Vote Closed
Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 5, 2021 at 2:18 PM, finished with 34 posts and 24 votes.

The new Quest is Up

I hope you guys enjoy.
I'd almost certainly read whatever the next quest you do is. Honestly as much as I like seeing the Imperium grow further, paint the map and battle Hell etc. It feels like the original 'main story' from the premise is complete. We won. The Lannisters were utterly thrashed and we've taken over two (or at least 1 and half with some extras) continents and various extra-planar holdings. The original enemy in the rival Great Houses of Westeros have been beaten, co-opted, allied with or un-named. We've reached the stage where our only enemies are huge outsider/aberration empires or actual Gods/Godlike-creatures. Which is a bit much to expect from a quest based on D&D 3.5 as setting rules (like how magic works for the latest example), then add-ed on, rebuilt, retconned for inconsistencies etc over a period of 5 years with multiple daily updates throughout that period.

It was the beast with three head as I call it, I cant really blame DP since it was a issue inhereit with the very concept that could grow large, probably because nobody expect the damn questo tgrow so damn big and large.

If it dies right now, it would be a shame but in this case: it would be bad if DP and azel finally reveal the plot point hidden? or you are going to take those with you?.

So many years of salt, but at the end it was fresh water that killed this quest...

and that how king water held the last.....
Huh, I had left the quest years ago due to personal salt and dissatisfaction, but I still kept tabs on it every once and awhile when I saw it on the front page. I'm astounded by what you all were able to accomplish, and incredibly humbled by your dedication to post daily updates (with one or two exceptions) for years @DragonParadox

I'm a big fan of Hell's Heart, and of your writing in general, so I'm going to catch up with your new quest and see how it goes.
Well I really do not know what I would do with myself if I did not have a quest to run at this point, i have been doing it for so long. :V

Seriously though guys, thank you for all the support and the understanding. Near the end there what was keeping me from even considering closing the quest was the thought that I would be disappointing you guys. In the end I realized that I was not doing you any favors by going on with it.
When I binge-read every threadmarked thing a few months ago, I thought this was never going to end (and that you were insane for trying to run an empire on dnd mechanics). Guess I was wrong on both counts. Thanks for almost three weeks of reading material and I'm looking forward to the next quest!
I'd just like to say that about 3 1/2 years ago, I went on a massive ASOIAF fanfic binge because dammit it's a guilty pleasure, and I stumbled across the TV tropes page for this quest. After taking a few weeks to catch up to "current", I was checking back on it daily. I didn't even know stuff like this was a thing beforehand, or what this board was. Once I got into I realized how absolutely crazy it was, one QM giving multiple daily updates and millions of words written. I've never posted in the thread because I genuinely did not have the time to truly get into the discussion and discern which choice was correct/better and it felt....wrong to chime in on things people had spent years building together. But I always got home from work and refreshed the page to check for a new reader mode update. What I'm saying is, thanks for giving me daily reading material for the last long while, DP. I'm sure I'm not the only one that lurks the hell out of this site because of this, and hopefully they'd say the same. It's introduced me to a whole new way of storytelling and media that I never knew existed before, one I very much enjoy. Godspeed you absolute mad lad.
I've now been reading this quest for more then four years. It's been a great ride, always something I could depend on to come and read. I'm sad to see it end, even if it has to. I hope you feel up to writing some kind of epilogue, even just a couple chapters, because I think this is an epic journey that deserves a send-off, even one without votes.

5.2 million words, almost 6000 updates. Honestly, I think the world of rich magic and interesting characters that you have created here is my favourite version of ASOIAF. I never really took the time to play, in part because I had little understanding of the systems involved. For a reader who doesn't have a great grasp on DnD, however, the world felt endlessly rich and mysterious. The effort you put into the systems felt tangible in reading, as the whole world felt like a tapestry and living magical world, where powers worked along a strange alien logic that always left more to discover. Even if you felt some of that wonder had fallen into debates about metaphysics and higher powers, I just want to say it never felt that way for me, as a reader. The quest chronicles not only the rise of a young man, but of a family and of a world.

I'm not sure if you realize this, but this series is one of the longest pieces of single fantasy around, without exception. It has more then a million words on the Wheel of Time. You could see the whole of Harry Potter four times, Worm and Ward twice over. By any count, this is an epic. There have been battles and struggles over things in the quest, but I want you to know, everyone who contributed to know, that I think you made something great here.

I had always told myself that as soon as I had the time, I would write an omake series, like the Dragon King in the Dresdenverse omakes that were spawned in here. A masters degree and a thesis later, I've never gotten around to doing so. I guess that's just the way time rolls on. Maybe one day, I might manage to even write one.

I don't know if I'm going to read the next quest. For almost a year now, this quest has been what continued to draw me onto the site, past the time when most of the other works I enjoyed reading had slowly died off. Considering your skill as a writer these days, I probably will eventually, but I think I will likely take a break for a while.

Thanks for everything DP.
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I know I've never really participated in this quest, but over the years I have often enjoyed popping in to read it. Thank you for writing it. I've enjoyed the world that you made.
I might not have actively participated in the quest for some time(for a variety of reasons), but I never really stopped reading it. It's become something of a habit to read right before bed. Will be sad to see it go.

Here's hoping your next project will be even better. I imagine you've only improved as a writer as time went on.
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Well, time to give my opinion.

No, I didnt read it all, I get right in matarys and them just skip a head because damn, DP just keep churring up post after post and it was dificult to keeping up with all this, but even them I saw some stuff it always strike me as odd, one of that was how visery manage to get out of poverty in probably a year by aventuring, that was right in D&D, since aventuring was supuse to be a high risk, high reward type of thing that make you risk or die trying(in theory at least) but it always kinda clash by the sword and socery, highly letal world of george martin, so there was always this disconection I never manage to quietly put my finger until I saw the conquest of westeros, there it click, as other point out, is what I call the problem of three beast.

I dont know if I will follow your next quest since mechanics of D&D are largely esoteric for me, but if I can give you a advice to avoid this is probably stabish a system of personal objective, like quest in a MMORPG sense that make your chararter stay for a while in a place, I feel it would make the quest less meandring, like here having visery taking a time to reflex what he going to do now that Twynn is dead for example and letting us coming a series of objectives and coming from there instead of bouncing from stuff to stuff.

Now I will said WHAT did you did well for me and part of it was indeed the whole "new world" stuff, seen how magic changes sociaty, in fact for a while I didnt really care much about what visery did and more about what other sociaty did, I want to see what other did with magic and what organization they make, you also make essos intersting beyond the somewhat racist caricature martin make in the books, I admit I want to know more about Qarth and the east, also I like how you didnt shat on any antagonist, even Twynn have some dignity and gravitas to the every end, hell you didnt mock the tyrell even when all the forum wanted to do(which is impresive given how salty the thread was).

Overall it was a great quest and is kinda sad it have to go like that but it is what it is, it leave most of is user satisfied.

Now I can properly read it with all the time in the world.
but even them I saw some stuff it always strike me as odd, one of that was how visery manage to get out of poverty in probably a year by aventuring,
He did not get out of poverty by adventuring though.
He got into business like a proper Braavosi, investing in trade, while also selling magical healing (extremly rare back then) and protective magic items (first PfE-Amulets and such).
Sure, the starting-funds for some of those endevours came from "adventures" but those were often enough working for a criminal gang in the earliest game, and for that you do get payed well if you are good.
I love this quest and I am sorry for it to be over, but if it seems like a job to you and it's not fun anymore then I agree that it's time to end this.
Thank you DP, and everyone who participated and made this quest into something wonderful, that I could love.
I've been following for almost 3 years and the only regret I have is that I was too shy to participate.
I will follow along with your new quest, and hopefully try to interact more.

Once again- thank all of you so much.