On their website go into the FAQ section and check the Intellectual Property Guidelines part then you'll see what I mean about pants on head stupid because fair enough it's their franchise they can do stuff like this but just because you can do something doesn't mean it's a good or smart thing to do.
Can people still post omakes here and you'll tag them?

You are of course entirely free to post omakes, not just now but even in the future once the epilogue is up

The Lost Legion quest does seem like the best, even though it pains me to play as a non-mage in a magical setting.
Is it a character-scale quest, or would we run the Legion as a whole?

I'm honestly quite sad to see this quest end. I've been hoping for ages that we'd move towards more timeskips and big conflicts, but apparently not.
Could we at least have some good long-term epilogues? Maybe some medium-term stuff, some long-term stuff, and some hints to how our Empire will eventually fall?

I would like to get back to a more character focused quest so on the second thought the lost legion would be more like a lost century with you guys playing a character in that band of lost Romans. A whole legion risks having me try to run mass combat with Pathfinder rules again and that does not tend to go well

As I said above epilogues will be forthcoming
I would like to get back to a more character focused quest so on the second thought the lost legion would be more like a lost century with you guys playing a character in that band of lost Romans. A whole legion risks having me try to run mass combat with Pathfinder rules again and that does not tend to go well
That sounds like a good way to prevent people from trying tp rebuild the Empire and lock us into more grounded goals, like finding a niche for ourselves to secure long-term survival.
What would be a good epilogue here?
This got-dnd setting would be a fun world for campaigns, but I understand letting it rest.

This quest is a very encouraging and imaginitive one, and managed to have good deeds without being trapped by arbitrary alignment.
And having a dragon protagonist is fun.

(I mean, the fact that the Imperium has fleshforges and dragon templates would make me volunteer myself to the forge if it meant I could become a dragon. It is one of the very few things that would make me tolerate a hypothetical Viserys taking over Earth. )
Oh and here is a proposal for rules for the new quest... that sounds odd, but obviously once they are in the new quest they are not under any sort of debate, but for right now I would like to hear your thoughts on them

  1. ECL 6, this is a low magic setting where magic is precious and hard to get your hands on
  2. No teleportation stronger than dimension door can be used normally. Point to point teleportation may exist somewhere in the world, but it is likely to be limited difficult to access and dangerous, do not build your character hoping to get it
  3. The planes are not right next door. There is no easy access to any plane, no plane shift spell or similar. The closest are the transitive shadow/ethereal/fey which all normally mirror the material and which therefore cannot be used to fast travel, though they might eventually be used to bypass material impediments.
  4. Death and life after it: While spells that revive the very newly dead (a matter of rounds) are available as resuscitation actually bringing back the spirit of the well and proper dead is either impossible or the subject of an epic quest. Death is not a revolving door. The undead do exist and how they factor into this is best revealed in the quest

The idea is to avoid many of the pitfalls of mid to late ASWAH where the personal stakes sort of melted away and the state wide stakes were too grand and remote. Everything was under threat and safe at the same time and that is just confusing and I think disengaging. Also teleportation made the world seem smaller and less important
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With the exception of ECL6 those rules more or less exactly mirror the rules for a personal setting of mine, I like all of them. They clean up most of the things that make the game less impactful IMO.
The thoughts on empire building are also part of why I am more interested in the ice age quest than the lost century quest.
How do you mean? ECL6 to me is just Epic Character Level 6, which is to say you go 1 to 5. Am I using the acronym wrong?
Yes. ECL 6 is effective character level 6. E6 is Epic 6, in which levels go from 1 to 6 and no further.

FYI, 6 is a better cap than 5 because it allows 1 iterative, 3rd for Sorcerers, one level of a PrC like Mindbender... Going higher than 6 starts allowing for more PrC levels (opening up lots of thematic diversity while still blocking the most OP abilities of Incantatrix/Dweomerkeeper) but also allows Dimension Door and Divine Power. 8 should be your absolute limit, IMO.
My bad. I mixed up the acrnoyms when talking with DP last night.

For hat matter, there is a PF adapted version of the rule set:

P6 Codex: E6 + Pathfinder

P6 Codex is an implementation of E6 for Pathfinder. Tools for Gritty and Heroic Fantasy Campaigns.
OK I now get the limitations an yes the P6 rules look about right, I especially like the ritual rules, they make magic feel particularly well magical again. Like if you want to animate the dead you had better get some ominous chanting going on from people in hooded black robes... and they should be on key too. :V
Well, it's been fun.
I don't think I'll be able to say anything I havent said before, really.
This quest had been a huge part of my life for 4 years and it's sad to see it end.
But I'll cherish the good times and the fun I had with it.

@DragonParadox, I'm on board for the legion quest, but why only the "ancient civilization" settings?
Why no cyberpunk setting or a clash of magic/technology like Arcanum or Shadowtun?

Also, I'm very happe to see character-centric quest.
In hindsight, one of the worst parts of the quest was taking over the city and seeing it grow into an empire... all while continuing operating largely on the character mechanics.
It stretched out for years, slow, meandering, and in larger picture equating to meaningless in most of things that happened. Fluff aside.

Person-sized quests are easier to get invested in.
I am really not very good at cyber tech stuff, I mean I have not read as much of it and I have certainly not written anything of the sort. I really do not want to expose you guys to my first try at a new genre.
Lightning Round for the next Quest (Original setting) [Temporary Threadmark]
OK I am starting to have way too many ideas for starter characters for all three proposed quests. so lightning vote 24 hours which do you want?

[] Ice Age quest (lots of paleo art hostile tribes, the works)

[] Redeeming the 'monstrous humanoids' quest (kobolds, goblins or more exotic beings)

[] Historical personages transported into heroic fantasy (Roman Century is the default but I have other ideas as well)
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[X] Redeeming the 'monstrous humanoids' quest (kobolds, goblins or more exotic beings)

[X] Historical personages transported into heroic fantasy (roman is the default but I have other ideas as well)

I am tempted by the possibility of playing Kobolds or other exotic society, and less intrigued by the historic people I never researched.
But as it is an original setting either way, I'll withhold judgement, either should be fine.
The other ideas I had for the transport into a fantasy world for anyone wondering are:

Disillusioned former crusader knight and his party, went to the holy land to find god, found more politics and cruelty and greed under the guise of godliness, lost his faith and now has to make it in a strange world
Renaissance trader and his whole caravan, you start with goods and more wealth than any of the others and with some more knowledge, but in exchange you really are not that good at fighting, you have to get by on your wits at first
[X] Redeeming the 'monstrous humanoids' quest (kobolds, goblins or more exotic beings)

[X] Historical personages transported into heroic fantasy (Roman Century is the default but I have other ideas as well)