What should we say to the Kami, ya'll? Any help would be appreciated, but their idea of help might not be quite what we want or need, and they could take this opportunity to blast us all out of existence.
What should we say to the Kami, ya'll? Any help would be appreciated, but their idea of help might not be quite what we want or need, and they could take this opportunity to blast us all out of existence.
Their fire will be of little help against an Avatar of a Deity.
Lots of minor'ish assholes still running around though, we probably can manage her ourselves, but only if no minions of hers come banging at the door.

I'm not sure how to best phrase "go and hunt with the weaker minions of ours, the big boys are playing here", yes :V

[ ] "Explain your plan. I was met with outright hostility earlier by a nearby mountain spirit and can't afford petty spite getting in the way of Her threefold death. Not with the world on the line."

I don't trust them, and I wouldn't thoughtlessly agree to their aid when it could fuck us over like @egoo said. Viserys has high Wisdom and lots of skill ranks, whatever R'hllor said couldn't fool him so even a God didn't bother. A upjumped elemental like this won't have a chance at tricking us either.

[ ] "Explain your plan. I was met with outright hostility earlier by a nearby mountain spirit and can't afford petty spite getting in the way of Her threefold death. Not with the world on the line."

I don't trust them, and I wouldn't thoughtlessly agree to their aid when it could fuck us over like @egoo said. Viserys has high Wisdom and lots of skill ranks, whatever R'hllor said couldn't fool him so even a God didn't bother. A upjumped elemental like this won't have a chance at tricking us either.
Added that to the plan I'm writing.
@Crake, @Goldfish
We are also probably better off not explaining our plan while Timmie could read it off non-Mindblanked creature's mind.
And I have little doubt she can and does listen to everyone's thoughts in some radius.

Even claiming we have some plan for dealing with her might just put her on edge and cost us.
Better strategy would be...
Erm, I don't know, what can we say to get the kami away, without being OOC, nor revealing the Worm/WoE?
Gotta say, the more challenging fights are always better to read.

Well equipped (and more numerous) foes and back-and-forth countering means we actually get to use all the neat stuff we stockpiled and built so far, which the usual easy fights don't allow.
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How about this for Viserys?

-[] Viserys duplicates a Psychic Asylum spell as a Swift Action using Miracle (cast using two 8th level spell slots). During the following 15 minutes of peace within his own mind, he formulates the most succinct but still polite message to share with the Kami who contacted him, one which asks only for their aid in blunting the Avatar's power and preventing her from Calling or Summoning additional aid.
Gear and action economy are just too telling. One of the neater things I've seen 5E do are the Lair/Legendary Actions, which makes boss battles better (as a boss is either crushingly strong to handle the disparity in actions or gets rolled over, with very little in-between).
How about this for Viserys?

-[] Viserys duplicates a Psychic Asylum spell as a Swift Action using Miracle (cast using two 8th level spell slots). During the following 15 minutes of peace within his own mind, he formulates the most succinct but still polite message to share with the Kami who contacted him, one which asks only for their aid in blunting the Avatar's power and preventing her from Calling or Summoning additional aid.
Let's hope Timmie doesn't twist the effect with her bullshit and doesn't make it into "real-life 15 minutes" instead, or something, eh? :V
[X] Goldfish
I'd like to point something out on the subject of Aegon's fate. However you personally feel about the tragedy of how he came to be, Aegon is currently a powerful enemy and it seems unlikely that anything that happens today will change that.

Even if we set aside issues of his basic personality and cooperativeness, keeping him around involves a crucial choice about his allies. Killing his friends and keeping him means trying to control a spiteful level 18 full caster with the option of calling on a furious goddess to take him back at any time. Not killing them means allowing an at best bitter group of companion tier PCs to run around in the Imperium.

Past a certain point it's effectively impossible to allow someone to exercise power usefully without giving them enough slack to abuse it if they choose to. These people would have the means, motive, and experience to plot against us - taking them in would just be giving them their pick of opportunities.

The top level of the golden company is a different animal than our usual enemies; we can work with all sorts of alignments at need, but a fundamental conflict of interests isn't easily set aside.

The risk doesn't seem worth the reward, especially since we can already make a considerable profit off the spoils if we manage a win stronger than a draw.

[X] Goldfish

Edit: Autocorrupt error.
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Hey i empathise with people, no one wants to be a child killing tyrant. But if that is what we must do to save the world, viseryis is willing to do it.
I was optimistic for saving Aegon because I thought that he would have been worth saving, that he had faith in more than just Tiamat of all people, and I don't just mean faith in his friends or faith in himself, I mean had an ideal that strove above "take the Iron Throne and damn everything else" or at best "take the Iron Throne, no matter the cost, and then plan my next step", because by that point "no matter the cost" is everything when Tiamat is setting the market value on thrones. She will leave nothing for anyone else. That is the scale of her greed, and she doesn't aim to lose either, so by that point you couldn't back out of that kind of arrangement either.

The minute I learned he agreed to a deal for those Drakes' blessings, and the manner in which they were upkept, I knew what he was all about. That's why I originally was outraged to learn about it, not just how purely inefficient it was, but because... he should have fucking known better! He's an 8th Circle caster! A 4th circle one would have known better, just ask Dany!

It's just a crying pity and a laughing shame. I hate killing potential.
Preliminary plan. What needs to be changed? All input is appreciated!

[X] Plan "Where's the Worm when you need it?"
-[X] Viserys duplicates a Psychic Asylum spell as a Swift Action. During the following 15 minutes of peace within his own mind while he waits for the effects of Connington's last strike to fade, he formulates the most succinct but still polite message to share with the Kami who contacted him, one which asks only for their aid in blunting the Avatar's power and preventing her from Calling or Summoning additional aid. When the spell ends, he passes the message on to the Kami while Silently casting whatever spell seems most appropriate for the situation, either to attack the Avatar, aid Nirah, etc.
-[X] A fully buffed Nirah (Divine Power, Righteous Might, Invoke Deity, Ironskin, Shield of Faith, etc) attacks the Avatar of Tiamat to the best of his ability.
-[X] Lya uses Wild Arcana to target Aegon with a Trap the Soul spell. She speaks his name in the casting to increase the Will save DC to 30. If necessary to protect the group from Tiamat's Avatar, she uses Celerity in addition to Wild Arcana to cast a Wall of Mithral spell or some other defensive spell.
-[X] Dany uses Alter Fortune to assist Lya, if necessary, and expends her Battlemagic Perception buff to Counterspell any enemy spells as a Free Action. If Aegon isn't capture by Lya, despite her assistance, she targets him with a Lucent Lance spell. Otherwise, she aids Nirah however seems most appropriate; either via an attack spell such as Destruction or Lucent Lance or a support spell such as a Reached Heal.
-[X] Teana uses Greater Shadow Enchantment to cast a Grand Destiny spell on Nirah if Aegon has been captured, but it not she targets Aegon with a Baleful Shadow Transformation. She uses her Ring of Spell-Battle to Counterspell any enemy spells as an Immediate Action.
-[X] Sandor moves to engage Aegon, if necessary, otherwise he protects Dany to the best of his ability.
-[X] Richard interposes himself between Viserys and the Avatar. He designates the Avatar as his Chosen Foe (for his Foe Breaker Ring) as a Free Action and activates his Sudden Block Mythic ability as an Immediate Action if necessary to protect himself or Viserys from it, counter attacks using the free melee attack the ability grants him, retaliates with a Full Attack Action, then uses all three charges from his Belt of Battle to gain another Full Round Action in order to use his Avalanche of Blades maneuver.
@Crake, I disagree with your logic. The deal to keep the Drakes alive was an excellent one, from the perspective of someone with no shortage of enemies to kill. He was going from war to war, taking captives all the while. We sacrifice everything that moves to our tree gods, he sacrifices everything that moves to his Dragon goddess. Same logic.
We have zero evidence so far that he's ever had to sacrifice someone he would have preferred to keep alive. You are making some wild assumptions about Aegon's sanity and intelligence, with zero evidence.
@Goldfish Mention Combat Rhythm in Richard's action, Goldie.

Also, I'm a completionist at heart, so try to capture Aegon. I want to at least interrogate him to figure out where we went wrong.
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@Crake, I disagree with your logic. The deal to keep the Drakes alive was an excellent one, from the perspective of someone with no shortage of enemies to kill. He was going from war to war, taking captives all the while. We sacrifice everything that moves to our tree gods, he sacrifices everything that moves to his Dragon goddess. Same logic.
We have zero evidence so far that he's ever had to sacrifice someone he would have preferred to keep alive. You are making some wild assumptions about Aegon's sanity and intelligence, with zero evidence.
It's not sustainable. I make those assumptions based on the fact that it is short trading abundance for later-on scarcity, and pushing one into conflict after conflict with little reprieve. These are all short-sighted decisions. I'm not completely baseless here, it's Tiamat. From an informed stand-point, it's straight insanity. From an uninformed standpoint it is still reckless.