess frown when her name wasn't mentioned. Otto knew the king wouldn't send the princess on anything dangerous or risk angering his wife Queen Aemma.

Otto spoke up. "If I may, your Grace. I would think Prince Daemon would do the job well. Though I'm not do sure Prince Daemon would allow Lucien to leave his side." Daemon has been trouble long he always been in Kingslanding. Losing the Master of Laws and Coin positions from easily prevented issues or trying to pass a ridiculous law. Luckily Prince Lucien been a calming influence. Otto can only imagine what Daemon would be like without Prince Lucien.

Lords Corlys decided to speak up all the while grinning at Otto. "I believe Prince Lucien should go. Would be a way for the Prince to get experience. Though I believe Prince Daemon should stay in Kingslanding in case the Reach start causing problems, your Grace." Lord Corlys always been causing problems for Otto and his house. Usually going against most of Otto suggestions and in favor of actions that benefit house Velaryon.

Otto glared at Lord Corlys but speaking calmly. "That could easily send the wrong message to the lords of the Reach and the Faith, Lord Corlys. We need to settle this peacefully or we might have blood spilled that could of easily been prevented." Not to mention house Hightower getting hurt during said show of force. Especially with Daemon the one doing said show of force.

Lord Corlys laughed a little before speaking. "Maybe Lord Hightower and his allies wasn't failing said talks we wouldn't need to possibly show force, ser Otto." Not using his Hands title Otto noticed. Trying to get under his skin but it wouldn't work. Though Otto did see Lord Beesbury glaring at Lord Corlys realizing the implications to his own house.

Otto was about to speak but the King beat him to it. "Enough!! I won't have petty fighting among my Small Council!!" Otto and Corlys glared at each other before bowing their head to the king. The King sighing before speaking. "We'll come back to who to send North later. Grand Maester what news from the Westerlands? "

(Finally finished. Not expecting this to be canon or anything. Just something fun to write and what could possibly happening. Hope you guys enjoy it.)
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The one to Tame the Cannibal: Totally Not Naruto
The one to Tame the Cannibal: Totally Not Naruto

Aegor, Son of Maelor Rivers was taking a nice stroll around Fleabottom. Just enjoying the nice weather.

Aegor didn't have the best childhood. Him and his siblings had to listen to their father and mother constantly saying that being related to Maegor the Cruel meant father and then himself should be ruling instead of the Jaehaerys line.

Aegor wasn't the brightest. He knew that better than anyone but he knows what that line of thinking leads to. Death. For himself, his family and many other innocent people. Aegor wouldn't have that on his conscience.

Aegor promised himself that he would be a knight one day. A knight worthy of songs and honor. Prove King Viserys trust in him and his family wasn't the wrong call to make. Believe it!!

Aegor needs to stop thinking about this serious stuff and relax. "Hmmm would old man Roland food stand be open? Could really go for some pasta right now." Old man Roland makes the best pasta in Kingslanding in Aegor opinion. Old man Roland knew he wanted lots of pasta and sauce in his meals. Just knows how that make it right.

Just as he was on his way to Old man Roland's food stand he heard a roar of a dragon. Not just any dragon roar. His dragons roar the Cannibal. But....this roar sounded different like Cannibal was...afraid? No it can't be. Still Aegor should check up on his new buddy.

Aegor ran to the Dragonpit as quickly as he could. Just as he arrived Aegor didn't see the cause of the Cannibal mood just leaving the sight of the Dragonpit, Prince Lucien on his way back to the Lord Commanders office.

When Aegor finally got to see Cannibal. It turns out it wasn't just Aegor imagination before. Cannibal actually looked afraid. Aegor didn't think this was possible. His buddy the Cannibal always looked so strong and never afraid. And yet here he was afraid. Of what? Aegor wasn't sure but he got to help his buddy out.

"Hey buddy, calm down. Your buddy Aegor is here." Aegor said as he approached the Cannibal. Petting his scales. Which is making the Cannibal calm down. Aegor remained with him for a good long while. Though Aegor could only think of one thing the entire time. Who or what could of made his buddy the Cannibal like this?

(And scene. I very much not expect this to be canon because we haven't even seen Aegor yet. But thought it would be interesting to see the NotNaruro just being totally not Naruto. Hope you guys enjoy. :V )
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The Knight For All Seasons
The Knight For All Seasons

Ser Robert of House Wendwater. A second son of a second son. Was waiting to see if he would be recruited into the City Watch.

If someone asked him a month ago if he would join the City Watch? He'd call them crazy. There was no honor or anything right about the City Watch. They were more criminals than protectors. Though that opinion has been starting to change since the Silent Prince has become Lord Commander.

Prince Lucien Targaryen.....He remembers seeing him at the tournament though he didn't know it was him like many others. The Gull knight. Robert chuckled just thinking about that name.

Though Robert was a squire at the tournament he did earn his knighthood for a good performance. Then he was able to watch the Jousting. The fools announcement of the Gull knight was a interesting story if nothing else.

Though the thing that really caught Roberts attention wasn't the Princes skill but his choice of favor the Lady Jeyne. Robert was sure it wasn't to get into Lady Jeyne's favor. Prince Lucien was popular in the Vale already so no need. The only thing Robert could think of was to let a little lady be happy by accepting her favor.

Which was honorable. Ever since the tournament Robert been paying closer attention to Prince Lucien. Lots of things happened since. The death of the Princess Martell, the religious tensions in the city and Prince Lucien now Lord Commander of the City Watch.

Many in the city and court still doubt the Princes abilities to solve the problems of the City but Robert sees it differently. Lucien had the Captains and guards punished for their corrupt nature. This was only the beginning of what the Prince planned and Robert knows it.

If Roberts hunch was correct. Him joining the City Watch early would increase House Wendwaters standing in court. While House Wendwater wasn't the wealthiest house like the Velaryons, Hightowers or Lannisters they were decently wealthy.

Helps that they basically control the entrance to Wendwater which their house was named after. The river going deep into the Kingswood has made House Wendwater the place where people went to for wood. The Velaryons need wood to repair a ship? House Wendwater got it. Need wood to repaired something in Kingslanding? House Wendwater got it. Dragonstone needs wood to make a ship from scratch? House Wendwater got it.

After all House Wendwaters words are 'For All Seasons'. Certain Houses refuse to adapt but Robert won't fall into that failing. If serving Prince Lucien brings honor to himself and his house? Then the prince will have a loyal knight for life.

(And Scene. Not sure about Ser Roberts description or age currently but I'm thinking a young man who got knighted at the tournament. So maybe 16, 17 or 18? Old enough to be Lucien friend....Lucien needs some of that.)
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If Dragons could speak
Omake: If Dragons could speak

Grey Ghost flew in the sky as soon as they freed him, until the weird stone house the scaleless called home was a dot in the ground. One eye is looking ahead another in the ground, watching, always watching.

And for the first time the beast that was always lurking in the shadows, hungry for his flesh and blood was chained to the ground, Unable to leave, to hunt or even howl. Like a worm he had to push himself on the dirt.

Ah, how the seasons changed.

For all his might Cannibal was like lightning and thunder, powerful and destructive but once the lighting fell from the sky how could it return home? Consuming everything until the embers that sparked his heavenly fire dimmed. And with so much noise and disturbance, who could have time to watch the free drifting cloud? Carelessly floating until growing bigger and bigger...

Grey Ghost nostrils flared with the scent of blood in the air, quickly falling down tearing the deer apart in a single move.

His eye looked to the horizon.

Something was coming, and when it came. Grey Ghost wouldn't be the lighting but the unquenched storm, until then he would be the silent cloud.
King Viserys Small Council Meeting #2
King Viserys Small Council Meeting #2

Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King was on his way to the Small Council chamber early like he usually does.

Though something different has happened today. Instead of Otto being the first to arrive it was Grand Maester Mellos. This has caught Otto's attention right away. Mellos is never this early.

Otto bowed "Grand Maester. It certainly a surprise to see you this early." Otto said while observing Mellos for any tells on what he is feeling but couldn't find anything.

Mellos remained seated but turned to greet him. "Lord Hand. And yes a little out of the ordinary for me but thought to change things up a bit." Mellos face completely neutral but his actions and words certainly don't sound neutral to Otto.

Before Otto could press further the rest of the Small Council arrived with the King Viserys. Everyone gave their greetings and took their seats. "Lord Beesbury, how is the City Watch coming along?" Viserys asked his Master of Laws.

Lord Beesbury smiled. "Very well, your Grace. Prince Lucien has found the corrupt in the ranks and replaced them with more capable leadership." Which did surprise Otto a bit. The City Watch wasn't the most organized. Though Prince Lucien at least knew he needed Administration abilities. Which Otto helped provided.

Lord Strong spoke up. "With the funding the Prince has? Surprise he was able to organize them and equip them so well." Lord Strong looking through the funding the City Watch had.

"Perhaps the Prince should get more funding? Imagine what the Prince could do with more, your Grace?" Grand Maester Mellos said with smile once he mentioned Prince Lucien.

That certainly wasn't a neutral suggestion the Grand Maester made. It's wasn't a bad suggestion but the fact Mellos made it along with his not neutral actions made Otto suspicious.

Lord Corlys decided he didn't like that idea. "Make his private army more dangerous? Don't believe that is wise, your Grace." Grand Maester Mellos certainly didn't seem to like the implications Corlys made about Prince Lucien.

King Viserys seems to agree with Grand Maester Mellos feelings on it. "That is my cousin, Lord Corlys. Don't make implications like that again." Corlys was smart enough to back down and bowed to the king. "....What news of Daemon?" Everyone fell silent at that. No one want to speak.

Otto decided to break the silence. "No news, your Grace...." Chances of Daemon dying were at least decent. He did kill a Princess of Dorne. If not dead? Might wish he was. "....This does bring up the matter of your heir, your Grace." Otto trying to not show emotion.

Viserys face went straight to serious at Otto words. "What are you implying, Lord Hand?" Viserys very much didn't like where this conversation was going.

"He means who would be heir if Daemon wouldn't make it, your Grace." Corlys said with a serious face and straightened his back. "If we follow the Great Councils decision it would be my son Laenor as the next male descendant." Of course Corlys would make this suggestion. This didn't surprise Otto one bit.

"Some would say the Great Council was just for that instance, Lord Corlys." Corlys was glaring daggers at Otto but Otto ignored it. "I would like to suggest following the Andal succession, your Grace. Which would make Princess Rhaenyra your heir." This worked perfectly for Otto. His daughter was friends with the Princess and if the King had a son later? Otto can adapt to the new heir.

Before anyone else can speak the Grand Maester spoke. "Could I offer advice, your Grace?" Viserys considered it for a moment and then waved Mellos to continue. "I believe we should follow the example of King Jaehaerys. Which is the king naming his heir like he did with your own father Prince Baelon, your Grace."

That....was a new idea. Give the king some more influence. Viserys seems to like the idea if nothing else. "....Who would you pick Grand Maester?" The King asked Mellos.

Before the Grand Maester could speak the doors to the Small Council chamber opened while a young man rushed to the table "Your Grace!! Riots in the city!!" That caught everyone's attention. Making everyone stand. "Prince Lucien and the City Watch is on its way to stop it, your Grace."

Viserys started to leave the room with the rest of the Small Council following behind their King.

(And Scene. Some political plays in the work by Otto, Corlys and surprisingly Grand Maester Mellos. Again not expecting this to be canon but do love me some Small Council Meetings.)
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Of Memory and Feathers
Omake: Of Memory and Feathers

Rhae once again clutched the letter in her hands, looking past the window where rows of banners and knights reunited in the Eyre's courtyard.

No matter how many times she thought life was done surprising her, something always happened to show that the Seven were not done with her yet, and so was Lucien. The boy, despite his silent ways he had more wisdom to share than a man twice his age, the first time he saved her marriage and now he saved her life.

It hurt to admit but Rhae had given up on living, but his innocent words of support reminded of a distant memory of her fathers years ago when she was a naught but a girl.

They were visiting one of their ports, however there was a storm thus they had to take shelter in one of their vassals' manse. She remembered being afraid of the violent waves crashing against the stone but her father held her hand, and got on his knees to look in her eyes.

The memory was so old and distant, she couldn't remember her father 's face clearly and neither his voice, however she could remember his words.

"You may think that the waves are dangerous and they are indeed, but let me tell you a secret Rhae, mightier is not the wave that everything destroys but the stone that everything survives. We Royce are the blood of the First Man, we survived the Mountain Clans, the Falcon King and the Targaryens, and when the time comes so will you, my dear daughter."

She was Rhae Royce, Lady of Runestone. She survived the death of her father, her marriage that had disastrous beginnings, and her being bound to a wheelchair will change nothing for her daughters who needed their mother and so was her husband.

"My Lady, the Lord Regent summons you."

A servant interrupted her thoughts, and with his warnings Rhea started to go to the courtyard where the lords and knights were gathered. The servant tried to push her wheelchair but she dismissed him, it was one of the few things she could do herself.

As expected it was filled with Lords and their retinues, the Lord Regent Ser Nabert Redfort waited for everyone to arrive.

"Good Morning, Lady Royce."

Little Lady Arryn, greeted her with grace as expected of her stations as the future leader of the Vale but with her age it only made her more adorable. The girl looked with excitement at the gathering, no doubt it was one of the biggest meetings in the Vale save her own wedding to Daemon,

"Good Morning, Lady Arryn. Are you excited for today it seems."

The little lady seemed chastised for being so obvious for a moment, but then her expression changed to something more serious or as serious as a child could be.

" Well I am not happy that we will fight but... Before I answer your question, could I ask something of you, Lady Royce?"

Surprised by the girl's initiative Rhae blinked. " Well, of course, ask away."

"Is it true what the rumours say? That the Dornish truly used magic in an attempt to kill Lucien's mother and siblings?

" By what I heard from my Lord Husband and Lucien, yes."

"Almost like my father and brothers then..." The girl looked forlorn, looking into the distance.

Ah, it was hard to forget the tragedy that befell House Arryn when the previous Lord was killed alongside his sons by the mountain clans leaving the three year old Jeyne as the heir.

" To answer your question Lady Royce, I am not happy that we are fighting but as a member of House Arryn I must maintain my Honour more than any other." Lady Jeyne paused, " In the last tourney, Prince Lucien honored me by being my knight, today I repay in kind the Knights of the Vale. Thus I am happy that I can repay my debt as honour demands. "

That wasn't the answer Rhae was expecting, but it made her think of possibilities...

Alas Rhae was interrupted once again, it seems the last Lords arrived.

Note: I have no ideia how old Jeyne is so if she seems too mature sorry.
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The Knight For All Seasons #2
The Knight For All Seasons #2

Ser Robert Wendwater, captain of the City Watch was walking down the street with his Lord Commander and Prince to get to a meeting with the Master of Laws Lord Beesbury.

Roberts opinion of of Lord Beesbury was...not the best. Especially when he heard that Beesbury was talking about Prince Lucien in a bad light. If it's to be believed Lord Strong and possibly Lord Velaryon share said opinions.

Those ungrateful bastards. The Prince, Robert himself and the rest of the City Watch stopped the riots and solving the problems of the city and this is how its rewarded? Suspicions and paranoid of the a Coup that will never happen. Only ones on the Small Council that don't seem to believe are the King, the Hand and Grand Maester. Though Robert suspects its some politics at play on the Hands part but Robert couldn't tell the Hands play yet.

Robert been with Prince Lucien long enough to know he wouldn't do that. Robert learned three things that made up Prince Lucien.

The first was his religion of the Old Gods of Valyria. Robert has seem him pray to his Gods and how other people of his faith looked at him. Which makes sense. People of the south have allowed the Old Gods to stick around so like Robert many just accepted other religions. Though if Robert was being honest? He couldn't really get the multiple wives thing. One wife seems difficult on its own so curious how Prince Lucien is gonna handle at least two?

The second thing Robert learned is Prince Lucien loyalty to his family. The letters sent to the Targaryen at Runestone, his meetings with Princess Rhaenyra and King Viserys, his parents and younger siblings and last but not least the relationship between Prince Lucien and Prince Daemon. Robert hasn't seen them interact but from what he has heard? It's basically a father and son relationship.

And the third thing is Prince Lucien ability to change with the times. In other words. Prince Lucien ability to adapt to the changing circumstances. That was a important thing to have. Roberts house words is all about adapting. That makes Prince Lucien a great leader. That and his ability to gets people's loyalty. Robert himself included along with the entire City Watch.

Just before they passed through the gates of the Red Keep a rat like man approached the Prince with what looks like a letter. "A message from the Rogue Prince, my prince." the rat like man said while giving Prince Lucien the letter. Once the letter left his hand the rat like man immediately left.

Prince Lucien opened the letter and started to read the message from Prince Daemon. Robert picked to remain silent to see how Prince Lucien reacted. Once finished Prince Lucien face turned serious and then put the letter away. "This remains between us Ser Robert? " Prince Lucien said to Robert.

Robert could only smirk before answering his Lord Commander. "Keep what between us? We didn't interact with anyone on the way to Lord Beesbury, my Prince." Lucien smiled at Robert response.

"Good....Thank you Robert." Prince Lucien said while they continued to their meeting to Lord Beesbury.

(And scene. A little more Robert Wendwater and his views of the situation that the City Watch probably shares with him. Magoose made a suggestion on Lucien three values and that Daemon was still helping Lucien even when he isn't even in Kingslanding. Oh the rat like man is Cheese the rat catcher of the Red Keep.)

(Would like a another action for next turn if possible? Could be used the possible Daemon action or the Alicent action.)
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Cerastes (Caraxes) and the Dancers of the Red Sands.
Omake: Cerastes (Caraxes) and the Dancers of the Red Sands.

Caraxes was no hatchling, he fought before in this place with his first scaless that had his flammed quenched, and now another one was soon to have its light drowed by the sands.

He wont stand iddle.

Yet his wings were damaged, his neck and body was craved by the scaleless wierd claws bleeding still. He couldnt fight all his way to his bonded... Not wihout cunning.

Caraxes was old but he still remembered when he was young and frail, his wings couldnt support his body properly and his fire was still naught but embers.

The scaleless would soon learn that he was cunning just as he is brutal.

With age comes wisdom after all.

Linebreak -----------------

Ser Olyver Sand was tired and weary of patolling the sand wastes, ever since the news the Princes Nymeria was killed by one of the Dragons Princes things only grew more chaotic, and now their only living Princess had managed to capture the Rogue Prince but his blood dragon managed to espace after being pierced by no less than 10 scorpion bolts...

Day after day, the Princess sent people to search for the beast yet none could find any sight of it in the skies or among the sands, some said that the Dragon may as well be dead carcass in the deeps of the sea.

"Hey, do you see that!"

One of his fellows patrolman said, apointing to what in the distance looked as a lone spear craved in the sand. The captain soon ordering the rest of the patrol to investigate the scene, more curious than anything.

Ser Olyver dragged behind weary, why would a spear be in such empty place? No battles took place in this grounds, something was wrong.

Then he could feel it, the sand glowed burning his feet through his shoes. His fellow man cried in agony trying to take their feet of the ground, running and jumping in a mad dance however the heat only grew until the sand became almost liquid and all of them had their legs burned, glued to the ground.

Amidist this Ser Olyvar had a terrible realization, the spear wasnt a spear but a scorpion bolt and they were all doomed for it.

Its was almost Hell, but thats was only the beggning for the ground shook and shifted openings its jaws to reveal the red beast undeaneath. Its scales that were already red are now shining with its own blood, the scorpions spikes around its neck formed a thorned necklace, the wings were torn apart adding a even more vicious look to the Blood Wyrm.

The last thing Ser Olyvar saw was the jaws opening to reveal the entrance to the fiery halls of hells.

Edit: the pun name in the title its a reference to the snake Cerastes in the greek mythology that had large tree like horn branches that used to attract unwary pray towards them.
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Omake: Of Fairytales and Warsongs.
Omake: Of Fairytales and Warsongs.

While the action of man would taint Dorne with the shadow of war, the one to leave it's mark across the land was no warrior or rogue but a beast.

You see, for while peace lasted for a short time when the Knights of the Vale retreated having rescued their prince, unkown to even the dornish his dragon still lived hidden in the desert and its actions would inspire many tales of horror across Dorne

Caraxes, the Great Bloody Wyrm would earn another title in that period and be known as the Tomb of Shifting Sands, for the beast heavely wounded couldnt fly but great was it's cunning as it's viciousness.

Caraxes would hide burying itself in the sands and wait for it's prey to pass above him, when they arrived he would bring forth his fire that in turn would melt the sand turning into glass, locking the unfortunate person imobile.

It's said by account of witnesses that were far away enough to escape, that the mad scramble to leave the burning ground looked like a crazed dance. It would be the birth of the of most famous ghost tales, the Dancers in the Red Sands.

Alas it's strategy was one of the many along his crusade of in the vegeance and search of it's rider.

Unlike many people may think Dorne it's not just a great desert, this meant that for the Dragon sucefully leave he had to update his ambush skills.

Thus Caraxes while crossing the mountains for the Stormlands, often hidde itself in tunnels, colapsing certain entrances and even throwing giant trees to crush people on it's way downside.

Some may say that the Great Bloody Wyrm even learned how to swin and dive in the seas, silently crushing dornish boats althought this claim it's outlandish as while we have records of Dragons fishing we never had a record of one diving miles.

Fortunaly for the Reach and the Stormlands by the time Caraxes started to get nearby their lands, his wings had fully recovered thus ending his bloody crusade.

Page 57, of Fairytales and Warsongs by Maester Roland.
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