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@DragonParadox ELI5 what happens when two Mage's Disjunctions "cross the streams" and beam war into each other?
Their fire will be of little help against an Avatar of a Deity.What should we say to the Kami, ya'll? Any help would be appreciated, but their idea of help might not be quite what we want or need, and they could take this opportunity to blast us all out of existence.
Added that to the plan I'm writing.@Goldfish
[ ] "Explain your plan. I was met with outright hostility earlier by a nearby mountain spirit and can't afford petty spite getting in the way of Her threefold death. Not with the world on the line."
I don't trust them, and I wouldn't thoughtlessly agree to their aid when it could fuck us over like @egoo said. Viserys has high Wisdom and lots of skill ranks, whatever R'hllor said couldn't fool him so even a God didn't bother. A upjumped elemental like this won't have a chance at tricking us either.
Blood Wish, then?@Goldfish We need to be at peak performance, use the Psychic Asylum.
Oh shit, but don't use Mythic Power to cast it, like @TalonofAnathrax suggested. We need to reserve Mythic power to murder Queen Bitch.
Let's hope Timmie doesn't twist the effect with her bullshit and doesn't make it into "real-life 15 minutes" instead, or something, eh?How about this for Viserys?
-[] Viserys duplicates a Psychic Asylum spell as a Swift Action using Miracle (cast using two 8th level spell slots). During the following 15 minutes of peace within his own mind, he formulates the most succinct but still polite message to share with the Kami who contacted him, one which asks only for their aid in blunting the Avatar's power and preventing her from Calling or Summoning additional aid.
It's not sustainable. I make those assumptions based on the fact that it is short trading abundance for later-on scarcity, and pushing one into conflict after conflict with little reprieve. These are all short-sighted decisions. I'm not completely baseless here, it's Tiamat. From an informed stand-point, it's straight insanity. From an uninformed standpoint it is still reckless.@Crake, I disagree with your logic. The deal to keep the Drakes alive was an excellent one, from the perspective of someone with no shortage of enemies to kill. He was going from war to war, taking captives all the while. We sacrifice everything that moves to our tree gods, he sacrifices everything that moves to his Dragon goddess. Same logic.
We have zero evidence so far that he's ever had to sacrifice someone he would have preferred to keep alive. You are making some wild assumptions about Aegon's sanity and intelligence, with zero evidence.