Meanwhile: With Valaar
Everything felt wrong, yet you could not place a finger on it. There was much in your mind that was swirling and whirling about that it was… incredible. There was something wrong like you were drunk and in dire need of sleep.
But you knew it wasn't poison, but it was like sweet slope or Milk of the Poppy, something seriously sweet and powerful, a poison that was trying to make you sleep.
Yet you remained awake, watching the line of men, your crew, parade forward and do roll call, to make sure everything was alright, that no one was left behind, and of course, see if you had any stowaways on board.
Yet you saw all the men chatting, wishing to be on the sea again so that it would be far less disciplined and controlled, but you saw the man shambling about. The man was lysine, with hair white as yours, but different. You recognized him, a lad from Pentos, who always had a quick laugh and a drink about him, wanting to work for passage to Volantis.
Yet you had told him he was going as far as Lys, and that he would do well to leave the ship before you went back to Dorne than to Dragonstone.
You walked over to the man, your men parting before he smiled. "What's wrong captain?" He sounded stressed, the smile forced as if he was not wishing to be seen. "Aren't we going to Westeros?"
You hadn't told anyone that. You didn't need to, the lads never discussed the route you ran with outsiders. "Aye." The lads saw the deliberate motion you made with your hands. An extra syllable and letter that was always in use, that only they knew.
"Danger." Every man became on edge.
"Well, aren't we going?" He asked.
You then spoke, your voice a signal for every man who had known you. "Valar Morghulis?"
The man looked at you. "Valar Dohaeris." At those words, the man's entire demeanor changed, and you barely dodged the knife strike.
A Faceless Man?!
You rolled backward, missing the barrage of throwing knives that were thrown, following you, as the man drew blades, and began to fight off the lads.
You stood up and looked at the only weapon you had. A single dagger, and walked over to the side, looking at a piece of rope. The assassin was toying with the lads, putting several cuts onto them before going towards the killing blow. The blade was not poisoned, at least not that you could see, or the lads would have been dropping like flies.
You quickly tied the blade to the dagger and whistled, the lads knowing a signal, and ducking.
The dagger sailed through the air, and in an instant, the blade entered the head of the Faceless man.
He didn't even see it coming… well rather he saw it fully, as the blade went through his eye.
You flicked the blade out, and the body dropped to the ground with a thud.
The Lads quickly stood up and looked at the body. One even kicked it. "Fuck me, the first time I've seen a faceless man fail?" He said. The lads then look at you. "Bloody good job captain."
If there was any man that would mutiny and kill you, you wanted to know them.
And Faceless men, you did not know.
You signed. "Set sail lads. We have to get home."
Hopefully, the Faceless men wouldn't try again.
AN: The Faceless man rolled a nat fucking 1. and that 83 was for Valaar dealing with him.
I have nothing else to say.
But Essos is not sending their best to kill our best.
Their sending incompetent idiots, poor blades men, and crappy merchants.