Of Delving and Shaping
First Day of the First Month 293 AC
Through paths of all descriptions you ride: sometimes narrow enough to touch the sides without fully extending your arms, and at other times opening into caverns so vast there are banks of vapor mimicking clouds. The walls themselves also change in ways that are both natural and strange. Most often it is simple rough stone such as one might find in any cavern beneath the world you know, but for short stretches of the way it changes: a perfect cylinder made of fused rock as fine as dragonstone, a carpet of strange fungus like the mottled fur of some gigantic beast, even a hall that seemed to be made entirely of colorless crystal that reflect and refract your images in passing into a thousand facets. Sadly when you had broken off a piece of the strange stone, a difficult thing even in your strongest form, it had crumbled into dust as soon as you left the chamber
The company is no less engaging in its own way. Echo Caller speaks slowly, as though dolling out each syllable with care, but readily for all that, seeming glad for the company and tales of strange realms between stone and sky. In exchange he offers tales of his own folk, and what you learn is both familiar and strange. The Xorn live, dream, and feel much as mortal men do in most respects, and among them can be found as many villains and heroes peppered among those who merely want to live their lives in peace and quiet. Yet just as the halls around you may at times show wonder, so too in the nature of your allies there lay strange recesses and aspects wholly unlike mortal men.
For instance, you learn that the Shaper is not a god as men would call one, a being separate from themselves dwelling in some far off place whom one might call for aid in times of peril and thanks in those of plenty. Rather the Shaper, or more precisely That-Which-Shapes-Itself is seen as an aspect of Xorn nature, their striving towards becoming more than they are, or paradoxically the loss of self, forgetfulness and erosion. In fact Echo Caller tells you the Shaper is most easily defined by that which it is not: the changeless and absolute. These things the Xorn abhor because you come to learn they are the aspects of their nature most self-destructive, one might almost call them sins. As the Xorn are beings of the living stone, there is for them no temptation greater than to simply....
stop, to sink down deeper and deeper into the stone and never reemerge, joining again the timeless darkness that is the Unshaped.
"That is why even in our own halls we dwell surrounded by air, so as to feel its rippling touch change us, a reminder and a promise," the Far-Delver explains. Then his two remaining eyes half close as though he looks upon some distant memory. "For me, the best air has ever been out here in the tunnels... You never know what you will find around the next corner."
"Unless you have a map," Dany jests.
"Even then the tunnels can change and shift in strange ways..." he begins excitedly, then he laughs, a deep rumbling sound. "Not to worry, this is the Silverload Path. As long as it's been here it would a mighty wizard indeed to move it at all, and a
god to move it quickly." Already inured to his manner of speaking you realize the way Echo Caller says 'god' lacks any of the reverence you might expect to hear, a judgement of power not moral value.
From there the conversation passes to the odd spike you had been given to purge the Rotstone, obviously magical yet said to be blessed of the Shaper. You are curious as to how it came to be. Thus you learn that all works of mastery done by the Xorn are said to be blessed by the Shaper, from a trader successfully brokering an impossibly difficult deal to a warrior felling a frightful beast, all are celebrated as works of shaping, though your guide admits that it is easier to see in the works of crafters being meant to last rather than existing in a single fleeting instant.
At last, however, you come to the end of your journey, a perfectly cylindrical tunnel about eight-and-a-half feet in diameter leading off into the darkness from the comparatively lush cave you find yourselves in now. It is easy to note that none of the four-winged bats nor the glowing star-bugs go anywhere near the tunnel.
"Here is where I should wait for you..." Echo Caller trails off meaningfully.
"Should?" you ask, as he no doubt wished you to.
"The Council voted that none of us would dare the tainted path, but since you are here to
clear the taint anyway... well I don't suppose failing to mention the matter to anyone would be too great a price for my help, now would it?" he answers slyly.
"What lay beyond?" you ask, trying to remember the model of the tunnels you had seen in the hold.
"The first of the upper shafts joins the main tunnel about a hundred feet in, that's where the ambushes had been done from what we've heard."
"And you have no notion of what these creatures might be?" Malarys checks.
"Not beyond hearsay a dozen times over... and you know how reliable that is," your guide chuckles. "Now do you want me to scout ahead?" Tis clear enough his motivation for wishing to help is at least partly curiosity, though also a desire to see the venture succeed and perhaps even concern for those placed in his care.
What do you do?
[] Accept his help
-[] Write in plan
[] Refuse his help
-[] Write in plan
OOC: Echo Caller does have class levels of some kind, though since you did not ask him about himself Viserys does now know what kind.