Omake: Cerastes (Caraxes) and the Dancers of the Red Sands.
Caraxes was no hatchling, he fought before in this place with his first scaless that had his flammed quenched, and now another one was soon to have its light drowed by the sands.
He wont stand iddle.
Yet his wings were damaged, his neck and body was craved by the scaleless wierd claws bleeding still. He couldnt fight all his way to his bonded... Not wihout cunning.
Caraxes was old but he still remembered when he was young and frail, his wings couldnt support his body properly and his fire was still naught but embers.
The scaleless would soon learn that he was cunning just as he is brutal.
With age comes wisdom after all.
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Ser Olyver Sand was tired and weary of patolling the sand wastes, ever since the news the Princes Nymeria was killed by one of the Dragons Princes things only grew more chaotic, and now their only living Princess had managed to capture the Rogue Prince but his blood dragon managed to espace after being pierced by no less than 10 scorpion bolts...
Day after day, the Princess sent people to search for the beast yet none could find any sight of it in the skies or among the sands, some said that the Dragon may as well be dead carcass in the deeps of the sea.
"Hey, do you see that!"
One of his fellows patrolman said, apointing to what in the distance looked as a lone spear craved in the sand. The captain soon ordering the rest of the patrol to investigate the scene, more curious than anything.
Ser Olyver dragged behind weary, why would a spear be in such empty place? No battles took place in this grounds, something was wrong.
Then he could feel it, the sand glowed burning his feet through his shoes. His fellow man cried in agony trying to take their feet of the ground, running and jumping in a mad dance however the heat only grew until the sand became almost liquid and all of them had their legs burned, glued to the ground.
Amidist this Ser Olyvar had a terrible realization, the spear wasnt a spear but a scorpion bolt and they were all doomed for it.
Its was almost Hell, but thats was only the beggning for the ground shook and shifted openings its jaws to reveal the red beast undeaneath. Its scales that were already red are now shining with its own blood, the scorpions spikes around its neck formed a thorned necklace, the wings were torn apart adding a even more vicious look to the Blood Wyrm.
The last thing Ser Olyvar saw was the jaws opening to reveal the entrance to the fiery halls of hells.
Edit: the pun name in the title its a reference to the snake Cerastes in the greek mythology that had large tree like horn branches that used to attract unwary pray towards them.